Nancy Drew and the hidden staircase (2019)

did somebody watch this film? It got a 70% in RT and is starring Sophia Lillis

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Oh no no, dead career after two movies

I'd like to throw her down the hidden staircase for being such a cunt. You're not a licensed private investigator, go to school you lazy bitch

nancy drew meets dora when?

beautiful goddess

yes please

Cuphead watched if

Based, redpilled

I'm sure they failed us but they need up close shots of her feet.

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hahaha idiot. nice meme player.

I don’t know if anyone has pointed it out but it’s so obvious to me all these threads about this literally who actress are all made by the same person

Don't know about no hidden staircase, but I'd like go up her backdoor if you catch my meaning.

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When she’s matured, she’s going to be so cute and pure, she must be protected.

she's 17 now

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this chick creeps me the fuck out. imo she was actually the scary part of IT, moreso than the clown.

don't fall asleep

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Nancy Drew and the hidden staircase (2019)

wetlands (2013)

that's a movie you can smell right from the title

Hidden staircase you say..

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Hi Incel!

cute cute

Have sex

Have sex

she and lulu are two of the most talented young actresses

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Become a licensed and accredited private investigator

is sharp objects about supernatural events

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lol no

We're coming home

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That looks gross. Imagine how big of a fanboy shill you'd have to be to defend that greasy dyke hair.

don't talk that way about my Kevin Bacon

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She always looks like she's on the verge of bursting out laughing at your micropenis

This is exactly why I love her.

Touché anón

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Gareth Bale is hot

How have I never heard of this movie? Is she fading into obscurity? Next thing I know she's going to be on HBO or STARS as an extra getting fucked by black guys

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Is it wrong if I kind of want this?

Sec scene when?

I saw it with my mom. Best made for TV movie I've ever seen. Not sure why it was in theaters though.

>How have I never heard of this movie?
Hi newfag...

>as an extra getting fucked by black guys
Oh wait, you are just being a massive faggot.

Just being realistic

lesbo scene with Millie Bobbie Brown

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does nancy drew have a torrent yet


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This scene was pretty fucked, though.

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Why are beautiful girls allowed to grow up? It's not fair.

>I will never play Cuphead with Sophia
This hurts more than anything

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Insanely based

She literally falls down the hidden staircase the moment she discovers it in the book.

Why do you like MBB? Are you just playing along because the biggest autistic shills and normalfags like her too?

Stop putting pussy on a pedestal.

>did somebody watch this film?
with that fucking poster, no thanks

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This is fucking Ghost Cat tier.

>judges a film by its poster

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I want a small tomboy gf


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Dude I bet her finger smells really bad haha

Calm down, sting.

wtf this pic give me big pp

Fake and gay

What time does your mother get off?

Same time when I'm spending time with your mother LMAO

why do they look so sweaty and exhausted?


I thought it would be a wide theatrical release but apparently it's going direct to DVD on April 2nd. wtf happened?


More like "Nancy Drew And My Dick Hidden In Her Ass", amiright?

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>dead career
>major role in 1 billion plus revenue movie
>not even 20

>unironic 10/10 when she had long hair in IT
>the long hair was just extensions and she has short dyke hair irl

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Which Hook-up Hotshots scene is this?

>You're not a licensed private investigator
found the brit.