>both boys said MJ would have them sit naked on the bed, holding open their butt cheeks while MJ would jerk off
Both boys said MJ would have them sit naked on the bed, holding open their butt cheeks while MJ would jerk off
Other urls found in this thread:
HEE HEE *rims boy anus*
Didn't they also confirm he would quote The Turner Diaries and make antisemitic remarks every so often while they were playing with toy cars?
Things that never happened wanna know why?
Because Rimming anus is a recent trend
>implying MJ was doing it in the early 90s
Just doesn‘t fit.
Thats where the entire accusations story falls apart.
MJ did nothing with these kids. He never molested anyone.
Pretty dumb boys. Could have just refused.
>Because Rimming anus is a recent trend
Oh my sweet summer child.
they lied for money
>while wearing this badge
Its true and because its a recent trend the liars felt the need to include this into their fake story.
>OP's mom sucked my dick
>its a recent trend
It really isn't. Like really.
now we know why they call him wacko jacko
It really is, it only became mainstream in recent years.
niggers tongue my anus
its sad that their moms were so dumb they had no idea at all what a child like adult man might have been doing with young boys in his bedroom for hours. Women are stupid. or maybe they didn't mind pimping their children out in exchange for money as long as they had deniability
>rimming is a recent trend
Open discussion of rimming is a recent trend. Faggots have been eating each other's shit residue for millennia.
trust me noone was rimming in the 90s, the most daring sex move was ass to mouth
>they had no idea at all what a child like adult man might have been doing with young boys in his bedroom for hours
And because its a recent trend and they included in into their lie says all about how real it was.
It wasnt it never happened, Michael never had his tongue anywhere near their asses.
>wacko jacko
this has never been said outside of G.B.
just stop ya prat
>mr jackson likes my son, that means he likes me!!!! :^D
I learned what rimming was from a South Park joke 20 years ago
Trends don't come from nowhere, and if anyone pioneers new forms degeneracy, it's weird weird showbiz people
What's up with everyone suddenly believing shit
MJ fan will not believe unproven stuff
MJ haters will just fuel their hate with anything
MJ is ded
What's the point of this
there was a fucking snl skit about wacko jacko in 1995
Sorry mate
where's the dna evidence then kek
based Bobby
Wade and Sneedson's 1 billion dollar lawsuit against the MJ estate that got thrown out in court is under appeal
>The one mom telling her happiness when she heard Jackson had die
Probably the funniest part of the doc, the other mom was a huge monster who destroyed her family though
More slander.
It's really not.
Where's his nose? WHERE IS IT?!
>accusers who both stand to make millions match events in their stories
>famous child actors who personally knew mj agree he didn't do it and his handlers were trying to slander his name after he got off the leesh
wow this is a big shocker to the zoomer world I'm sure.
imagine being mj as he fucks a kid's ass while looking him in the eye and murmuring shit like
>the time has come and so have i
>I'll laugh last cuz you came to die
>the damage done the pain subsides and I can see the fear clear when I look in your eye
>I'll never kneel and I'll never rest
>you can tear the heart from my chest
>I'll make you see what I do best
>I'll suck seed and you breathe your very last breath
Yea Forums is the only place where the majority of users assert MJs innocence because we know everything was orchestrated by Sony and The Jews to steal his music catalogue rights.
>Hollywood kids are so used to being raped by pedophiles that they don't think what MJ was bad
>>The one mom telling her happiness when she heard Jackson had die
wasn't she the one that MJ gave money to buy a new house ? Yeah, she knew what was happening and is now acting like a naive victim to clear her conscience.
Its especially funny because her son didn't even realize he was molested until after MJ had died.
So his mom either just confirmed the lie or knew her son was being molested and let it continue. Hilarious.
No that was the other mom that wasn't told, the homewrecker who's husband killed himself
hygiene is not the top thing for 8 year old boys, so what was Michael's endgame?
dirty buttholes?
At yet people want to call MJ a monster, it's nonsense.
>Because Rimming anus is a recent trend
Really? People only recently discovered this?
>imagine the only reason anyone knows your name is because someone famous jerked off into your boy booty
mom's real proud
yes, the anus was discovered in 1926 by parisians
You guys are barking up the wrong tree.
Michael was innocent.
The real culprit was...
>mom's real proud
Mom probably took a payoff.
I know if a forty-year-old man invited nine-year-old me for a sleepover, my Mom would have said "No." Any good Mom would.
and the tongue was discovered by German scientists 10 years later
Different user here and I'm not trying to make any claims about the accuser's story based on this. Just wanted to agree though that rimming was considered way more extreme back in the day. It's always been around of course, but mouth and ass stuff gets a lot more attention now, maybe because of all the internet porn.
>tfw nobody wants to fap to my anus
>open their butt cheeks
How are you supposed to sit and open your buttcheeks. Lying sluts.
You should go in to law
Why didn't they just use a polygraph if they wanted to tell the truth?
Are you fucking 12 or something?
What if he cleaned them?
The boys didn't rim him though, just spread while he shamoned himself
Do you think they are friends in heaven?
You know he’s been accused by over half a dozen kids right?
You know not all of those kids have sought money right?
*dabs into a moonwalk*
Michael Jackson mumble rap
Michael Jackson mumble rap
That’s ignorant. Your ignorant.
They're raping all the cherubs.
Nobody, MJ didnt do it.
Where are the proofs? Everyone is innocent until prove otherwise.
You know, I was
I was wondering, you know
If you could let me fuck your little boy anus
Because the force..
It’s got a lot of power...
And it make me feel like ah
They are getting gift cards to spam MJ threads.
MJ didn't do it.
I would hold my butt cheeks apart for MJ as long as I got the cash up front
what if.... mj is alive...and he is the /cunny/ poster?
MJ's own attorney admitted Jordan Chandler's genital description was a match. The "300 lb. gorilla" in the mediation room. This led Jackson's team to settle with the Chandlers for around $20M in 1993. Just one of the many boys who MJ spent dozens of nights with in the same bed.
>pedo defenders eternally BTFO
He's never been accused of molesting little girls, so it's doubtful.
And my dad works at Nintendo. What's your point?
no US laws prevent slander against the dead.
This. I'd even throw in some dirty talk for free
At a certain level of the game, you can get away with child molestation. See pic related.
Jackson was an American institution, like Coke and Pepsi, beloved around the world. There was no way in hell he was going to be convicted of child molestation no matter how many little boys he had sleepovers with. It would've been devastating to the American image, fresh off the Cold War win. It would've been equally devastating during the height of the War on Terror. Only in death can somebody like Jackson be exposed.
Except the genital testimony was never admitted into evidence.
And the child admitted in an open letter after his scam artist dad died that the she thing was a scam. Whoops.
Already debunked every shit that idiot said, he still keeps repeating it.
If anyone actually had any doubt that MJ posters aren't shills.
>accused by over half a dozen children, out of the tiny pool (just a few dozen) that he had “sleepovers” with, of molesting them
>confirmed to have slept alone with little boys for hundreds and hundreds of nights
>house was full of technically-legal material featuring nude children, including a nude photograph of Jonathan Spence, one of MJ’s “special boys”
There are still people stupid enough to think he’s not a child molester.
These people actually think Michael Jackson is the only man in recorded history to have obsessively slept with little boys and not been fucking them.
LITERALLY, he would be the only one in history.
>that rimming was considered way more extreme back in the day
no it wasn't
stop saying this you kissless fucking virgin
Your information is bad. Jordie Chandler never wrote any such letter. A psychotic MJ fan DID claim that Chandler had told him it was bullshit. That’s it though.
The genital descriptions are literally still in police custody, along with the photographs. They are in an actual bank safe deposit box to avoid the risk of the photos being leaked and have been for years.
>if i keep repeating things that never happened it'll become reality and AEG will gib me those coins
Degenerate zoomers just don't remember what the world was like before the internet. Rimjobs were more fringe in the past and that's undeniable.
>things that didn’t happen
It’s a documented fact that he slept alone with little boys for hundreds of nights. MJ openly admitted it. Said it was “beautiful” even in interviews.
It is a fact that he has been accused by over half a dozen children.
It is a fact that when the police raided his home in 1993 all the material with nude children was there. MJ didn’t dispute it whatsoever. The court documents are online for you to read.
I got rimjobs all the time back in the 80s
name one that didn't
How old are you user?
So he didn't touch them?
I don't see the problem
>Don't get the wrong idea here, Michael Jackson is a HOMOSEXUAL pedophile.
>It’s a documented fact that he slept alone with little boys for hundreds of nights.
You just made this shit up.
>It is a fact that he has been accused by over half a dozen children.
>It is a fact that when the police raided his home in 1993 all the material with nude children was there. MJ didn’t dispute it whatsoever. The court documents are online for you to read.
No picture Spence was ever there and you know it, you try to put made up shit with half truths because you're desperate and in damage control.
Why do you people worship celebrities so much?
What would you think if your neighbor slept with hundreds of kids and owned these books?
Guys I think this Jacko feller might have been a bit dodgy
Gavin Arvizo
Star Arvizo
Terry George
Michael Jacobs-Hagen
You dumb motherfucker.
didn't know michael was friends with raimi
Seems normal to me. I’d have a pint with him.
I'd think that as long as he wasn't caught he was pretty based
Why do you care so much about a faggot nigger freak celebrity?
Would you let him babysit your young son?
>reaching this bad
I don't, you're the ones who seem obsessed and suspiciously determined on repeating lies. Look how many times "sleeping with hundreds of boys" was repeated in this retarded thread.
Not odd at all.
Wait, wasn't he castrated when he was little? I thought Joe Jackson burned his dick off so he could sing higher notes or something.
What exactly was he jacking off?
Answer the question, celebrity worshipper
Page 2, you stupid fuck:
would have gotten a huge sum of money had they won the case. they probably wanted him to settle before the trial but they were literally retarded.
>Terry George
>Michael Jacobs-Hagen
who? might as well add peter pan and bugs bunny to that list
I can't!
>And the child admitted in an open letter after
This never happened you fucking shill.
The video has Jackson's own attorney talking about the description matching.
I see the shills paid to make anti-MJ threads are back
You haven't debunked shit. Watch the video. MJ's attorney says it was a match. This is evidence you can't get around, so you're just lying through your teeth.
FUNNY how they release the doc on the 10 yr anniversary of his death. why not any time in between? funny
anyways jackson didnt hurt those kids
The absolute state.
You do know all the items in this reported were investigated, right, you fucking idiot?
You know it wouldn't be a matter of debate if it was Spence in the picture, right, you complete imbecile?
Explain MJ admitting that he would interrogate kids who didnt want to sleep with him, by saying they didnt love him if they wouldnt sleep with him.
Or just move the goalposts again. I forgot MJ was actually set to destroy the kikes and bring about the 5th reich, and end the illuminati had they never killed him.
Thanks for stopping by
It doesn't and you saying something this retarded about the video YOU POSTED YOURSELF AND DIDN'T EVEN WATCH IT just shows how absolutely desperate you are.
>including a nude photograph of Jonathan Spence, one of MJ’s “special boys”
>jackson didnt hurt those kids
How do you know that?
>the only man in recorded history to have obsessively slept with little boys and not been fucking them.
This is ignorant. Don't you know it's common in the African American community?
I'm not American, but how come Norm was never sued for going all out on MJ? He's not implying anything, he's directly calling Jackson a pedophile.
He literally fucking doesn't, you schizophrenic.
No one but a single person ever said that it matched, not even Chandler's prosecution said that. It was so unmatched that DIDN'T EVEN PRESENT IT IN COURT YOU BRAIN DEAD RETARD.
if your kid was molested by a black guy, you would settle for money? you wouldnt do anything you can to jail him?
Again an absolute lie. How am I going to explain things that have never happened, you dumb media drone?
Here's the time stamp, faggot. You definitely didn't watch an hour video.
Your butt is mine
When Wacko Jacko said "The kid is not my son", did he mean he was molesting Billy Jean's son?
Why does that lawyer look like Jimmy Saville?
I'm suspicious already.
Most people I ever spoke to believed MJ was a pedo before any accusations, investigations or documentaries. But I think we can all agree he made some top tunes so whatever. Those boys willingly spread their butt-cheeks as far as I can tell.
Apparently SNL was worried about that
> He told an interviewer that he felt he had been removed because people on the show stopped seeing him as funny: "I think the whole show was tired of me not taking marching orders. Lorne would hint at things...I'd do Michael Jackson jokes. And Lorne would say, Do you really want a lawsuit from Michael Jackson? And I'd say, 'Cool! That'd be fuckin' cool, Michael Jackson suing me!'"[24] Elsewhere Macdonald said, "In all fairness to him, my Update was not an audience pleasing, warm kind of thing. I did jokes that I knew weren't going to get bigger reactions. So I saw [Ohlmeyer's] point. Why would you want some dude who's not trying to please the audience?"[25]
from his wiki page
Maybe the father was pimping his son.
Eni Aywoki
Aywoki Eni
I've already this shit, you cunt. He literally never says it matched, he says they didn't want the picture to become public record because MJ was the most insecure and shiest person on earth.
The fact you are actually hearing shit that was never said really shows how fucking schizo you are.
“…in our [Jackson’s defence lawyers] perspective, you have to remember that there was a companion criminal investigation case going on by both the District Attorney’s office in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. There had been an occasion where Michael Jackson was examined, and his genitalia was recorded, which was part of an investigation. And that was part of the 300 pound gorilla in the mediation room. We wanted to do all that we could to avoid the possibility that there would be a criminal filing against Michael Jackson, and the reality was we were hopeful that if we were able to “silence” the accuser, that would obviate the need for any concern about the criminal side, so from our perspective there was a great deal of trust, not only with Johnnie and Larry because they had a twenty year prior friendship, there was a tremendous trust with Johnnie and the three judges being recommended. And we were facing the purple gorilla in the room of “If we don’t get this case settled before March, there is a criminal investigation looming, and no one wanted to consider the implications of that as it affected Michael Jackson”…
Imagine if your parents straight up prostituted your ass as a child to be cumrepository fuck puppet for some rich dude.
Would you all still be into traps and fetish Yea Forums shit, or grown until productive members of society after getting the male role model you needed in your life.
Let's say WACKO JACKO molested your little boy and you caught him
What would you do?
1) Get a criminal case on his ass so WACKO JACKO goes to prison and your kid and other kids can be safe
2) File a civil case and demand millions of dollars from JACKO basicly putting a pricetag on your boys anus
3) Storm to the press and demand money for exclusive interviews and book contracts
Note: Nobody ever went with the first option here
>an absolute lie
Now shift goal-posts again
No evidence any of this happened. A thread full of losers wish they were as cool as MJ.
There was a criminal trial in 2005. Jackson was untouchable.
*tongues ass*
Is it cool for grown men to have platonic sleepovers with little boys?
>rimming is a recent trend
*laughs in latin*
its astounding how people still find ways to defend this guy
why do some people have such an allegiance to a faggy black/white pop singer? i dont get it
To be fair, he's arguing that the kid should sleep on the bed while he sleeps on the floor. Not the same as arguing that the kid should sleep in the same bed as him.
ask their parents, apparently it was VERY cool since they allowed it hee
Do you side with A - Michael, Logic, Reason, the CIA, the courts, the jurys
Or do you side with B - Oprah, exposed liars, the boulevard press
>No woman will ever look at you the way Michael Jackson looked at kids
He played the game and won, who cares? Your morals don't apply to the rich and powerful, they can do whatever they want. Like said before, Jackson was untouchable.
>The British guy struggling to even get through this interview
>The fucking hand-holding
Why do people still defend this wackjob pedo again?
Actually it is A - Michael, the CIA, the corrupt courts, the juries
Or do you side with B - Oprah, Logic, Reason, exposed liars, the boulevard press
Why have i never seen this interview clip before?
The entire leaving neverland documentary could have been comprised of just this alone and it would have convinced me MJ was a creep. Unbelievable
You just know after this interview he spread that kids asshole and went to town
Wade Robson in 2005
>be rich, famous,and at the top of your career
>literally no reason at all to lie
>defended Michael
Wade Robson in 2013
>broke, faded into obscurity, failed marriage, failing career, suffer multiple nervous breakdowns
>literally every reason to lie
>defended Michael UNTIL they denied him work.
Why would you ever believe this garbage?
t. El Ayuwoki
Yeah, thanks for proving my point, retard. I knew the video where you gotten that lie from.
In the video he CLEARLY says that the kid sleeps in his bed AND HE DOESN'T.
None of the accusers even claimed to sleep on the same bed as Michael, you dumb fucking parasite.
And people think it's normal to watch something, have it described literally to you what it happened and then just ignore the information that just went into your brain and fabricate something that was never said. You are literally sick in the head.
He was an outsider who gained so much fame and fortune that the elites couldn't control him. He fought the fight, now we must continue it.
>Terry George
Literally no evidence of absolutely anything.
>Jordan Chandler
Nothing he described matched, denied everything before being coached by his father who got a confession while he was drugged. Father caught on phone admitting his motivation. Immediately after the case sued his father for abuse, emancipated himself and fucked off forever. $20M settlement stated they agreed MJ had done nothing to their son. After settlement it could still be pursued as a criminal case. Everything about it was used in 2005 and MJ was acquitted.
>Wade Robson and Safechuck
Have lied so many times about so many different things that it would take an exorbitant amount of faith to still believe them.
>Jason Francia
His mom said she never saw anything, then changed that after claiming she quit after seeing him on the shower with Robson when in fact she was fired for stealing and later was found selling the stolen items on Ebay, admitted lying and being paid 20k to do so, was ordered to pay Michael for the stolen items, claimed again she never saw anything now that she already owed money, after his death went back to the claim.
>Gavin Arvizo
His family had a history of scamming celebrities, who testified in the trial. Their claims were proven lies by security footage. They were caught on tape saying Michael never did anything without realizing the camera was on, that's how dumb they were.
>Michael Jacobshagen
The retard selling fake Michael Jackson items? C'mon.
Yes user, Micheal was doing something we folk call "lying"
Foolishness MJ, foolishness. Boipussy is everything.
They tried blackmailing him first like in 1993, but MJ learned from his mistake and said no. They went to criminal court instead and got BTFO
>Reminder that Louis Theroux was close to get this interview
>michael lied that he slept on the floor to then immediately say he slept in the same bed with three of the culkins
My god you people are immune to logic.
>Haha he said kike so ebin /ourguy/ XD
You're beyond saving
>its okay he threatened the kid because mj just laid on the floor next to him, looking up at his face the whole night
Worst post in the thread so far
youre either atheist or jewish
i bet you think 9/11 was done by terrorists in the middle east
Great argumentation. You got more fanfics?
Are you a zoomer born in 2002? Living with Michael Jackson was the BIGGEST tv event in 2003. That's where the dangling baby incident came from.
>believing the fucking FBI and Judges
I believe the crying dude
Now that would be based
stupid sign. who the fuck says 'senpai'? is this 2015? and you're a fan because you like his music not because of any controversy or whatever
>its okay because he DESPERATELY wanted to sleep NEXT to them (to the point of threatening to end their friendship) instead
I say it to my senpais all the time desu
Wow, Ethan, great moves, keep it up.
>monitored by FBI for 13 years
Nope, FBI provided technical assistance in 2 separate investigations taking place 13 years apart
>Hundreds of kids were interviewed, some were offered money
>NOTHING was found
>We are fans because we have studied the depositions, testimonies and court documents
KEK bullshit
>First accuser was caught on tape saying he wants money
>emancipated himself
Not relevant
>scammed other celebs
>cases were thrown out of court
Not due to the merits
You don't believe facts but feels?
Okay. We both can play this game.
He is our guy because he fought against the elite.
Im thorougly convinced all the mj bootlickers on Yea Forums are just grown up edgy bieber fangirls
Get back to r*ddit scum
Look, someone that never read anything about the cases.
>"Dude, he is SO weird. He has to be guilty."
Jews and Sonyshills need to be shot on sight. Remember, your personal feeling don't matter, only evidence does.
>"oh yeah, michael/his lawyer said this on camera!"
>"no they didn't"
>"look at this then, check fucking mate"
>videos prove they didn't, but still try to come out on top
>Well, we can't prove for real that MJ was a pedo BUT can you prove that he wasn't a pedo? Checkmate atheists!
Michael wasn't a normal man. He was probably autistic.
>he was probably autistic
I think you're on to something
He was a genius, like Mozart. They're a level above the petty masses and come off as autistic
Seville is in hell, Michael is in heaven.
Whether he molested kids or not he was severely mentally ill.
Lol, fuck off.
>original accuser was Jordie Chandler
It’s all making sense now.
Meanwhile R Kelly fucked groupies above the age of 13 and he’s “more of a monster”
>All I wanna say is that, (((They))) don't really care about us!
He knew too much, and they had him killed...
>Because Rimming anus is a recent trend
not among gays it isn't
Oh christ this post is so Reddit it hurts.
>felt guilty for celebrating christmas
his dad was a cheap faggot, u beta not celbrate no christmas nigga
poor mj, truly pure
Yep and it needs to be taken into consideration when people are judging him. No, a normal man wouldn't have sleepovers with kids but a normal man wouldn't ask for water guns for Christmas either.
Michael is such a liar.
Elizabeth says she has been trying to convince Michael to celebrate the occasion for 5 years. And then the very next scene, he says he had no idea she was planning the whole thing.
Then back to the tape, is supposedly them just waking up Michael on Christmas morning, and he's like "what's going on?" Pretending he had no idea. When there's a giant nutcracker just outside his door, and all this music. There's no way they snuck all those decorations inside, without him knowing.
>Elizabeth says she has been trying to convince Michael to celebrate the occasion for 5 years. And then the very next scene, he says he had no idea she was planning the whole thing.
doesn't sound like a contradiction to me
Meh, it's common.
>tfw my parents used to make me reopen christmas and birthday packages for the camera
I be askin all the local young kiddies to sleep with me, all platonic like, no bad touch, but still I be on the sex offender register?
Speaking of autism...
Jews did 9/11. Michael Jackson raped boys. These aren't mutually exclusive.
I was born in 1996 and I’ve never seen or heard of that
No it didn't.
Probably because you were only 7 fucking years old. You're simply just too young.
Not a zoomer though :^)
Ah teh he heeee Lemmy snuggle up with your children nigger
No, the doc is why the police raided Neverland and led to his trial.
If someone told me they were planning on giving me a party for five years, I would remember that. I wouldn't be shocked when it happens. She even details the conversation they had about it.
Also, if Michael rejected the idea for 5 years, then why would she suddenly think it would be ok this year? Michael must have relevented and given her the greenlight.
Even if that's true, and this is really a second take. That still doesn't explain the lie that he had "no idea she was planning this."
kek, do you live under a rock?
Might as well be with your faggy way of talking
Jesus nigger he's feigning surprise then, like people do.