>Rotten Tomatoes critic reviews are only valid when it's a DCuck film, otherwise they are all (((paid shills)))
DC/pol/ please leave this board and never return :^)
Rotten Tomatoes critic reviews are only valid when it's a DCuck film, otherwise they are all (((paid shills)))
Other urls found in this thread:
Who said Shazam reviews arent paid off by WB?
Because half of people seem to have completely loved TLJ and half of people seem to have completely hated it, yet all the critics seem to have loved it. Having said that I'm not paying attention to RT for Shazam until audience reviews are in.
> :^)
It's almost as if critics are being objective and not bigoted manbabies
But they're all literally leftist shitskins that cry for the mods when you call their movies jew propaganda. How can they be part of the brotherhood?
Capeshit threads really have become the worst threads on this board. You've surpassed sneed posters in terms of how annoying you are. Good job.
Ladderbro bringing his autism from Yea Forums
They're not even from Yea Forums which is the worst part. Take for example
I'm surprised we don't have a dedicated /capeshit/ board here.
>shitposters will shitpost in their respective boards
Fucking retard
Now the marvelcucks shitposting.
>if somebody make today a capeshit that takes seriously, dramatically, with a lot of dead, and without reddit humor, get a shity note
>if the movie is full with reddit humor, pop culture references, sarcasm, dab,flos and the 4th wall speaking , get a high score
See what I mean? They just can't hide themselves when exposed as outsiders
The fact that he's a Yea Forumsedditor too really shows you that all the problems on this board still come from those parasites
Yep, also most WB movies that released recently that has positive Tomato are dogshit, and vice versa.
Don’t lump actual kino like the YP with your faggot shitposts.
so marvel shilling don't count user ? nice logic there. Capeshit need a board.
no such thing in art
We know who is behind that stuff too, but you ignore it because they're outsiders like you.
What the fuck does that even mean?
People that aren't authentic to the Yea Forums cause like you
There is no "brotherhood". It's just /pol/incels invading popular boards and getting laughed at by these boards.
Gotta love these MCU faggot tears.
Hilarious how this reads like those pamphlets that were being handed out to support clinton
Note how the oldest thing on that image is TDKR too which every oldfriend now agrees ruined Yea Forums and brought in the most amount of newshits
>being this assblasted about banter
at least this are posts
DCuck outsiders post DC shilling threads and anti-Marvel threads CONSTANTLY and bump them
they are the real cancer
Just playing by your rules now mouse chump. problem?
This. If DC shilling and whining about the latest Marvel movie (completely with crying about SJWs and da jooz) accounts for 90% of capeshit threads.
DC/pol/ is the real cancer infesting this board.
yes because capeshit isn't something that should take itself seriously you snydercuck faggot
of course there's humor. it's men in tights punching aliens. if you think this is a serious concept that should be done straight you are a genuine retard