Blast from the Past (1999)

Otherwise a great film but this scene ruined my suspension of disbelief. I mean how is that even possible?

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she’s implying he’s way too attractive/likeable/amazing to never had sex before surely that didn’t fly over your head

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He grew up in an underground vault with his parents.

is this the dedicated thread where we all pretend we're kissless handholdless virgins who post things like "that feel when no girlfriend" and pictures of the feeling man?

No this is the one where we make fun of those people


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Normie detected.

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Have sex :^)

It's not that simple. :v(

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I’m short and ugly it was never possible for me


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You guys do realize there are also short, fat, ugly women? You could absolutely have sex if you had realistic standards.

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You realize that hot men will still sleep with them so they won’t pay attention to us

some people are afraid of intimacy

you'll move the goal posts again and say it doesn't count because she wasn't 7/10

reddits glass is always half full of their bulls cum
just b urself dude fuckin uhh like you know just do it bro nothing ventured nothing gained

It’s funny I will try to talk to shorter girls than me 5’4 and they will say I’m too short or even girls who are hideous and the don’t give me any attraction I’m committing suicide ina few weeks once I move out so it doesn’t even matter anymore but I guess I should have took a few more showers and haircuts

They say it to convince themselves. It's like girls who share motivational quotes after a bitter break up about not needing a man while stalking their exes facebooks.

Quads of truth

>I’m committing suicide ina few weeks
Why commit suicide when you don't get the hear the talk afterwards?

? What talk

Take the gilfpill. Women are a lot less concerned with all that when they haven't got their kids genes to worry about.

Buddy I’ve tried to chat up hundreds of women from 18-70 and they’ve all been the same I’ve given up desu I recently gave all my stuff away except a few pieces of clothing so you won’t be hearing from me come mid April

Is getting a gf really that much of a fucking feat for some of you? Literally just leave the house and get out there for Christ sake. It'll come you just have to fucking try.

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Some people are meant to be unloved and alone their whole life

I guess you're right about the few whoare, but in all my years I never understood the >tfw no gf bullshit

Lvl 28 reporting in

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Why don't you take out some thots while you're at it? Think of the memes like the Supreme gentleman Rodger.

Most of the guys that say that could have a gf only few know that they are destined to be alone and unloved so they have it up

yeah this is the one

No i don’t want to bring more pain into the world there is enough already I’ll end my life like a distant breeze


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Where are you supposed to go though?

Pfft, and this is exactly the reason why you're committing suicide like a little bitch. A weak cunt is what you are.

I’ve known that since I was 5 friend.

The talk about your suicide

Don't listen to him I've know God is fake since I was 8 yet I still belived in Santa till I was 12 like a good druid paganboi

What are the going to say? I was a nice quiet young man who didn’t bother anyone and go back to talking about their cottage and business trip while they eat the chips and dip at the back?

>grocery store
>I'm sure some of you faggots go to cons
>literally anywhere outside your home
You may not be "normal" but you sure as fuck can pretend to be

People always seem to shop in groups at grocery stores and malls. How are you supposed to approach them? I've never seen single women in a park either unless they're running or older.


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user, do you have a father in your life? Not trolling but your Pa is suppose to teach you this shit.

Ha-ha you got me here ;)

my dad is a virgin

>talk to girls when I was in HS: either "I only see you as friend" or just a flat out rejection
>talk to girls in College: "You are nice but I have a boyfriend"
Nowdays after 3 years of College I gradually became more of an uncaring asshole so at least I am no longer bothered by being a perma virgin. So yes it is a fucking feat

No, he was either gone entirely or drunk. I have an overbearing and overprotective mother to make matters worse.

I see.

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Ne we don't

t. 8.5/10 guy (or so I'm mostly told)

You’re not all of the men plus ugly fat girls still get attention from average men

In sales we say a no is just a few steps away from a yes. You're on the right path by not giving a fuck, channel that into saying hi to a woman that attracts you. You'll figure it out so be persistent. if you do manage to attract someone don't put her on a pedestal, she shits and piss like the rest of us.

Post pic on soc and link

>suspended your disbelief for the premise of the movie

Not him, but my father didn't teach me anything. He was always working. Which I found weird, since I always thought he was a pretty tough dude. As the years went by, I learned that he's pretty much Don Draper (just with a different, more physically demanding and freeing, but also less glamorous, job). He was a dorky kid who was bullied by everyone, and at some point went overboard by leaving home at 18, backpacking through Europe, joining a German Motorcycle Club, fucking women all across Europe, etc, etc. But, since it was all a lie, and he never did that stuff as a teen, he had nothing to teach me. So everything was left to my mother, who raised me as the most pathetic bitchboy ever. Thankfully everyone liked me, for some reason, so I didn't face any immediate problems. But then I grew up, and I didn't know anything. Worst, she fucked up my studies so I'm now playing catch up even at Uni.

My dad was a good guy, but he never did anything but respond to everything I did with "look at what this kid is doing" even if they were just random punks passing by with skateboards. I was top of my class, I did Martial Arts, I painted, I played music, but nothing was ever enough. And at the same time, nothing of what I wanted to do was allowed. I never even had any real friends. My mother turned me just into the kid who had every game system, every toy, the kid who would invite them all to play every weekend. They never saw me as an equal. And they all betrayed me, no matter how much money I lent them, how many tests I helped them cheat through. They begged me, and like the fool I was I caved in. To this day, I think the girls who'd run up and talk to me, the ones who kept doing so years after I had been abandoned, liked me more than my "friends". But I never had anyone tell me how to handle those situations, so I just kept blowing them off.

But I'm not giving up.I'll show them all. Every last one of them.

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>be in community college almost a decade ago
>9/10 mexican girl keep looking at me
>think clearly this is some illusion or someone behind me
>make eye contact with her and she winks and smiles then flicks her hair a little
>she gets up and leaves the room
>i follow a little after
>time it so we get back to class at the same time
>I open the door and say "ladies first" as confidentally as possible while locking eyes with her
>she licks her lips and says "what a gentleman rare to see nowadays"
>class ends
>and i follow her out
>we start chit chatting/flirting
>I ask her for her number so I can take her out sometime
>"wow really? I have a boyfriend!!"

Found out from another dude that she had mental issues and was developmentally stunted.

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Yeah dude you got me.

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I’m rooting for you dude!

Such a gentleman

she didn't want you to fucking date her
you really should've given her the D my dude

>You could absolutely have sex if you had realistic standards.
I'm so sick of hearing this. I don't have standards, I truly believe I'm unlovable by anyone

>just b urself dude
but myself is shit, SHIT, JUST SHIIIIT!

You can't blame your parents for everything. Otherwise, you let them define your life.

Post pic sonny

Well my college football coach said fake it till you make it

haha yea man it's all just

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If you have zero standards, then literally all you need to do is try. Getting laid takes some effort, you can't just sit in your parents basement and expect women to show up wanting to fuck you.

Ahah. Yes. This is the one. Lets pretend we don't have a girlfirend. And that we are kissless hugless handholdless virgin. Ahaha. How pathetic do you have to be am I right my brother. Ahahah..

I was a kissless loser virgin for years

>my first gf left for me my butch lesbian friend and i found out because the butch lesbian took all 3 of us out to eat then pulled over afterwards and made out with my then gf while I sat in the back looking at my shoes for about 20 minutes

That was my low point. But never did I use that as an excuse to be mean or treat people bad. Dont let how women treat you define who you are. But anyway its been over a decade since that occured and I've been with multiple multiple women. I came close to committing suicide that day in the car. But I kept going and things worked out. I believe in you user keep going.

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Fucking normalfags. You dicks always want to help everyone all the time, as if your advice is pure gold because you love your lives so fucking much. Maybe he doesn't want to hear your shit? Maybe he just wants to vent? Do you really have to invade EVERY space that the lonely have?

I meant that I'm gonna become an ultra-successful Chad, user. I mean, even if I die alone as a KHV, I can work on my body, my mind and focus on being a great scientist and make my mark. I can't even remember their names. Which I honestly would like to, since there was a green-eyed blonde that kept flirting with me.
>tfw her brother tried to become my friend but I was too autistic to pick it up
>tfw he turned into a Chad and still tried to befriend me, but I thought he was mocking me
>tfw he was redpilled, blowing out thots and saying niggers were dumb animals in class
>tfw I was bluepilled and thought "wow, what an asshole"
>tfw my MILF teacher made me parrot her soapbox because I was the whole High School's teacher's pet for some godforsaken reason
>tfw she overheard I had a comic subscription and made me bring some of them to class
>tfw I brought my Batman (Snyder), Green Lantern (Johns) and X-Men (Bendis) copies to class, at 2nd year of Senior High
>tfw that blondie (and other girls but her especially) kept coming over from another class and caressing my thighs, but I thought she was a spy for her brother who wanted to steal my notes on physics, so I blew her off
I'm rooting for myself too, but it's hard. I feel like I'm drowning, and I don't know if I'm swimming for the surface or the bottom.
Come on user, don't make fun of me...
Sure, but I can blame them for having me pass through all of my childhood years pretending to be Mother Theresa. They wouldn't even let me learn any new foreign languages, but they made me take extra Philosophy/Grammar/all that shit classes, while they were grooming me as a doctor, but had Lawyer as a backup, for some godforsaken reason, so I had to prepare for the careers of Lawyer, Doctor and Engineer.



She had mental issues. I knew a few people who had classes with with her. And they said sometimes shed talk to herself or start randomly laughing. She was borderline retarded. PLUS I've been in a position before where I asked for a girls number to date and she openly initiated how about you come over and we have sex. If a girl wants to fuck you and you ask her for her number 9/10 shes gonna just say "hey lets have sex"

Good just get off Yea Forums I went off for a year and it was the most successful I have been in social life and financial

Oh fuck off. Either read my blogpost or don't. It's a blogpost; it's got details in it. I can't summarize a damn greentext.

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>You dicks always want to help everyone all the time
Let me help user. Your pop can't hurt you anymore

i wonder if a retarded guy has ever flirted with a chick and brought her back to not fuck her and she wants to go on a date but he has a girlfriend

my father taught me many things, but how to talk to women or meet new people in general were not one of them


>you can't just sit in your parents basement and expect women to show up wanting to fuck you.
Literally nobody believes this you infuriating fucking loser, split the difference

>my first gf left for me my butch lesbian friend and i found out because the butch lesbian took all 3 of us out to eat then pulled over afterwards and made out with my then gf while I sat in the back looking at my shoes for about 20 minutes
Damn dude I'd unironically kill myself

keep eurobeat out of your video

You should have slapped both cunts

He's gonna r9k

Bend over and spread your cheeks.

I know, I know... It's just that, besides my folks calling me multiple times per day, Yea Forums is my only social interaction now. If I drop it, I'm afraid I'll lose it. I'm already not exactly stable. Last month I learned that they had Jean Grey, one of my earliest redhead waifus, fuck a nigger. I got so angry I chugged an entire bottle of ale, practised my Martial Arts on the walls and ruined my hands, all the while staying up all night and blasting Martial Industrial Music. If I stop interacting with people completely, I don't know what's gonna happen. At this point I'm so done with the pozzed scene that I'm reading Soros' books to get to know my enemy. That's my free time. I don't think I'll be able to communicate with actual people.
Yes, you're right, I should clearly have replied to each one of them seperately...
What video?

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yeah you'll work your body on all those muslims won't you

user dont remind me of my previous fails it hurts

>be 19 first job just out of high school
>20/10 nerdy, busty redhead comes in
>im literally nervous and shaking
>make small talk with her
>make her food ring it up and she leaves
>when i handed her the change she stood their for like 2 minutes looking at me
>I ask if everything is okay she rolls her eyes and walks out mad
>my 2 girl co workers come out of the back
>"why didnt you get that chicks number!! She was hitting on you like crazy!!" She was beautiful and was so flirting with you!!"

>start dating drop dead gorgeous polish girl who's here on one of those school swap things
>its her last day here before she goes back
>her friends keep hinting that shes hoping for a "special" night
>when i pick her up shes wearing a beautiful dress and has her hair and makeup all done
>i think thats odd since we are just going to hang out at my place
>we go to the bedroom
>things start getting hot and heavy
>she lays on her back spreads her legs and slides her panties down
>I finger her than cum on her dress
>silent car ride back to her house
>find out she was a virgin and was looking forward to losing it to me bacause she thought i was special and really liked me alot

Never got over the last one. If id have just not been a goof and been a MAN and made love to her like she wanted my life might be completely different.

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>getting cucked by a woman
Should've fucked the gay out of them desu

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If i wasnt such a beta back then id have either joined them or if not that beat the shit out of the butch girl. I just thank god ive grown and am not that same person. But that memory still haunts me.

>mfw a couple years back found out co worker was butch girls sister

I literally had the kill bill anger noise go through my head. If ever ran into butch girl again I'm going to have to fight her.

>made love to her like she wanted
Not gonna make it bro

>failed normalfag trying to fit in
Dammit user, I've never even been kissed. All the years in /fit/ and /adv/ have me doubting if my 6"er could ever satisfy a woman... I mean, I knew I wasn't long, but I thought 5.5" girth was good enough, but apparently it's skinny! And an upwards curve is bad. And after all the misery I got fat. Even if a 10/10 tried to fuck me now, I'd just run away. I'm a wreck. Get out of here with your hot gingers and your polish whores...
I hate niggers more than Mudslimes, and there aren't any here, so... Besides, that's too shortsighted. I never got shootings.

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sadly there's nothing you can do to 'make your mark', try suicide and hope some religious mumbo-jumbo lands you in medieval times or before when men could become great

Fuck the sister. That's your redemption arc dumb dumb.

>sadly there's nothing you can do to 'make your mark',
Well that's a bleak way of looking at things. I consider myself an optimist. I mean, why not? At least I've got to try.
>try suicide
Nah, I'm too angry and spiteful for that.

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>upwards curve is bad
I get compliments on mine

Really? Well, Yea Forums told me otherwise... Besides, you might just have a big dick. Maybe they're complementing that, not the curve.

>hot gingers and your polish whores...

Whats worse user? Never winning the lottery or winning the lottery twice and accidentally destroying the ticket

Guy who lives inside his head instead of invading other peoples heads

just saying, don't lay your whole life on its transcendence, you'll realize there's nothing you can do and get depressed

She was a racist albino who looked like zoey quinn. Had a nice pair though. But the tranny face killed it. Plus she was cheating on her wealthy boyfriend with 2 black dudes at my work.


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>failed normalfag bitching
Do you retards not realize that many of us never had the chances you blew off or didn't act on?

how do you ironically kill yourself

I'm married but still pretend to be some virgin neet online haha
When do we stop? It's been over 10 years of pretending

So, why is this website filled with genetic failures? Does anyone have an explanation?

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yeah I'm good looking, tall and fit and I still hook up with ugly bitches because of my personality.

Dunno user, maybe the first?! "Better to have loved and lsot than never having loved at all" and all that shit.
>you'll realize there's nothing you can do
That's defeatism talking. And I'm not one. I'll win. And I'll keep on winning! You hear me?! As long as I'm alive, I'll keep on going, regardless of wherther I'm enjoying myself or not.
Eh, I don't see myself that way. By that time, I was alone with 0 friends waiting outside of the classroom because they would lock the door during reccess. I would be the first person in, and I used to have a little notebook with scribbles based on some College-Tier Physics that I'd read. Girls always approached me,but I didn't know what to do. Nobody told me. My folks convinced me they were making fun of me. At some point, they gave up trying to get through me. I imagine they thought I was a faggot or something. Then my dermatologist fucked up my skin, and my orthodontists fucked up my jaw, and genetics kicked in and a I got glasses, so... I'm trying to fix it all but it takes time...

I'm not a normalfag. Never was, never will be. I just hope I will be able to pull off a convincing enough charade in the years to come.

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From average men, yes. Not hot men, though.
Not a chance, believe me or don't.

Did she commit suicide by... having someone run over her?

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>Girls always approached me
>I'm not a normalfag


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