Spiderman 3 was really good, you all just have shit taste

Spiderman 3 was really good, you all just have shit taste.

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It's true. The fact that into the spiderverse can make a direct reference to the dancing down the sidewalk scene 12 years after Spiderman 3 came out, and that joke gets a laugh really speaks to how well Spiderman 3 resonated with audiences.
Can you name a single thing from any of the Amazing Spiderman movies that someone will remember 12 years after the fact? Or from Homecoming?

We all agree though.

After the Spiderverse I realized I've never seen original trilogy complitely, just some bits when it was on TV, so I watched them all and for me the second one felt like the weakest while 3 is better even though it feels like they tried to put too much into one movie.

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It wasn't kino like TASM 1+2

>a single thing from any of the Amazing Spiderman movies that someone will remember 12 years after the fact
Smashing the frog maybe

3 was ‘fuck you studio’ kino from Raimi

>What the fuck you're looking at nigger!

Sandman was the best part about SM3 imo.

This was art

They could've toned it down on the number of N words

I non-ironically really enjoyed the fact that there were two villains. I'm not sure why people are so opposed to that structure in TV shows and stuff, I think it could work well

It definitely has some major flaws, and is the worst of the Raimi trilogy. But that being said, it’s still better than any Spider-Man movie releases since. I’m still mad we didn’t get a fourth movie

God this looks bad visually, it's like a 90' VR game or something

reminder that you will never get anything this kino again as long as Disney and Sony have the reigns

I thought everyone on Yea Forums liked it except for the stupid zoomers?

It had great themes about friendship and forgiveness: youtube.com/watch?v=4WaG9_2AhX0

>when i get out of this, im gonna send you back to the cotton fields
wow, was raimi ok when he greenlit this?

it´s a cult classic.

yeah it's as good as the 1 and 2
no idea where the hate is from

Topher Grace was a better venom then Tom Hardy was, but good luck convincing a marvel drone of that even though its factually true. They've been eating shit for so long, they've actually acquired a taste for it.

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Both Spider-Man 3 and Superman Returns are capekinos that brainlets zoomers will never understand.

Jesus Christ, Raimi!

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this is the weakest trolling ive ever seen

>character is dark Middle Eastern man wearing an oversized turban
What was Raimi trying to tell us?

00s were the peak of capeshit
2010s managed even to shit out a worse Fantastic 4 movie than 00s had, which requires some effort.

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cut out the hamfisted venom storyline and it was pretty great

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>just remembered the wedding ring scene
holy mother of kino

The car scene with Vulture.

this. superman returns is kino and has some of the best superman imagery and moments to date, I never understood the hate honestly and its one of the better representations of superman put to film

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Based and redpilled.

What car?

I want sex

>What are you doing?
>Turning off the gas!
The plots of all these movies were kind of strange looking back on it

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>Can you name a single thing from any of the Amazing Spiderman movies that someone will remember 12 years after the fact? Or from Homecoming?
I'll remember that the slaves built the Washington Monument.

>Man armed with eight flamethrowers named, Oven Octavius. What are the odds?

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venom was better than sand bore

A different time

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spider man homecoming isn't a peter parker story, it's a miles morales story, they ripped his story beat for beat


If you watch this video and still don't like spiderman 3 or the trilogy for that matter. Then you are retarded.

solicit a prostitute

have sex

hmm, Yea Forums contrarianism is lining up with my actual beliefs for once. Yeah, I always thought three was good; most people dont seem to realize the goofiness is intentional

1 was absolutely fantastic
2 was the bad one; I just dont get what people like about it


I've seen 1 and 2 a few times. Never saw 3. I don't think I'll like it, especially now that I've seen Homecoming and that was great.

What part was Harry losing memory in? That was a rather dumb plotline.

>Can you name a single thing from any of the Amazing Spiderman movies that someone will remember 12 years after the fact?
How can anyone forget this?

Jesus fucking Christ I cant breathe

why? whats so special about reddit?


Oh god I remember this

I always assumed Raimi figured he'd never top Spiderman 2 and went in a direction to deconstruct the concept of the superhero movie with 3.

I think it's more that studio meddling fucked up his movie. He wanted the bad guy to be the vulture but Sony wouldn't go for it

Jesus christ how did people sit in a theater watching this

I don't get it

That's a good song

I agree. I didn't even completely hate Topher Grace.

Needs a Raimi edit

>pad says "Holocaust real?" instead of Roosevelt
>Peter googles "What is Holocaust"
>picture of Hitler above the "Do I have to lose you too?"


No they didnt

2 > 1 > Spiderverse > 3 > who cares

I heard that originally Raimi wanted Spider-man to be wearing the black suit while he was being strangled, but for some reason the execs wouldn't allow it.

>2 was the bad one; I just dont get what people like about it
>chan contrarianism is lining up with my actual beliefs for once
No, you just lined up with Yea Forums contrarianism

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Wait so is his shirt and pants and everything all apart of him now too along with the sand? shouldnt he be able to manipulate clothing now too?

>2 was the bad one


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So did the artifical sun drowned and burned out or it hit the bottom and went down to the center of the Earth?

It was better than the shit that followed it, but it had too much going on. Just pick one villain.

Spiderverse > 3 > TAS2 > 1 > TAS1 > 2 > Homecoming

thank god i never wasted my time watching this garbage movie

why does every movie reference bane

Amazing was ok, I remember them pretty fondly. There are worse mainline canon MCU movies desu
>Sally Fields Aunt May
>Garfield and Emma Stone actually having chemistry unlike any other pair in SM movies
>SM had decent banter while fighting
>the suit being great
>the fucking NY construction workers and their conveniently placed cranes
>Blue Man Group Electro
>the tiny web hand
>the shameless sequel bait
>Paul Giamatti
>fat useless friend
>Peter both knows and doesn't know what Star Wars is
>Marissa Tomei
>Tony makes Spider Man in a cave with scraps
>oddly cast sexy female AI voice in suit
>extremely gay classmate
>Indian Flash
>cringy "MJ"
>Michael Keaton's performance saving the movie
>the plot is Spidey has to protect some of Iron Man's cardboard boxes he left behind after the yard sale
>Nacho from BCS as Scorpion

>second one
literally a brainlet

yes they did, they ripped his friend directly from the morales comics

drowned and burned out

The only villain you're supposed to focus on is sandman. My evidence to support this claim is that in the movie, the only villain they focus on is sandman. I watched this movie for the first time as a child and I was able to grasp that.

all the lines and shit connect to the rothchilds, peter leaves with rifle in hand and a black mask.


watch it again, Spiderman 2 is god tier

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Organic webs>shooters

>We don’t live in the timeline where we got Spider-Man 4 and Tobey Maguire joined the avengers
Why bros?

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Spidey 3 was always my fave as well. Probably cause me and my buddy were drunk and saw it in the film and laughed our asses off, like the part where Spidey is spiraling thru the sky and is caught by Harry after they tried to murder eachother earlier...

>"I got you best friend!!"
>"Thanks! Best friend!"

And the part where Harry tells Peter he was fucking MJ and ate the pie, "Mmm... so good."

So many kino scenes. Whereas Spidey 2, regarded as the best Spidey, I hardly remember shit about it except that it was pretty by the numbers and cookie cutter.

You're confusing 'entertaining' with 'good.' The movie is a fuckin mess but it was still fun to watch in a way

>good taste
>even caring about capeshit

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I wish I was half as goodlooking as James Franco

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>Muh villains

How is it even possible to make a lame version of Venom?

have sex

>The movie is a fuckin mess

>it had too many villains!!!

Is this the biggest dumbest brainlet "criticism" of a movie ever? People can follow Infinity War with its 900 heroes, but three villains are too much to keep track of?

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have sex?

The Raimi films aren't capeshit. They are character dramas that are centered around an ordinary guy given extraordinary abilities. Even with the action scenes and the super suits, The movies simply boil down to a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders and his struggles do the right thing.

Is he reddit or Yea Forums ?


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>oddly cast sexy female AI voice in suit
shes married to jarvis/vision

because hed be like 45

that poster of Aung San Suu Kyi didn't age very well did it

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you have to go back

>'raimi memes'
what the fuck is your underage ass doing outside of twitter? go the fuck back before I kick your ass

Toby is forever young, just shave him

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shut the fuck up you autistic fagot before i smack you in the dick, lol

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I'll give you that, now any specifics of storylines straight ripped for the movie? As you know, no one reads ultimate spiderman

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Better than any MCU capeshit, that's for sure.

lose your virginity

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Reddit, way way too stiff in the dancing, has no charisma

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I think he's odd looking and hope he isn't cast as Doctor Doom as rumored.

As a person, he does sound pretty based. Didn't he get #MeToo'd for stalking underage cunny on Insta. And simply wave it off with the stroke of his hand? One of the few who got away scott free.

Plus, Lindsay Lohan put him on a written list of celebs she had sex with and lost (she sold it to US Weekly) and he's the only celeb to come out and demand a retraction saying he didn't fuck her. Even though it's widely believed that he did.

Plus, on set of Freaks and Geeks, he got upset with Busy Phillips and slammed her ass to the ground. When pressed then and even decades later about it, he said he was just being in character.

He literally needs to change his name to "Teflon James" cause shit don't stick!

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Believe it or not, villains drive the stories in cape media.
The heroes react to the villains' appearances or actions.
Too many villains stretch the story thin.


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He was intended to be closer to Ultimate's Venom, which wouldn't have been so bad if Topher wasn't a fucking paper-thin actor who thought people were buying tickets to see his face instead.

The only thing anyone ever wants to see in a Venom movie is fucking venom, and that includes the maw.


This board supports Spiderman 3 you fool.

I saw that shit in theatres and I admit, I laughed my ass off when that song started playing.

MJ was played by a nudist

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It's the worst of the trilogy, and isn't necessarily "good," but it has more good moments than what people want to admit.
>That opening Peter/Harry fight
>Sandman in general
>Harry eating pie
>The bell tower scene
>That brief scene where Peter's talking to Eddie about the suit, and Eddie is too delusional to listen

It's worse than 1, 2, and Spider Verse, but better than ASM 1 and 2, and Homecoming.

shooters give him an excuse to bring in the lizard regularly.

That still doesn't hold water to anything from the first two movies, even 3. They turned Vulture into Goblin 2.0 instead of playing on the defining traits of Toomes, which would've made for a different villain.

This scene resonates quite well, if only because Maguire sells it. The Raimi movies have a lot of sincere-feeling moments that the MCU etc. completely lack.

>came out same year as Justice League
>"It's terrible what happened down there in DC, though"
How did they get away with it?

My only complaint about Spider 3 is about them casting Topher Grace to play Venom. I guess Raimi wanted a Peter Parker lookalike who was an asshole with a punchable face. Other than that its kino.


i caught about 3/4ths of it on FX last year after not having seen it since it first released, i honestly paid attention and enjoyed it. i liked it better than i remember. the badboy peter parker scenes were absolute gold

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>the heroes in infinity war have had up to 3 solo movies and 3 team ups to build their characters
>the only villain who was already introduced prior to spider-man 3 was harry
how is this hard to understand

If there's another Spidey film that's not just working to get the full Sinister Six in by number three they're doing it fucking wrong.

oh wow TWO new villains, this is so hard to follow!

>"Do I have to lose you too?"
This is fucking embarrassing, fuck you for posting this, I didn't need this garbage in my brain

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Glad someone else likes this video, Spider-Man 3 may have a lot of campy Raimi charm but it's also got a lot of soul

>Other anons admitting that they liked SM2 the least
Thank you. It was the most generic and predictable film in the trilogy. Also forgettable.

I don't really get why they defend it so much. Molina was fucking great and incredibly likeable, on that I can agree.

I enjoyed it

thanks fag, now i can't remove that song from my head

Spider-Man 3 is a mess, but has flashes of brilliance. I wish we could have had the movie unencumbered by studio interference. The Raimi trilogy has something that elevates it over most other capeshit though. It's sincere. The movies play really hard into the will they/won't they of the Pete/MJ relationship and the responsibility of being Spider-Man versus being happy and getting what you want. It's seems like the world is at stake if these two characters don't get together. That interpersonal drama is also very realistic. Shit that is happening to you personally is obviously much more important to you versus the problems the rest of the world is facing. Sadly, a lot of modern capeshit movies straight up refuse to deal with secret identities and the burdens they play to superheroes. I was hoping Iron Man 2 was going to deal with consequences of not having a secret identity and how being a superhero now doesn't absolve Tony Stark of his past. Unfortunately, Marvel was like fuck that. Fuck secret identities in general.

Homecoming had Birdman 2, that's the only thing.

Best Gwen.

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is that pre-fat trachtenberg?

I think Raimi was a bad match overall. They came out mostly fine but there's nothing there.

The best scenes are were he's shooting Dafoe in the mirror and thought he was doing Darkman 3 instead of Spiderman.

Spiderman 3 wasn't that bad really. Suicide Squad was a far shittier movie, Spiderman 3 suffers from too much in too small a space and the way Raimi dealt with that was like "fuck it. I'll direct it like I direct one of my shitty fun project movies", like his B-movie days.
It makes great YouTube poops and memes though.

>Peter both knows and doesn't know what Star Wars is

He was poorly attempting to hide his power level