We're shitposting while watching the Star Wars prequels this afternoon, starting in 10 minutes.
We're shitposting while watching the Star Wars prequels this afternoon, starting in 10 minutes
Have fun. Star Wars is dead to me.
I'd forgotten how bad episode 1 was...holy shit
and it's still the least damaging to the original story
except maybe the Anakin built C-3PO part
Fuck off reddit, episode 1 is certified Yea Forums kino
We're reaching levels of contrarianism that shouldn't even be possible.
Ep 1 is Lucas's most self-indulgent Star Wars movie. He took it, and himself, wayyyy too seriously. The pod racing is fucking brutal to sit through.
Sheev in a nutshell
>liking this thing is not dumb, everyone cool likes it, you're the dumb one
Nah it's an analogy for the fall of the Roman Republic, not Weimar.
yes yes well done tv HOWEVER
Attack of the Clones just started.
Man, I want to play star wars battlefront II so bad; the naboo maps look amazing.
Then play it, goes on sale for cheap quite often
Right now, I don't have anything to play it on. I've been wanting to build a PC, so I've been holding out until then. The only thing that sucks about that is I can't play kingdom hearts III on PC.
ep 2 anakin is /ourguy/
>implying anyone on Yea Forums would actually flirt with a woman
judelaw got dabbed on by the poll
never forget
I like the bits where the jedi
trips of truth
I LIKED the pod racing.
>alex jones
this doesn't feel like the old Yea Forums bros...
What's different?
the people