You hate him so much because he really is the best working director. His work is groundbreakingly postmodern, reflective, deconstructive while also entertaining. He is twenty years ahead his time. I haven't seen audiences so outmatched in a mainstream film since A History of Violence. Peele is the future of cinema. Your only reaction is pure rage like the monkeys in 2001 seeing the monolith. But you can't stop it.
You hate him so much because he really is the best working director. His work is groundbreakingly postmodern...
>groundbreakingly postmodern, reflective, deconstructive while also entertaining
Big yikes.
Pretending to be a retard makes you a retard. I like Peele.
the sad part is that there are people that actually convince themselves of this lel
>His work is groundbreakingly postmodern, reflective, deconstructive while also entertaining. He is twenty years ahead his time
Nah, he's sort of a hack.But, he's a hack with a unique point of view, so it's watchable.
Yea Forums hates him because they hate black people.
>the best working director.
That's Shyamalan, but Peele is alright too.
He is a racist anti-white leftist
he's overrated but i appreciate that he is doing his own thing. hes only a couple years away from a capeshit directing spot tho
Look at that goofy face. He looks like they were promised fresh warm cookies and craft services didn't have any ready yet but he was able to get them to bake some right now. You can actually see him think the word "cookies."
I legitimately loved Get Out, it's so fresh and concise, you know you're watching someone who knows what he's doing. But I'm getting a real Shyamalan vibe, I think he will tank real hard, real soon. Only question is how many great films he will get out first.
He's a racist piece of shit and has a vendetta against whites.
the problem i had with get out was that you could tell there were sequences that he had been making in his head for years but then he didnt know how to tie them together so we get some great moments held together by poorly executed exposition
So this is the power of half white half blacks
is that Key or Peel
Yes, other direction look so much hotter like Kubrick, Scorsese, and Kurosawa.
That's why he is married to a white woman.
is this like how you can get into harvard being D student because you're black
He loves the president
>postmodern, reflective, deconstructive
None of these things are remotely groundbreaking in 2019. He is positively not "20 years ahead of his time." You might consider him the best working director if you can count all the working directors you're familiar with on both hands. But yeah, I like him. I liked Get Out. I'll see Us. If he continues on like this he might warrant a fraction of the praise you're giving him.
He's just not Uncle Tom enough for /pol/'s taste.
I finally figured out what bugs me about his movies.
They star blacks.
He's a black liberal cuckold shill like Donald Glover and Spike Lee.
>Jimmy Norton's sloppy second