Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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Technically Achilles since his fuccboi cousin rode out in full armor with sword drawn and so was fair game all around.
But still, even without the case of mistaken identity wanting revenge for slain family members isn't outrageous, and since Hector was the best soldier in Troy he was bound to face Achilles sooner or later anyway. So really, nobody was wrong, except Paris for being a little bitch.
hector for not just telling his archers to shoot down that blonde faggot.
Achilles because he fought only for glory while Hector fought for his family and country.
What other movies have good, not completely outlandish, fight scenes?
King Peleus for not inviting Eris.
The final Duel in Rob Roy is a classic
>not fighting for glory
that is why no one will remember your name
Helen for being a dumb cunt.
Paris for being a faggot little twink pussy.
Agamemnon for being a power hungry tyrant prick.
Objectively this
>Agamemnon for being a power hungry tyrant prick.
Not his fault his Tantalus managed to piss off literally ALL of the gods at once and curse their house for eternity.
Hector for not letting his brother die like the little bitch he was.
the fuck is AGL?
Achilles for being a dog doing the bidding of his shitty land conquering master
Wrong, it was purely Paris and Aphrodite, Helen is basically a proxy for Aphrodite's will.
Agamemnon is based, he was willing to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia just to let the Greeks go to war.
Blood is always thicker than water
whoever decided to watch it
>Agamemnon is based
Literally history's most famous cuck.
Unironically The Raid
The Olympian Gods not present in the film
Roastie detected.
That's Menelaus
Not even Zeus had a say on the Troy affair, that's part of the charm of the Iliad, such a brutal and beautiful time the heroic age was.
Paris. He should have just killed him self and done the world a favor.
But at least Menelaus got his wife back and lived in prosperity back home. Agamemnon was murdered by his wife's bull right after he returned victorious.
Outside of that one fight scene it's a pretty terrible movie trying hard to cash in on the gladiator inspired wave of historical epics.
Menelaus didn't live in prosperity, Helen ruled the house and it was purposefully displayed as dysfunctional
nice alt reading of the Odyssey, retard
it's all in your mind
in fact, Helen was never in Troy, lmao
Agamemnon was a Chad who didn't care about women and took a priestess back home to fuck for fun. He was murdered by his roastie wife and his Chad son stil got revenge for him. Menelaus was a cuck and took his wife back after she got fucked by Paris for 11 years
This is probably the only correct post on this whole board.
in the epic Achilles is a complete asshole and hector gets tricked by Athena
Has any Iliad film accurately portrayed the Hector vs. Achilles fight?
the fight per se in Troy is pretty great
ye fuck Paris
who else is with me
It's a good fight, but the actual fight in the Iliad was just Hector running laps around Troy followed by him being tricked by Athena and being one shotted
>and since Hector was the best soldier in Troy he was bound to face Achilles sooner or later anyway.
But Achilles was gonna leave had his cousin not died.
>Be Prince Chadulus hanging out at sweet party
>Some crazy bitch mad as fuck she didn't get invited throws in golden apple
>divine catfight ensues
>Someone asks Zeus to settle the argument
>He doesn't want to touch it with a ten foot pole
>Lays the responsibility on poor Chadulus
>The three thotiest godesses start scheming on you
>mysteriously the goddess of all boners wins
>You now have the queen goddess of all psycho bitches everywhere and the quiet tomboy chessmaster who never loses mad at you
>hilarity ensues
Paris was in a shit situation. The right answer is hand the apple back to based eris and say hi bby u wan sum fuk?
>hector for not just telling his archers to shoot down that blonde faggot.
You're that one nip military officer in every godzilla movie that's taking pot shots at big g with a hand gun.
>Who was in the wrong here?
do you even roll bro
troy dc is a perfect film
does any other film showcase sheer brutality of what it actually looked like when a city got sacked in ancient/medieval times? because troy was hard to watch.
Dead alive, just pretend the zombies are the villagers and they're being sacked by mongolians.
Not quite.
Was achiles a dominant top or a power bottom?
>everytime I watch this I still root for Hector and want him to win even though I know he doesn't
Why is mankind so brutal bros?
The douchebag gods were literally behind everything.
The shame with the movie is that without the gods you don't get satisfying payoffs like Ares getting his ass kicked AGAIN before he runs off the battlefield like a little pussy.
It is the fate of men to die, at least Hector's death will resound through the ages which is more than you or I can wish for
>priam begging achilles
True kino, though some god play couldve been done, i doubt people would take to achilles wrestling a river. Women will never understand war movies
>tfw no Iliad kino featuring Diomedes' autistic super saiyan rampage where he btfos not one, but two gods
And all the rest of the god stuff, we finally have the VFX for it too - but then again I wouldn't want it made in this climate, just look at the BBC one that was on a while ago
What? Agamemnon was killed by Achilles' gf right?
Achilles is just fucking with him the whole fight, right? I haven't seen the movie in a long time.
>that scene where the little messenger boy goes to wake up achilles who's sleeping with 2 whores
gave me a bonner but why the fuck did he shit on the kid for not wanting to fight the huge dude?
spoonfeeding viewers on achilles attitude toward immortality through getting famous
>told his prophecy that he could either be a chill dude and live an obscure but happy life into his old age, or die young and be remembered for eternity as an unstoppable badass.
>I wouldn't want to fight him.
>That's because you're a fucking pussy
man Achilles was pretty based
that was like 5 mins before, most had forgotten it already
I don't think this is how the battle of troja went down back then, jesus christ spielberg
>caring about your name when your family and country are on the line
I'm talking about the actual myths, not the film.
I'd be more afraid it would turn into some capeshit-tier garbage.
Agamemnon and Menelaus spent more time on the beach convincing everyone not to go home then they did in actual combat.
Depends on how you far back you want to go. Technically Troy was fated to fall, but if you want to know who put everything in motion it was Eris. She was pissed off she didn't get invited to the wedding of Thetis and Peelus. So she threw a golden apple into the party with the words "To the Most Beautiful One", which Athena/Hera/Aphrodite argued over. This caused the Judgement of Paris since Zeus using his infinite wisdom knew judging a beauty contest between those three goddesses would only bring trouble. Paris is a teenager at this time. Can you imagine three literal goddesses putting on a beauty show for you? Either way Aphrodite cheated and gave Paris the most beautiful woman in the world. Helen. There is a rub. When Helen married Menelaus, Odysseus was gunning for her sister and made everyone promise that if any man tries to steal away Helen that everyone gathered in the hall would aid Menelaus in retrieving her. Given that every leader of every city state was in attendance it guaranteed that the entirety of what would later be Greece would try to kill you. Though if you want to go back EVEN FURTHER. The only reason Zeus married Thetis off to Peleus was because he received a prophecy that her son would be greater than Zeus so she was force to marry a mortal.
Paris for not getting rekt by menalaus in the ways of honor.
Homosexual cousin-fucker vs. family man and you need to ask?
The boagrius fight was badass. The music the build up. Achilles starts off with the small jog , blocks the speed, dodges the second one full on sprint. Kino
Why did he even block and dodge?
Some nice reading bro, thanks
I rooted for hector , also a bretty good fight scene
20 minutes fights with nobody dying from exhaustion and the amount of damage they endure, and also fighting with perfect choreography. Yeah, as realistic as the Matrix is.
Is the Director's Cut any good?
I heard it adds tits & gore
Boagrius threw a spear which Achilles used his shield to block. Then ducked under the second thrown spear. The music and sound effects of the shield along with Achilles sprint made the scene feel scary as a kid. Didn't know about the history till later
Zeus' dick ruins everything is a solid 75% of classical mythology.
Also boagrius yelling trying to pump up the army behind him. Game of thrones should take notes
Achilles fate was sealed when he left for Troy, so was his cousins by extension.
The question was why did Achilles even bother to block and dodge. His skin was impenetrable. It's like Superman dodging bullets.
Yeah that's great and all but we also remember Hector's name.
the archers were wrong for letting their prince die and not turning achilies into a pin cushion
the only thing muh honor and muh pride managed to achieve was making his wife a widow and his son an orphan
>The question was why did Achilles even bother to block and dodge.
Because he wanted to be known as the greatest warrior. You couldn't test his invulnerability because you can't lay a scratch on him in the first place.
imagine the odyssesy sequel with sean bean... why oh why didnt we get it??
>spears breaking like dry twigs
That's not how wood works.
My go to youtube sword autist Skallagrim claims this is one of the most realistic movie sword fights.
>pussyboy messenger: they say you can't be killed
>chadchilles: i wouldn't be bothering with the shield then, would i
He blocks and dodges because in the movie he's totally mortal and doesn't want to die, because dying would mean leaving a nonzero number of asses left unkicked and he ain't having that shit.
same here, when he nicks Achilles' chest I always think "c'mon, you did it once, just slice him deeper next time"
Something you fat ass doesn't have
Because it would've been too expensive and required actual effort for it to be good. I'm still waiting for Snyder's Anabasis, though.
If you want a ten year long story of a soldier fucking about with Sean Bean in the main role just watch the Sharpe movies.
No, Hector puts up a decent fight. Achilles even tells Priam that he was the best he's ever fought.
I remember seeing a pretty great Odyssey movie in high school. Was a bit older than the Troy film of course but it was good and pretty close to the epos in content.
You're probably referring to that mini-series. We watched it too during sophomore year.
tfw this movie was considered capeshit-tier bad in 2004 (except for the fight scenes of course)
now look what we've got in 2019
god fucking DAMN IT
Hector for not beating the living shit out of Paris for causing the bloody war to begin with. All of it could've bee navoided by him simply beating some common sense into his brother.
woah that badass
that guy looks like charles bronson tho for real
That ho Helen of course
I always assumed that was supposed to show their power level
The reason the fight looks really good is that they fight like HEMAfags not like actors (ie. if the blade wasn't parried it would've hit the guy. Hollywood before CGI did one guy slashing at the air and the other blocking a strike that wouldn't even hit him for the most part)
Anything choreographed by William Hobbs. All the others are just various degrees of flynning, but there's good shit in that as well.
>because in the movie he's totally mortal
He was totally mortal in the original Iliad as well. The whole dipped in river Styx came from some roman poet in 1 AD or so. Basically some comicbook level retcon.
Afrodite, then Paris
>dying from exhaustion
everybody in the movie is very physically fit and Rama doesn't take any super serious damage until very late in the movie and it noticeably fucks him up