
still in our heart edition

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Jorah will kill her anyway after a whole season of doing nothing

I wish i could be excited for the finale

so will the iron bank play a role in this season? they kept alluding that they always get what they want

Probably a minor one, after she paid off the Crown's debts with the Tyrell's gold, Cersei asked Mycroft to help her hire The Golden Company to replace the soldiers she lost to Dany, and Euron walking off during the parle was an excuse for him to go off to Bravos with his fleet and ferry them to Westeros

I know it's a running joke that no one wears helmets, or cold protection in the north, but I finally noticed that Gendry actually wears a hood in his scenes in E06 of season 7. The only main character to ever dress properly for the cold in the north.

Honestly, it's the main thing that really takes me out of the show, especially the scenes in the north because their ears would get frostbitten so quickly being exposed like that, not to mention just how uncomfortable it would be.

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Based and aaarghpilled


Stannis is still alive, r-right? There's still a chance?

only 19 more days guys

of courshe, no on-screen death.

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only 6 episodes and already many stories to conclude. doubt it.

No, Brienne claimed to have beheaded him and there's no reason to doubt her word on that

what was the point of this plot?

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It's got the same run time as season 7 tho, but definitely not "feature length episodes" like they were originally claiming.

Iain Glen had committed to a Resident Evil film and wasn't available for a few weeks.

Literally none, it was just a cliffhanger ending for the series

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it will play its part once the cockmerchant arrives in the last episode

Melly abandoning him at the camp was his on-screen death. The shit with Brienne was for the bar.

Fuck witch bitches and their cunt magic, all you need is cold iron resolve and you can do anything.

D&D wanted to kill Jorah in S05E09 because he is a fucking straight white male and to make Daenerys move on with her past life and give her the motivation to attack Westeros, but Grrrm called and reminded them he is Azor Ahai and will kill the Dragonwhore so he kept the Greyscale and survived it

would've made sense had he brought back something useful from oldtown. just a pointless deviation otherwise

>you can cure greyscale by scraping it off
>even though the disease appears to be subcutaneous in the early stages so you would literally have to remove the skin entirely and Jorah would have had half his body flayed to the bone which is obviously not what happened since he's not dead so it's really just dermal abrasion
>this disease killed thousands and was considered incurable because nobody tried exfoliating the infected tissue even though it's literally the first thing people would probably try out of desperation

god, the fucking hackery of these last few seasons is hard to bear

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He did bring Sam...

To be perfectly fair, I think they hint for a while that trying to do a lot of work with Grayscale can lead to it spreading to the person trying to treat it, maybe doctors just didn't want to risk infection.

>The only main character to ever dress properly for the cold in the north.
Ygritte had her hood up in her early appearances.
>inb4 "I said main characters"
Ygritte got more screentime than Gendry currently has.

>D&D wanted to kill Jorah in S05E09 because he is a fucking straight white male

Jesus Christ you're a fucking idiot.

have sex

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yeah, i thought they said the guy who discovered the cure died from greyscale
Sam was a lot younger and more steady hands, they even say that

Why did Ashara Dayne kys herself if Jon wasnt her kid?

>kys herself

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Based fellow medfag. This shit annoyed me to no end. Maesters are confirmed fucking dumber than a pre-med tryhards.

Because she was fucking Arthur

>kys herself

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A character who meets Tyrion on the run in the books secretly gets infected with greyscale. Jorah replaces him for the time they spend traveling together, but overall Old Griff's role is quite different from the parts that got grafted onto Jorah, and eventually they just rolled it back when they realized they had no idea how Old Griff would end up (some noble sacrifice is theorized) but decided to keep Jorah on instead. Thus, the infectious 100% lethal unless you're an infant zombifying stone leprosy can apparently be conquered overnight by simply taking off the scab and rubbing some salve in it.

I don't think it matters. After that dozy bitch Lyanna Stark I can't think of another dead character I'm more sick of hearing about.

But Arthur was gay with Rhaegar

For me its Stannis

Sam stayed behind for ages. He only went North when the Maesters refused to help.

>simply taking off the scab and rubbing some salve in it.
i forgot about this

It may sound like a very simple cure but you have to remember everybody in ASOIAF is retarded

You're right that it's really retarded, but I think the key to curing it is in the combination of the formula they put on afterwards which might not be widely available/known/tested. People do get it cured from time to time though like Shireen, so there must be some people out there who know what they're doing. I think when a bunch of dumb peasants or superstitious nobles get it you run into the major problems. It's Africa at that point with peasants raping maidens to cure their greyscale or whatever other crazy procedures they can dream up. Or even to a lesser extent just like a worse rural America where the peasants there do all sorts of weird holistic shit like Earth crystals and foot baths to remove their "toxic metals."

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>kys herself

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GoT. Not ASOIAF. Else Ned would never have died and no-one would be able to deceive anyone.

Nah they're all retarded in ASOIAF too

The Maesters in Oldtown were sitting on that knowledge though and had no intent of ever trying a working method ever again. They thought it didn't work either, and peeling it off literally is the first thing that comes to mind. The unguent Sam used can't have been anything too special apart from being a disinfectant like iodine, because else the Maester who discovered it would've died of Greyscale before he could've done.

after a few years your ears just turn red and hunter reflex real quick.
t. live in cold place

I'm re-watching season 7, someone explain this shit.

>Quest team gets to frozen lake, wights fall in, they stop for at least 1-2 days
>Somehow Gendry runs ALL THE WAY back to the wall within a few hours, in addition to this they somehow send a raven, which travels at supersonic speeds to go over 1000km to Dragonstone.
>Supersonic dragons also somehow get all the way north of the wall in what seems like a few hours to rescue the wight quest group

What were Dabid and Dabid thinking? It's not even the dumb writing sending a bunch of main characters on this mission that makes me that angry, it's the stupid fucking travel bullshit.

>What were Dabid and Dabid thinking?
"It'll be fine, most people are idiots who won't think twice about it"

That excuses Jon, Tormund, and nobody else in that group. Worse, there's redshirts at the back who have their hoods up and are likely Watchmen who should also be accustomed to the cold.
Also, Coldhands Benjen keeps his hood up, and he's a sentient wight.

>Quest team gets to frozen lake, wights fall in, they stop for at least 1-2 days
The problems start here, as they already have the wight they wanted to get. They should just do a U-turn and follow Gendry on foot, but they go further north and get onto the frozen lake instead.

>watching GoT shitpost videos from 2013
>people are unironically convinced TWOW will come out in 2014 or 2015

can't help but feel sad when I read these old comments

If it hasn't come out yet it will never come out honestly. I don't blame GRRM either.

Her death was faked. She and Howland Reed had a thing. She fled to the Neck, and assumed the name "Jyana". Which is a combination of Jon and Lyanna.

>Also, Coldhands Benjen keeps his hood up, and he's a sentient wight.
that was only for dramatic reveal purposes though

Well no, they couldn't out run the wights so they were better finding a defensive position and letting one person go back to send a message that the wights didnt chase

just like Half Life 2, Episode 3.

I think we stand a chance at Winds. Because with the show ending, it's probably such a huge relief, psychologically. He was so worried about falling behind the show, and failing to catch up with the show, that it probably fucked with his head. But now that the show is over, he doesn't have the level of pressure anymore.

I think we'll get Winds eventually. Dream of Spring however, is about a coinflip's chance.

pure dumb luck that they survived, by any logic there would have been no position that could be defended by them against that numbers for so long
also the thin ice made no sense, the place is frozen all year long, why just that tiny lake in a valley that gets barely any sun managed to stay unfrozen?

>Google this
>top result is a 6000 word explanation


I didnt say the rest of it wasnt dumb luck or anything, just that sending only one person made more sense than everybody turning and running

prediction regarding the Tower of Joy scene:
Recall that after the fight as Ned begins to climb the steps he hears Bran call out "father"
Bran's time-travel bullshit will be presented as the reason Ned pretended to be Jon's father

When GRRM is dead, we will probably see someone release whatever his work on WoW / DoS was, kind of like how Tolkein's son released the Silmarillion after his death.

He probably has a ton of manuscripts and other unfinished, unconsolidated material that could be made into a rough cut of both novels.

>He was so worried about falling behind the show,
He isn't worried about shit. Every year he failed to deliver, every year he did a 'woe is me I tried so hard' post on his shitty journal, every year he strived to work harder, and then he did the same shit. He got his money, he doesn't care any more. I'd respect him a lot more if he just said that.

environmentally speaking, the night king is the good guy

shit that happened in the same year ADWD came out
>Prince William royal wedding
>Osama bin Laden death
>Muammar Gaddafi death
>Curiosity launch
and not to forget, ADWD predates TDKR and the plane scene by a whole year

i hope the children of the forest play a bigger role this season.

you're probably the only one.

Arent they all dead now

why? would tie into the night king storyline

not sure

>Let me pay off my debt so I can take out more

I heard the truncated version in some video the other day. Not that the video would help you, since it's a long video, and that's just a very small part of the whole video.

But a couple more details, are the fact that Barriston said Ashara was dishonored by a man at the tourney at Harrenhal. Which is like a nice way of saying she fucked a guy she wasn't married to. People assume it was Ned. But Ned simply isn't that kind of guy. No one suspects the little crannogman though. It's more like Ned and Howland were sharing living quarters. So it appeared that Ashara "looked to Stark" as Barristan put it. When she was actually visiting Howland.

Also, remember that during the story of the knight of the laughing tree. Howland had a thing for Ashara.

Of course he cares. You just don't know what a creative block feels like.

Dude magic lmao

Nah its retarded there is no reason for Ashara to go under an assumed name, her family was fucked in the rebellion and Howland was besties with the warden of the north, the Kings best friend

I know that the best way to remove a creative block is to not keep doing the same things you've blamed for your creative block. Finishing the story is less important to him than his conventions and tours and Wild Cards.

I'm not making the connection. What do those things have to do with her hiding or not? I'm not that familiar with all the history and allegiances and all that. But if she's the daughter of a lord, then she's going to be expected to marry for political reasons. I speculated that rather than doing the whole political marriage crap, she pursued love. Which required she fake her death, in order to get out of obligations with her family.

Distractions are the not the cause of a creative block. They're the means of coping with one. You say he doesn't need to work, because he has the money not to care. Then why do shit like Wild Cards and Fire & Blood and assist with the spin-off pilots? Fact is, he still wants to do this. It's just the show fucked him up psychologically. Now that it's gone though, he can get back to work.

It didnt, she wasnt betrothed and her family wasnt that much more powerful than Howland considering who his close allies were, there was no need to fake death and literally never see your family again

Part of me wonders if he isn't sitting on both books with ADOS being halfway done or something at this point and just plans to release them together. If he's not going to finish the series he might as well not bother releasing the winds of winter.


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No one respects the crannogmen. That's been made clear. Even during the story of the knight of the laughing tree, Howland is treated like a lessor, by even unpopular knights. He wasn't seen as an equal then, and currently in the story, people still weirded out b the "frog eaters".

She was of House Dayne of Starfall. A well respected house, with the best knight in all the land. And rumor was, she was pregnant. Cersei questions Ned if he stole Ashara's child. They say she kid herself due to having a stillborn child. It's just rumor, but it's still something to consider, since some people suspect it to be true. And that would mean Ashara would have a much harder time finding a husband. It would also mean that the child was Howlands. And that would make Howlands first born about the same age as Meera. The girl who tells the knight of the laughing tree to Bran. In which, the story is oddly flavored with the mention of a crannogman, having interest in a maid with laughing purple eyes.
Knight of the laughing tree... Maid with laughing purple eyes... Hmmm....

Doubt it. There's no reason to hold the book back. Some people say that HBO has a secret deal to hold it back. But if that's the case, why is he telling everyone that he's not finished? He would save himself a lot of grief, if he just said HBO and him have a deal.
But also, why would HBO want to hold the books back? When clearly, the books are the reason why the show was so good. And before D&D decided to cut the series off at 8 seasons, it would make sense to pump out all the books, so they can juice it for as much material as possible. Potentially going on for 10+ seasons.

Because the man she loved killed her brother and then married some random fish bitch.

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Based op

he'll be back for the last season, and finally sit on the Throne, r-right??

I'm always surprised there are so many doctors here

>worse rural America where the peasants there do all sorts of weird holistic shit like Earth crystals and foot baths to remove their "toxic metals."
you just described California....

Nah you see, Arthur is dead when they drop by starfall you brainedead mong

Dont bring up this retarded theory again

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Even worse, Ramsey tells Roose that he found Stannis' head after the battle.

You actually just promted me to fire up the episode a second time, and while I think your explanation makes sense and they were hampered in their progress by having to carry dying Thoros and the wight, they didn't know there was a lake with an island (they only notice once it starts to crack under their weight), so them running off into a different direction than Genrdy is still weird. Also, the undead rush in after them by the hundreds. Gendry was mad lucky he wasn't turned into landscape art by a stray wight or two.

>Arthur is dead when they drop by starfall
So? They're still a well regarded house.

Game of Thrones premiered in 2011, just a few months before the most recent book (A Dance With Dragons) came out.

I still remember the days back when people believed the TV show would never overcome the books. In ADWD Stannis is still alive and about to storm Winterfell against the Boltons, Danny is still fighting in Mereen.

It's currently 2019 and the TV show is about to end and there are still 2 books left (The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring). GRRM has been saying since 2012 TWOW is only a few months away from being finished. If he keeps writing at this pace then one can expect ASOIAF to be concluded (if ever) no earlier than 2030.

Pretty crazy when you think about it. Can you imagine people going like "hey remember that old TV show Game of Thrones that was on HBO 10 years ago or so? They just released the last book"?

Doctors are intelligent but extremely miserable and hollow people. That sounds like Yea Forums to a T

Mock the story line all you want, without it we would never have seen the glory that is her tits.

based and bitchpilled

I agree with Bran, Sansa 2nd wedding night she looked beautiful

Look at those fucking teeth, what an absolute unit.

It's basically herpes

>Can you imagine people going like "hey remember that old TV show Game of Thrones that was on HBO 10 years ago or so? They just released the last book"?
Yeah, but people who actually read the books, will be saying "holy shit, winds of winter is actually out!"

>It's currently 2019 and the TV show is about to end and there are still 2 books left (The Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring). GRRM has been saying since 2012 TWOW is only a few months away from being finished. If he keeps writing at this pace then one can expect ASOIAF to be concluded (if ever) no earlier than 2030.
reminder he currently estimates he'll need 3 more books to wrap everything up instead of 2.

Uh... Guys. Sam literally read about the cure in a book. A cure was discovered, simply not widely known.

>The Maesters in Oldtown were sitting on that knowledge though
They didn't know they were sitting on the knowledge though. They didn't dig deep enough. They dismissed some authors they didn't believe to be credible.
The whole point of the Maesters, is that they present themselves as impartial, men of science. But they're anything but that.

Ashara Dayne was raped by a gang of Summer Islanders in the blustery spring of 282 AC

Which Preston theories are most likely to be true?

There has to be something to his lemon trees in braavos theory. We don't know the truth of Dany's past

>They didn't know they were sitting on the knowledge though.
The Archmaester knew though. And he forbade it iirc.

daily reminder that the "50 best killers in the Iron Islands" got beaten by shirtless Ramsay and a couple of dogs.

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Did they know? I'm admittedly a little fuzzy on the season. But the way I see it, if the method was never proven beyond doubt, then they probably don't want to risk someone catching it, and spreading it. hell, even if he successfully healds Jorah, he could still have caught it by accident.

But for the books, I would say that the archmaesters don't want to heal dragonscale, because it's one of the only sicknesses that Targaryens are susceptible to.

I non ironically want Davos or the Hound (imagine the moment where he finally wins against his fear of fire to beat the Walkers) to be Azor Ahai

Hey guys, gonna be dropping some of my GoT artworks, tell me what you think? I've been improving a lot on my drawing skills lately and wanted to share some.

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They only have some cuck who isnt relevant enough to even be named as lord and Ashara is his sister not daughter, she didnt need to fake death and that's the last I'll hear on the subject

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If there was a deal GRRM wouldnt say as he wouldnt want to be labelled a sell out for delaying the books for moneyand HBO wpuldnt want the fan backlash of it

Also if the books are done they dont need to be released for D&D to use the material dumbass

A bit much with the lines. Without proper shading, you want to avoid some of the facial lines. Because they'll appear too stark.(no pun intended) Also, you still need some work with form. You know, constructing the face, and getting all the proportions and structure right.
Keep working at it.

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el awayuki...

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Should let you know how weak their fleet is right now

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Excuse me if I gave you the impression that I thought Ashara was Arthur's daughter. I didn't mean that at all.

But the Dayne house does have a lord. Edric Dayne.

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Edric Dayne is 12 years old and the niece of Ashara

>Jon Snowberg

That's literally how debts work.

What did you expect? These people been around for 10,000 years and still in the medieval age

>If there was a deal GRRM wouldnt say as he wouldnt want to be labelled a sell out for delaying the books
So he would rather be labeled lazy and incompetent? Getting flooded with hatred on social media?

What incentive would GoT have to hold back the books? So they can capitalize on the ending first? They didn't know how long the show was going to go in the beginning. So they wouldn't have a reason to hold the books back. And George didn't know if the show was going to be successful, so he wouldn't have reason to hold the books back.

Also, the books would only hype up the show even more. But assuming they didn't think that way, why would they hold back boths Winds and Dream? George knew he needed two more books to wrap up the series. He could have put out Winds, and then held Dream. Which could have flowed a whole lot better.

The director responded and quite literally said 'hurr durr complaining about why things dont make sense in a show with magic and dragons'

Yes, so? That means 12 years ago, his father was alive. So the house did have a Lord when Ashara "killed" herself.

I'm only saying if there was a deal those are the likely reasons it was never announced, idk if there was but I'm pretty sure any deal would be private and have a non disclosure clause

Yeah that's what I said you thick cunt and Ashara was his sister

Whatever. You're not making any sense, with your curt, caveman sentences. Either explain yourself properly, or just fuck off.
Do they still teach the 5 Ws in school? Who, What, Where, When, and Why.

I already did explain myself not my fault your too thick to read and understand simple sentences


The script makes it pretty clear. Still wish they would release the uncut scene.

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How will Samwell Tarly's story end?

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They need to warm up in between takes.
I have no clue why they didn't just give their characters hoods in the first place.

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not true, a ranger in the FIRST CHAPTER of the book series lost his ears to frost bite, despite being a veteran of the watch

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>just leave parts of you exposed to build up cold resistance and you won't freeze
you think this is a fuckin video game m8

I feel we wasted all the kek magic on trump :S


He will take on his father's role and his wife will cuck him

Warden of the South

WTF I love emilia clarke now?!


you guys know that davos pic shopped
he still has all his finger

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It’s sad that he passed away like two months later

I never hated her, I just never liked Dany.


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Same reason why everyone wears edgy black emo clothing now
The costume designers are fucking retarded


why did they leave that out man wtf. Fuck Dan and Dabid

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Why did D&D let GRRM dab on their show by making TV!Stannis kill his daughter?

That's what banks want. It's how they make profit.

how do we fix Euron guys?

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It's too late. They should have established some kind of mysticism about him. But now he's just a dude who sails good.

Say what you want about the Resident Evil movies, Jorah is a fucking pimp in them

Meanwhile he's still cringe worthy
>muh finger in the bum
How disappointing: youtube.com/watch?v=i1W4gFcFeOs

they should have introduced him earlier

I admire that guy's dedication. But he does not have the voice he wishes he had. Too weak. Sounds like a nerd. And the Ocarina of Time music isn't helping. Talk about cringe.

he should have been played by Big Guy

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>Resident Evil had a happy ending

fuck you Jorah

yeah, music was unnecessary, He has a channel made of stuff like this

I heard an episode was leaked online or something, any links? Its not on the shit website i used for tv shows

he's too little, he's like 5'8

senpai quick question, how come jamies and cersei' offspring isn't completely botched due to inbreeding? are they valyrians or baka?

Inbred babies aren't always fucked

well when you get three that aren't something fishy is going on.

Like >111873026 said, they're all dead. If anything, those cave paintings we saw from last season is the last honorable mention we'll ever get until the prequel series on the Long Night gets done.

It just makes bad shit more likely, Jamie and Cersei might not have a lot of fucked hereditary traits so they got away with it. Inbreeding over generations leads to some really fucked stuff though

their parents were also related, hence why they had a baby that was off, so it's odd that there's nothing wrong with the jaime/cersei offspring, unless they're targs

Is Euron supposed to be tall?

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yeah, he was kind of shoehorned in. When would be ideal in your opinion though?

5'8 is little????

for you.

He's obese and now 70 years old. He also stated he doesn't want anyone finishing his work if he dies. I think it's pretty fair to say the series will never be completed, and whatever shit D&D hack together will be the one and only ending

At least he chose the most kino song from the game

why is she so perfect bros its not fair, why didn't bronn save her

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This guy was inbred to the point of deformity and ended up being one of Europes greatest rulers

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Stannis isn’t gonna be there in the books. Mel will find the Pink Letter and think Stannis is really dead and she needs to bring him back, go to burn Val’s babby but find out it’s really Gilly’s so then figure the next best thing is Shireen. And then Jon comes back. They had to change it for the show because the babby switch was his doing and they didn’t want him to only be alive because a little girl died.

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Jon still ends up winning because of Shireen. Compare the weather at Stannis' last stand to the battle of bastards.


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I got a nasty case of tonsilities and marathoned this entire show over five days so I could enjoy the last season with the rest of the world

is the consensus that the first four seasons are fantastic then it kind of stumbles but it still tries to be original so its an endearing show despite now being intensely flawed?

ehhh. without the books to guide it, the show is garbo. my 2c.

yeah 20 degrees isnt cold faggot

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shame about the cakeface

But -16 is fag

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>kys herself
Rip to the peace

no that's connington

wew he wishes

it takes generations of incest to produced fucked offspring like that retard girl holding the cat. you know the picture i'm talking about.

>implying he needs fixing

Look at this badass motherfucker! Holy based what a B A D - A S S dude! He's so fucking killer like a rock god viking!

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Dr. Branhattan better not get stingy with his knowledge


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the one true king

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>It's got the same run time as season 7 tho, but definitely not "feature length episodes" like they were originally claiming.
>It's two years later
enjoy all the extra runtime being devoted to reminding the normie audience who everyone is, where they are, what they're doing, and why they're doing it. The typical 'previously on...' recap at the beginning of the episode wont be enough

Michele Clapton is fantastic.

ITT brianlets who don't fucking understand the reason people never wear helmets or shit on their head in films is so it's easier to see their faces.

2 things, the actor was committed to some shitty movie and had to leave set for the rest of the season. Also another character in the books that was never introduced to the show gets greyscale, so they kind of merged that storyline with Jorah as a justification for him leaving

>pepto bismol
top lel

show me your favorite aargh Yea Forums

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Ygritte when we first meet her had a hood.

Get fucked.

had to listen for white walkers and zombies approaching. can't do that with big puffy pink earmuffs to protect your beta ears from 30 degree temperatures. btw, i run in that temp every morning in a t shirt and shorts

Here are my theories bros

>Jon gonna die
>Dany gonna live but go insane
>Jaime gonna die but kill Cersei
>Tyrion is gonna be Tywin trying to get into Kinds Landing
>Som gon bleed bright durn
>drogin drogo be blase
>Sharya mel wintwr be clod
>prince promo be dod bens.

Season 7 is still the worst season, but it feels less worse on my re-watch. I just wish we got to see more of Old town and the Maesters. The low point is the dumb writing in episode 6 and the nonsensical plotline to capture a wight, all of it pointless because the entire goal is meaningless as Cersei never intended to help them in the first place, so all it did was give the night king a dragon.

Also, I have a bad feeling that NONE of the revelations in season 8 will be satisfactory. There's so many cool / interesting ways they could explain the night king, but I doubt that Dabid & Dabid will go that route and instead he will just be some evil generic mystery bad guy that's not explained and is defeated, aka snoke.


why do all of the heroes have noble blood? Why did Essos need a white savior to free their dumb brown people from slavery? Why are there are no peasants as main characters who are helping save the day?

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I think Jon will willingly become the new Night King, and sacrifice himself to do so. It's the only way to defeat all the Wights, he will bring them all back north of the wall once he can control them. Alternatively, Bran could also take this role and maybe he's more suited for it because of his warg / precognition abilities, but he is a cripple so I don't know how it would work.

Dany will likely die somehow in the final episodes, along with her dragons.

Jaime will live I think, but Cersei will likely die during pregnancy or commit suicide after a miscarriage.

Tyrion is definitely going to betray Dany. There's way too much foreshadowing with the way he looked at the Dothraki / dragons slaughtering Lannister soldiers, to his conversations with Cersei in the final episode. I think he wants to protect his house and his family despite everything Cersei has put him through, he still loves his family and will undermine Dany to make sure they aren't extinguished. Tyrion will likely survive and lead his house along with Jaime if he survives.

>Som gon bleed bright durn
>drogin drogo be blase
>Sharya mel wintwr be clod
>prince promo be dod bens.

what the fuck?

surprised the discussion is so dead, I know there's still like a little over 2 weeks until season 8 but these threads are moving slow as fuck.

How does it feel, now that you know the woman you mocked so mercilessly as Mother of Burgers survived two brain aneurysms and two major brain surgeries, and never missed a day of work on GoT?

What have you done with your life, user?

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thiqq... i wanna live inside those thighs

Shawty ain't fat, all midget girls built and stacked that

that girl has two asses

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It's one of those stories that focuses on the upper class and nobility. there are a few characters like Gendry and Davos to a certain extent. If you want a story that focuses on peasants and nobility, try Rome. There is also those basic fantasy/medieval shows like Legend of the Seeker where the mains are all normal people.

I hate you. This isn't funny.
He's not even Euron anymore. Just a weird mix of mostly Victorion and a bit of Theon.

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GRRM is still working on his appendix of Braavarian tax code and banking regulations, nothing moves forward until then

wasted. it's "Braavosi" YOU FUCK

Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


Lol no offence but you seriously sound like you're way on the spectrum...or at least have some variant of Skizoid personality disorder. Do you really prefer being alone most of the time? Interesting.

ok made me lol real quick but I'm not an atheist so it's also kind of offensive.
>inb4 retarded Christfag with imaginary friends.
fuck off.

Anyone got the edit that people used to post in these threads? i think it had metal or someshit butit was hilarious.