Can Rotten Tomatoes be relied upon to be impartial considering who owns it?
Can Rotten Tomatoes be relied upon to be impartial considering who owns it?
Yeah but Rotten tomatoes doesnt review movies. They gather data and makes stats.
critics are the equivalent of tard wranglers
I thought was something that Metacritic did.
i dont think so. anyway the algorithm is shit. i check imdb, letterboxd and metacritic.
the way they present data is stupid and it gets brainlets confused but essentialy they do the same thing as metacritics. RT shows how many of the critics liked the movie MC show the agregated score
rotten tomaccos
RT ownership is irrelevant. What's relevant is who owns the people who rate the movies. And that's disney.
it's very clear warner paid big money for shazam to be highly rated
t. Seething marvelfag
>On user(non critic shill sites) like Letterboxd, Captain Marvel(including other Marvel shit movies and even the new Star Wars movie) and Shazam are all on user created most anticipated 2019 movie lists. All of which rank usually in the top 5 with actual films coming after or not ranked at all
how are marvelfags "seething" tourist? or is this damage control because you've proven to be a soiboy with no taste or any sort of Yea Forums ideals
Formerly partial.
Fun Fact: An Ex Disney suit is the head of Fandango.
This. Plus reviewers are biased. I've seen 3/5 review of some Disney crap as fresh and the same person giving 3/5 for something else but this time as rotten. These faggots should fucking die for double standards like this.
Why Warner didn't pay for BvS then?
The funniest thing was when Ghostbusters 2016 was released. The literally took reviews that said "oh the movie doesnt suck that bad" ad positive. Some movies are destined to have good reviews
Since any review aggregator is a very simple setup, why not start your own competing RT clone? You wouldn't need much startup capital for it. It could allow for shitposting and include "disgaced" reviewers like based Armond. Maybe Disney will buy yours out and then someone else can do it all over again.
it looks very dumb and colorful so these capeshitting idiots gonna like it
it doesn't matter, too heavy for capeshittiers
But what they do do is decide whether or not certain reviews constitute a "fresh" or a "rotten" score. There are plenty examples of them giving fresh ratings to lukewarm reviews.
KinoviewerGate when?