Are whales underused in horror films?
Are whales underused in horror films?
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Thanks for the Red circle, almost didn't notice it
looks like a shoop
whales have been around a long time. it's unlikely this is the first time one of them has had something that large end up in their mouth and had to spit it out. sorry to burst your bubble.
>Largest animal on earth
>Only hunts some of the smallest animals on earth
Bravo God!
>it's a blue whale
Bravo science
I can't even draw a whale unless it's a sperm whale.
>7 posters, 6 replies
>no cheeky joke about a fat actress yet
This board is dead
There was a horror movie called Orca in the late 70's that was basically a Jaws knockoff.
>Animal called "dog"
>It's literally a dog
taxonomy are you even trying
I just want to talk about whales
god doesn't exist
>whales have such a small throat you cant even be swallowed as a person
yeah so scary
For england james?
Do you think sperm whales ever drown? Free diving gone wrong?
>could have made the joke but he isn't creative enough to think of one so he just complains
for wales
( ._.)
From what I've heard, orcas are actually pretty based in the wild. They could fuck up some puny human sized snacks often enough, but they generally don't. Can't blame them for killing people while being captive either tbqh, I would do the same.
you think he would learn his lesson, I thought whales were supposed to be intelligent.
orcas don't even look like they have a mouth it's so tiny
can't take mouthlets seriously really
I tried to cast your mom but wasnt haven it hahohaho your mom is a fat
What am I looking at
Why the fuck would you have thought that
Spitters are quitters
Man, Amy really let herself go.
We don't deserve Orcas, and one day we will regret breaking The Law.
>implying it's a whale
>implying it's not Denver
Then who the fuck is directing this cringe kino?
>this is why we can't have nice things.
nice article!
How did they get the nickname "Killer Whale"? I assume it's only one kind of whale (pretty sure Sea World had one in captivity).
Whales are fucking retarded
You're thinking of Orcas. The (((media))) calls them Killer Whales because they're the Aryans of the ocean
Orca's were likely given the name 'Killer Whale' because they're the apex predator of the ocean. They can even kill Great White Sharks.
orcas are sadistic fucks who respect humans as we are the chad land creature and they are the chad sea creature. when the octopi rise from the depths to conquer the world the orcas will be our greatest ally
Trophic levels.
Then the whales shit and die and end up on the sea floor where they sustain entire ecosystems.
Orcas are dolphins, not whales. "Killer whale" is a misnomer.
Thankfully the red circle clearing showing a whale. Thanks Dailymail
We're gonna need a bigger bottom
you played yourself
Ha, based orcas
I only asked, cause user above said whales kill the smallest ani.als in the ocean. That's not "killer" to me. Hard to know what to believe. I mean they told me Save The Whales as a kid and they seem to be doing just fine. Same with that fake shit a out the ozone layer.
Speaking of which... what would you whalebros think is the whale of the sky? I'm thinking the Andean condor.
>not siding with based Cephalopods
nature is a beautiful thing when it wants to be
killer whales are known to fling seals hundreds of feet into the air in order to knock birds out of the sky. "killer whale" is really underselling them.
I know just the man for the job.
yea but what if they are really just pushing around some retard?
whales make up a truly miniscule part of the organic carbon in the ocean. they don't sustain anything.
We were building up to that but you killed the momentum.
But dolphins and orcas are toothed whales? I'm no biologist, but from what I can gather, calling them whales doesn't seem wrong.
>whales kill the smallest ani.als in the ocean.
Blue whales, and other baleen whales survive by filtering tiny little free swimming crustaceans out of the water by the billions.
Other whales like Sperm whales are badass hunters that dive down deeper than military subs to do battle with giant squid in the darkness before returning to the surface hours later for another breath.
Killer whales/Orcas are the biggest member of the dolphin family. Incredibly smart predators that develop independent hunting methods for the environment and the prey, like those killer whales that figured out how to hydroplane through shallow water at high tide to nab seals off the beach who thought they were safe.
The key thing is that they're so social and do the wolf pack thing. They basically came from wolves with hooves like all whales but for some reason they never got away from that.
Whales sound pretty based. I just watched a Drunk History where an oceanologist jerked off a dolphin to completion for months (science!) and when she stopped doing it, he died from sadness.
Whales = Alphas
Dolphins = Betas
>Q: "What kind of vegetation do dolphins eat?"
>A: "Basedweed!"
Fucking filter ruining the best joke I've had in years :(
Because the existential horror they represent cannot be accurately depicted on film.
Actually they were originally named "Whale Killers" by Portuguese sailors because they hunt other whales.
Then somewhere along the translation into english switch it around to "Killer Whales"
How is it existential? It would be a primal horror of something so immensely large and powerful coming from below the ocean surface.
Whales literally can't swallow anything bigger than a ping pong ball. The human is fine retards
Look into a guy named John C. Lilly.
Among other things, he was known for really breaking a lot of ground on the idea that dolphins weren't just intelligent, but that they had language and communication.
Kind of a cool dude, was a contemporary of Leary's and did a lot of research into altered states through the use of isolation tanks and acid. The movie Altered States was very loosely based on him.
This is an extremely high IQ post.
Look at how happy he is lmao
sperm whales hunt giant squid
he was a pseud hack basically torturing animals in the name of some new age philosophy crap. some of the dolphins didn't make it. dude should've gone to jail.
>some vorefag fapped to this
>Hunt Great Whites for sport, just to rip out their livers
>play hacky sack with seals
>coordinated group bullying of blue whales
Why the FUCK are Orcas such assholes
>15 pages of metaphysical exposition describing the particular shade of white and what it represents
>the colorless all-color of atheism
Like maxwell explaining how white light is broken into a spectrum by reflection and diffraction to be interpreted by our eyes as "color" Mellvile is describing the color of the whale as something beyond human comprehension, something alien, it isn't white, it's a color beyond your vision. To even glimpse that cadaverous whiteness breaching from the blue black sea was a glimpse at something beyond. Something so much larger and indifferent to a puny human being, and you're on a ship being driven by a madman who's obsessed with inciting vengeance on a force of nature.
Shits deep. Do yourself a favor.
It all makes sense now, I mean we do shit like killing sharks to cut of their fins and throw back the rest.
Immense levels of brainlet contained in this post. How did you reach adult age with the knowledge of a five-year-old?
>has no teeth
>stomach isn't large enough to fit a human
>jaws are fatty tissue that extends to accommodate your size without crushing you
>immediately spits you out
The fucking horror.
I've actually had shark's fin soup. It's okay. Doesn't taste like anything special, just a nice fish broth. What's interesting is the texture of the cartilage. Hard to explain, like eating layers of really tiny bubble wrap. Don't know if it's worth sharkbro's losing their fins over, but whatever. Probably the least terrible asian delicacy I've had.
>immediately spits you out
It's got a tongue capable of being turned inside out, and then forcing sixty gorillion gallons of water out through it's baleen. I wouldn't want to get squished by a whale tongue.
>the mug is full of cream
>it isnt for him
>some of the dolphins didn't make it
Because he translated their language, and didn't like what he heard.
Beware the dolphin menace.
Orca was awesome though and really not a ripoff. The whale's partner gets killed by dicks and it goes out for revenge the whole movie, and fucking wins. Brutal.
that book is so fucking good. Why has nobody else written anything like it
because it's impossible
Prove it
It's something only a writer that's gone mental would write. It's fucking amazing but to readers at the time he was a nutcase for doing it.
>god doesn't exist
So I'm just supposed to believe that humans need the sun to survive but it also gives us cancer is just a random act of nature and not by design by a cruel god that takes pleasure in suffering and figured the only way to teach humanity a lesson is to brutalize his only son?
>at the time he was a nutcase for doing it.
Moby Dick and Mark Twain are the two things responsible for American Literature being taken seriously by the rest of the world.
>humans need the sun to survive
I mean bro, you could live in a cave your whole life. You need food, the easiest place to get food is by using the products of the robust food web built around photosynthesis.
koalas exist
fear of the unknown and incomprehensible are such kino themes
It basically ruined him but we see that sort of thing all the time.
This is my nightmare. I'm actually more afraid of whales than sharks and it's why I hate going into the ocean. Whales just have a creep factor to them because of their sounds and size and weird ass shapes. Sharks are just a hunter. No different than a crocodile or lion to me. It's more of an instinct to fear them.
>octopi have very short life spans. they'll never manage.
She looks like she should put on another layer of sunblock on those dirty milker, like immediately, a solar flare is about to hit immediately.
After a couple of tequila shots, everything seems possible.
Orcas hold sharks upside down until they drown. They're pretty cool.
>muh big sea mammals
I want some NEW shit, make up your own version of megalodon or some other turbo edgy sea monster for you snuffilms
>wasn't actually swallowed
What a let down
Imagine ACTUALLY being fucking swalled, and trying to like fucking cut your way out or something. christ.
Whales cant swallow people
t. Jordan Peterson
fuck you, imagine it anyways
> * Teleports behind you. *
Maybe based but very obviously redpilled
sexy digits, but, what is "god" to you?
many turbo religiousfags use it as a meaningless fluff word to carryout their agenda or express emotion at this point
If it were possible to be swallowed I'm sure it's not like you'd be sitting in a tiny room. The muscles would be contracting all around you. Possibly to the point you couldn't draw your knife. This is pure conjecture, though.
>swimming with a cap on
Most Chad thing I've seen in a long while.
I did and now my penis is hard, what do?
They're only doing it for the fucking tax breaks.
You mean literally every dad at the pool?
You're making it sound as if it's any less terrifying to be eaten by a whale that doesn't even want to eat you
anyone else get super spooked when you learned the white spots aren't their eyes?
epic thread reddit
Did you really think their eyes were bigger than a person?
>Bill... you've got another marine biologist stuck in your baleen
>he's been there for weeks... I didn't know how to tell you
There are several animals that live almost entirely on the whale carcasses that land in the abyss.
they should make a beluga whale horror movie where it uses its ability to sound like people to lure people to the ocean and drowns them
If you didnt think that when you were a child youre lying
i mean, i found out when i was 6, not like, a week ago, so yeah it took me by surprise
>go to atlanta aquarium with gf on valentines day
>the beluga is rubbing its boner against the glass
Fucking fishniggers, how are terrestrial mammals supposed to compete.
lol look at that fish's hairdo! it looks like jouhny bravo!
I would assume it is, only fictional scenario I can drawn from is that malevolent fucking toothed whale from Pinocchio and that was a nightmare
its not hair at all its a hat
Baleen Whales can't but maybe an Orca could
>they don't sustain anything
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
According to Blue Planet, they have the most advanced group hunting method in the animal kingdom. Is a seal is hiding on an ice floe, a squad of them will swim in a line and dunk their tails downward very hard, creating a large ripple/wave under the ice, which tips it up on its side and dumps the seal into the water. Then they rip the poor fucker apart.
Definitely these guys, apart form the odd Cpt. Ahab flic.
It´s basically a frikken sonic CANNON with flippers.
Shit is DEADLY.
erection achieved
Based and chadpilled
F*** GAD
Orcas are pretty amazing. Seen them a bunch of times in the wild, in Alaska. They're massive, we cruised past a pod on a glacier cruise. the bull was bigger than the boat. It was like a bus sized fish.
They're pretty intelligent, so they only come nosing around if you're making noises like a seal, which they do eat. The boat captains said the biggest danger of being in the water with them, is being crushed, because they're so big.
After seeing them in the wild, you see how fucking cruel it is to put them in small tanks, doing tricks for fat boomers stuffing their fat asses with fructose syrup and cornmeal.
>He goes for the three
You have to be 18 to post here.
Seals are the assholes. They're the rats of the ocean. They don't even get along with each other.
We still have a great Moby Dick movie.
Kerbaleen Space Program
You'd be too busy being dissolved by gastric juice to notice the claustrophobic horror.
>3rd Orca/Whale thread on Yea Forums in 24h
Not that I'm complaining
>tfw you will never have a horn to knock fish the fuck out.
birds BTFO
>After seeing them in the wild, you see how fucking cruel it is to put them in small tanks, doing tricks for fat boomers stuffing their fat asses with fructose syrup and cornmeal.
Totally agree. Don't feel too bad for the dumb animals actually, but stuff like orcas and dolphins should be left alone (only seen dolphins in the wild, but they're awesome too).
>webm of that seal raping a penguin or something
Is this real
based and redpilled
just hold a stick
But imagine beating the shit outta fish with a bone that grows out of your head
what a qt
Is it anything like beating the shit out of fish with the bone that grows out of my crotch?
yes, orcas are assholes
though generally, any animal with reasonable intelligence is an asshole. maybe there's just something about increased awareness of reality that inevitably makes you one
Meanwhile in Norway.
y'know, I haven't had that in a while
I for one root for the octopussi, fuck apex predators they're assholes
based, fuck YHWH and all Christcuck Jew worshipers
Octopi don't want to conquer the world, why would they want to leave the comfy sea depths, land dweller?
>They could fuck up some puny human sized snacks often enough, but they generally don't.
What if they do fuck up humans, but are smart enough to never get caught? They're basically just fuckhueg dolphins so should be just as intelligent. Something to think about the next time you go for a swim in the ocean...
So fucking hard to pick the right pieces these days. The fuckers up north who catch them and take the good parts for themselves/sell them to nice restaurants and send the leftovers down south just marked "whale meat lol". No info what so ever about where on the whale it's from. Imagine buying "beef" without knowing what kind it is.
Sometimes, it's also stored for way too long, and there's no info regarding when it was caught. Fucking bullshit.
Have gotten pieces that taste putrid codliver oil so many times.
Whales are shit. They don't look threatening apart from their size.
Fuck whales.
Pretty much. Chimps for example attack to maim and just fuck you up and form actual raiding parties.
I promise I'm not Joe Rogan.
T. Krill
tragic that we never truly got to know, if only he had had access to facebook
dolphins will be your friend and have sex with you
does he post on /r9k/?
t. Dr. Now
>and have sex with you
in one of stylishly furnished rape caves
Wash your penis incel
You know wwhat? I'm fucking wondering something, I've lived here almost 40 years, and all this time, I§ve learned that the sami ppl deal with reindeer... all they fucking do is lasso fucking reindeer all fucking day. How come there is no reindeer meat labels? how come we don't have tradition for reindeer like we do with lamb and other kinds of seasonal shit? how come we have fucking salma laks and lofoten luixury packaging, but if you want reindeer, you get Skav, or frozen steaks... what the fuck are those sami motherfuckers doing? is there not one fucking industrious same up there that can bring us some fucking reindeer meat? otherwise what's the fucking point? it's their culture to fuck off on the vidda and fucking lasso reindeer, smoke and wear ugly clothes while joiking?? what the fuck is their use?? Even the pakistanis drive cabs and serve up garbage kebab...
>og så kommer dyyyyrebeskyttelsen
Every single time
intelligence is suppose to do the opposite
suppose to give you a sense of empathy and understanding
how many feet in the air did that bird or fish go?
Cause wild deer meat just doesn't taste right to most (including moi).
pictured: sperm whale
Samis only drink and collect minority checks
>the lonely whale
Hey that was my nickname in highschool.
And you wonder why you're not invited to parties user
I always wanted to try blubber every since waterworld. A nice fried chunk of it like the Mariner throws on.
Fuck off Pat
yo, you know what "vilt-smak" is? it's poorly slaughtered animals.. the reason it's not good it because we don't get good supplies from them.. I§m sure there's a billion kroner idea in here, it's like these savages don't se the value of their only commodity. bad thing is only sami ppl are allowed to farm these animals i nthe sami areas.. so even if you wanted to fix this shit, you'd have to hire these losers or something...
not pictured: their sonic canon capable killing adult humans
They are literally all retarded indolent idiots. They might as well be native americans.
Nevermind about whales dolphins are the real college chads of the sea
>Kill sharks
>Get high off of puffer fish toxins
>Chill with the boys
>Kill baby dolphins
>Rape female dolphins
>Sometimes rape humans
They just need a varsity jacket/polo shirts
Ah, I'd try a different way of preparing it. Around our way it's just prepared like beef. Although buffalo (bison) are coming back in a huge way.
Oh dang!
based Aquachad diver
based and blackpilled
learn how? he will die without reproducing (probably) and the ones that survive will know how to talk to girls
im surprised they didnt try to eat it
octopuses are your friends
fun fact: sperm whales have a throat the size of a grapefruit and it would be literally impossible for them to swallow a person
I fail to see how this is "fun".
just be yourself bro
how is it supposed to do that?
not in whole anyway
>it would be literally impossible for them to swallow a person whole
fun fact: dolphins enjoy tackling great whites so hard they explode
Because reason, feeling, understanding, love, empathy etc
That's fun, you're redeemed.
the only hole I want from you is your bitch ass hole you stupid fuck
Orca's are dolphins
yes I do
Should there be a whale mafia movie?
If so what should the genre be?
>On Earth
>Lives in water
>Orca-nized Crime
We really should stop Anglos from handling translations
>That retard sailor who ended the Human-Orca Mutual Benefit Hunting Pact because his greed caused the death of the Orca Oathkeeper
that folly was a major setback
include me in the screencap
why did it let him go
>cute le fish
Why not?
Dangerously based and insanely redpilled
Image the energy to propel several dozen to hundred tons of pure UNIT into the air several feet
How did whales become universal symbols of goodness? Sharks are recognized as evil, but nobody says nothing bad about whales.
he didnt fly so good
>The 52-hertz whale is an individual whale of unidentified species, which calls at the very unusual frequency of 52 Hz. This pitch is a much higher frequency than that of the other whale species with migration patterns most closely resembling this whale's – the blue whale (10–39 Hz)[2] or fin whale (20 Hz).[1] It has been detected regularly in many locations since the late 1980s and appears to be the only individual emitting a whale call at this frequency. It has been described as the "world's loneliest whale".
They have tiny throats that can't come close to swallowing something the size of a human, and it lacks any kind of teeth to chew a person up.
Can you tell me more about this?
meat isn't part of their diet. they eat tiny plankton.
Someone post that webm of the orca baiting birds with a fish
Why did it open it's mouth to let it out instead of just swimming down with it though? Is it uncomfortable for the whale for him to be in it's mouth?
I was surprised this thread went so well with the literal tons of weebs here. Japan endures international sanctions to this day in order to keep whale meat readily available.
>The killers of Eden or Twofold Bay killers were a group of killer whales (Orcinus orca) known for their co-operation with human hunters of cetacean species. They were seen near the port of Eden in southeastern Australia between 1840 and 1930. A pod of killer whales, which included amongst its members a distinctive male called Old Tom, would assist whalers in hunting baleen whales. The killer whales would find target whales, shepherd them into Twofold Bay, and then alert the whalers to their presence and often help to kill the whales
>In return for their help, the whalers would anchor the carcass overnight or leave it hitched to the boat while the killer whales ate the tongue and lips of the whale, then haul it ashore. The arrangement is a rare example of mutualism between humans and killer whales. The arrangement was called "the law of the tongue". The killer whales would also feed on the many fish and birds that would show up to pick at the smaller scraps and runoff from the fishing.
>In around 1923, retired pastoralist John Logan and third-generation whaler George Davidson went fishing on White Heather, Logan's motorised yacht, with Logan's daughter Margaret Brooks. Old Tom forced a small whale to the surface, where Davidson harpooned it. Because he wanted to get off the water before a storm arrived, Logan attempted to bring the carcass ashore without Old Tom eating the tongue and lips.[9] Old Tom apparently grabbed the tow rope in his mouth and lost some teeth in the struggle, with Brooks recounting that Logan said "Oh God, what have I done?" when he realized that Old Tom had lost teeth.
You can read the rest on Wikipedia yourself
They just like playing. They're sentient, self-aware creatures who have passed the mirror test for animal intelligence.
They just like having fun and have been known to save humans and they won't emit their full sonic when humans are near because they know it would shatter the human internal organs. That's pretty based of them.
Glad so many here have already taken the Orcapill
Why don't you travel with things dangling out of your mouth that you have no plan on eating?
I wonder if killer whales are capable of feeling revenge. If you killed a killer whales mother in front of it would it fuck you up?
orcas are niggers...
average male orca is 20-26', estimating based on the webm paused at max height using orca for scale, i personally guess at least 60' feet. that seems high but he really went up there.
Yes, and abusing them when they're children permanently fucks them up into adulthood, similar to caging your dog.
>The bare minimum height is likely 16 feet, although most two-story houses are between 20 and 25 feet high.
>that fish went roughly 6 stories high
I got bad news for you bro.
bird fish whatever
um sweetie
You watch the seas, I'll watch the skies
this movie is such kino
A baleen whale engulfed the front half of a diver a few weeks back, then spit him out. You can see his butt.
Does the whale really resemble a sperm, or is this just the work of one really gay scientist?
>Australian aboriginals formed the human-whale pact with the whales for 10,000 years
>as soon as humans gained the technological advantage, shredded the pact and hunted the whales nearly to extinction
And this is why we to keep close tabs on all smart animals. They could and would do the same to us if given the chance.
based and secularpilled
you cant fool me, youre a cephalopod alliance scout!
Get out, cunt
Have sex
is he that weirdo you gave dolphins acid and tried to fuck them?
you just KNOW that sugary thing is for his next project
u wish fgt
Darwin btfo
Same reason no one has written anything quite like Shakespeare, Joyce, Chekhov. It's not easy. In all seriousness, Poe and Hawthorne are probably the most similar of Melville's contemporaries, as far as preoccupations, theme, and style go.
I think they are naturally built to prevent drowning. They automatically surface and have to make a concerted effort to dive down
anime girls wish they could be so smug
because whales are used to eating plankton, not pissed off 200lb mammals
what happens when they dive down to hunt squid for like 3 hours? dolphinbro can't hold his breath that long
It's called a sperm whale because that giant melon is full of a white oily substance known as spermaceti that had all kinds of applications. In consumer goods and industrial applications, beyond using whale oil for lighting civilization.
Why are animal threads so good on Yea Forums? So much better than /an/.
Source: My ass.
knowledge of good, and evil.
There is literally no reason to think that other than wishful thinking.
how does the whale not gulp down a few birds everyday
>intelligence is suppose to do the opposite
>suppose to give you a sense of empathy and understanding
Yeah if you're a tiny little omniverous tree-rat then being social and empathetic can help.
When you're alpha chad apex predator of the deep dark ocean you don't have time for that kind of sentimentalism.
thats adorable
10/10 would pet on the snout
Reminder: Sperm whales can cook you inside out with sound vibrations just by "talking" to you. They know this too and try to "click" as quietly as they can when around divers.
I have no idea what he is saying but he is clearly based as fuck.
cant a lot of animals in the ocean deafen you with their calls?
Wait until you see the names of Australian animals
whales are dumb
When I first read it I remembered this chapter. Later I found out that I'm not the only one whether positively or negatively but others also noticed this. It's a perfect meditation about something as simple as color.
>sperm whale
>isn't microscopic
Bravo Nolan
krill detected
Yes, but sperm whales especially. Their clicks(230 dB.) have more decibels than a blue whale's(188 dB) and a shuttle launch (max 160 dB). They can very easily talk you to death.
holy fuck
orcas are not even whales.
They're not the largest but the way they look makes them seem so impressive that they might as well be. What an intimidating creature.
A jet engine at take off produces about 150 decibels
It's speculated that when they're on a deep dive to find some squid they blast them with a high intensity click right before they strike to not only do a final range check but to stun them
It's the largest predator.
one click, vasili
How does a Crab produce this?
wish I saved the webm of the "game over" part
fuck man. is there anything BRs don't ruin?
>diving deep in a submersible
>pitch black
>hearing that in the distance
Pearl was adopted.
> inb4 that would cost money.
Not nearly as much as she'd bring in come tax time.
>Do you think sperm whales ever drown? Free diving gone wrong?
Not really. Their dives are always for the same amount of time, like clockwork. You can even identify a sperm whale by timing how long it stay under, and how many times it spouts between dives, and the shape of the spout.
When they sleep they float vertically in the ocean and wake up to bob to the surface, take a breath, and go back to sleep.
based showoff whale
>[urge to get the fuck back to the surface intensifies]
>people hunted these things in wooden rowboats with nothing but pointy toothpicks and giant nuts
Is this the work of The Architect?
There's a depth region of the ocean where sound travels really well over hundreds to thousands of miles. Whales, dolphins and other animals use it for high frequency trans-oceanic shitposting.
sperm whales tho. and no, your babies getting eaten occasionally doesnt mean you're not an apex predator
>It's the largest predator.
Hunting krill is still hunting.
I just don't like being near anything non-human while in the water, so just putting a whale near someone gives me anxiety
>what is Moby Dick
I think you mean Jonas' bros and the whale
This is about as redpilled and based as a post can get
>They just like having fun and have been known to save humans and they won't emit their full sonic when humans are near because they know it would shatter the human internal organs. That's pretty based of them.
What? Is that real? Do these things have fucking super powers?
Because it understands that it can alleviate suffering and make existence better for everything
Dolphin family emit high frequency sound clicks and use sonar to navigate the ocean and find prey. These sound waves travel fast through the water and have the potential to harm humans.
Truly magnificent creatures
Reminder that it actually happened and that the real story is just as insane but with a survivalist adventure tone instead of an existential horror one. Read on it it's insane, the movie is family friendly bullshit in comparison.
Insane , this must be the most fascinating animals on the planet