Attached: D2cBIuWXgAA8tUh.jpg (1080x875, 125K)
ITT: Movies with clever use of subtle symbolism
John Myers
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Luke Flores
Isaiah King
Joseph Lee
That's the joke brainlet
Henry Morales
Connor Williams
so why am i supposed to hate this scene
Henry Young
It’s not even symbolism, it’s literally saying he is Jesus.
Hudson Allen
I unironically don't understand the symbolism here, I also have,'t seen that movie.
t. brainlet
Nolan Scott
stop arguing with them, the website is gone. the war is over and we lost.
Oliver Lopez
He literally did the Christ pose in the movie
Hunter Walker
My IQ might actually be too low to understand the Snyder aesthetic. Like in this shot, does the letter T mean something on his planet or something? I can't tell what he meant by this shot.
Isaiah Adams
he's t-posing
Gavin Collins
jebus sacrificed himself for our sins, bruh
Grayson Walker
Jesus turned himself in to save mankind.
Kevin Cooper
jesus turned himself into the authorities and spoke before congress about immigration just like superman did in the movie. and just like in the movie, jesus's congressional hearing was interrupted by a bomb in some christfag's wheelchair. it's pretty subtel.
Parker Garcia
If S means Hope, I wonder what other correlations and comparisons can be made. I know there was a website when Man of Steel came ou-hold the fucking phone. Man of Steel - MoS, Man of HOPE. Holy fucking shit
Landon Wright
what your problem stupid marveltard? your brain is too tiny for snyder kino lmao! snyder is genius who make smart and philosophical films for adults! if you want eat shit and smell fart than go and watch marvel disney cartoon comedies! dc is adult for you!
Colton Gomez
anybody have that edit of Citizen Kane if it were directed by snyder
William Thomas
holy shit, somebody from /r/movies used screenshot I took. Guess I'm famous now.
Jaxson White
Connor Evans
how do you know it's your screenshot
Jose Jenkins
shouldn't you guys be talking about Captain Marvel?
David Russell
It's actually a double level of symbolism. It literally represents Christ being nailed to a cross, but figuratively it stands for T. When you combine S and T, however, you get St. which is an abbreviation of Saint.
John Fisher
I created a thread with it as op few days ago here. link:
Cameron Moore
I don't get it.
Lucas Collins
superman jesus
superman jeeesussss!
Luis Perez
what were they watching?
Joseph Taylor
snyder does it again
Benjamin Garcia
Austin Butler
superman is jesus.... dude christian metaphors...
Ian Nguyen
I unironically think this is why the movie was panned by the critics/Hollywood. It was a good movie. Maybe not a masterpiece but a step in the right direction compared to the previous.
Jose Ramirez
>Jesus turned himself in
>who is Judas?
Jesus was going to pussy out of the one thing he was specifically sent down to do.
Blake Murphy
T means sneed
Isaac Morris
>Snyder make Capekino
Grayson Young
Kayden Stewart
Jesus didn't turn himself in at all. He didn't commit suicide he allowed for human authority to run its course. Give unto Caesar, he gave himself to his genetic lineage and they have him to Ceasar. You can learn everything you need to know about Jesus at the Church on the corner of West 4th and 6th Ave in NYC. You can learn everything you need to know about Superman by locking yourself in a Crypt for an Eon.
Zachary Hughes
>Hack Snyder lmao
James Miller
He's such a hack
Ian Thompson
Maryl Streep talking about metoo iirc