ITT: Shows that nobody else has watched but you
ITT: Shows that nobody else has watched but you
Dark Angel
Season 11 episode 5
Mountain Monsters has so many fucking rediculously hilarious kino episodes. Imagine 5 fat rednecks hunting a werewolf monster in rural appalachia in the dead of night, and one of the hillbillies has made a bootleg scooby doo trap in the woods in order to catch the werewolf. While they're drunk and stumbling around in the dark, they hear the trap go off and celebrate capturing a monster. When they make it up the hill to the trap, they find the door ripped open and the monster gone, only to conclude that a clan of bigfoots teamed up with the werewolf and broke him out of the trap.
This is one of the more sensible epsisodes as well.
I watched this, OP. Pretty funny stuff. I fucking hate Friends but this and The Comeback really made me appreciate Lisa Kudrow. And Dan Bucatinsky seems really underrated in general.
It was comfy
Speaking of Rosenbaum, I'll throw wedding band into the ring. Also had Michael from Lost and Jan from the Office.
Zooey Deschanel was in some horrible Alice in Wonderland reboot in like 2008 or something. It was painful to watch.
Pretty sure I saw this. Don't remember any of it.
Pic related.
I know someone who watched this show. I always wondered what they were thinking.
Actual kino
Didn't he have like a 10 inch dick or something?
what's happening in this picture?
The Ross episode was kino
Lol I was a Production Assistant on that show for 3 seasons.
Not even joking I literally help set deck that background behind her.
What was she like?
I was small time doing a lot of Lockup, laying down RAM board and set deck so I didnt have many interactions with Lisa, however she made a point to address the me and the Key and the rest of the PA's thanking us for doing a great job. She also owns a small bakery in Beverly Hills and would bring us scones n stuff from time to time in the mornings. Dont really have anything bad to say about her.
All in all one of the few awesome celebs in my opinion.
is that character man, woman, or non-binary?
I love watching this shit
Holy shit, I had this as a kid. It was pretty coo.
god i wish that was porn
They were thinking that Kate Mcgrath is god tier hottness.
Such innocent times before her nude scene.
I watched all of it, it was fun in short bursts but overall pretty grating.
Neal deserves so much better. Alan does not.
Lodge 49
Essential Pool Kinos, unlike Quarry though, Lodge 49 actually got renewed.
no one I know irl has even heard of it, except for one dude who was an actual ex-cop
you're the worst
i'm sorry
Sitcom from the 70s, found it on Netflix. Has Woody Harrelson and the dude from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Pretty good desu
Is this fucking guy serious what the heck
That POV sex comedy on FX.... Secret Girlfriend?