Congratulations, it broke even.
They show Lawrence Welk at the nursing home, grampy. Time for you to ship off.
So this is the power of intersectionality feminism.
>Yea Forums BTFO
It's going to make over a billion. You incelcucks have no power.
can't wait for shapiro's suicide
hopefully it is livestreamed
Embarrassingly high returns from overseas.
$321 million domestic
all those /pol/tarded incels boycotting it really hurt
It's going to reach the Top 50 highest-grossing films (before inflation) inside a week. #50 right now is LOTR: Two Towers at $926M.
A billion by next week
>getting worked by fake numbers
What can I say. White males are fucking retarded.
>captain marvel knocking LOTR out of the top 50
9 weak, pathetic men can't stop Brie Larson, and neither can you incel fucks LOL
say hi to boromir when you kill yourselves
you're fucking retarded.
Careful don’t push /tvpol/ too hard over this. they might shoot up a mosque, school or theater out of incel rage.
hottest ass in hollywood™
You didn't actually watch it, did you?
Embarrassing user.
>hell yeah look at how many people gobble shit!
You gonna post one of those over "1 billion served" signs McDonalds puts up on /ck/ now?
>that ass
>those hips
Is... Is Brie a he?
>50% from opening night
>65% from global
>literally outliers from anything in the history of hollywood
And I don't know anyone who had.
These faggots won't do shit. Most of them don't even leave their house. I have more respect for mass shooters than the typical Yea Forums user, because at least they do something. I bet half these faggots actually went to see Captain Marvel despite opposing it, just like what they did with TLJ.
It’s over. The white race is finished. The leftist brainwashing has won. The kikes will continue to churn out the anti white anti male propaganda uncontested. This is the new future, it’s okay to hate white men and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. The genocide of whites through propaganda and demographic replacement is going exactly as planned.
>haha take that Burger King incels, you can tell McDonalds is high quality food because so many plebs eat it!
I did. surprisingly solid 6/10. When expectations are low, that's a win for them i guess. Brie fucking sucked. And so much girl power cringe, especially when they started playing "I'm Just A Girl". I'f i wasn't watching a camrip, i'd have walked out and demanded my money back at that part.
a sexy he
This wasn’t supposed to happen... the culture war was supposed to be ours to win .... trump told us we’d win so much we’d get tired of victory ... how did it end up like this bros ....
still wont pass Aquaman, a literal joke of a character from a dying franchise with almost rotten reviews
>surprisingly solid 6/10.
How do i know you're shit at sex
>65% from global
>literally outliers from anything in the history of hollywood
Do some fucking research next time sweatie
turns out if you market your solo fem lead movie as a companion title to big event movie that's not too far away, people will still go line up to watch it.
Dont worry, Trump will cakewalk 2020. Plus we have the judiciary, the senate, and republicans will regain the house.
The wall is getting built, the economy is strong, and everyday millions become braver in speaking back against the left and their moronic, garbage ideology.
The left are cheering on corporations, the Right are getting shit done where it counts.
God Bless President Trump
at least i've had it with a woman
user, i...
>65% from global
that's normal for all capeshit except Black Panther
Fuck you disney kikes literally cheated to make this movie successful. They do it with every movie, make it part of a huge franchise and than attach fake social/political significance through it by forcing the identity politics angle, they force people to watch it because Disney’s brain dead fans have been told watching captain marvel will destroy the alt right so they head out in droves to watch capeshit. Of course it was going to succeed no one from /pol/ thought this would flop.
>user, i...
yes, you are gay. I know. That's why i added woman.
let's get together and perform a mass suicide. they'll be sorry then
have sex
take your own advice
>The left are cheering on corporations, the Right are getting shit done where it counts.
gj there fucko
I wholeheartedly believe they fudged the numbers.
>"Captain Marvel" is the sixth-biggest worldwide film opening since 2002 ($456,718,598).
She's a cheese, which is a masculine word in French. So yes.
So you guys have passed through the DISNEY BOUGHT ALL THE TICKETS EVEN IN FOREIGN MARKETS stage and are now in the MARVEL MOVIES MAKE A BILLION DOLLARS NO MATTER HOW SHITTY THEY ARE stage. At least progress is being made
>I wholeheartedly believe they fudged the numbers.
>you are gay.
Im not gay but whats wrong with being gay? Why are you using that as an insult?
Grow the fuck up man.
sounds like your problem with somebody else really.
you know that you belong to the typical Yea Forums anons
b-but DC/pol/ told me it was a bomb and "get woke go broke"!!!!! did I fall for right wing propaganda again? even my favorite neckbeards on youtube made a bajillion videos about how disney bought 2 billion dollars worth of tickets. you're telling me none of this is true???? NOOOOOOOOOO
How can it break even if they are buying tickets themselves?
>the culture war
Women given starring roles in action movies is not part of the culture war.
it's completely consistent with every other capeshit movie
>incels LITERALLY think their feelings and imaginations count as facts
HAHAHAHAHA you pathetic pieces of shit are hilarious
>How can it break even if they are buying tickets themselves?
right-wing incel /pol/tards are WRONG about something? shocking right??
Let me know when the democrats field a viable candidate before 2028. You fuckers think Bernie Sanders is a right wing problematic fascist. Dont you dare make me link the sub-reddit you lefty commie cunt.
>Im not gay but whats wrong with being gay?
Have sex tranny
The other chan is the ones who will actually do anything
>It's going to make over a billion. You incelcucks have no power
they did give it free advertising by bitching about it so much
nobody thought it was the first woman superhero movie so it wasn't empowering for that reason
it was literally just all the bitching from retards on this board
>reeeee why didn't you let us review bomb it
SEETHING /pol/faggot cunt
have sex
One word: merch.
News coverage of the movie breaking box office milestones = free advertising = increased merch sales = more than covers loss from buying the tickets yourself.
Merch is where the real money is. Many successful movie franchise box office figures are dwarfed by merch sales. Related fact: Disney parks make more money in their gift shops than from park admission.
>please ignore the first point of the 50% from opening weekend while the movie is on it's way out of theaters
I love how the incels think using age of ultron for a comparison is going to help them cope
lol fucking retard
>no you
the return of based no you poster. the hero that we need
>Trump will cakewalk 2020
>republicans will regain the house.
>using age of ultron for a comparison
OK then, let's use Infinity War. This is the pattern for almost all Marvel films. You'd know this if you actually researched before talking out of your ass
This really makes the buying tickets conspiracy even funnier because it now means that Disney had to have done it in foreign countries, like China. Good fucking luck with China.
Any minute now incels. Get those razors ready!
>people are actually this fucking retarded on Yea Forums
The only wall Trump is buildings is Wall Street, user.
t. "livng alone by himself and has never dated or kissed a female" chad
oh no, people are handing me 1 billion dollars
this must be a conspiracy against 26 lonely /pol retards
>I don't understand how a bigger part of the world can possibly make more money than 1 country
>it just doesn't make any sense
How do you know? What's the budget?
>feeding the autist
dont waste your time with mentally ill retards
>fake numbers!!!
Infinity War 66.9%
Batman v Superman 62.2
Avengers 59%
The Dark Knight Rises 58.7%
stop being fucking retarded
150 million.
Nah. Keep dunking on them
>he thinks it had a huge budget
there is a reason why over half the movie is just regular towns and in office buildings and someone's house
>look at all these fake marvel numbers
they actually belive in a global conspiracy theory where Disney buy its own tickets ffs, they're hopeless, the more you prove them wrong, the more they belive they are right and continue.
Or they're just propagandists spreading their fake news and in both case you're wasting your time.
Don’t you know, Captain Marvel has a 900 million dollar budget.
>everyone doing fake foreign numbers!!
Holy shit, and here I thought John Carter was the most expensive film ever made at $281 million. I sure am glad user corrected both me and Google!
no no no. Advertising is 10x the production costs and there are never other sources of income like product placements or tie-in deals.
I learned that from Yea Forums
>continues to ignore the 50% opening night and huge fucking drop off
keep living in your little world
And all 900 million dollars were spent on buying 900 million dollars worth of fake tickets. I'll catch you Disney! I have bought down bigger companies than you before!
>it's fake when Captain Marvel does it
>Furious 7
>1.1billions international
jesus christ destroy this world
>Captain Marvel needs to make $4 billion dollars to break even
Huuuuuge flop honestly.
>yfw Captain Marvel will MAKE A BILLION
>yfw Shazam doesn't even reach 400 Million
What are my fellow dabbers gonna do? Are we gonna be humble and sit down? Or we gonna floss on dem haters? How do we spread Shazam awareness? #FortNight #ShazamChallange #SeeShazam56times
I'm honestly amazed it reached almost 1 billion this fast.
Gamergate has done it again.
I wish I was a target of Gamergate.
Is this a thing? Christ.
>shutters accuse Mahvel of faking ticket sales
>are willing to inflate their own tickets sales themselves
>The wall is getting built
Imagine actually being this retarded
>Disney let Solo flop but bought tickets for this one because...?
it's a meme, just like Snyder but there's autists who are camp DC that will unironically go to see Shazam 60 times
They were the same ones that complained about Rotten Tomatoes scores but now are posting Rotten Tomatoes scores
disney wanted to piss off 26 incels from /pol
>all that denial
>they let Antman flop because...?
poor Disney, their first flop of the MCU.
>going to see a movie more than once is faking ticket sales
no, you see, that's how movies make good money is people seeing it repeatedly. then you don't have the 60% drop off the following weekend due to being shit movie.
It's because Paul Walker died. I think Jurassic World did so well because it was released when there were no other interesting movies to see. It had no competition.
>he has to rely on other people to obtain some sense of self-esteem
and it still made 900 MILLION DOLLARS
>Domestic: $321,498,835 35.3%
Pretty interest. What happened with Disney bots here?
>50% opening night
because you're spouting gibberish you fucking retard
>people who haven't seen the movie (because tickets were bought by disney) are going to buy merch for that movie
incel logic
Her lower half is...unfortunate.
are you that dense? it's the same reason black panther "did well". they released a shitty movie and tell people that it has major implications to the blockbuster they're releasing a month later. then they've made their money for the year and don't care about the next release as they're hoping for the carry over.
black panther = promote
antman = ignore
capt marvel = promote
far from home = ignore
it just happens that the movie they're ignoring features a white male lead and the movie they're promoting is a minority
why am I explaining this to people who don't understand basic marketing principles?
it's perfectly normal
I logged onto my Internet Movie Database account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.
Come at me.
it's a well known fact that movies with the highest US returns are the worst
anything over a 33% domestic means that the film is automatically garbage.
>bringing in Aquaman after you backed down.
Big oof.
Plain and simply, it's an origin story
I suddenly have the craving for pancakes.
it didnt flop
>I have contributed 0,000000001% to this movie's lack of success.
>come at me
this is one of the dumbest posts i've seen
have sex
>here are the facts
>alright, but listen to these facts
could you imagine making these arguments for free? at least OP is getting paid, even if it's just in (you)s
You're old.
>Captain Marvel's budget is $900 million
>no you
make her do squat over you until it shapes up
>when it's a movie I hate because muh SJW it can't possibly make money or be successful, it will always be like Fembusters
Lay off the redpills son.
They buy their own tickets for Black Panther and Captain Marvel to not make them look like flops, especially the latter's case. Brie is apparently going to be in 6 more movies after Endgame and become the new main character, probably being the leader of the new Avengers. Imagine that.
imagine samefagging this hard
This is what /pol/ does to your brain.
inb4 church shooting to trigger the libs
Dude the majority was filmed like a couple of miles from where I live in Peachtree City, GA. They film every Marvel movie (and a crapton of shows) out of Pinewood studios. They built a fake Harlem out here for the new Shaft instead of just filming in NYC. EVERYTHING IS FILMED IN GEORGIA NOW AND EVERYTHING IS FAIRLY CHEAP.
Honestly. Why is this movie making more money than most capeshit? It's a fucking bore throughout. How come word of mouth doesn't count for Marvel films? Even Into the Spider-Verse bombed compared to this shit.
You do realize Black Panther sold a shitton of action figures, was the most tweeted movie of all time and it's original album was top of the billboards when it came out? Are you willing to say Disney bought all that too?
What did user mean by this?
My best friends told me that it was probably going to do bad because the lead actress said some stuff about critics. I guess they were wrong
Imagine not being born in America and contributing to the "foreign" total. Fucking faggots, I feel sorry for you.
I think the funniest thing about the Red Pill meme is that Neo never receives any proof that he woke up in the real world and not just in another layer of the Matrix and the movie conveniently forgets to mention that once you have proven all senses to be questionable at determining the truth the concept of truth itself loses all meaning altogether.
That says something fundamentally significant about conspiracy theories that seems to be going over some people's heads.
>corporation answerable to shareholders chooses not to maximize profits
incels on this board actually believe this
>no argument
>just cope
Yep. Can't explain it away like Nu Wars, where the Ray action figures aren't getting sold at all.
- it's a marvel movie so there is a minimum/threshold of quality, it's a bit bland but overall decent
- it's before Endgame and Marvel fans will watch it to fully understand the next movie
>making fun of your conspiracy theory isn't an argument
>implying your conspiracy theory is an argument
>Foreign totals are an exact amount to a '0'
>Domestic totals are almost as high as overall foreign totals
>"they didn't buy tickets, I SWEAR"
>"foreign totals aren't made up dude! I know some numbers are missing, but people bought the exact amount of tickets overseas."
Imagine being this delusional.
Yep. Disney pulled out all the stops and incels are seething.
Marvel has an incredible amount of momentum behind it, and it's the flagship film franchise for the world's largest media company. Also, this is Marvel's Wonder Woman, their first female-led movie, and that scores massive amounts of brownie points with Western audiences and generates the same impact among American white women that Black Panther did with American blacks.
Disney bought all the tickets user.
For this one movie. Oh, and Black Panther. Or anything that doesn't star white males because it's IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT CONSPIRACY THEORIES for a movie starring someone other than a white male to make a billion dollars.
>bit bland but overall decent
Decent movies don't have godawful dialogue, bad acting, bland main characters and shit cinematography.
>it's before Endgame and Marvel fans will watch it to fully understand the next movie
But even Ant-Man and the Wasp didn't make as much money.
This is incoherent. What is the point you're attempting to make here? That the theater chains, trades and box office reporting services in foreign countries (including China!!) are all in on the conspiracy?
>Decent movies don't have godawful dialogue, bad acting, bland main characters and shit cinematography.
Irrelevant. It wasn't DC horrible so capeshitters ate it up.
Disney didnt have to do it. Someone sure did. People bought up theaters for blacks to see BP. People did the same for CP but little girls didnt care and didnt show up. That's why there were empty seats
This sucks.
It's funny isn't it? When you think about it, the conspiracy theory is actual just a subtle power fantasy. It's not about being weak and oppressed by a big corporation. It's about being so amazing nobody can match your amazingness without trickery.
>This is incoherent.
>he laid out how both domestic and foreign totals are close to each other so it's not just a World of Warcraft situation where China saved a flopping film
You should show proof that Disney is willing to lose hundreds of millions of dollars in sales to make Captain Marvel look good.
>marketing is about Fortnite dance and dab
I'll definitely not watch this.
>Someone sure did.
>muh empty seats
Are you sure the empty seats posted weren't just seats they had for Ghostbusters 2016 reused? Or that you were trolled because you so desperately wanted this film and Black Panther to fail?
I think he wants to say that the number must be fake because it's so round, instead it being jus a regular rounded estimate due to multiple currency conversions.
Captain Marvel is better/not worse than Ant Man 2, Thor 1 and 2, Iron Man 2, Age of Ultron.
It's just a basic origin story that came a bit late, it should have been released in the first phase of the MCU, or circa 2013-2014.
Infinity War and Thor Ragnarok were better and CM suffer from the comparaison.
>Iron Man 2
fuck off. IM2 was great. Stop trying to push the meme that IM3 was good
>Captain Marvel is better/not worse than Ant Man 2, Thor 1 and 2, Iron Man 2, Age of Ultron.
Same shit. Different smell. They're all garbage.
>It's just a basic origin story that came a bit late, it should have been released in the first phase of the MCU, or circa 2013-2014.
Nah it's a pretty bad movie especially for one that is the 20th in a series of films. Quality should improve, not get worse.
It's not a meme. IM3 recontextualizes Starrk's strength being his inventiveness and shows that he can make it even without his main toy, and his villain is a product of his own casual past arrogance and egoism.
IM2 is literally filler.
>A movie riding on the fact that you NEED to watch it before one of the most hyped movies ever is making a lot of money
Who would have thought?
IM3 was decent. The only kind of interesting thing in IM2 was Rockwell but even he got to be too much. electric whip guy was boring and the only fight i remember is on the race track
eh, Iron Man 2 was, as usual, saved by RDJ's personality/performance, but it was a bit weak compared to the rest of the MCU.
I like seeing Yea Forums btfo but Disney's seemingly unstoppable overtaking of the entertainment industry concerns me.
How should I feel?
nobody cares asshole
>1b they said
Looks like you marvel cucks lose again.
>mass marketed movie about super heroes made for children and adultlets is successful in the worldwide box office
No shit dickhead
They're entertaining movies made for the mass, you don't go to a McDonald expecting more than it could provide.
If you want to watch "real" cinema, you shouldn't even consider Marvel movies, there are art house and indie movies for that.
>RT changed how it's site works and nuked itself in the eyes of normalfags
>youtube and google openly admitting they changed algorithms to drown out criticism and push positive ones
>charity and "free" college tickets giveaways
>"we did it guys, we beat the nazi incels by making disney millions of dollars and introducing MGS 2 tier nightmare fuel media manipulation systems"
Good job.
>major companies can't make good films
>you can only see those at indie art houses with subtitles
>*subtly tips fedora*
based. keep trolling those libshits
The shills will deny this and just go "INCELS BTFO" and "HAHAHAHAHAHA" over and over.
Now Captain Marvel 2...that will be where a real BTFO will happen and I don't think it will be those dang dirty incels this time around.
Unless they wisen up and write her to be a likeable character whose not a boring generic token.
I mean seriously is anyone actually saying they liked Captain Marvel as a character? Most are saying the supporting cast were better.
How many big mainstream movies worth watching released in the last year?
>moving the goalposts to Captain Marvel 2
>delicious COPE
anyone who says they like captain marvel is new to comics.
Carol Danvers is the most unlikable marvel character next to Storm
>They're entertaining movies made for the mass, you don't go to a McDonald expecting more than it could provide.
That's a shit excuse. Popcorn movies can both be entertaining and good.
That's not it. Thing is we live in an information age and that means that if something is really good people will want to share the experience with each other and viral marketing picks it up then everyone knows it's amazing. So if you don't already know about something that's amazing, it's because it's either super new, or it's outside of your taste range anyway. One Punch Man and Mob Psycho ere both webcomics, and the "history of the entire world" video on YouTube probably has millions of views by now and it's just a little thing a guy made with like MS paint.
At least talk about a specific indie movie that you think is good, if that's where you think the quality is, but I would not be surprised if it was an abstract opinion and you don't really watch any. You know what I mean?
The curse of partisanship, a typical political illness on the right. The desire to see the winner somewhere. The answer might simply be that the good quality is *nowhere* atm. That was the true red pill truth of the elections, too.
Nigger, you've got to be kidding me. It's the worst Marvel movie by far and doesn't even scratch the treshold. Name a marvel movie with a worse lead, acting, humor, action scenes, CGI, villain, story, cinematography. Go ahead, I'll wait. This movie making a billion makes zero fucking sense. None whatsoever. No excuse people mention makes any sense. It should have bombed, yet it's breaking records and will end up only behind avengers, BP and Iron Man 3. At best it should have made a little more than Antman 2. How the fuck a turd like this gets the 6th best global opening weekend of all time? What the fuck was there to be so excited about that you just HAD to see it on the opening weekend? The trailers were as dull as they come and even normies had seen issues with them, not just "incels" and "sexists" from Yea Forums. You could look up how the movie is related to Endgame on internet after it had released, there was no reason to pay $10 and spend 2hours in the theaters just for that. Look up any movie database, rating site, theater website, anywhere in the world it's the same story. You'll see that it got 6-7/10 rating from people and is amongst the 5 worst rated MCU movies. You can say that IMDB, RT and the like are review bombed (by both sides) but a website for local theater in bumfuckistan where people don't care and don't know about culture war will have a similar rating as everwhere else in the world. Fact is, people didn't like it. There wasn't much to like, It's genuinaly a bad movie even by capeshit standards. Exceptionally bad for MCU. Again, this movie making a billion goes against all logic and conventional wisdom. It's scary to think that Disney can make a success out of MCU equivalent of female Ghostbusters. They're just too big to fail at this point. The masses are completely under their control.
Trump is still president.
>samefagging 24/7 instead of looking for a gf
Sure, but we're making fun of all the incels desperately wanting this movie to fail.
But this is basically all true though. I watched the movie and it was shit and I’m a MCU drone. I haven’t hated a Marvel movie this much since AoU and at least that’s an Avengers movie. This film only did well because of the clout that Marvel has earned for being really consistent up till Captain Marvel and because End Game is gonna be the biggest movie of the last 10 years.
no offense but American cinema is overall really mediocre - similar to the rest of american culture
Xavier Dolan, Kechiche or Audiard, Hazanavicius shits on anything Hollywood produced since the new Hollywood.
Delicious ruining away like a coward from an argument and just copy pasting le epic meme responses.
I guess you guys must have a list or something?
Whatever helps you sleep at night and at the idea that Captain Marvel is on the verge of making a billion dollars.
>worse lead, acting, humor, action scenes, CGI, villain, story, cinematography.
Thor 1. Thor 2.
>worse humor, action scenes
GotG 2, Ant-Man 2
>worse villain
Iron Man 2
What happened to her. What happened to this? Where did THIS woman go?
Acquire intercourse before posting again.
but you guys told me that all the theatres were empty??
>no offense but American cinema is overall really mediocre - similar to the rest of american culture
True but that doesn't mean everyone should lower their standards
you are the only retard sjw marvel incels
There is no argument, CM beat all of your bullshit into the ground and took off running.
Like, you desperately want to be right, but it's just not happening outside of your incel poltard echo chamber.
>ruining away
I'm right here incoherent user. You lost the argument already but I'll continue rubbing your nose in it if you like
All i see are buzzwords.
have snacks
They tried to subdue her femininity. Don't worry though, she'll feel like her proper self in Endgame.
There are 4 buzzwords in that 36 word post.
is this real?
All I see is incel losers.
>running away like a coward
Like how these incels are damage controlling Captain Marvel's box office success?
I actually didn't know the flerken shit was a real thing from the comics.
it's pretty much a group of 7 virgins from /pol
she caught a fungus
Oh hell yes. The moment Goose was called a Flerken I knew what was coming.
mgtow is a /pol "movement" where repulsive guys who are shunned have decided to "turn the tables" but announcing they are turning away from women, ignoring the fact that women weren't interested to begin with
its the same psychological delusion shown here
Not really. A shoddy movie with a sequel usually means the sequel makes less money if the first made money.
>Marvel makes money
go any more interesting topics like this?
Human mating behavior is weird...
Who hurt you?
>Disney doesn't cook the books
Nice try shill, actually claiming legit better movies are worse than CM.
Seriously anyone who says GotG Vol 2 is worse than Captain Marvel in any aspect is fucking nuts.
Marvel keeps on winning. And the sky is blue.
Idk what the DCfags were thinking spamming this board with memes for months. They literally wasted their lives on something they hate and in the end only helped contribute to the backlash that fueled viewings. They turned Captain Marvel into a movement.
After this and Black Panther, I just hope DCfags learned this lesson and just shut the fuck up and take it going forward. Seriously, if you're getting fucked in the ass by a superior force, just grin and bear it.
Of course Disney cooks the books. Hollywood accounting is infamous for it's ability to turn a wildly successful movie into a net loss as far as taxes are concerned.
But they don't cook the books in such a way that a bunch of blithering idiots would be able to see.
He didn't even address any of the guys arguments. Imagine defending a soulless mega corporation online just so you can own a anonymous mongolian smoke signal website.
GotG 2 is legit shit. It's the jokes are shit and fart joke tier and they are bloating the movie. The plot is a directionless mess that only takes up as much screen time as it does becasue it's deliberately slowly paced. The packman fight is cringe inducing. And Baby Groot is a Porg tier forced merch.
The only good things about it are the scene between Mantis and Drax reminiscing, Starlort bladting the fuc kout of Ego when he admits to murder, and Yondu's death and funreal.
And Captain Marvel was boring and bland with nothing likeable about it.
Your point?
amirite reddit?
>The wall is getting built
Imagine defening incel poltards because you're just that morally bankrupt.
It's not filled with disgusting shit and fart jokes and it doesn't go goofly with packman shit. I thought I made my point clear you biased faggot. It's your fault that you have women more than literal feces.
I'm meeting a classmate up for a date later tonight, heading to red lobster and maybe we'll catch a movie and see what happens. Maybe you guys are right about the have sex meme, I couldn't imagine caring about such trivial shit back in high school when I used to chase girls, I think I just became bitter after I realized it was going nowhere, I'm going to put myself out there again, if it works I guess I have a purpose again
It actually worked because they just added publicity to Captain Marvel and helped it get a billion dollars.
Have fun user. Like unironically, have a nice evening.
Go forth and enjoy yourself mate.
lol. No, I am a literal tranny, who has discord open right now - though I have yet to find out how to get on the special discord they have.
No i mean the people who root for the movie just to 'own Yea Forums'. It's just as cringey as the people sho say 'own the libs' unironically.
Thanks man, I will
i honestly don't know of a single person who's seen it
>if you don't like marvel mobie you are defending muh /pol/
They need to get a W somewhere, I guess.
have carnal embrace
As opposed to those who rooted for this movie to fail because muh feminism?
>tfw you watch captain marvel even though you expected it to be trash
It is. But not that bad. Actress is kind of meh but there's something cute about her. Maybe it's the NIN shirt?
>turns out she has an oscar movie
Watch said movie. Damn, she's not a bad actress after all. Attraction intensifies.
>watch Scott Pilgrim, she actually looks really nice now
>watch wired interview a 2nd time
oh, she was just trying to be funny but it kind of failed
I don't know how you brie/disney shills did it, but now I like her.
Would still flip shit if she kills Thanos though.
>uninspired sȯy-fest makes millions as everyone anticipated
>HAHAHA BTFO INKELS!!! WHO HURT YOU SWEETIE? whydoyouhatewomen.exe
We've arrived in the age where you're socially ostracised for not wanting to see a film entitled 'Captain Marvel'. Cultural marxism is totally just a conspiracy theory btw
>254 replies
>only 6 mentions of capeshit
>heading to red lobster
sure, grampy
Haven't gone back to /pol/ yet?
That's cool. Just don't inflate your limited anecdotal experience into a vast global conspiracy like these other retards
Actually it needs to gross 5 Billion to break even :^)
Same shit, different psychosis
I think nobody ostracized a single person who just said "I don't want to watch this movie" because there were no such people here. Only alt-right woman haters talking about her toe fungus. One I saw literally admitted to be drunk while posting.
best of luck
>socially ostracised
You couldn't be more of a snowflake if you tried.
You need to have seen CM before Endgame about as much as you needed to have seen Ant-Man before Civil War. Did you notice in the Endgame trailer when Scott shows up at the gate and basically catches the audience up on who he is? They'll do the same thing with her, and they'll most likely go over the Quantum Realm stuff a third time for people who didn't see the Ant-Man films.
>I mean seriously is anyone actually saying they liked Captain Marvel as a character?
I thought she was fine but I understand a character that doesn't show weakness or fear can be off-putting.
Wasn't this the guy who had a thing for little flerkens?
But I thought we were supposed to trigger the libs :(
no, this is Valeri Bojinov
USA is still 40% white for the under 18 population
Discord is calling sweetie
Yeah, that's what I meant my guy.
As soon as the opening box office cam in it was obvious that Disney was going to pump money into the movie until it crossed a billion dollars, because it would have been a personal affront to Marvel's brand if it made less money than Wonder Woman. Disney is not even playing by the rules anymore so I don't even care.
I still take delight in the fact that the only reason you care about any of this is because it's the only thing distracting you and the other roasties from the fact that this man will be the most powerful man on earth until 2024, now that your lord and savior Mueller delivered you a big fat nothingburger.
B-but you're an incel!
One word: deportation.
zoom zoom go back zoomer
Only retards believe a marvel movie would flop today.
>poltards think captain marvel cost over 100 million to make
>poltards think disney bought tickets
>poltards think they aren't a tiny minority
>poltards think they aren't brainlets
Just stop thinking poltards. Preferably via a bullet to your severely undersized brains.
>The left are cheering on corporations, the Right are getting shit done where it counts.
Uh huh, remind me when you're getting the wall and when Mexico is paying for it.
I don't like sex. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.
>it's okay when DNC infotainers do it!
Youtube was a mistake
>Uh huh, remind me when you're getting the wall and when Mexico is paying for it.
its going up now. theres a lot of jobs in it right now too. good paying jobs.
>our /pol/incel lies = facts
no faggot. unless you can prove that disney bought all the tickets, spent 900$ for marketing, and left a severed horse head into every theater owner's bed, you are lying
>the right: "The left are cheering on corporations!"
>also the right: "A country really is like a corporation, and Trump will run it like a corporation! Fuck Yeah My America!"
Makes you think.
Is this bait?
>also the right: Regulations are killing companies, we need to cut through all the red tape to let companies do what they do best!
2020 is going to be such a shitshow.
trumpanzees only remember that "big corporation bad" when disney ASSBLASTS them
are people just being contrarians, or are there literally people (trannies?) wanting this to succeed? for what purpose?
Lolbertarians crying about corporations is the funniest shit
This is just funny now
>it was obvious
More pls
The better question is why do incels want it desperately to flop even in the face of them being humiliated by it making a billion dollars.
/pol/ doesn't care about this movie, if you don't believe me, check the board
Must have been nice having the whole theater to yourself.
go woke, get bro........ahahahahahahahahaha
/pol/ suddenly doesn't care about movies when their plan to sabotage them doesn't work. They were all over Ghostbusters but were silent with Black Panther and Captain Marvel.
reminder that inceltubers are lying through the teeth to clickbait incels, /pol/faggots, and gamergaters and they're falling for it hook line and sinker
>the right: "Oh you want a safe space you unique little snowflake?"
>also the right: "My ethnicity is more unique and special than any other all ethinicities, this entire landmass should be our safe space."
You desperately want to believe the posts of empty theaters is true.
Nooooo I'm shocked, no way they'd do that
3005 results found
I believe it's safe to say that /pol/ cares a little bit about this movie.
this is new levels of cope
Yep. Shaming articles win. They've perfected the technique since Fembusters. CM was a terrible movie, I have no idea how it made this much money on its own.
Yeah just like you guys never cared about Black Panther.
maximum damage control from the /pol/tards like when they tried to cancel colbert or when they tried to get Black Panther to flop.
b-but respected yourtuber star_wars_roastier_69 told me "get woke go broke" after making 5 hundred billion videos about how TLJ means le feminists are taking away our toys!!!
Youtube has been a rotten shithole for years, the site could go down tomorrow and nothing of value would be lost except for a couple of classics.
So do the retards in this thread pretend to like CM because they genuinely like capeshit, they want to piss off /pol/, or do they believe this proves some feminist message?
>make shit up and lie about it unil other people who want it to be true start lying about it too, then use each others words as an argumentum ad populum to deflect requests for proofs and petend that everyone just happened to miss all the proof that are in "every thread"
>"lol where is your counter argument you justcope"
lol this is his last Captain Marvel video until it made bank
I never pretended to like CM, /pol/ is just annoying as fuck. The DISNEY IS BUYING OUT ALL THE THEATERS THE MOVIE IS A FLOP shit was embarrassing.
>reeeeeee I hate it so much muh feminist agenda reeeeeeeee
this. CM was mediocre. /pol/incels getting assDESTROYED about it was the best part
>no you
I haven't seen it and I'm not planning to, I don't like capeshit. I'm still happy that it's a hit because those little shits spamming hundreds of CM threads every day or the last couple of weeks deserve it.
It's the perfect crime. The only people who could sue Disney for misleading investors are the people who stand to gain something from the scam. The investors are about to make a shitton of money off of their stocks from the Fox / Disney acquisition, and a lawsuit would devalue their shares. Anyone in a position to sue Disney would be shooting their own foot.
No, I make fun of either side when they have egg on their face. Like when Mueller gave libs their nothingburger and when Brie Larson shat all over /pol/'s faces with her pancake ass thanks to CM making bank.
>It's a perfect crime
Why would Disney buy seats when people go see it anyways
>he still believes disney is losing money by buying their own tickets because ???
>It's the perfect crime. The only people who could sue Disney for misleading investors are the people who stand to gain something from the scam.
>Disney allowed The Lone Ranger, Prince of Persia, John Carter, et al. to flop but somehow they chose Black Panther and Captain Marvel because...?
The last capeshit I've seen was Iron Man 3 and I regret seeing that too. I really don't give a fuck if this movie actually has a feminist message or not since I'm not the manchild target audience anyway.
I don't spend a lot of time on /pol/ like you retards so I don't know what they're outraged about nor do I care. You reddit zoomers are by far the most annoying immigrant wave so far, though.
>>Disney allowed The Lone Ranger, Prince of Persia, John Carter, et al. to flop but somehow they chose Black Panther and Captain Marvel because...?
>same faggot asking the same question after it being spelt out for him earlier
couldn't cope, I see
nobody is agreeing with you
what post?
I liked it but I don't think there's any feminist message in it. Except if you really want to read something into it then narcissistic husbands (and mothers, sometimes) do tend to manipulate otherwise capable women into believing in their own powerlessness and self worthlessness so they could run their lives for them. The thrall of such a control is really the only thing she overcomes in the movie. But it's like... it's not the best executed theme in the history of movie themes. It's serviceable.
Honestly I don't know if I have higher or lower expectations for this movie due to it being part of the MCU. You can't really judge itas an individua lflick like homecoming or Guardians becasue it's compleetly dependent on the setting of the universe set up the cinematic universe. From the first moment. you take guardians, if the MCU did not exist that movie could stand on its own, in it's entirety. That's not true for this movie. That's my highest criticism. it really feels like an episode, rather than a movie. It's not bad, per se...
>the investors are going to make a shitton of money from Disney spending money on Captain Marvel and then buying the seats so that they're basically paying an astronomical $600-$700 million in ticket sales on top of the $152 million budget and $200 million marketing expenses
>Lone Ranger
>Prince of Persia
>John Carter
all star white men. You do the math.
>I-I don't care this particular marvelshit movie is making money
>b-but they bought out seats tho, inceltubers told me so
Disney is making huge flops, losing millions on purpose in order to stick it to the white man?
It's amazing that morons still think Disney would be blatantly committing crimes (Because that's what lying to your shareholders is) just to look good.
Like, can you be any more stupid?
Don't answer that you retards, that was a rethorical question!
>Disney "saved" Black Panther and Captain Marvel from obviously flopping because muh agenda
>believes the "get woke go broke" meme so hard that even when woke movies with muh diversity makes a billion dollars he makes up a conspiracy theory to insist they Disney is going broke with them
Aaaaaaay galaxy brain here.
>Why would Disney buy seats when people go see it anyways
Who are you quoting, retard?
Literally yes
Not an argument
As opposed to Captain America: Civil War, Iron Man 3, Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and, Iron Man 2?
sorry but the truth is that people are faggots with shit taste
You fucking retard, Disney is a capitalist corporation chasing $$$, not a secret propaganda machine created by the Deep State Lizardpeople, go outside and stop frying your brain with /x/ shit
They know they will make it all back with Avengers anyway. It's more important for Captain Marvel to appear popular than for her to actually be popular, because they've already declared her "the new face of the MCU." The entire MCU brand is going to be re-built on identity politics just like the comics are right now, but the problem Disney has is that those comics are not popular. They are going to astroturf the shit out of these characters until either the audience takes over or Marvel starts losing money.
Literally you claiming you don't care about Marvel yet you're desperate to peddle your conspiracy theory because your predictions that it's going to flop is wrong.
Cavill and Affleck were declared "the new faces of the DCU" remember
If people didn't commit crimes like this then we wouldn't need laws. Big companies like Disney do illegal shit all the time that they don't get caught for.
Those white men movies were too big to fail. Obviously Disney is stacking up the numbers on the non-white movies that were supposed to be flops because...?
such as?
>They know they will make it all back with Avengers anyway.
so they'll blow money for no reason because they'll make more in the future on some unrelated thing? that's not how businesses work.
> "the new face of the MCU."
that's not written in stone. no one is forcing them to make her the new face of the MCU if her character is not successful, much less to FORCE her character to be successful by losing money in order for this to happen. your logic is completely sideways
> The entire MCU brand is going to be re-built on identity politics just like the comics
wrog. the comics tried being all about idpol, failed, tanked, and returned to normal now
>It's more important for Captain Marvel to appear popular than for her to actually be popular
So instead of changing your mind now that evidence to the contrary has arrived to challenge your beliefs, you'd rather claim that the evidence is a lie and come up with a conspiracy theory without evidence to back it up?
Mmmkay. Is this SJW Derangement Syndrome?
actually, the idea doesn't seem too crazy when you consider both black panther and captain marvel had events where people were allowed to see the movie for "free"
disney is too huge of a corporation to not pull some questionable shit off
And when did the lizard people tell you this?
I never peddled any conspiracy. I fucking hate that any capeshit movie makes money and I realize it's because the West is filled to the brim with subhuman manchildren that are satisfied with little.
I really wish that it was a conspiracy that movies like this one are successful, but I sadly know it's not.
So instead of presenting evidence of Disney actually stacking the plate so that Captain Marvel won't be a flop, you're making vague allusions of big companies like Disney doing illegal shit and concluding that because of this general statement, then that must absolutely mean that your conspiracy theory is true?
How about some concrete evidence there, pal?
>I never peddled any conspiracy.
>Except the one where Disney must've been buying tickets because several anons posted unverified photos of empty theaters that I immediately believed must mean Captain Marvel is a flop
>poltards think captain marvel cost over 100 million to make
why wouldn't it? homecoming, dr strange and gotg all had $170m budgets, black panther was $200m, even the relatively cg free captain america cost $140m
It makes the company look healthy and keeps the stock value high when they trade shares with Fox. They want to spend as little cash as possible, and having a high stock value is how they do that.
There is also the long term implications. If Captain Marvel bombs at the box office then Marvel's plans for Phase 4 are up shit creek without a paddle. If they stuff the box office though, then the Marvel brand still seems valuable and the success of Phase 4 will come with a sense of inevitability. The thinking is that the audience is a herd and they will follow whatever is popular, and to a degree that's true.
Of course, Disney can't afford to do this with multiple movies in a row. It was never going to be one bad movie that sank the MCU, but multiple ones. If the SJW-era Marvel heroes prove to be an enterprise that loses more money across multiple films than it takes in, then Disney is either going to change course or pull the plug. The franchise can survive Captain Marvel, but will it survive, Ms. Marvel, Squirrel Girl, genderbent / racebent mainline heroes, etc?
>They're people right now thinking a corporate movie that's gonna be forgotten when Shazam and Endgame comes out defeated an internet boogieman.
daily reminder that the force awakens also grossed this much and was an equally shitty film
this only works once