Cast her

cast her

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Idris Elba

Kaho Shibuya

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>tfw first ever fap was to Naruto gets laid flash on newgrounds

It was a more innocent time.

idk probably some ugly nigger that were all supposed to pretend fits the role perfectly

Aika Yumeno

Sakura is a dumb bitch


Tomite Ami

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>Hyuuga Hiashi succeeded in ensuring that the ninja equivalent of the Kwisatz Haderach Jesus Ubermensch would be born in his clan

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>implying it stops there
>implying he won't put the fox in Himawari after Naruto has an "accident"

weeaboos take a veiled hot asian girl thread and turn it into a veiled muh animu thread

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come back sweet princess

Saki Okuda

cast him

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Reminder that you had at least one Hinata in your life but you were too autistic to notice or respond to it.

The chance is gone...Forever.

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We have the technology for idris Elba to play both parts.

Who's an actress that's under the age of 21, pale, has dark hair, and doesn't look like a bitch

But she was fat in middle school, h-how was I supposed to know she'd be instantly hot our freshman year?

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>pale, has dark hair, and doesn't look like a bitch
I think you're forgetting Hinata's most defining quality, which is big tits.

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Christina Hendricks with blonde hair playing Samui when?

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Hinata is CUTE.

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Who is this titty monster?

deeply upset right now, fuck you.

>Christina Hendricks
Fuck off, pleb.

You're in the minority when it comes to not liking her on this board, pleb.

>you have better taste than 9001 12 year olds, that makes you a pleb
Oh no, how will I live on?

>Oh no, how will I live on?
Hopefully you won't. Kys.

>baww, my entry-level waifu!
Cope, son.

Keep projecting, it make you look even more pathetic and tryhard.

Don't be racist

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>i'm totally going to send her a screencap of this exchange, she's gonna kiss me for sure this time

Did she died?

I had no choice. I was bullied at school, and if I had somehow managed to get a gf, I'd get cucked or worse.

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Scarlett Johansson

God she squirted like a champ!

>tfw no qt tiddy monster gf

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Remember when Cloud Niggas tried to kidnap Hinata to either rip her eyes out or breed her like a sow to have her clan power on their side? Remember when Hiashi killed the kidnapper they chimped out that "He dindu nuffin" and demanded that white cracka Hiashi to die and be sent to them so they could rip his eyes out?

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>only time girl showed interest in me was elementary
>chased me around asking if I liked her with her friends like a game to tease me
>finally go out with her to a roller skate ring and she realizes I'm a boring loser
>she leaves me alone after that
>never had a girl interested in me after that in over 27 years

not even just that, its a muh anime conspiracy thread

they all do


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Oh u meant and actress not a roll.

She looks like she fucks cloud village men.

She's my wife

>Turns out that wasn't the head of Kumogakure just some group leader
>Turns out they already had the Byakugan
Man, Naruto has more retcons than Bleach

>mfw that happened to me in 10th grade
>was a sperg because of a scar I had on my fucking head
>knew she was flirty but didn't let her get close, also thought I was a bit out of her league (she was a bit chub)
>come senior year she's a bombshell
>i've had my deficiency surgically removed, solid +2 to looks and extreme boost to confidence
>not interested anymore (or so I think)
>another hottie hits me up to fuck
>been fucking ever since
>got married to her
>we're extremely compatible, minus being a hobbyist nerd
>still look back to this day and think of what could've been
>it's been five years
I regret it a little bit, because my wife and I are extremely compatible, but there's always that shred of doubt of what could've been with this chick.

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Idc about how angry you get about non race specific casting if this shit anime were able to be made into a live action movie, bit leave cosplayers alone. Everyone has the right to be able to cosplay whatever character they want, even if ita gender bending. Fuck off.

>Those finger nails
Jesus Christ I'm gagging

If current Hinata I'd pick Shuri Atomi, though she's still probably to busty for current Hinata

Sad thing. Can any of those big tiddy JAV girls act?

lol no I didn't
I was the disgusting one of my friends, girls were interested in them and tolerated me

She qt

retired, but still actively gravure modeling which is worse.

What girl had the best TITS in Konoha?
Ino or Hinata?

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Lolling at this discord tranny

Nah man, the Mist village had a dude who killed a main branch Hyuga and stole his eye.

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White eyed man bad


ino had the best everything and overall comes second only to temari

cast her

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cast Jobrochimaru

lol your waifu is just the butt of a joke


cast him.

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Why did Naruto not talk to her or do anything at all when she tells him she loves him when he's fighting Pain? It's like they forget she said that even after the fight and for the rest of the show.
this too by default

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Blessed post

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Cast her.

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watching it rn its kino

So much shit taste ITT.

Pic related is best girl and it’s not even close, fags

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>looks 24


>typical cunty arrogant white girl
Hinata will always be best girl.

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I'd be okay if it was dwayne johnson

I did, but in 6th grade foster care took her away cause her parents kept her and her younger siblings in cages down in there basement

needs to show more of her body. looks like a man


in boruto he has a machine gun arm

larkin luv

sasuke uchiha

Came here to post this.

Ariel winters

ot bump

naruto is the gayest show

Hinata is
hard working,
and never disagrees with her boyfriend in public.
No white woman could compete. Hinata is the perfect Japanese wife.

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Netflix is on the phone with her right now

>who should play this japanese character?
>user: "Oh oh I know, this crusty white thot I jerk off to!"

Thanks for the input.

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best (and actually the only good) girl tsunade

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But she was ugly and I had a world of pornography and hot anime girls at my fingertips, how could I have displayed that kind of self control at an early age
How was I to know that would be my first and only chance

Absolutely based.

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Casting Sakura was easier.

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Excellent taste

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Shit taste. Temari is the virgin beta boy fantasy who only likes to be stepped on. Hinata is for real men.

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N-naruto-kun, you embarrass me.

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Pretty sure at least two tomboys were attracted to me

One was scrawny Jewish girl I was friend with but I saw her recent pics and she got fat..what the fuck?

I fucking wish BKD-187 got a translation. Fuck

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I was girl repellent in high school. even the thirstiest of black girls were deeply and profoundly troubled by me.

fuck all you niggers tenten best girl

For me, it's Konan.

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Ino > Hinata > Tengen > Temari > Sakura


For me, it's Katsuyu.

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I wonder if they are opposite in bed

Temari acts submissive and lets her to be handled and Hinata an absolute freak

>How'd she get fat

It was stated in the OG Naruto manga that she ate like 6,000 calories but burned it off during missions using her body and chakra.

Then peace came, she got a job at the school with less missions but still ate like a hog.

Temari is ok but she'll always bust your balls and be a tiger mom to your kid.

Peace is a beautiful thing.

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>tfw temari will never blow me

>but she'll always bust your balls
What if I'm into that?

By year 5 that shit will grow old.

Man, the Hyugas and Byakugan were so much cooler than Uchichas and Sharingans yet Kubo didn't give a single shit about them.

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i noticed. we became FwBs. When she confessed that she loved me, I stopped sleeping with her. Still feel guilty about it 10 years later.

There are some pretty good gender bending cosplays out there. I'm talking about the guys who actually try to look androgynous and the girls who dress up as male characters is always great.

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god damn it delet this

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Nah. Temari intimidates incels. There's a reason why everyone who likes Hinata also think Tali from Mass Effect and Rei from Evangelion are best girl- being a loser makes them seem attainable. Incels watch them stutter and act retarded and they think "w-wow, she's just like me!"

>*beta coping intensifies*
Let me guess: you're mom's a real bitch.

> Temari intimidates incels
Nah she doesn't. Just look at yourself for example. She is the incel fantasy. They want fictional women that are like their mothers. Loud and annoying.

best team

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bug guy is cool. dog guy is a complete shitter

>All of them are pretty good friends
>No unnecessary forced drama
>Best girl is in it

>this projecting
I'm sorry your mother was shit, but what does that have to do with this discussion lmao

>draw a girl with short hair
>fix her with long hair
>haha kidding back to short hair le epic character development xdd
Miss me with that gay shit

did shino ever have any character development at all? he's probably the most forgettable of the original cast.

It's okay, dude. No woman will ever hurt you here on this board. This is an Incel safe haven.

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It's not fair, I will never have this.

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No I didn't you stupid sack of potatoes

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pessimist, bet you think we're alone in the universe too

There were two in my English honors class, both pretty decent looking(not fatsos), but I was a quiet loner that spent all my study halls and lunch periods in the art room working on projects. I was more interested in conquering the school's art display than talking to those girls.

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Ain't nothing wrong with a little peach fuzz.

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Name? does she do JAV?

Why the fuck did she cut her hair short?

Ha, it's perfect. So annoying!

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Only gravure. Amemiya Luna

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She's an actress, you retard. Also who said she must be asian?

more accurate pic

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no problemo friendo

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shane diesel

Rin Asuka

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samui is basically blonde hinata



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The resemblance is uncanny

Raping Hinata would be so pleasurable. The sounds comming out of her would be so submissive and feminine

another reason to off myself

It's true, when i was 12 i had a crush on my classmate next to me,we never talked but one day she started to lay her head on my shoulder every day and i laid my head against hers, one time another classmate said look at user and femanon and we both got red, i saw her again 2 years ago and she was clumsy as fuck around me but i was to anxious to say anything Why did you have to remind me it was one of the happiest moments of my life


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>Everyone has the right to be able to cosplay whatever character they want
Right, just as we have the right to laugh/cringe at them.

yikes another ploy by Yea Forumsutist to waifupost

this should count as offtopic shit

Because the character, Hinata Hyuga IS Asian. It's not Harriet Harrison, she's a fucking ninja.

the three greatest titty monsters of japanese porn of the last decade are good friends.


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those weren't webs in the director's cut