>Singlehandedly raises the bar for every movie buff in YouTube
>Knowledge bombs the cringe out of his feed on the reg
The madman
Singlehandedly raises the bar for every movie buff in YouTube
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Literally who? Oh wait, I don't care, LOL!
What IS his tattoo?
I forgot the link, sorry
James is a beta loser.
Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha.
James kino material will always be movie trivia
They are his best videos BY FAR
That's more research then what goes into most film school papers
Fuck off e-celeb faggot
*Singlehandedly raises his wife's daughters
Ryan is a nasty fat piece of shit
James is from self-admitted special education. It explains how his best "fiend" Mike was able to come in and take over his channel. When he doesn't have a poopy buffalo script in front of him, James' critiques of movies can be summed up with "This movie was great, because umm, I really liked this scene".
Glad he's in a position now where he can just make videos about stuff he's interested in.
Harkens back to the Monster Madness era where he did the Godzillathon.
Could listen to him talk about shit like this all day
James has over 600k net worth
In my opinion it is his best content
No memes
No fatso's
Fantastic lore studies and trivia
Cool pics
wow, a video of him without a baseball cap on
>t. James
Where did the hair go?
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Internet bankruptcy is still bankruptcy
The fucked up perspective of that window really activates my autism