The OA

Part II is on the menu. What do we think about it?

Attached: the-oa_66_27.jpg (825x464, 286K)

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First season was retarded and cringe wont even bother watching that melodramatic garbage

second season was pretty good and alot better than the first season. It was kinda slow from time to time, episode 5 was pretty good.

Third season looks really wacky now that they are in our dimension

cringe tumblr tranny shit.

Proved that Alex Jones was right about everything.

why the fuck there is faggot scene and tentacle porn shit

>French chick shows Hap the 5 boxes that do the movements
>less than a week or two later, he has giant sized ones built and installed at the clinic
That seems pretty far-fetched, even if you accept that he had some tech billionaire financing him.

>black guy is supposedly sent to protect the OA in every dimension
>isn't seen in season 1 when she's being held captive for 7 years

>there is faggot scene
French suddenly deciding to hit up Grindr while they're at the church trying to contact Rachel seemed weirdly forced.

Did you watch it at all? The FBI agent in season 1 is that dimmension's version of Karim.

I looked up the spoilers after the first 3 eps of the first season kind of had me cringing and yeah hard pass.

Lol, you got pleb-filtered

is this the show with the kids that dance while an active school shooter walks into the room?

Taken out of context, But yea.

Redpill me on this. I saw a trailer and all I got was typical Kiekflix SHITTED.

im srs when i say this is one of the funniest things ive ever seen

If you watched the season 2 trailer, you got spoiled the entire first season.

I've removed it from memory. I only remember there's a blondie and some nigger and some interracial shit. What is the show about and how much SHITTED is there?

>a blondie and some nigger and some interracial shit
They're not a couple, more like siblings.

Meta done wrong. Brit Marling is such a narcissistic autist that she’s LITERALLY on her show. As 2 characters. And now even as herself.

I remember the nigger kissing or touching some white woman.


whoops wrong clip