>There are over 100 million people out there who still watch Netflix even though we have the option of piracy
There are over 100 million people out there who still watch Netflix even though we have the option of piracy
Other urls found in this thread:
>There are millions who pirate instead of watching it on putlocker
>There are millions of people who watch anything despite literature being a far superior medium
>there are millions that still watch movies
>streaming streams
>not streaming torrents
To me, it's worth the $8 a month to just skip having to deal with storage, torrents, sketchy websites, and time it takes to download. Even if I streamed shit I wanted to see on those 123watch or putlocker, it still can be annoying.
>people pay instead of stealing
Might be hard for a non white brain to comprehend, please kill yourself non white commie tranny, employed white people pay for things.
Because putlocker has constant popup ads retard
Oi mate do you have a loicense for pirating, innit?
>There are people that are afraid of torrenting movies.
>he still pays $8 dollars for a limited library
We don't have Netflix (or anything similar) in my country but I wouldn't mind paying several dollars a month for something like that. Also not everyone is computer-savvy (especially older people) or wants to bother with torrenting movies.
>We don't have Netflix (or anything similar) in my country
Long live Venezuela
Sorry I'm employed white and law abiding. I don't need the extra 15 bucks a month, I spend more in coffee a day. You might as well dumpster dive and wipe your as with clothes you wash after to save some minuscule amount of money. It's pathetic and only the lowest of the Low do it.
If you are non white or a third worlder it's OK tho, I understand your lower iq and inferior income and standards of living. You rely on stealing western scraps to entertain yourself
We do have universal health-care and no mass shootings, so there's that.
Are you American by any chance?
>SEETHING corporate drones ITT
>torrent a movie in the USA
>Get a letter from my IP who snoops on all my traffic
>Police sent to my house
>Arrested violently, good chance of being shot in my own home
>have to either pay hundreds of thousands of dollars or spend years in prison
>All because I wanted to watch the latest capeshit
Eh, no thanks, pirates.
and if they didn't, you wouldn't have that option
Don't you have to pay for a VPN to torrent anyway?
Here's your problem
>not streaming torrents in currentyear
Absolute state of land of freedumbs
>>All because I wanted to watch the latest capeshit
Then you deserve to be shot, user.
Torrents are compressed and shit quality, even lower quality than streaming.
It adds up over the years, I never bought any plastic garbage or paid for some gay streaming service and their homo propaganda.
I pirate absolutely everything, music, movies, tv shows, software, porn, videogames and I NEVER paid one single buck for it.
I get it all for free because I pirate.
I saved so much money over the years that I managed to start investing really early and thanks to cryptocurrency I never have to work a single day ever again.
Now go to your wagecuck job and waste another 10 hours on a shitjob so you can waste that little money you make on some DVD plastic garbage you absolute moron.
>I spend more in coffee a day
Haha retard I never even got addicted to coffee, I just drink water and tea instead.
by the way I retired completely at 25.
lmao go buy more Insidious flicks you dumb weeb manchild
You can literally be thrown in jail for posting racist memes in Europe
You can literally torrent entire non compressed blurays you dumb fuck
Only in Bongistan
Movie is not a thing.
>It's scawy DX
he wouldn't know because he is a demented retard that collects plastic discs in his basement.
>p-plz visit my torrent
>the download counter is still zero :^(
Download counter is the torrent version of (You)s.
>All movies & television at my finger tips for free
>Can't decide what to watch
Too much choice.
My family of seven shares the same account because we live in different time zones.
If anything Netflix is running a loss on us.
Big cringe
Are people like OP that retarded? Does he think Netflix would still exist if literally everyone was pirating? Someone has to pay the jew overlords
jealous nigger, go buy some more plastic trash and clutter your home with it.
Based high end player/free discs from the library poster checking in.
All since Christmas: imdb.com
I torrent, I use teatv steaming from fire stick to my big screen, and I have Netflix and Amazon prime. The only thing I refuse to do is get cable again. That’s more of a waste of money than anything.
I enjoy AC/DC, Jimi Hendrix and Led Zeppelin aswell
same desu
what's so special about that blu ray player?
>paying for muttflix interracial sexscenes
lmaoing at your life
Its a war of convenience user. Whatever has the best user ergonomics people will go to
>using Netflix’s services cost it anything.
It’s like a gym membership. They’ve already payed for the equipment. They get their money whether you’re there or not. They don’t even have to maintain the equipment like a gym.
More like, the gym owner gets into debt to buy the gym machines and pays it little by little with your membership
It's Germany and France that fine you for torrenting, UK doesn't give a shit and it best stay that way
Imagine pirating something instead of supporting your favorite artists and funding future projects instead of being so retarded you don't understand how capitalism works
>supporting the garbage that Netflix spews out
literally a part of the problem
I let some other homo fund it and I dont give a shit.
there's nothing worth supporting on netflix
How do you know if its worth supporting until you sample the goods?
"storage, sketchy websites"
thepiratebay is the #1 site for torrents and it's a legit site. Storage shouldn't be a problem if you have utorrent.
>people acting like $8 is anything more than an inconsequential amount of money
does everyone here make minimum wage or something? jesus
lmao how dumb are you, ever heard of a bluray rip? Oh wait, you don't know what that is because you still watch dusty VHS tapes on your mom's TV
I live in the USA and that never happens to me. You're just making up lies
I make that in half an hour but I'd rather not needlessly spend it on a shitty subscription service. Your argument is dumb, I'd rather buy a nice expensive baguette and coffee every morning than have Netflix. There is absolutely NO benefit for me to having it. None. I have Spotify because it is worth the saved labour but Netflix is for women and low-IQ bugmen
Why do you pirate it then
i'm not gonna waste my hard earned 8$ on some shitty streaming service that has very few things I want to watch. literally throwing money away
I don't. Netflix has never produced anything I would go out of my way to watch
Its because fags like you and the other suburban working middle class white people are too scared to download torrents
>supporting your favorite artists
nigga they already have enough money
Don't forget The Stones user.
I earn under 30k a year, why the fuck should I 'support' anyone except my family and close friends? And as for 'you're so retarded you don't understand how capitalism works'; climb out of your own asshole for long enough to jump in front of a train you obnoxious fuckhead
Stop being a fucking crybaby poorfag. I sure hope you didn't reproduce already.
Damn you savage, goddamn that annihilation :)
well thanks.... that explained everything...
They have to run the servers. Streaming video aint cheap.
have sex
>TFW my parents pay for netflix and I know the passwords they use for everything
same and I still torrent because I don't want to watch the Maddie McCann documentary or RuPaul's fag race
that's not how it works
they have to spend big money on new content all the time
>There are people that have to wait and download a video they want to watch ahead of time
one of those players has Darby, some chip from X-ray machines that adds clarity to the picture. The company went out of business though because people didn't buy them enough.
>not stocking up on kinô to watch later
>he doesn't have a ready library of torrented movies
>not having a 1tb+ folder of compressed bluray rips
Cringe and zoomerpilled
it's 12 bucks a month. i make like 4 times that in one hour of work. not even worth the effort to fucking pirate everything on there. maybe if you're living on NEETbux or a mcjob you'd have to resort to piracy, but nah i only pirate blu rays and tv shows on channels i don't have like starz.
>He has a 1t folder of pirated movies
How do you torrent?
I don't understand what you are trying to say, there's literally no possible way you can say that's a bad or stupid thing to do because it's not.
this is funny. you literally can't be arrested for torrenting since it's a civil crime. also i've downloaded probably 90 terrabytes worth of shit the past 20 years mostly using torrents without a VPN or a proxy until recently and i've never once gotten a cease and desist letter or anything like that. i do use private trackers though not pirate bay. from what i've heard it's europoor governments and ISPs that crack down on torrenting the most.
>there are billions watching movies and shows instead of reading books
>Arrested violently, good chance of being shot in my own home
Damn, it sucks to be black
>homo propaganda
You can't 'propagandise' a sexual orientation user.
>there's literally no possible way you can say that's a bad or stupid thing to do because it's not.
nice reaction face but you didn't refute my point, gimp. Please do explain how having Netflix makes more sense than a hard drive full of torrented blu rays?
>there are people not using adblock
>imagine paying for streaming
>imagine giving money to something you constantly complain about
>imagine thinking being too dumb to pirate makes you superior
>y-you didn't refute my point gimp!
try harder
Lol bro the media conglomerates destroyed all culture and meaning in our society in just 20 short years, they deserve to have all of their mediocre content torrented by all
>parents have had Netflix for a year
>never used it once
>overhear my mom say shes going to cancel Netflix since they never use it
>dad yells at her
>"we arent poor Sharon if i want Netflix ill have Netflix!!"
>this was 6 months ago and they still have never used it
Why do people do this? I had a friend who had xbox live gold for three years even though he sold his Xbox after 3 months and he said the same fucking thing "I can afford it user its not expensive"
How can y'all live with fucking over innocent people who put effort in their honest work?
I honestly didn't torrent even as a clueless child and teen despite my dad, the only person I genuinely see as authority, telling me it's alright. I just honestly feel like a dick for torrenting despite just being a small fish that doesn't change anything, I refuse
>Bring a girl over
>Let's watch something user
>o-okay l-let me p-pirate it real q-quick
Lol capitalism hasnt worked like that since the 90s
>download a movie
>can literally see the shadows of people's heads, the camera is permanently tilted to one side
>get used to it but half way through the guy recording gets thrown out of the cinema and the rest of the footage is some black guys robbing his camera
last time i ever pirate, you cant even call this watching movies
Well we watch it on large television with our friends.
Haha. I'm just kidding I have no friends. Haha
Women are impatient and can't appreciate movies
>there are people who pay to fund Netflix originals
I’m one of those people. Reasons?
1. Its too complicated
2. I don’t want a fine
>yeah ill come over onto the couch in a sec just got to do some computer stuff first
>crouches down in corner and starts hammering away at a keyboard going to a bunch of dodgy sites with porn popups everywhere
my fucking sides no wonder you incels dont get laid
>Spend more a day on coffee
Absolutely retarded, I work a decent job but that's not going to make me buy shit I can easily pirate, the only time I spend money is on bills and food or other things that actually fucking matter