This movie was fucking dumb. Why does everyone praise it so much?
Into the Spiderverse
Other urls found in this thread:
Black Spider-Man
Because it had a really tight script with a likeable cast of characters. It also captured everything Spider-Man represents.
Spiderverse is a pleb filter much like Eva
Capeshit is so unbelievably bad, that a 5/10 comes out and everyone thinks it's a masterpiece by comparison.
Black and woman
nigger lead
cuck fetishists and white guilt
Everyone please ignore this bait and move along
BMWF relationship = immune to criticism.
That movie was perfect, minus the pig
Yea Forums believes this movie is genociding them
I wish that was the case
Cunny parker
have sex
Lots of zoomers like it.
>t. Delusional incel projecting
Gotta steal the 4k rip and make some nice wallpapers, at least it was good for this
t. hasn't seen the movie
Fun movie, great visuals. Awesome soundtrack, I lost it shen "Hypnotize" came on. I think its really overrated by critics, maybe a 7.5/10 movie or so. But it's one of those movies that look much better in the cinema, glad I saw it when it came out.
Also the loser Peter Parker is fantastic and, like someone else said, reminds us why spidey is great.
He's pretty cunty and entitled in the movie dude
>spraypaints Peter's costume
>"yeah I made it myself"
Lier! Gwen is older than him and turned him down. Stop pretending like you watched it and just do it. It makes you look pathetic.
Because it's a fun as hell movie. A funky, urban remix of everything people thought they knew about Spider-Man and his mythology. Slick, energetic and colourful, a few miniskirts short of feeling like Michael Bay's daydream. I adore the shit out of it.
>underrated post.
how is he entitled? You mena his a teenager? Well la-di-da,
And he definitely isn't cunty. You're going to have to give actual examples. You seem to be judging his personality more harshly just cause he's black tbqh which isn't news, people do it all the time. Idc how annoyed it makes you feel either because it's often true in reality.
>pretending they won't make it official in the sequel even though it already is official in the comics and people in the production already said they plan on it for the future
Now who's looking pathetic?
The script was retarded and full of cringe. Shit happening just for the sake of drama.
The only good thing was the visuals in some scenes.
He was trying to impress a girl he likes, give him a break.
>This movie was fucking dumb. Why does everyone praise it so much?
Because mostly everything produced in America is shit when it comes to animation. Americans are reaching a point they can't even set apart shit and quality, everything is turning into great shit I guess one might say.
> Combine your spideys.
> Not putting in the best spidey of all.
Swing and a miss.
Noir Spiderman is pretty great tho
Gwen's supposed to be Peter's peer but they aged her down so they could pair her with Miles, the sequel will be set after a timeskip and will focus on their romance.
you're talking about this movie though, and there you're factually wrong. And the real white peter parker is still there and dating marry jane in both universes. What more do you racist incel and/or pol/tard want? White people aren't, just fat, socially retarded, pathetic, and hateful losers like you, and thank goodness.
Gotta save something for the sequel(s).
>substitute niggerman with young peter parker
>movie turns into kino
>"Miles was likeable in the movie"
>no he wasn't
>"so he wasn't likeable, so what, big deal"
You are literally too stupid for children’s movies
he actually was though.
except no one actually agrees with you.
How was he not likeable?
American negro worship
He was 100% likeable, better than any miles comic story ever
It would've happened too, had Bendis never killed off 1610-Peter and replaced him with Miles
Nope, also not a high bar to clear
Miles was pretty damn likeable.
did you even watch the movie though? Or does your racist views prevent you from watching anything where a black character is one of the mains if even a character at all?
don't even know why I'm replying though, This thread is obviously bate
>absolutely no arguments
>better call them virgins
I liked it
>replaces white character with niggers
>pairs him with white girl
>a faggot like you still wants to discuss the obvious shit pushed for the millionth time
its all so tiring
So because he is a teenager? Also him trying to impress a girl is not an unlikable virtue. That's such a tiny nitpick to extrapolate about his entire character. Just because he has flaws doesn't make him unlikable. He came through and wanted to help everyone in the end.
you haven't even gave actual examples. I admitted him being a bit entitled as most teenagers are, and you run with it as a major character flaw? There is like literally nothing wrong with the character compared to the others. Peter has a tendency to complain about his problems a lot. Does that completely make him unlikable?
>major character flaw
No, I said he was unlikeable in the movie
the only thing that's tiring is idiots like you that make a big deal about a character's race and white's somehow being erased, despite the fact there are plenty of whites still doing everything. "it's all so tiring," having to explain it to you a million times and see you're idiotic opinions plastered all over this shit board.
you are such a little cunt OP
remember the ending scene? i was watching in the cinema and i was thinking "she's gonna kiss the nigger" ... and they don't kiss... The film makers behind this piece of art are trully ascended... you can criticise it as much as you want, but the movie is not "bad" ... it's, should i dare say it, capekino
Well, personal opinions then, because I and many others don't see how anything mentioned so far makes him unlikable. So in that why, OP's question is answered.
see the pic in Steinberg wanted a whole movie of Miles+Gwen and it'll happen in the sequel
There was nothing clever about this movie. your liking the movie and everything else it had to offer, was based entirely on whether or not the black kid kissed and went with the white girl. People like you truly live a sad existence if such things bother you. Not that I feel bad. I totally can't wait for you baseless hate for all blacks eventually drives you insane Not that you're not already leaning on that.
This bate thread is complete shit btw
>missing the entire point of the movie
Wow Yea Forums is filled with retards.
You are getting more BMWF and we will call you racist if you don't like it!
I liked all the mini origin stories, the mentor and apprentice relationship between Peter and Miles, the fact that being Spiderman essentially ruins Peter's life( I kind of always saw this coming so it might just be me).
It's a clever way to link all the alternate timelines and series that Marvel makes for Spiderman, as it does with it's other comics. The animation style makes it play out wonderfully as well.
I mean, calling out jews, dropping n words, being anti gwen+miles and saying the movie would be “kino” (an asian term btw) sure makes you come off racist by yourself. No one has to call you racist when you act that way.
Have your mom make you some pizza rolls for dinner so you can calm down.
>I liked all the mini origin stories,
Fucking why? They tried to play repeating that shit as a joke but it didn't stop them from becoming increasingly annoying with every next one.
>It's a clever way to link all the alternate timelines
What's clever about a big magic machine?
>The animation style makes it play out wonderfully as well.
Any given still shot looked good but that choppy not-stop motion style detracted from it heavily.
>Shit happening just for the sake of drama
This is literally the premise and very conceit of the movie format. Holy shit.
I dont want to piss you off like I was when I read this, but the Spiderverse comic event actually pulled this guy into the mix only to have the villain brutally destroy his mech and kill him. Im not even particularly attached to this Spiderman and I was pissed.
I hated it desu
Penny was hot tho
That pisses me off. Toku and Spidey is a match made in heaven.
It worked for me, especially since basically all the spidery's were interesting/ funny. I wish we could have gotten more of Noir spidey though.
The time machine itself wasn't what I mean. I meant having all these characters exist in the movie and bringing them together was a cleaver way to link alternate series for a lot of fun and interesting interactions. No, there isn't anything special about a time machine in particular.
Animation style worked well with the theme. I don't get what you mean.
Look, if you don't like it, fine, but I can't imagine how you can say you don't see how a lot of people, especially fans of spiderman capeshit, would like it.
What do you think about the fact that a lot of people like Aquaman? Just curious.
>big Spidey fan since childhood
>loved Aquaman
>thought Spider-Verse was aggressively mediocre for a Spider-Man story
>Into the spider verse hated by pedo
Wait so Peter Parker literally got cucked by BBC, jesus christ hollywood ruins everything good
You thought Aquaman was good? Holyshit seriously? I like Jason Mamoa but everything else was just laughably generic. I can see why people like it though because the action and special effects but still. Literally the only interesting character was Aquaman, even then they could have developed his origin more. The romance was beyond forced. Honestly, it would have been better if they didn't get together. Or was it ok because none of them was black?
It was originally in the comics as well but as a one off thing that never got mentioned again. Hollywood did decide to adapt it and make it into an entire movie though.
how? Peter Parker is going out with Mary Jane though. Seriously, what are you jackass racists even on about?
No, things still need to follow a logical progression.
Miles' dad showing up in the accelerator just so he can see the fight was done purely for drama and made no sense.
>What do you think about the fact that a lot of people like Aquaman? Just curious.
It was an entertaining live action anime.
the aesthetics of this film are fucking hideous if you’re not a zoomer faggot that was raised on madagascar and cars movies
(not that guy) They revived the love of his life that he never got to save and shoved her onto a token replacement Spider-Man. I don't even care about the racemixing or whatever, but you have to admit that's really disrespectful. They could've made her a generic white girl or anyone else and I wouldn't care, but the way they did it was pretty underhanded.
I thought it was great. It does get some getting use to.
This is your brain on youtube "analysis". That might of been poorly executed or could have been a more natural progression, but the greatest films of all time ultimately boil down to
>there is a status quo
I promise you, fucking look at even the slowest paced and most arthouse shit and this is always the case. Removed from this movie specifically, the critique that drama happens for the sake of creating interesting scenes is nonsence
Ben Reilly was my fave spidey but I'm sure Marvel killed him off a long time ago.
I heard he has a surreal and interesting run going right now
This pissed me off, but not because of the race thing but because of how much it fucks with known continuity and how it says that basically a woman can be in love with you, watch you die but then if she meets an alternate reality version of you that happens to be 20 or so years older she won’t even look at you once.
Presumably Morales has a love interest of his own in the comics that isn’t Geen Stacy? Is she white or black? Would reveal much.
I liked it
Some people don't like it
Move on
>Presumably Morales has a love interest of his own in the comics that isn’t Geen Stacy? Is she white or black? Would reveal much.
I don't follow the comics but I think it's Kamala Khan who is currently Captain Marvel
>this movie is awful
>a short line in the last 10mins of the movie
That's quite the strawman you have there, but I commented on the character and quoted a line of his that supports my view, I would've posted more but the movie is not that memorable
You watched the whole movie, almost until the end, hating miles because of something he said at the end of the movie? then why didn't you like him before he said that line? look, let's stop being coy about why you didn't like it. it rhymes with shite agility
Narrative cohesion matters. You can't just go throwing random shit into the plot just because you thought it would make a scene cooler. That's fucking lazy.
Miles' universe's Peter Parker is dead when the universes cross and was married to Mary Jane anyway
Peter B. Parker is twenty years older, and already married and divorced MJ and implied reconciles with her at the end
Spider-Gwen's Peter Parker died which is how she's even Spiderwoman in the first place
I honestly don't understand your complaint because the film would have to be completely different to resolve it, there'd be no trace of the original plot
>live action movie
Oh I see you're one of those people.
Carry on.
Oh shit. Might be time to get back into comics.
She’s not the same Gwen.
>You watched the whole movie, almost until the end, hating miles because of something he said at the end of the movie? then why didn't you like him before he said that line?
No he was unlikeable before that line but that's the only one I can remember now three months later
>look, let's stop being coy about why you didn't like it. it rhymes with shite agility
I genuinely have no idea what you're getting at
>black people can't date white people
Always with the multiverse technicalities, my problem is with the concept of the character, the one they adapted from the comics. No amount of "but it's a different universe" will ever make her not the character of Gwen Stacy Peter's ex-girlfriend, otherwise why even call her that.
Plenty of black people are against racemixing, the entire world was against racemixing up until recently and many countries still are. Not every place on Earth got itself in the same diversity hell as the US.
Just because people are "irrationally" against something doesn't make it okay. People were irrationally against the idea of slavery being banned for over 2000 years, yet here we are. Poeople were irrationally against gays for the longest time, yet here we are, and it's only getting better across the world. Just give up your dream for a bigoted world already. It's changing as depressed as it makes you and a few others.
Who decides if it's irrational or bigoted, you? People are also against incest, is that also okay?
>otherwise why even call her that.
the whole point of alternate universe series is so that writers and designers can be lazy AND draw an instant audience from fans of the beloved IP
Yea I just read a preview, so dont take my word on this seriously, but there was a page where he's contemplating his fucked up existence as a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone and it was interesting to say the least. Unless im confusing him with someone else.
I noticed that a lot of redditors love this movie, I also noticed that Yea Forums behaves a lot more like reddit now
Then what's the point of Miles, why not just use Peter, he's the established and beloved Spider-Man
Miles is:
>Popular amongst his friends he grew up with
>Tries to study for his parents approval
>Embarrased by his father
>Self conscious
> Self-doubting
If he was white you'd be all over him.
No I wouldn't, Ultimate Peter was unlikeable and Miles is far worse than him
>hurr multiverse plots aren't allowed because I'm an autist for canon
Miles doesn't even fucking kiss Gwen by the end, they shake hands as friends and it opens Gwen to letting friends in her life again.
>side shave
>daddy issues
that's obvious
T´was ok. The main cast (Peter, Gwen and Miles) where fun to watch, the animation was alright and the art design was quite distinctive.
I don´t think it deserved the oscar but it was a fun movie.
Also it already happened in the comics. It's not that I'm against Gwen+Miles, I'm against Gwen+anyone, let her stay dead. The Osborn shit was abhorrent too.
>No amount of "but it's a different universe" will ever make her not the character of Gwen Stacy Peter's ex-girlfriend, otherwise why even call her that.
That's the most retarded thing I've seen on Yea Forums in a while. Gwen always has to be Peter's ex girlfriend in every alternate version and in every story line because that's "her character"? So why aren't you complaining about any of the other Spider-people? Spider-Man has always been a human. He's not a pig. So complain about that. Or him being a 10 year old Japanese girl. Or a 1930s private eye. It's weird you're fixating on Gwen.
The Jew producer was against pairing Miles with Gwen you fucking retard.
>So why aren't you complaining about any of the other Spider-people?
What makes you think I'm not? The entire spiderverse premise is retarded as fuck and only a braindead cum-guzzling consumerdrone would defend it. The clone saga was bad enough, now we've got spider-people crawling out of every fucking nook and crevice. It's deranged.
>If you didn't make the paper that you drew a picture on, you can claim no artistic merit.
White people.
Literally a better romance than any capeshit film out there.
Because Gwen's death was an important moment in comic history retard, digging her up from her grave for some quick sales is in bad taste and retroactively ruins the story she's known for
>black characters shouldn't have flaws
>nigger with blonde white girl
>"Best romance ever!"
I wonder (((who))) is behind this post...
>hurr I didn't watch the movie
Chemo yourself /pol/ cancer.
Spider-Verse was always a bad concept, it's the worst element of comics, amplified and used as the focus of the story
A falseflagging stormfaggot who didn't even watch the movie to know nothing happens between Gwen and Miles.
I thought it was ok.
The concept was good and the comedy bits were funny but they underutilized Spider-Noir and Spider-Pig was just retarded.
I'm not making fun of the movie baka.
>>If you didn't make the paper that you drew a picture on, you can claim no artistic merit.
>>White people.
>Miles' costume is Peter's costume but black
>just like Miles is Peter like black
Wow that's actually pretty self-reflective and self-critical, kino design decision
why is this always the response from ledditors who loved this movie?
Aren't comic characters always dying and coming back in different forms and shit? How does her death in comics-a medium with constantly changing universes/storylines- stop her from being in a movie that supports that idea? If anything, she'll probably die again in a sequel.
They're trying to deflect from the fact that they plan on making them a couple in the future, as shown in .
Learn to read, she wanted to make it the focus of the sequel
>Aren't comic characters always dying and coming back in different forms and shit?
Yeah and it's fucking retarded every time it happens
The concept of Spider-Verse and "everyone can be Spider-Man" just devalues him as a hero and a character desu
Based ari poster
Then why bother reading comics?
>A romance built on a foundation of respect from one 'prime' spider-person to another 'new' spider-person that reached their potential.
Meanwhile in the MCU:
>Tony and Pepper start talking over each other for the 10th time. They are in love.
>Steve makes out with some random thot who will never be seen again just as Carter walks by. AWKWAAAAARD!
>Everything with Thor and Jane foster (remember her?)
>Everything with Scott and Hope.
Meanwhile in the DCEU:
>Superman making out over a bunch of corpses he killed
>Aquaman making out in the middle of a battlefield
>"Hehe Mera, I can just pee on it" They are in love.
I thought Yea Forums was supposed to have good taste in film?
>everything spider-man represents
powers you don't have to work for without much freedom because you still a pantshitting autistic child?
Spider-Gwen was never Parker's peer. In comics or elsewhere. Why does this same argument that gets posted never understand that?
>conveniently leaving out Wonder Woman because it doesn't fit his (((narrative)))
How embarrassing.
I love Marvel.
I love BBC.
End of discussion.
Nic Cage voiced Spider-Man Noir
This movie was 8/10 when it was just Miles and Boomer Parker. The minute Gwen and other spideys enter the frame, it dropped to 6/10.
What do you want me to say user? she saw his penis? I honestly don't remember much about the Diana/Steve romance besides that. Same goes for Gamora and Star-lord.
Incest is irrational since it increases the chances of bad mutations, numb nuts. I can't believe you used that as an argument. What an Idiot. I thought you were going to use a less retarded argument like pedophilia. Don't get me wrong, it's still retarded though.
Yes, I and other have decided given that it is irrational to fear given there is literally nothing wrong with it. People are people and their individual personalities and traits decide what they are interested in and how they get along. Even on the case(unlike here) when the actual culture is really different. Not that I would expect a bigot who is dead set on stereotyping groups to get that.
On the subject of bad mutations genetic diversity is actually a major way to combat destructive recessive genes. I'm not saying everyone needs to race mix, but it's not an abomination as you racist ass hats like to think.
It's Spider Ham you retard
>they did the "randomly speaks Spanish in the middle of sentences to remind the audience she's a beaner" shit
For fuck's sake no one bilingual talks like this quit fucking doing it
Did they overly annunciate every word making it sound like the most ridiculous language on earth? Because that would be pretty accurate.
Do you have offspring every time you have sex?
kek. You should look further into genetics and things that they dont want to mention in lower level science. Out-breeding depression for example.
>more faithful to the comics than the live action movies
I don't recall the comics having Hotel Transylvania character design and Dreamworks "humor".
I want to motorboat Peni
>Doing the sany Dreamworks face and quick movements and talking
Damn, I laffed!
If you like Spiderverse, you are a pathetic basedboy and manchild
simple as that
Spiderman Noir was the only good thing about it
>on a plank
Retarded and full of cringe.
Great, well thought out points with fantastic substance.
Because FUCK BENDIS. Spiderverse Miles is what Miles always should have been, not some lame copy of Peter with a different skin color.
>It also captured everything Spider-Man represents.
Except being part of the Marvel universe
>spider man is now black
>soundtrack is just awful auto tuned hip hop music
>entire thing runs at 10fps
insert literally any movie where spiderverse is and you have the opinion of anyone with zero personality
Nah user. It's a great foundation for a romance. No idea why you're upset.
Then what's even the point of creating a black Spiderman instead of a character with an original motif and concept?
Even with his own personality, he's no better than Supergirl, Batwoman or all the other countless super and bat persons.
Because the people at the marketing company make threads about it.
>Gamora and Star-lord.
retract this
this is unironically true
8 in 10 Yea Forums posters are shills
Shilling will only become a real problem when GAI is also a problem. There are several reasons why there just isn't that much shilling and that which exists is easily detectable enough to discard without wasting any time on it. You're paranoid, in the colloquial sense.
because it is fucking good
fuck you
Sounds like hogwash
>No Sam Raimi Spiderman making homophobic and racial slurs
the buzz about this movie was just part of the political retardation in capeshit we are living now.
>the poltards raging for the sjw bullshit.
i see non. miles just got to be friend of gwen, thats all.
I didnt liked the desing of a few characters and the story was meh...
but there was no political shit or anything retards where complaining about.
you're supposed to ignore the capeshit retards. unfortunately, there's no way segregate them into a "retards with shit taste" board.
The source of nigger Spider-Man comes from a very insincere place, but the movie was enjoyable. Good thing they toned down any love angle for one: miscegenation is a Jewish trick, and two: the movie was fine without a romantic plot. There was the student mentor thing that was fun, and the sad part being when Miles' Father finds his brother dead.
>nigger kid loves his nigger thug uncle over his based cop dad
>hurr everyone is spider-man
>unfunny scene where the scientists had all weapons
>everything involving Spider-Ham
Yeah, i thought it sucked too. Miles was an unlikeable piece of shit.
the animation is pretty good
What's not tiring is watching little niggers like you keep getting baited. Is it tiring? Being black? You know most of us pretend to be "okay" with your kind.
I can't imagine what it must be like to exist in such a pathetic state.
I wish they made the real Peter a better role model instead of a fat depressed slob. I didnt like how it implies the ultimate universe Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy were better Spider-Men
Its not half bad if you pretend all the spidermen got ripped apart by the event horizon and died in a horrifically painful way
>You know most of us pretend to be "okay" with your kind.
Shut up incel.
Gwen and especially 1610 Parker were in their prime. They are better spider-men. 616 Parker is old but he has the advantage of wisdom.
I liked it but I wished the three "secondary" spider people didn't feel so tacked-on. They were pretty much just jokes.
Fat Spiderman may not even be 616 spiderman.
Im with you
If flat chest paizuri is possible, then motorboating flat chests also is.
Grow up.
That's rich coming from a guy who makes it his mission in life to hate people just because they look different from him.
Grow up and quit being so ignorant.
This thread is obviously bait. I just letting losers like you know how truly pathetic you are.
Oh and trust me, nothing is more pathetic than being a basement dwelling incel who believes his uncommon opinions about the world automatically make him intelligent, when upon closer inspection and exploration of actual facts, makes him anything but.
>Spiderman is now black...
it's like you pretended all the other characters aren't there. There has to be some limit to how much bait you throw. There just has to be.
The fuck are you talking about? He's a cop on patrol and he was literally outside Fisk tower when it started getting warped by the collider. Why would he not investigate especially with all of Fisk's patrons running from that location?
>If flat chest paizuri is possible
It's not, that's called naizuri.
from what I understand, Marvel has been trying to copy the Crisis of Infinite Earth's from DC. DC could have more reason to do it will all the different versions of batman and reduce it to one canon. The problem though it would only be about batman, as every other superhero is to Mary Sue for people to give a shit about.
Based racistposter