I watched this movie three times and still can't decide whether it's a masterpiece or self-indulgent trash

I watched this movie three times and still can't decide whether it's a masterpiece or self-indulgent trash.

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Its both

>can't decide whether it's a masterpiece or self-indulgent trash
That's Gallo.

You'll say it's a masterpiece because you want to fit in with the cool arthouse kids but deep inside you know that it's garbage and that Gallo is a hack.
You'll still masturbate to Christina's tits though.

based incelcore

Still didn't see Brown Bunny, btw.

yep its both
i watch it for ricci's gorgeous in-development features

fake depression

every second of vincent gallos life is self indulgence

>masturbate to ricci
hey man, that's normal

I watch this movie with a girl once I know I'm in love with her

Will Promises Written in Water ever leak, or is it the new The Day the Clown Cried?

Holy shit, I didn't realize that Gallo is almost 60.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

i watched this movie with a girl when at the very beginning of our relationship
it became the most passionate and tumultuous time in my life
its been over for years but i still think about her and the time we spent together

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self indulgent doesn't necessarily mean trash

correct, 8 1/2 is extremely self indulgent and one of the best movies ever made; Amarcord too; perhaps the moral is that Italians do self-indulgence right

It's a masterpiece of self-indulgent crap.

>Christina Ricci was 17 when the movie was filmed

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And Synecdoche, New York

>It’s ten years since you made ‘Buffalo 66’ with Vincent Gallo.
I was seventeen, yeah. It was my first movie away without my mother. Not a wise choice. I really didn’t understand what was going on most of the time working with a crazy lunatic man. I’d never encountered such insanity.
>He said some nice things about your weight.
Oh yes, I’ve been there. Horrible things. He waited three or four years and then decided to make fun of my weight at the time that we were shooting ‘Buffalo 66’. He waited that long to make fun of a seventeen-year-old. It’s so bizarre, and I hadn’t seen him in years, I hadn’t done anything to him. It was just like: okay, asshole.
>Did you get on with him when making the film?
No, not really. He’s one of those people who sometimes he’s so nice to you and then the next he imagines that you’ve done something horrible and he’ll start screaming at you. It’s difficult to get on well with someone like that.
>Did you see his next film, ‘The Brown Bunny’?
Oh, I didn’t see it. I have no interest in seeing anything he ever does again.

I love this movie and as a true Mickey Rourke fan, this cameo was FUCKING BASED.

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It has Christina Ricci, so I'm thinking it's kino

It has prime Christina Ricci, so yeah, masturpiece.

>prime Christina Ricci
That's Addam's Family Values, friend

Oh, right, I forgot I'm on the pedo board.

>Cuz now, imma snatch every motherfucker birthday.

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I didn't say the first Addam's Family movie did I?

That's a plebbit buzzword. Stop using it, user.

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The movies are two years apart. She was 13 in the second one.


Right, I forgot I'm on the pedo board.

It has Jan Michael Vincent's cameo too

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its trash but its also peak Ricci

I would bang this movie Christina Ricci until my dick hurt and beyond.

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self-indulgent is such a gay word. Who else would you be indulgent of as an artist?

It's a personal film. When you consider Gallo practically orchestrated it all, sure i'd consider it a masterpiece.
That part in the photo booth in unironically one of the best scenes in the 90s.

I get you bro...

Is this a shifter car? I cannot drive a shifter car

>She will never look up at you with those big eyes and the cute forehead as she swallows your load.

It's also both.