I’d like to thank anons of tv/ for recommending bone tomahawk. In the past week I watched that, Brawl in cell block 99, and the recent one Dragged across concrete. Pic related was my fav but they were all good. Felt like watching old school crime films with a refreshing look. I’m gonna watch Silence later today. Another recommendation I seen. It seems like Yea Forums is maybe getting good again. Less capeshit and more good film threads. Thanks bros
I’d like to thank anons of tv/ for recommending bone tomahawk. In the past week I watched that...
based and / tv/ pilled
Watch this one.
Seen this a while back. Mel is so based
Oh damn Bashir is in this. Added to the list my man
>Pic related was my fav but they were all good.
me too. i was surprised how many anons were ranking it last.
dragged > tomahawk > brawl
izzat any good
1. brawl
2. tomahawk
3. concrete
tomahawk > brawl >>>>> concrete
1. Brawl in cell block 99 - 8/10
2. Bone Tomahawk - 7/10
3. Dragged across concrete - 6/10
>Brawl in Cell Block 99
>Dragged Across Concrete
>Bone Tomahawk
based r/pol. very redpilled post
Why was Dragged Across Concrete so lame? The dialogue was laughably terrible. I was looking forward to some edgy exploitative right-wing kino, but they could have cut an ENTIRE HOUR out of this film just by letting the events speak for themselves, rather than having long, drawn-out, statically-shot scenes of characters philosophizing out loud about PC culture and "muh shitty black neighborhood." Just really juvenile and sophomoric writing. I appreciated the violence but it didn't keep me into it at all, Brawl and Bone Tomahawk are leagues better.
99 was nice because Vaughn wasn't a colossal Swinger/Made fucker like Jon Favreau wants.
(((Zahler))) needed dat bbc
The last hour of Dragged across concrete was so fucking tense.
you might be right. he rated creed 2 8/10 on imdb.
Creed 2 was an 8/10 desu. Got me back into working out after my injury.
I'm squeamish. Can I watch Bone?
Yeah bro go ahead.
>Less capeshit and more good film threads
weird how leading up the marvels release my filter routinely had 20-25 threads hidden and since it released its only 4-5 daily, really makes me think
Absolutely, it’s not uncomfortable at all.
Right! Fucking shills man
Disney shills almost as hard here as JIDF does on /pol/
Not sure. I'm almost entirely desensitized. Maybe watch Brawl 99 first and see how you like it.
really gets the noggin joggin