Why would you ever leave the holodeck?

why would you ever leave the holodeck?

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Computer, simulate a circle of Beverley crusher copies 2.5 meters above myself with their backsides towards me. Have a concrete wall encircle me just within their perimeter. Give all copies of Beverly diarrhea with unlimited volume.
Disable safety protocols.

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Computer, load simulation "Angry, horny Worf with 12" cock v. 3.0.1". Now edit refractory period from 0.9 to 0.5 and increase ejaculate volume from 7.5 up to 10. Save program and launch 5 instances of it.
Disable safety protocols

Computer, load simulation "Japanese soapland dream" but replace all girls with copies of Wesley crusher as seen in season one. Set soundtrack to Michael Jackson's greatest hits.

And the safety protocols, user?

>computer, load a 18th century guillotine
>c-computer.. remove all safety pro-protocols

>why would you ever leave the holodeck?

To mop out the dried and crusty ejaculate.

Bodily fluids should be converted back to energy.

because on a starship all holodeck records are publicly accessible
>tfw the entire crew will know about your Klingon femdom fetish

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Only to shitpost on Yea Forums

computer, load up celery man

user, open the holodeck door. We miss you.

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>A world with no POC's or Jews
>New GF every day
>Feels exactly the same as the real world

The only problem I'd have is not having real kids.

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Computer give gf

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Computer, load a model of Beverly Crusher. Simulate her appearance at age 12. Set size factor to 5 and analyze the composition of her last bowel movement. Remove clothes. Position her anus over my current position. Disable safety protocols

It's amazing how holodeck fags refuse to acknowledge that the Galaxy Class starship is self-cleaning, as stated in canon.

Prove anyone ever has.

Because you'd eventually go insane in there and someone would have to drag you out.

I'm Section 31 and this is deep.

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why? do you think you'd be able to tell the difference in a immersive enough simulation? maybe you're in one now?

if a holodeck like the one in Star Trek existed, it would be heavily regulated because everyone would want as much time as possible in there and they could go insane if they miss someone and could make that person real in there

and here I thought the future was an ideal dystopia

They can be real to you, like that one DS9 ep where a guy was living alone on a planet with a holodeck town and had many generations of children

Imagine anyone saying that to you haha

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