ITT comfy background shows

ITT comfy background shows

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Other urls found in this thread:

>automatic circumcisers

Modern Marvels

I show this to my students. Ages 9 to 14, they love it.

Today on How It's Made:
horse shoes
coin purses
thumb tacks

fucking love this show

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women don't get it

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Globe trekker

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extremely based thread

Obvious choices already posted.

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deadliest catch is comfy, watched that with my mom for years

what a weird range
is it still called a Junior high?
middle school for me was 11yos to 13yos

first announcer only, he's got the best delivery and the best puns.

'Food Factory' or 'Why americans are fat'. It is ok but I give it a minus because the voice over is kinda cringe.

they should have canceled it when they switched

There's some background I liked. Is there a link to get them?

yfw you realize most of this stuff is made in Mexico

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The man is a true survivalist, not that bear grills poop-eating faggot

nothing like watching Danny Bonaduce describe a police chase from 20 years ago

What was the first narrator's last season? New narrator is shit and not comfy. I want to download all the good seasons.

The episodes where they make fun of "Sold only on tv" inventions are pretty funny.

My wife and I used to bet on which boat would have the highest count by the end of the season. We'd watch that, then pop in the Netflix DVD of wherever we were in the sopranos. That was basically our weekends. Have a new Sopranos DVD. For each weekend and deadliest catch.

I gave up on this show after 2 episodes, is it worth giving another chance?
The first one I saw was him in a swamp talking about how bad it would be if he got an injury there. He then decides to cut a vine for no reason and slices his hand open. Then he was in Alaska with a dog sled team with the self-imposed challenge of not eating the dog's food, which he promptly did after failing to find food for 2-3 days.
Didn't really learn anything about surviving from him.

Before she left you for Jamarcus?

everything on this channel

You're not supposed to watch them all. Only the stuff you want to know how it's made. I wonder why they never teach this at school. Knowing how basic furnitures is made should be mandatory. I have the feeling we are kept in the dark on purpose.

>I have the feeling we are kept in the dark on purpose.
the Swedes wield a power greater than we can imagine


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>Survival in a furniture factory

It's worth it. he's pretty legit. there's some episodes which are edited poorly probably due to footage issues, but some of the episodes are survival Kino.