Should I watch Kubrick's other stuff? I have a pet cat if that is important

Should I watch Kubrick's other stuff? I have a pet cat if that is important.

Attached: The-Shining-1980.png (1280x692, 931K)


Depends. How tall is your cat?

What are you doing here if you haven't watched most of Kubrick's movies?

How do you measure it? From paw straight up to their head? from back paw up to top of the tail? or tail to nose?

full metal jacket
that's it

Spartacus. Barry Lyndon. Full Metal Jacket. 2001. Eyes Wide Shut. Everything else is mediocre to bad. Except Lolita. Lolita is a fuckup of phenomenal proportions.

what's wrong with lolita? not enough lolis?

The Shining is the one Stephen King story that I like the movie better than the book. Kubrick is able to create an eerie environment and sense of isolation that the book couldn’t pull off. But then again, I drive a Chrysler LeBaron.

Your list is incomplete

Attached: 002-paths-of-glory-theredlist.jpg (970x689, 112K)

Trying to turn it into a comedy. Trying to turn it into "quilty: the movie". And the worst offender is making humbert out to be some pathetic groveling piece of shit instead of the calculated monster he actually was. The 90s movie did a much better job of adapting the book.

Sorry, should have mentioned I have yet to watch paths of glory, so I have no opinion.

Every Kubrick film starting with The Killing is at least worth a watch

Also Clockwork Orange

Meh. Too many dicks and European gobbledygook for my taste.

Don't listen this fag OP
The "disturbing"(outdated) stuff is only in the begining anyway,rest is unfiltered kino

You could have made your post shorter by cutting to the chase and saying " I love dicks".

Lolita is great. Fuck off

if you like cats watch Satantango
its not by kubrick but theres a fun scene where a girl plays with a cat :)

I remember 2 scenes with a dick and 4 scenes with homosexual undertones.

Good tier:
>Full Metal Jacket
>Barry Lyndon

Ok tier:
>A Clockwork Orange
>Eyes Wide Shut
>2001: A Space Odyssey

Shit tier:
>The Shining

tfw being pleb who haven't seen Dr. Strangelove yet

You have to be at least 6'0'' to appreciate other Kubrick kinos

Lolita is shit and you have shit taste. Kubrick butchered a beautiful piece of work.
I was only kidding about the dick stuff, user. Clockwork Orange is neat, but it just didn't strike the same chord with me that it seems to have struck with others.