*None of these were directed by Zack Snyder

Can't be a coincidence can it???

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Yeah people have shit taste and don't appreciate Snyder.

MoS is still the best DCEU film

Why do Snyderfanboys still exist?

Like why are you still around defending him and his movies?

How can you like those turds of a movie?

Why does a highschooler act like a little kid when he's an adult?

Snyder is responsible for Shazam, Wonder Woman and Aquaman
Not Justice League though

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>Snyderfags will actually believe this
He got lucky with Man of Steel, his directing decisions don't fit the DCEU. Watchmen was good, but JL and Watchmen are set in different universes and require a different level of perspective.

he's right in that snyder showed them how now to make movies

We have high IQ and emotional Intelligence (empathy)

He started and killed the DC shared movie universe.

Your point?

You can't hide from the truth, brainlet.


I'm fuckin laffin

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Imagine the situation.
You grow up, thoroughly uninterested in your dad's collection of "classics". You watch one or two and see the technical skill involved and everyone tells you how great the films are and how revered they are, so you agree not wanting to rock the boat. But secretly they give you no joy and you would never choose to watch them. As you get older, you might claim one of them as one of your favourite films to seem cultured and intelligent. You don't really enjoy it, but by lying to yourself like this, it makes you think you have refined taste.
Then the mcu comes out and you have all these stupid funny action films with lots of explosions and non-stop exposition to remind you what's going on (though often it's contradictory or just makes no sense if you stop and think about it). And reviewers give these films good scores so you feel smart by liking them. Afterall, these are "nerd" films that are acclaimed, so they must be great, right?
You feel confident that your taste is finally good because it aligns with the critics and it's just "niche" enough. "Oh, I hate transformers" you might say, "but the mcu, that's a cinematic achievement. It's funny but it also asks you real questions and there are references that you have to be really clever to get" you continue smugly.
And then Man of Steel comes out, or worse yet, Batman V Superman. And you're lost. There are no quips and not enough "nerd" references and it's not fun and it reminds you of those old movies your dad likes. But reviewers hate them too so you jump on the hate wagon hoping to hate the films out of existence. Because the films show you what the genre could be and you don't like it. You want every film to be a fun marvel film that you can turn your brain off to enjoy while essentially napping with your eyes open.

And Zack Snyder is responsible for that feeling and so you hate him the most.

Snyder is one of the biggest hacks in the business

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How can I say no to that?

it's ironic, nobody actually wants shit like a snyder cut

>cuckbois still seethe over GOAT snyder

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>imagine the levels of cope necessary to actually believe this

Damn son.Why are you so assblasted? Why is it so hard for you to accept the fact that there are people in this world with different opinion than yours. Why do you insist that everyone must slurp MSoiJuice like you do?

>turn your brain off to enjoy while essentially napping with your eyes open
kek perfectly described disney marvel flicks

How is this so accurate?

>snyder's heavy tone doesn't suit masses
>they prefer colorful cheerful shitfest
color me surpirsed, snyder was too grim and serious for fun-loving retards



seriously though, fuck Zack Snyder

I miss him.

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>if it's not like Marvel, it's bad
>if it is like Marvel, it's good
What IQ do you need to have this opinion?

>fun-loving retards
this is straight from a Kelly strip

>brainlets will never allow Man Of Kino 2 to happen

Why bother?

Is this happening to anyone else when they look up the cast?

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Snyderfags are unironically flat earthers.

>t. flat earther trying to bring up the topic to make it seem relevant

>Justice League gets redirected by hack director with fucking quips and cheap cgi
>gets better reviews and scores than MoS and BvS by Reddit despite being far worse
Really makes you think.

Of course not, all memes aside he's absolutely terrible at making movies. That's why we celebrate him. He's so bad he goes full circle and rises again as Jesus of Kino.

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