He was just a corny comedic actor just a few years ago.
He's like a genius as a director now though? I can't follow the 'timeline' between his CC show to all 'seemingly great movies' he's been making. Don't get the hype around him. Shoehorn because he's black?
>Shoehorn because he's black? Yes. Name one other working black director, and Spike Lee is still being praised for the most mediocre bullshit movies.
Kayden Mitchell
Jordan Peele is our generation's Kubrick, and this century's Tarkovsky.
Christian Hill
Christopher Guest had the same trajectory.
Jeremiah Ross
It’s called talent. If you had any, you wouldn’t have made this thread
Blake White
Donald Glover following the exact same trajectory in the music industry rn
Isaac Mitchell
>comedic actor He wrote pretty much everything on Key & Peele though and he wrote Get Out for 7 years or something
Jaxon Lopez
>to all 'seemingly great movies' he's been making You mean "Get Out" and this new one "Us" that just came out? That's all I've heard of.
Colton Diaz
>Shoehorn because he's black?
I truly am not a /pol/ fuck, but yes. He's getting so much praise only because he's black.
Ryan Coogler
Ian Rivera
>...because he's black? you almost got me there, (you)
John Perry
>he wrote Get Out for 7 years I mean, the screenplay was fucking shit.
Alexander Bell
Steve McQueen
Brandon Sanchez
I agree >going from being in a comedic due with the guy that hosts 'The planet's funniest animals' to Academy award winning director When he was being touted as this incredible director I was like 'ah he looks loads like that bumbling idiot from Fargo' and then it was him
Easton Kelly
He seems like a genius because we live in the era of >sequels >prequels >reboots >spin offs >based on a book >based on a comic etc. So everything he does is fresh, no wonder he won an oscar for best original script
Thomas Harris
steve mcqueen and tyler perry
Joshua Cook
It's just that he's talented, not a genius, amongst a pool of incompetents. Being black is a plus, but he does have some skill.
Ethan Thomas
He makes original horror films that make dosh at the box office.
Ethan Cruz
Only unironically correct answer here
Landon Bailey
This x100
Easton Edwards
Comedians have a tendency to jump to drama and horror really well. Doesn't necessarily surprise me the same goes for comedy writers and directors.
Bentley Gomez
Quentin Tarantino
Joshua Thompson
Huh, I thought Peele was the other guy and had no idea there was a nigger named Steve McQueen.
He's a house nigger doing the jews bidding. Fueling the race war is good for Trump, and Trump is good for Israel.
Julian Walker
leave pleb
Hudson Walker
Remember, blacks are literally sub 90 IQ and will go to these screenings because they feel like Jordan is their savior. They idolize literal mutt overlords that pretend to be african. It's hilarious.
Ignore the films. Literally talk about anything else.
Nathan Hernandez
studios will only fund a movie that is either: part of an established franchise, oscar bait or can be heavily shilled as socially important
I've heard a saying before that you have to understand comedy before you can understand drama.
Dominic Flores
Steve McQueen, Barry Jenkins ,
Landon Fisher
>All these salty comments
Well la. dee. da.
Elijah Young
How about you ignore the thread and let people talk about whatever they want?
Noah Turner
Studios are more willing to take a risk on his unconventional ideas because he's black
Matthew Russell
Gonna see it twice now and start twice as many threads about it.
Michael Russell
[citation needed]
Robert Evans
i will go see Us a gorillion times before i go see capeshit
Joseph Cruz
Have sex
Samuel Perry
It's the same trajectory Donald Glover took, get in through race-related but non-serious comedy to gain some notoriety with white audiences, then you leave comedy behind to transition into work that emphasizes how "woke" you are, and white critics trip over themselves to self-flagellate and call you the next Eisenstein
Elijah Price
A huge part of his success that people overlook is that he's accomplished all this in the horror genre, which has been flailing for awhile. Peele makes horror movies that are actually exciting to watch but not tedious jump fest haunted house tier bullshit. I can only hope he steals the spot of trendsetter in horror away from those boring as fuck A24 horror movies (The Witch is still great though).
Eli Miller
Hollywood and the media tricked both Peele and the general public into thinking that him and his movies are way smarter than they actually are. Kinda feel bad for Peele to be honest.
If Get Out and especially Us were made by a white director, no one would give a shit. They're mediocre films in general, and as horror films they're even worse.
John Flores
There are much worse white directors that get more praise and bigger budgets from production companies. Stop crying, /pol/. He's no Nolan, but he's pretty good.
Blake Young
Maybe he's just proven to be really talented director now that he's been given the opportunity to make his own movies.
Benjamin James
Go dilate,tranny.
Nicholas Stewart
>David chappelle tried to do this but never made it past the edgy woke stage and stayed in Netflix shit taking lazy pot shots at white men for 5+ years Shit timeline desu Anyone who says he has talent is a moron he's only as funny as his writers/handlers let him to be. Glover at least has some talent I'll give him that It's funny how edgy woke shit from YouTube spread into Hollywood so fast it killed it
Asher Clark
None of them are being called the new Hitchcock/Kubrick/etc for their mediocre movies.
Benjamin Lee
No its just that every major release in the past decade is literally the most retarded shit, so a semblance of niggoriginality seems like a stroke of genius in comparison
Tyler Flores
You're really deluded if you think there's no political motivation from the woke elite behind the praise Peele is getting.
Brody Wilson
Steve McQueen and Barry Jenkins are actual kinosseurs even though I hate niggers
Xavier Walker
Not him but (horror) almost always is leftie bullshit. The exception being stuff like evil dead and event horizon where it's just face value sillyness
William Russell
Comedy and horror have a lot in common with each other mechanically. In both instances, you can have great actors, great writers, great sets, great soundtrack, a good script/story and your film will still be absolutely dog shit if you director doesn't understand timing. Timing in both genres is the key to making everything work.
Robin Williams in Insomnia and One Hour Photo was on par with anything he did as a comedian. Dane Cooks best work was as a neurotic voyeur in Mr. Brooks.
Brayden Ramirez
>racebaiting >genius
Grayson White
The only reason you would ever subject yourself to CC is to use it as a platform to direct.
Xavier Hall
Most normies don't watch movies anymore besides the direct to streaming shit on Netflix so how would you expect the idiots here to make that connection. It's like how action stars make great dramatic kino later on
Dylan Perez
Keanu was pretty good and they only recycled two jokes
Carson Kelly
>7 years for something forgotten a month after release
Daniel Ward
Dave hates jews and has serious issues with alcoholism. He was on an episode of that Norman Reedus show where they ride on motorcyles and talk about life and shit. Dave did a comedy set at the end of it and was so drunk that he had to sit down on stage and you couldn't understand him.
Gavin Smith
Black people doing anything halfway decent gives white shitlibs the wherewithal to gush over them as a form of virtue signaling
Go watch Cinema Sins video on Get out if you want to see what I mean. Praising blacks makes them feel so good. In all honesty Peele is alright but if he was white he would be only slightly mainstream like Refn or Ari Aster
Aaron Wright
They both use set ups and climaxes which are heavily dependent on mood. The climax in a comedy is the punchline. The climax in a thriller is a reveal or a twist.
Kayden Sullivan
Anyone they can find willing to make nigger films is an instant genius in their eyes.
Link? Talking dead I presume I gave up on him after his racist anti white pro tranny special where he moned about some nigger he wasn't even related to getting lynched 60 years ago. The set was literally just him soap boxing and was liquid shit yet everyone (loved) it Comedy is dead
Owen Sanchez
I actually love nu blaxploitation kino like undercover brother black dynamite but even i think peele is seriously over rated Get out was neat tho but his newest movie and the twilight zone reboot looks like liquid shit. He's a virtue signalling mutt tho if he was a real nigger he wouldn't be in America instead he'd be making Ugandan kino of some shit
Colton Turner
i don't even disagree with most of your post but you're just as much of a nigger as the nigger you despise, fuck you, you mass quoting cock juggling faggot
Owen Rodriguez
I know that most of the hate on Yea Forums for Get Out comes from the fact that all of these fatherless virgin numales are threatened by literally anything different from themselves because they have no talent or self respect but take your mommy hating angry child angst out of the equation for five seconds and be objective about Jordan Peele and Get Out.
1. Serviceable set pieces, solid b list actors, appropriate soundtrack, no glaring or obvious flaws or gimmicks in the cinematography. 2. Get Out is the only movie, and I will debate this all fucking day, it is the only movie outside of the Thing that uses the body snatchers meme plot device in a way that isn't cartoonishly fucking stupid or nonsensical. If you think this is poor writing then you've never seen poor writing. 3. Strong climax 4. Appropriate running time. 5. Almost all of the comedy/cheap laughs come at the expense of white liberals. 6. And probably the most impressive part, he did all of this on a budget of $5 million. An episode of LOST, GoT, and Marco Polo all cost double that.
Again, I understand that since most of you will never amount to anything other than fat neckbeards with no game or social status that it's perfectly natural to place your hate on those that are different from you (which is everyone because literally fucking no one dreams of being you) but you can't let that cloud your ability to be objective when qualifying work or content. You can't act like quality matters to you. If it did you might actually do something about the fucking embarrassment you see when you look in the mirror everyday.
Jacob Foster
Dave's always been a black liberation Muslim and he's never hid that fact. He just isn't in your face about it because he has white friends and white business interests so he tries to be nice with everyone, again, since he especially hates Jews.
That second clip is the closest I've ever seen an A lister to coming right out and naming 'them'.
Jacob Sanders
You don't know of Marlon Brando literally saying Jews run Hollywood?
Which they do, but then he got blacklisted for it.
Isaac Murphy
Dude is talented
In addition to rising through the improv ranks and starring in his own show, he also did a lot of the writing and directing for it, which indubitably gave him the experience necessary for get out. My theory is that all of the knowledge necessary to create the humor in certain sketches for key and peele via deconstruction of tropes or whatever shows that he clearly knew what he was doing, and that showed in his work (also this )
Its also likely that the media is overhyping his success (which is definitely real) because >he is black >hollywood is filled with garbage So him being successful in a genre who's relation w/ black people was generally limited to the "token black guy dies first" trope is pushed as a huge deal by folks in the media
James Gutierrez
>"token black guy dies first" trope
I never understood this trope. I've watched a lot of Horror and the black person dying first is a rarity.
I'm talking about Jews running Hollywood. I'm talking about the rampant blackmail, pedophilia, and degeneracy that drives people insane out there.
Jeremiah Nguyen
>Netflix shit taking lazy pot shots at white men for 5+ years
When the fuck did this happen? I've seen all of his post CS material and I've literally never seen him focus on this. Unless you consider the US Government and Corporations "white men."
Jordan Gray
Because it wasn't a real thing. In a few movies it happened, then the Wayans pushed it as something that always happened, then people bought into it, then "clever" horror filmmakers in the late 2000s and early-10s would wink-wink lampshade it. It's the equivalent of "Aquaman talks to fish"
Mason Green
>Shoehorn because he's black?
It is obvious for all to see.
Ryder Hernandez
Saw this guy's new movie today. It's not bad and I enjoyed it, but it's severely overhyped. I went in expecting something truly unsettling. What I got was a light horror comedy with some muddled social commentary. It's not even in the top twenty best horror movies I've seen, just a reasonably well-made, enjoyable flick.
Jonathan Brown
>mass reply incel >reddit spacing >begging to change subject SAD
Justin Wilson
He's a black man of some talent and he doesn't talk like a wannabe rapper hoodrat. That'll get you pretty far in an industry that's looking for more diversity hires.
Daniel Roberts
His "horror" movies are just 50s and 60s D-grade tropes, but with niggers instead of whites
Carson Taylor
>7 years >ripped off an old outer limits episode lmao