What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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Explaine yourself, user

His worst movie

bland, even for a wes anderson movie

Amazing film, the exchange student was a terrible written, unnecessary character, super boring and maybe just making the film more accessible to white audiences. But other than that fantastic film.


I liked it, smoke alot of weed first.

I wouldn't say it's downright racist. A lot of it is an Epcot style amalgam of Japan and Japanese culture.

I liked it but it's very forgettable. It left me nothing.
Also cats are better, !!FACT!!

you like dags?

this one is correct

40 min in
Takes place in Japan, where are the Shiba Inu's ?

Cute dogos voiced by old people

Isle of dogs ->>> I love dogs
Get it?

Wes Anderson came out as white nationalist and NatSoc around the time Isle of Dogs was in theaters.

can't imagine being a wes fan and feeling this way
pretty accurate

Bland. For some reason Anderson can't into stop motion

The first 20 minutes is the best, then it goes downhill. I expect you'll hate the American girl.

Feels and daddy's issues, like any other Wes Anderson movie

Visually stunning
Incredibly bland storyline which typically I wouldn't care about but he made it way too narrative-based for you not to become invested in the plot
Overall it's worth seeing but nothing extraordinary

Best movie of 2018

My 8 year old niece hated her too.

Say Isle of Dogs quickly.

Anyways it was both an artistic piece of cinema, and an enjoyable and engaging film. They really captured the imagined thought processes of dogs, and the characters are well defined and believable.

I wish they gave other dogs more screentime though. Question: are the Japs really soulless automatons who do not love or feel?

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This is better

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They should have used a pitt for the image

>Japs really soulless automatons who do not love or feel?
A lot of them marry/date whites as it's seen as a status symbol

If you dont cry at this movie, just fucking kill yourself

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i'm afraid to watch a movie with dogs from the director that kills a dog in every film he's done.

A bizarre film
its really witty and often turns very dark very quickly, it toys with your emotions a lot but it does it in a very sentimental and sincere way. Also characterises the asians as cruel and emotionless that need white americans to show them their ills, which was a really weird choice unless I'm missing some subtext. I get that it might just be using the difference in races as contrast but it still struck me as odd and even inflammitory.

the robo-dog lives

Really good political movie

>Also characterises the asians as cruel and emotionless that need white americans to show them their ills
If the American student had been cut from the film my appreciation of it probably would have gone up. ESPECIALLY when they made it into a OMG I HAVE A CRUSH thing, bizarre choice of direction.

Periwinkle blue

yeah she felt like a last-minute addition to the script.
I was also super impressed when all those dogs went into the furnace, I thought it was a really bold and subversive choice that you don't see in many films; but then they're revealed to be alive still. Not the biggest shame in the world (cause them still being alive is still a funny joke) but it would've been cool


>Say Isle of Dogs quickly.

>puppy die me cry
The whole point of these types of movies is to get people to cry. They're exploitative trash.

Actually the biggest emotional impact is when Bailey goes back to the farm. Every dog lover wishes their dog would come back to them.

Its a good pay off because you grow to understand baileys personality. The film is more entertaining than you seem to appreciate

Standard Wes Anderson fare. "Jokes" that aren't funny but still make you think "hey, that was a joke." A bunch of wide shots where people run across the frame. Top comfy tho.

>Say Isle of Dogs quickly.

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t. fag/female

And she is 6'4

Imagine liking cats more and calling yourself a man

>Love dogs
>Unironically love Wes Anderson
>Movie is just ok

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Great animation and great score but an otherwise subpar movie by Wes Anderson's standards.

Wes Anderson 2010s Films
>Moonrise Kingdom
>The Grand Budapest Hotel
>Isle Of Dogs
there's plenty of others who are better, but to deny the excellence of his output is silly


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