>Civil War sequence sucks
>Desert sequence sucks
>Church sequence sucks
that's like half the movie, why is this considered a masterpiece?
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
That one song is really damn good
>Church sequence sucks
Except it doesn't. That is where the movie starts picking up speed.
>Civil War sequence sucks
Love it. Shows the futility of war and the bond with the drunken commander is aces
it's still kino but for a few dollars more is definitely superior, plus cleef gets a way better role and the villain is far better than angel eyes
indisputable. TGTBTU has the final scene / The Ecstasy of Gold, otherwise it is in no way superior
>p-plz discuss this movie
>l-look I insulted it!
fuck off
Because cinephile faggots are insecure and think if they say Italians are good at making westerns that they will win some kind of culture pedigree points.
I want Ecstasy of Gold played at my funeral.
>>Civil War sequence sucks
I never thought I'd see the day when TGTB&TU of all things would be a pleb filter.
you would have to be an absolute brainlet to not recognize the good the bad the ugly as pure kino. yes it has flaws, but those flaws are far outweighed by the performances, score, sets, and narrative drama. that being said, for a few dollars more is the superior film
the civil war sequence felt out of place and i didn‘t like it. the rest was kino.
Every second of this movie is pure kino except maybe the bad dub on the guy with no legs
its a filter for plebes
like yourself
the bad part is the 5 minutes of dirt exploding
You know it's ok to say wops AND burgers make good Westerns right?
Erudite and manoftastepilled
>wtf he just ride camel through desert, this sucks
Church scene was absolute kino
It humanizes Tuco and at least let's him defend why he does what he does
You don't have to agree with his logic but at least you get to understand why he's a scoundrel
>why is this considered a masterpiece?
>only criticism OP has it to say "it sucks"
really makes me think
Why do people hate the Civil War sequence so much? It's the last line that they have to get through to reach the cemetary and it makes sense that the final one should be the most insurmountable. Would people have preferred if they just walked the last 45 minutes of the movie to the grave? Plus, it's visually amazing
This right here. Tuco's own brother damns him and casts him away. Then blondie has a soft moment and tries to pick up Tuco's mood like a real brother would
I like it to the drunk general is a great character
Cinephiles don't watch westerns buddy. Westerns are the equivalent of the capeshit of their era.
There's almost always a Ford western on every cinephile's top 100 movies. That or El Topo.
Thats not the only bad dub.
How does Angel Eyes manage to pretend to be an army commander again? I don't remember
I should rewatch these movies, all I remember is that Mexican standoffs are stupid if you have no reason to wait to draw and this one is doubly stupid because Blondie knows he could end it at any time