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What do you think? Is Kanye right?
Austin Young
Levi Smith
have sex
Colton Baker
Honestly Kanye can be a bit based at times
Luis Gonzalez
I cant keep up with him. He's too far above
Christian Howard
Yes. He is 100% right.
Isaac Cruz
>imagine being a black virgin
Leo Anderson
Connor Ross
No, he's wrong. Incel is the new cuck.
Landon Lopez
He is clearly very deranged and unhinged and mentally ill.
t. white liberal of indeterminate gender
Samuel Roberts
Who cares, Kanye is nigger so anything he says means nothing.
Noah Gonzalez
>tfw Kanye called you a faggot on Yea Forums
Is there any greater feel?
Hunter Walker
He can’t say that word! That’s OUR word!
Ryder Baker
Kanye is the most retarded motherfucker ever, falling for magatard altright culture like a pathetic uncle tom. He's a dipshit with a messiah complex. It's like take black people's tendency to be egotistical and magnify it by x100.
Noah Powell
This is fake.
Repect dragon energy.
Elijah Price
No. One is a negative opinion based on appearance, the other one is a negative opinion based on behavior.
This is more like it.
Sebastian Rivera
checked his twitter, apparently he set up a lemonade stand for his kids this weekend. i really hope he just took the whole thing over and his kids just sat there looking bored.
Kayden Hill
Blake Ross
I'm going to start physically assaulting people that call me an incel. I've never been called an incel irl but the second someone does I'm going to punch them in the mouth really fucking hard and then claim I was being oppressed
Leo Moore
Daniel Smith
With a nigger
Easton Scott
just like any deranged leftist. That will show em
Oliver Martinez
Is this incel serious? Nigga finna go to jail.
Kevin Long
He's right as always.
Tyler Richardson
Based /ourguy/