The other life is lived in computers...

>The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias "Neo" and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for.
So did he... you know...

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yes, he pirated movies

He shared the Christchurch town shooting.

What do you think was on the thumb drive?

Yes, he told a porn site he was 18 when he was only 17.

this movie didn't take place in NZ

Digital streams of baseball games he saved without the MLB's express, written consent.

He declared himself the leader of the alt-right

yes, he pirated a computer

>The other life is lived in computers, where you go by the hacker alias "Q" and are guilty of virtually every computer crime we have a law for

yes, he downloaded a car

he most definitely threatened postal workers.

yes, he visited Yea Forums and called janny a nigger

lololol this is why i still come to this board!

Does this mean Neo was a diddler?

so that's how the hacker knows as Yea Forums looked like...

Yes, he did neglect to address a xir as "ma'am" online.

He said the n-word

>What can you tell us about "eastern russian mice" Anderson...

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How many people on Yea Forums do you reckon got busted for watching or downloading CP back in the formative years?

Clearly not enough.