Just marathoned this. It was shit. Why the fuck did you fags like it?
>horrible writing, cringey dialogue
>pacing was retarded
>CGI was shit
>action sucked
>jokes were cringeworthy
>characters were fucking 1 dimensional
Literally the only cool part was in the fight at the end when you could see Eddie and Slumdog while the symbiotes were fighting, that was a cool visual.
Other than that it was just fucking embarrassing.
Just marathoned this. It was shit. Why the fuck did you fags like it?
They liked it because it wasn't made by Disney, imagine that.
It's a single movie you dumb shit.
>our coporate capeshit movie is better than your corporate capeshit movie
I didn't have a problem with the writing, pacing or action. Though I'll give it to you, the CGI was a little funky. Having two oil-black enemies fighting in the dead of night was a bit of a waste of my time.
The jokes were fine... What did you want? None or something else? I liked them. And the characters were 1-dimensional because they're from a comic book. You should've known going in that they weren't going to be anything but cartoons.
>Falling for this meme still
Exactly, that's their mindset.
>I didn't have a problem with the writing, pacing or action.
Stopped reading right there, your opinion is worthless.
It felt like an early 2000s superhero movie. If this came out after Spiderman 2, then Spiderman 3 follwed it with a good venom, it would've been kino
But yours is much better somehow?
This The plot was ridiculous and full of holes and logical inconsistences, and the dialogue (including the jokes) was extremely awkward and unnatural, to the point where it felt like a bad translation of a foreign language.
It was close to that, but the writing was much worse and the pacing was way too fast
>And the characters were 1-dimensional because they're from a comic book. You should've known going in that they weren't going to be anything but cartoons
This isn't a cartoon, though. When I see a movie with real people, I expect them to feel like real people. Nobody in this movie did.
I didn't. It was absolute shit.
>Trying to be edgy
vennnommmmm venommmmm venommmm venommm
Still better than the entirety of the MCU.
>2019: I am forgotten
Still much better than Alita shit
Based and redpilled