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Other urls found in this thread:

LMFAO at the lips covering half of his face. so wrong but funny

that thing isn't even human

black homer

What an inaccurate depiction of a black man....he's far too polite.

Will the spic who spammed captain marvel being black spam this on twitter as well?

so a perfect representation then?

Attached: 1548943555292.gif (300x268, 500K)

And that's a good thing!

it was a different time

Attached: 1306809666359.jpg (489x353, 56K)

pretty reasonable

christ, go back to r*ddit or at least stay on /pol/

... and?

Attached: L29Ka7d.jpg (960x933, 126K)

I don't know, just because he dresses in red and wears a cape doesn't mean he's some fag animal

>pretty reasonable

Why is it so hard for people to understand

you said it

Attached: 1388453645212.jpg (200x200, 20K)

>Looks at the time.

Who else but /pol/?

Attached: Steamboat.jpg (1440x2037, 1.26M)

It’s crazy that segregation ended 55 years ago and this is still accurate but now we’re just not allowed to acknowledge it.

What the fuck are you gonna steal from a river bank? Like reeds and shells and stuff?

I'm starting to like Steamboat, seems like a swell fella

Blacks are actually pretty cool when they know their fucking place.

based n-word Steamboat!

REMOVE /pol/
REMOVE /pol/
REMOVE /pol/


Was it golly???

Attached: pol jordan.jpg (1988x3056, 2.36M)

>Rent Free
>/pol/ tier logic and statements in this very thread.

most accurate black character I've ever seen

have sex

I will with a white girl.

>iphone poster
oh shit I mean OP will you start?

dont do it, Steamboat. you'll lose your figure.

nice reddit grammar.

Out of context.
Mind controlled in that image.


Is there another page? Is GL generally this based?


Attached: 1549448455941.gif (176x244, 1.08M)

Well, I guess rape counts as sex technically.

The horn only understands ebonics?

It is another one of Gus Fring's fronts?

Attached: lospollos.jpg (1024x706, 108K)

was the horn a metaphor for women ? If you say the right magic words dey will make you pies.

Jesus, this happened?

Hey guys, /pol/ here
say, am i welcome 'round these parts?

Attached: 1552709614568.png (750x650, 53K)

The more things change, the more they stay the same

Attached: negro_disgust.webm (720x300, 388K)

It kind of says alot that the racist that made this included the prowess thst blacks seem to have at basket ball as a stereotype. Its almost as if deep down most of the hate comes from a feeling of inadequacy...nah it can't be right with all the blacked porn threads being posted can't be.

What game is this from?

Time to rewatch Winter Soldier.

its only included to bait seething faggots like you into that coping conclusion

>being so detached from reality that you can't admit your opponent is good at something
Imagine being a leftist

Fuck off sneed & feed faggot.

/pol/tard is mad? I

Billy nooooooooo

Attached: D2J2gJYXQAAg2dP.jpg (610x282, 55K)

>Yea Forums-Politically Incorrect

You know it's fucking true.


Yeah that page was from a KFC promotional comic that somehow ended up being one of the best comics of the year

Attached: 1545624237504.jpg (1152x814, 212K)

Makes me glad they lost the rights to DC

Racist fucks

this can't be real

sheesh, no one's at war with the blacks.

even if it were, so what?

Mods, delete this /pol/ bait? Thanks. I mean most of this nonsense is off-topic shopped Yea Forums crap.

Leave then, snowflake

Attached: IMG_3722.jpg (1009x273, 86K)

Really, for all the people cry "/pol/ boogieman/rent free". This board is infested with /pol/ fuckery.

Attached: 1552331322656.jpg (474x380, 25K)

who the fuck cares


how new are you ma'am?

Attached: imAnIdiot.png (630x360, 217K)


so /antipol were the real snowflakes all this time

No, because there is a board for /pol/. But it's okay for their double standard to allowed right? /pol/ should treated like /mlp/.

formerly yellow

Attached: 1519494417005.gif (1100x450, 326K)



Like that matters. Nigger lovers are mind controlled in every image!


Attached: 1547071365399[1].png (1097x251, 21K)

Attached: 1552217166966.jpg (475x649, 182K)

>only /pol/ hates niggers

75% of Yea Forums users are niggers. Just start a nigger hate thread and they come out of the woodwork

I will discuss whatever I want on whatever board I want, jannies and mods be damned

Attached: 1544992257782.jpg (1050x858, 62K)

>Why does /pol/ uses numbers from 5 years ago? It's like the spread propaganda or something!


Attached: 8e45444df90c249b48b817569778c487ebb2eb6bceb5e11ee003ad68f3893504.jpg (499x729, 190K)

>is it because niggers are stupid, violent, and a massive drain on society?
>no, its because sports
Nice cope, you fucking retard LMAO


Attached: Don Cheadle.jpg (800x600, 61K)

If anything the numbers are probably even worse now

Then go to Yea Forums and post non topic shit. I dare you, motherfucker!

>he writes while in his mothers basement with cheeto dust on his fingers and scratching his fat ass
yeah, you're real tough

You seem upset whiteboi

sad but true.

Attached: 1546982609961.jpg (1488x600, 191K)

>truth is propaganda
we got a live one!

Attached: yuri.png (427x405, 305K)

Fuck off, shill

Attached: Captain America talking to a Japanese citizen.jpg (300x307, 38K)

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basted and redpilled!

Attached: 1552529202572.gif (600x254, 3.95M)

You stupid motherfucker. I said numbers from FIVE YEARS AGO. OLD NUMBER, THAT ARE STILL BEING PUSHED, YOU RETARED FUCKWIT. Was you dropped on your head, asshole?

>i think facts SUCK

Attached: 1553291716074.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

>26.9% of all arrests
>52.6% of all arrests for murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
>29.1% for rape
>54.5% for robbery
>33% for aggravated assault
All that for 13.4% of the population.

>I dont know how FBI work

Attached: steamboat-3.jpg (523x466, 134K)

Attached: 81voDH8O5iL._SY445_.jpg (302x445, 46K)

why steamboat be wearin a dress?

Yes the truth hurts but I have to ask you /pol/ faggots this: does it affect YOU? Have black people harmed you in any way?

>*blocks DC's reprints*
Dumb monkey . D.C. Will never do a shazam omnibus because of steamboat

Now for 2017
>27.2% of all arrests
>53.1% of all arrests for murder and nonnegligent manslaughter
>28.7% for rape
>54.3% for robbery
>33.5% for aggravated assault

Attached: captain-marvel-adventures-issue-23-april-1943-featuring-cover-art-H73GPG.jpg (921x1390, 318K)

Attached: 1418775515262.png (1847x250, 36K)


>Reddit Giman-jutsu

Literally who cares what this fag thinks?

>using a google employee's post as an argument
>b-but he created the website DDDD':

and you should be treated like reddit, its time to go back.

Cast Steamboat for Shazam 2

Attached: steamboat-2.jpg (498x473, 154K)

But of course.

Attached: 1485821870856.jpg (600x800, 77K)

A game i wish i was playing

He's not wrong.

>/pol/'s current boogiemen: NIGGERS, TRANNNNNNNNNNY, Jews, The Left, Reddit.

Have sex

I've been held up at gunpoint and robbed several times by niggers. Fuck you faggot

How much money do you think it takes to police black neighborhoods or to incarcerate black criminals? I'd rather the government spend all that money on schools or infrastructure or national defense or something.

I'd also rather not be murdered if that counts.

Nice goalpost shifting btw

DAMN, steamboat a blood

>nigger in a dress
Quite progressive actually.


You need to go back if you're okay with any of those things

looks like the artist had some jungle fever

>Everybody who disagrees with /pol/ is a Reddit Trannyjewnigger Left Commie! SAVE ME ADOLF, DAY OF THE ROPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

>implying niggers, trannies, the current state of the political left and reddit aren't a problem


Attached: 1530711034591.png (753x960, 22K)

>m-muh Horseshoe Theory
Centrists get the bullet.

Based KFC telling it like it is

>leftist faggots whining in this thread

Attached: culture.jpg (400x680, 87K)

>le based centerist

Attached: maxresdefault[3].jpg (1280x720, 88K)

>i'd rather the government not police neighborhoods or arrest criminals based on skin colour

>redditors get treated like redditors
>waaaaaaahhh muh /pol/
Like clockwork

Attached: 1538635587791.png (329x330, 133K)

That fucking sucks, user. It really does and I hate the fact those assholes unfortunately paints black people in that light.

Steamboat is based. Modern Marvel fags on suicide watch.

>based on skin colour

Attached: 1553358654399.gif (607x609, 514K)

>Implying I'm a centrist because I'm not an SJW or a diet Nazi
You literally can't think outside of your buzzwords, can you?

Attached: 1497152458920.png (440x356, 161K)

>based on skin colour

>you're either /pol/, SJW, or a centrist
Borderline NPC logic

if you can't handle basic imageboard banter then you don't belong here. screaming that everyone needs to change because you have a poopy diaper makes you a reddit faggot.

Truth hurts?

>the centrist cannot help but expose their retardation
yeah, that's a YIKES from me dawg

Attached: 1550728175967.png (645x773, 11K)

>stuff stops existing if you censor it

Attached: hKkpohy.jpg (802x734, 323K)


Attached: youre all NPCs.jpg (1548x3644, 957K)

hi moot

Attached: 6a4aec079353d858a5fbc145e6bb5195.jpg (650x605, 87K)

>Banter: good racial humor
>/pol/: Yeah, but really lets get rid of them!

Not an argument. I'm still not a centrist and you're still mentally ill.

Attached: 2104077547255.jpg (403x394, 34K)

>this whole post
thanks for proving my point retard

If mods deleted /pol/ after a while they'd migrate back to Readdit and Twitter and stop shitting up the other boards.

but why do the majority of rappers also paint themselves, and in turn, their whole race as violent, hateful people?

Based Billy Chadson.

Attached: 2080474883287.png (254x253, 72K)

>implying there's anything wrong with that

yoona, i...


why are you posting about yourself?

To quote Eric Bischoff: Controversy Creates Cash aka it sells, sadly.

Remember that time Lois Lane got transformed into a nigger

Attached: LL106K.jpg (400x280, 66K)

Attached: Blog412_Lois Lane_ I Am Curious Black_12.jpg (911x479, 247K)

thank you tariq

>N-no u!!

Attached: 1536624849922.png (511x515, 29K)

Yes, I believe it's actually a nigger

Attached: Screenshot_20190324-195436_Chrome.jpg (1080x1268, 901K)

>literally starts "no you"-ing
>n-no you
just stop and go back

Attached: 1522085830569.jpg (960x720, 57K)

Taking a stab in the dark here. You're a white leftist who never had to live around a high amount of blacks for an extended period, right

h-how'd you know?!

Holy fuck this got me more than it had any right to

Attached: 111411358726055.jpg (512x384, 44K)

So the artist liked black women

so if i was a white supremacist rapper rapping about my hate for jews and blacks and shit, i'd make millions because of controversy? no radio would play my music. music about killing cops and fuck white people gets played all day, and such ideals keep being promoted since the 90s

A lot of pol's catalog at any time is made up of hostile activists and outsiders trolling to try to disrupt pol. However, these people are antifas. Imagining that real pol had an outside origin suggests that you must be /new/ here.

Well? Does Superman go black?

>nigger tries to be funny and fails
Fucking pathetic.

Nah, just a hard working black man who just tried of the bullshit.

The horn is a metaphor for the welfare state.

Yes, Kid Flash was originally a Southern Democrat who was very racist and had to control his racism around Black characters. There even a time when he bitched because nobody liked him and he went full "its only because Im a traditionalist".

>Blacks are actually pretty cool

>their fucking place.
Is at the end of a rope or at the bottom of a ditch.

There was a British white supremacist rock band named Public Enemy.
