Why was South Park so kino back in the day?

Why was South Park so kino back in the day?

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I fucking hated this episode
>be a redneck blue collar small business owner- either in plumbing, landscaping, construction, roofing, etc.
>be bonded, licensed, insured, have to maintain a business structure, pay taxes, provide advertising
>some illegal in front of Home Depot does the job for cash for less
>illegals keep coming
>Some start their own legitimate small businesses but only hire other illegals
>become bankrupt
>some cucks on Comedy Central mock me for voicing my frustration about the impact illegal immigration has on my livelihood

because you were impressionable and less triggered by everything

But towards the end of the episode, Randy Marsh, who spends the most time defending the immigrants and attacking the American workers changes his mind when *he* gets replaced.

The point is that white collar professionals find it really easy to shit on the working class for disliking immigration because they assume their own jobs are safe. But if they were in the same position, they'd feel that way too.

Alright everybody, back in the pile

fuck off back to pol and have sex

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a virgin

Given the brilliant education you obviously received at college, I sure hope you didn't get into $100,000+ of student debt.

dangit I did

You're right, but everyone just remembers the meme in the OP

Whats that from? It sounds familiar.

>be a redneck
Yikes bro. Go back to /pol/.

capitalism would tell you that you have to improve yourself and your business

The quote in the episode where they give up on trying to save earth because its too hard so decide to go back to being a pack of literal faggots and embrace anti-natalism

Yes I believe that is what they call the American free market at work :^)

The only way to combat being undercut is lowering your own costs, which usually entails lowering quality.

That is not back in the day SP.

You guys are going to be lined up against the wall in a few years asking "a-are you triggered"

how you gonna complain when someone can do your job better than you for a lower price

>back in the day
>it's only good when it isn't making fun of MEEE

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>wow if ignore the part about legally operating a business versus some guy on the corner protected by my neoliberal beliefs you sound incompetant
you guys are going to be in for a rough few decades

>better than you for a lower price
The "lower price" part is the only one they give a fuck about.
And we have this thing called "minimum wage" everybody's already bitching about being too low. So you don't mind when you can just get shoved off to the side for someone who'll do it for half the LEGAL wage because they're here illegally & can't bitch about anything?

if you don't want to lower quality then you have to justify your higher prices with your higher quality, that's how you stay competitive

fucking brainlet

>free market bad
Should have gone to college.

wtf i love H1B pajeets now

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It was not kino, the message is basically "it's your fault if you have no college degree, whites are supposed to all go to university and ethnic immigrants should take all low-cost jobs to keep the salaries low"
It's basically strawman, racism and neo-liberalist propaganda.

Why did you call me a brainlet when you supported what I said?

>you don't want to lower quality...higher prices are justified by higher quality

I recently some South Park again and one of the episodes I watched the ones about school shootings and I saw this episode as the complete opposite of the episode about child abduction, in the child abduction episode its trying to say that while child abduction does happen its a very rare thing in day to day life, compare to the school shooter episode where we are obviously supposed to agree with Sharon that we need to stop school shootings and the lack of panic in people is the problem. Really what happened to these guys?

Can't we just talk about South Park without you faggots getting your panties in a bunch about political crap that no one cared about 10 years ago?

Chucks fuck and tuck

>show is inherently political & constantly makes allegorical episodes left & right
Not possible with this show by its very nature.

>can't we just have gay yaoi threads about shiping little boys from the show?

Blame the greedy elites for trying to exploit and undercut the working class.

No, man, it got pretty stale in general. The problems started seasons ago when they began pulling in Ex-SNL writers to fill out the staff.

>it got pretty stale in general
I have to agree. Aside from the occasional genius level episode like some of the first PC principal ones, or the fish stick joke one, most of it is creatively exhausted now.

I almost wish the cashless society could come faster, then it will be a lot more difficult to perform cash under the table deals that the illegal workers are dependent on. Then again if the IRS or whatever equivalent gets on their case, they can just leave the country.

>wait this is gay
>yea really gay
>this is gayer than all the grown men having sex in a pile

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They were completely wrong about this episode.

We do

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>if the IRS or whatever equivalent gets on their case, they can just leave the country
It's more the fault of government & business than it is the actual immigrants.
If business didn't get away with hiring them for illegal pay rates all the fucking time, they wouldn't come. But our government is cucked as all fuck & has been for decades.

This is the exact moment I stopped watching South Park

Original Uncensored Unaired:

Censored by Comedy Central after they were pressured by radicals threatening the staff's lives and their family's lives:

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Nobody cares dude. Fuck the government, fuck them, and fuck you. The only way out is through, and I don't think you're gonna like the other side.

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That fucking long continuous beep was as kino as Kyle's clearly true message that terrorism works.
Obviously it does or there wouldn't be all this fucking controversy over showing Muhammed & fear people would be killed if they did.

well maybe you should elect people who fine the rich for employing illegals and not donald trump who was known to hire illegals especially illegal contractors so they couldn't sue him when he didn't pay

oh boy lol

>elect people who fine the rich for employing illegals
>aka not one single person who's been in or has run for office from either "approved" party for at least fucking 50 years
Sounds easy senpai.

Yeah, because you have to vote for democrats or republicans....

Fucking Americans I swear

>The only way out is through, and I don't think you're gonna like the other side
Let me say first, no, fuck you, cocksucker.
Second, what exactly is this other side you think I won't like, and how will you motivate enough off their asses to make it happen without a fucking massive coronal ejection that knocks out the bread & circuses longer than (((they))) can control?
Or are you just masturbating that shit is ever going to change?

Yes, anyone else is (((allowed))) to win anything other than local elections. I don't think you understand how it works here.

Just keep being an insufferable piece of shit all the time and never change anything. You'll find out sooner than you'd hoped.

>hey, fuck yourself, potential ally
Have fun larping as a revolutionary on a mongolian snake charming enthusiast forum, faggot.
Don't choke on that blackpill that'll be going down your throat whether you want it or not.

>potential ally
>some noguns antifa retard who probably lives in a metro area and will be cannibalized a week after the next economic bubble

>he thinks any individuals actually CAN change anything
Oh I am laffin.

>some noguns antifa retard who probably lives in a metro area
Holy fucking shit you could NOT have hit any farther from the truth.
I would sincerely love to know how you arrived at this conclusion from the fucking nothing I said leading you there.

Oh my dear lord are you an actual civnat lolberg egalitarian?

Are you fucking throwing shit at a dartboard & just typing the results?

You pretty much have to. Look up the first-past-the-post system and why it's fucked up American politics


What other third position would be taking the stance of "just ignore the waves of brown socialists it isn't their fault"? I am genuinely curious.

>just ignore the waves of brown socialists it isn't their fault
That's not what the fuck I said, retard.
Pointing out the actual problem is NOT saying "ignore them". You can mow as many swathes of them down as you like & it won't actually change jack fucking shit until you cut out the root of it.
Shut down the draw for them to come, and the reason both leftist AND rightist politicians either crow about their rights or pretend to do shit about it while never actually doing shit about it, and THEN worry about getting rid of the ones still here.
And stop fucking assuming you can "read between the lines" of what somebody says, you suck rotten ass at it. Go argue with people somewhere besides Yea Forums for a while & sharpen your shit up.

>Shut down the draw for them to come, and the reason both leftist AND rightist politicians either crow about their rights or pretend to do shit about it
this isn't something that can be done in any realistic way now, but will likely begin immediately after, again, the next economic bubble

>Admitting that illegals are better at the free market than them
Right wingers are facilitating

>everyone should stop paying taxes and following the laws
Lets get it fucking going buddy, its either that or the AI facial recognition digital money system getting penalized for every traffic infraction about once a week.

Well the government facilitates the free marketâ„¢, so sure, fuck taxes.

Economic bubbles don't do anything but make them all tighten up their purse strings even more, which means more cheap labor.
The only realistic solution is proverbially taking off & nuking the site from orbit. Only way to be sure.
Hence the blackpill. Revolution isn't realistically possible without sufficient numbers, all that beautifully misguided cunts like Tarrant do is ultimately serve (((their))) goals & narratives.

A bread & circus shutdown is the only realistic way to get the party started for reals.

>all that beautifully misguided cunts like Tarrant do is ultimately serve (((their))) goals & narratives
While permanently removing themselves from the board. Truly lose-lose.

>Economic bubbles don't do anything but make them all tighten up their purse strings even more, which means more cheap labor.
lol you're delusional if you think western societies are just going go slowly circle the drain like this. The next times millions of peoples lives are ruined overnight is a very likely flashpoint. We had occupy and it didn't work. People are snapping already. You aren't going to live the comfortable life of a dying literal boomer who didn't have to go to nam. Our generation is almost certain to face some serious shit, soon. You would have to be awful foolish to think given the state of things and regularity of upheaval in history that you're going to escape hardships and violence simply because you are you.

>you're delusional if you think western societies are just going go slowly circle the drain like this
Bruh, it's been happening for almost half a fucking century now.
>The next times millions of peoples lives are ruined overnight is a very likely flashpoint
US population is around 325 million. Globally it's almost 8 FUCKING BILLION. Why do you think "muh 6 million" falls on as many deaf ears as it does? 6 million isn't actually jack fucking shit.

Rest ignored for borderline ad hominemism.
You don't know jack shit about me or what I want or don't. Do yourself a favor & try to stick to what's actually said. You'll come off far better & your points will stand a much better chance of sticking.

he was right though

>he actually believes he's going to live a "normal" life without massive societal problems and change for DECADES despite being a living breathing human alive right now
lmao remember me

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Bruh, I want the shit to hit the fan so fucking bad my dick gets hard at the thought.
But wanting a thing doesn't make it happen. Some things, NOTHING you can do will "make" it happen. It either will or it won't.

And you're still assuming massive amounts of shit despite whatever I say, so this conversation is pointless for me. Hopefully one day you'll learn more subtle ways of influencing. Later.