When is the monster hunter movie coming out?

when is the monster hunter movie coming out?

Attached: 1553377384237.webm (480x480, 1.24M)

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good god

I've told you I only work alone

Attached: swole cat.webm (540x960, 2M)

Why are you so uncreative, mobile mutt?


Attached: BWC.webm (720x1080, 1.83M)

the Chad buffalo

Animal webm threads are kino
Fuck off

I thought aurochs were extinct. But who in the fuck was the guy that said 'yeah I can domesticate that thing'.

Oh it's a redditor that treats Yea Forums like his facebook page. Time to bring back 4ag then

>gee fun is so reddit
Fuck off newfaggot

That's a big bull.

Attached: 1525710854835.jpg (833x1000, 70K)

Shoo shoo tourist kino is our word your k word pass has been taken away

>"""on topic""" reddit animal/sea/space threads time
based. just need an epic Truman thread and maybe a le lonely n horny now

Must feel like shit to get cucked out of your own catchphrase

Dear Lord.

A fucking raptor

Hilarious that you're calling someone a tourist now even though you weren't here before 2014 or even probably 2016

Imagine the ribeye steaks

Attached: kaepora gaebora switches yes and no on you.gif (450x223, 1.99M)

Not the same user

looks like the brie larson of poultry

Attached: donald tophat.jpg (276x400, 22K)

Animal threads are kino get over it

Attached: 1551635596813.webm (432x768, 2.94M)

That's a stupid fucking post, that chicken has ass and is interesting. Stop posting if this is as good as you can do.

lmao calm down brie

Attached: 1551632132137.gif (361x247, 1.99M)

Attached: Hippo and Croc.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)

what an asshole

Then why do you report the gore ones?


Love how he looks to see if it's clear first.

can you even eat that thing's meat?
looks like it's 100% muscles

Attached: 1535224216066.png (423x350, 104K)

This feels like another thread to forward to hiro

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>can you even eat that thing's meat?
I can, but you couldn't.

muscles are meat

I fucking hate this too. Whenever a sad pathetic lonely loser gains traction on a new thread and gets 150+ posts, that fucking worthless faggot will spam Yea Forums with the same thread for weeks on end.

I'd fucking kill myself if (You)s were the only social acceptance I had.

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Do you think the janitor will stop pretending not to be here if threads about the NEW ZEALAND shooter who is from /pol/ started popping up again?

Fuck I hate when they do this

I’d knock that cunt out with one punch

As feeble as crocodile brains are, even they know not to attack a big ol hippo

holy shit hippos are such niggers
got any webms of hippos getting btfo

janny is busy deleting waifu threads so /jazz/ can stay on the first page

Attached: carrie gets woke.webm (485x274, 2.84M)

What kind of person would give their cat steroids?


>no answer
I guess what the answer I know you'll refuse to give is correct
>off-topic shit is fine as long as its the kind I like


Attached: n0KWmwxZmaeahKHQxyu19HPszkP1th9Zz3WCWQb_O0k.png (1570x709, 217K)

what? it's soccer. i'd kick a diseased bird too, touching it with your hands? that's for goalies

>saving Yea Forums shit from outside of Yea Forums
what is wrong with this board