Michael Jai White is in two Kinos released on same day

>Michael Jai White is in two Kinos released on same day
Literally why wasn't this dude a bigger star ??

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imagine being named tiger chen

Did he answer the call? His face looked all retarded in DAC.

i hate this style of movie posters

Is triple threat worth watching? User reviews say its mediocre

apparently the action is great, but the plot is fucked
obviously i haven't seen the film yet so take a big ol' snort of salt with that
dir. jesse v. johnson

Going to watch Dragged Across Concrete tonight. Zahler is really good at making campy action films.

Yes he got bogged.

Dynamite Digits

The plot is enjoyably silly, there to get you to the next action scene and little else.
The action scenes are great, and let's be frank, those are what we watch these movies for.

Dragged Across Concrete is very good but dont expect alot of action. It has well done gun fights and some brutality but very realistic. There is a lot of riding around with Gibson and Vaughn.

>and some brutality but very realistic
Can someone post the webm with the woman getting her rubber hands blown apart

>There is a lot of riding around with Gibson and Vaughn.
Sounds good to me.

>tfw they aren't showing triple threat in australian cinemas

>no amy Johnston in triple threat
Missed opportunity. Her fight with Scott in accident man was the best part

Oh lol that scene I think that was the girl who played Dexters sister. And it was hilarious because its her first day back at work, her husband locked her out to make her go work because she used all her maternity leave and was too baby clingy. First day back, get your hands shot off.

Should I watch Black Dynamite?

Yes, it's really good.

Any pics of Michael Jai White in his white face makeup ?

You mean First day back and gets head shot off

>Literally why wasn't this dude a bigger star ??

Imagine being named Cocksuckinfaggot Homoqueer. Trust me, it's worse.

FUCK YOU!! I gave him 50 bucks

Well the difference is that the one for Dragged Across Concrete is actually good. That should be apparent. The one for this Triple Threat thing whatever it is is terrible though, yeah.

tbf, I can't say the trailer looked very promising.

Cause he a ol grimace ass lookin nigga

Why did your parents name you like that?

They found it a very progressive name apparently, some bullshit about taking back the words from the bigots iirc


>too young for 80s action shlock
>too old for modern CapeShit shlock

it really looks fine in motion. stills of prosthetics exploding. the way the head popped like a pumpkin was pretty realistic too. one of the better exploding heads ive seen

that movies dead isnt it

Imagine what a piece of shit Spawn would be if it was made today. Absolute classic, too bad you almost never see his face in it, as a kid I had no idea who michael jai white was even though spawn was one of my favorite movies