>original horror
They really had to go out of their way with this one. So there's tons of horror films that rape it but they aren't "original" so they don't count LMAO. Why are nogs so fucking retarded
Crakkkas scared of melaninated excellence
What the fuck are you even saying?
It's not a remake. It may pay homage to other movies, but so do a ton of other great films. What does any of that have to do with race?
Seriously? Most films these days are remakes, reboots or book adaptions. An original film doing well is certainly an accomplishment. Stop being butthurt.
It was a mediocre movie and a disappointment, but it makes stormweenies rage for some reason so it's 10/10.
t. negro
If Jordam Peele was white, do you honestly believe his "original" film would have done as well as this?
It's not even out yet
If Jordan Peele was white, he wouldn't create the same stories.
Peele is doing the Lords work.
2 days ago
No one woukd have cared if the characters were white.
Its all an alure for the audience to bite.
Its all a race allegory in the end anyway.
Unfortunately, it did not live up to the hype. It will do well this weekend but probably teeter off. I have never been more hype for a movie than this one and I felt it was underwhelming. The pacing of the film is all wrong, there’s a weird amount of comedic relief, and a few frustrating holes in the plot that are not explained. Also, what the fuck happens to all the clones at the end?? Evil Adelaide says they need to make a statement as well as kill the normal people, but what is the statement?? Just standing there???
more like homie-age
These movies represent America pretty well. I mean, not in their actual portrayal of anything or anyone, but in what they wish America to be. A people so obsessed with apologizing that they simply cannot separate a black person from his work or judge either on their own merits. It is impossible for the liberal mind to view a black person in any other way than abject condescension and pity at the state of the black man’s apparently indefinite and incurable state of being lesser and requiring help. A liberal gives these movies a perfect score because that is his compensation for a lesser race he deems himself the savior of. These reviews represent not the demographic of reality of America, but rather it’s adamant racial bias against black people, who are deemed incapable and requiring artificial support.
Did people see the movie because of Peele? Did they see it for the actors that star in it? Did they see it because it looked interesting? There’s a number of reasons why it did well.
I thought them being black added to it. Made them look more weird and creepy.
The white family clones were just as creepy.
Race is pretty irrelevant to this movie but people keep harping on it just because of Get Out.
Have sex.
>I have never been more hype for a movie than this one
What the hell were you expecting from this movie? And what were the plot holes?
You don't know what original means.
Incels btfo
The dopplegangers wouldn't have been scary if they were white. It would have been stupid. The fact that they were nigs made it actually tense and uncomfortable and that is why I like Peele. He's using nigs in a way that they've never been used before and in a movie era where everything is a remake, reboot, sequel, rehash, or ripoff, someone doing something fresh is a god send.
Thought the same thing in Get Out. The maid and the caretaker were creepy as fuck.
not him but he's saying these progressive milestones like pic related, aren't really achievements but are the bigotry of low expectations for blacks
t. crakkkas
nigger lovers rejoice!
As opposed to the virgin numales on this board who refuse to see the work for what it is because of the color of the skin of the work's director.
One of my favorite horror films growing up was Tales from the Hood so maybe I have a soft spot for darkie horror.
If Peele was white, he'd be overrated as Nolan right now
Biggest for an original horror is still pretty impressive (and I'm seeing it today because despite not liking Get Out much this looks far better), but they do this every time a "historically important" film comes out. They'll add as many qualifiers as they want.
Like Captain Marvel is the
>superhero movie
>made by Marvel in the current MCU
If she were black, they'd add that in as a qualifier too. They did this with BP as well. idk what the right word for it is, where you keep stacking qualifiers on top of each other though, or if I'm making sense. But they do it to make the movie seem like something more historically/culturally important and groundbreaking than it is. Everyone wants to be first.
What the fuck, I love black fascism now!
would love to see an anti-socialist movie for a change of pace
Is the movie actually worth seeing? I don't like black people but I like good movies.
its average like Get Out, I get free movies so I didn't feel too cheated out of my time
Its a damn good movie. not as good as Get Out, but still an 8/10 in its own right. I didn't see the ending coming at all
>inb4 shill
Have sex
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a cool character like Red be played by a black actress before. Lupita did a great job.
Georgina and Walter were my favorite parts of Get Out.
It was a good movie. Saw it with my wife's son.
The Giver came out like 2 or so years ago and is anti-socialist
Also those awful Atlas Shrugged movies
meant a good movie i guess lol