Is Sons of Anarchy worth a watch?
Is Sons of Anarchy worth a watch?
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I just made the attempt. Nope. It's shit.
how many gunfights where they all just play biker music and nobody gets shot am I going to have to watch. How does Ron not die 4 seasons ago.
If you like walking dead, same shit with bikers lol
The music in the show was good
Fuck no dude. Half of it is in a hospital waiting room and the other half is 'green just got blowback from red'.
the chronic masturbation guy was kinda funny, has its moments, not sure how I got through all of it, but i did
No, but it's a weird show that pulls you in.
Season 1 is set up to be sort of Hamlet plus bikers and then three seasons later you realize you're just watching a strange gay fantasy set in a Harley-Davidson commercial.
god no. I made the mistake. If you start it, then you have to keep watching to know how that shit ends.
It’s quite incredible how the first season is okay and it progressively gets worse and worse until you sit there in utter disbelief that someone even thought of the incoherent stream of shit you’re seeing before your eyes, never mind that they actually got the clearance to film and air it.
I wouldn't recommend it to anyone after seeing it.
Go watch The Shield instead.
violent soap opera. stop watching after season 4
maybe a timex
Starts off okay but it goes from crime drama to utterly focused on family and romance drama very early on. I thought this was supposed to be a crime story men could enjoy but it’s just a soap opera featuring sensitive guys in leather jackets
how can you stop watching without knowing how it ends? That's the weird part about this show. Despite how much it sucks, you have too keep watching.
>We've gotta do what's best for the club
>Doesn't do what's best for the club
There OP, I saved you from watching 6 seasons of garbage.
Ayyyy Mano
> I thought this was supposed to be a crime story men could enjoy but it’s just a soap opera featuring sensitive guys
so basically it's Sopranos?
its a shit series with some decent character moments throughout. When the boys fuck shit up, its entertaining, and the inner conflicts are gripping. But of all the episodes of all seasons, it could be condensed down to 10% watchable scenes. So much, unnecessary plot filler shit...
No, not at all. I get what you’re trying to say but not at all.
Is THIS worth watching for seven seasons?
If you don’t have high standards and want a ridiculous over the top drama with some pretty entertaining moments spread throughout then give it a go. Just don’t expect something like Breaking Bad or Sopranos
It's a fucking trainwreck and user sums it up well here
If you watch the first season you'll make the mistake of thinking it will find its feet and pick up. Instead it gets worse and unironically more full on gay every season.
If you like seeing people shoot guns but never hit their target.
no but its dialogue kino
Didn't this faggot threaten to fight another actor for some role that he really wanted a few years back?
The White Buffalo music is the only good thing about it besides the Jaxposting
It shows how bikers are all fags who act tough
first two seasons are. the other seasons it becomes more clear the entire show is just Kurt Sutter's masturbatory tough guy fantasy.
Absolutely not. Unless you want dozens of hours of your life wasted, and Kurt Sutter's weird habit of shaming himself and flaunting his wife. If thats the case, is this ever the show for you.
What's wrong with that scene? Seems pretty badass
The musical montages are absurdly overused. I'm genuinely surprised that the finale wasn't just Inna Gadda Da Vida (as performed by Katey Sagal) in its entirety, while a collage of images roll across the screen. Prison sex, Jax being a Jesus metaphor, pensive families, guys in leather beating each other mercilessly, and the OPEN ROAD flood your consciousness while the organ drones on and Katey screams. DIRECTED BY KURT SUTTER.
Dropped it when Gemma stabbed what’s her face
if you never read any of pearlman's cringy tweets, yea its alright.
a bit cringy white trash "its all about family" >be backstabbing criminal gang members
Starts of interesting, gets convuluted and heavily stretched out later on.
Character motivations and traits are jumbled up and inconsistent.
there is literally a sex scene involving a man and a tranny prostitute which is almost completely visible. it's such a shit tier show.
>i wanna kill people with different political opinions
really showing how well your mental health is there Ron!
that prostitute is none other than the dude on the Shield, give him some respect bruh
Fucking awful. Being the brainlet I am, I watched the whole thing and breathed a sigh of relief when it ended. If a show looks like it has turned to shit, it probably won't get any better.
anyone pretending to get ass fucked on camera is a retard and deserve to get a wine glass insterted into their rectum. also FUCK the shield
watch it at least once
its worth *a* watch
has some good moments and the sense of comradery amongst the crew is nice
be warned though it gets live-action-anime levels of ridiculousness
you shut your mouth big boy
Its East Enders for the gay biker community.
Ridiculous, but fun. If you watch it with friends it's even better. Kurt Sutter actually manages to squeeze out a few kino scenes from the show (pic related). On the other hand, for a character drama, the only characters who are fleshed out are Jax and Gemma. Everyone else acts like retards and sometimes when they do things it's clear Kurt just wanted to steer the plot in that direction to benefit Jax's character development in some way.
I'd say watch the first two seasons. If you didn't like those, then don't bother with the rest. If you did, then keep going.
Don't pretend the right doesn't urge for "the day of the rope"
It has to be hard to make 80 year old technology that can't even reach highway speeds look cool.
seasons 1-3 are fine
you gotta love the show to make it through 4-7
i haven't seen a single right winger advocating for any sort of violence against the left where as the left constantly goes about "punching nazis" in the face (nazis are everyone that wear maga hat btw).
Show me at least one right winger that has done it
the only deaths I ever felt bad about were the Prospects, Bobby and Opie
The ending fit the series perfectly although it might feel weird at first, but you´ll figure it out if you think about it for a second. Anyway, not really worth your time, has its highs but its a 7 at best
>there's a tranny so it's bad
the show fucking sucks but that's not the reason fag
i remember i tried to watch pilot but knew after half an hour this show isnt for me.
if i had 1 wish, it'd be to not have the final shot
it would have worked so much better if it just cut to the crows once Jax put his arms out
It's honestly fucking awful
>muh fragile masculinity
Fuck off
>Is Sons of Anarchy worth a watch?
the first season is the best, 2nd was still watchable at least, but I had to drop it in S3
The first three seasons are pretty good and then everything goes downhill extremely quick because the showrunner is full of himself
Not as bad as the Walking Dead but it also does the meme where the protagonists are shitty people but at least they aren't racist so you can root for them
Why? I dropped it in season 3.