Who’s the bigger chad?
Who’s the bigger chad?
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Dumb phone poster
Hemmsworth just going off his family. 10/10 wife and several white children. They're always outdoors enjoying themselves. He completely made it. Aquadchad is right with him physically but he does not have anywhere near the home and family life.
What's wrong with his shoulder?
the one that molested his daughter
Physically they're about as chad I think.
They both have children.
They both have older wives, which is actually un-chad, but very based.
They both have daughters, so neither wins the logic round.
Chris has 3 children with his wife, and his wife is only 7 years older than him.
Jason has 2 children with his wife, and his wife is 11 years older than him, also his wife has a child with another man.
I say that should make Chris slightly more chad than Jason.
Compare the wives
desu just ask your mother
>tfw mom gets excited seeing handsome soccer athletes
I rarely like muscular men but hemsworth is literally perfect. Can't think of a single flaw.
Mfw dad gets sad when mom mentions how handsome David Beckham is
soul vs soulless
>lifting 20kg dumbbells for a photo
Realistic and fucking based. Why cant female actors do the same thing instead of cheating with poor form and huge lightweight plates
Momoa could Khal Drogo any chick he wants, but instead he married his crush brown waifu
Lol. Mine gets salty
my mom just goes
>this dude has nice face, is handsome
>this dude has nice bod
my dad doesnt care desu. he watches bikini clad latina girls late night on tv. pretty chill
the real valkyrie
You can't blame him for this. Every single poster on Yea Forums has a waifu. It would be like if you got to be with her. Doesn't matter if she's older and past her prime because it's still who you've been obsessed with since a young age.
Chris Hemsworths wife has a slightly better stats for her body.
Being a chad is like being pregnant. Either you're a chad or you're not a chad. Both of them are chads.
Based dad
There's no real loser in this battle of chaddery, but it may still be possible to determine
but what if they both are in the same room? There is always only one chad.
my mom never did that, but dad often commented on how hot women were
we saw the lotr movies on the premiere together, entire family, and he complained walking out of the theatre that galadriel wasn't hot enough as she was in the book
I'm convinced it doesn't matter. Imagine being this broken.
Two chads can exists in the same space at the same time. The issue is whether they repel or attract. If they attract then the moment they make eye contact, they are bros. If they repel then they will immediately start battling. It's like physics or some shit.
You can be pregnant of twins, or you could have a molar pregnancy.
>If they attract then the moment they make eye contact, they are bros
sounds more like faggots
My mom gets sad if my dad compliments other woman. Even just in a movie
>the virgin manbun
we all know who's the real chad here
>and his wife is only 7 years older than him.
Easily Hemsworth. Aqua man isn’t even that big. He was out in B.C recently filming a show and came to my town and I got to get a glimpse at him. He isn’t as big as the movie makes him seem. He’s still jacked tho don’t get me wrong, Hemsworth is just bigger
I swear all the people that post this are fat white betas
Yeah, that Spanish wife tv slut (also older than him), who spends most of her time away from her family (and he cheats on in Straya) sure is a catch. As to "white" according to people like you who label people based on skin color, shes not white, shes Spanish.
It's only gay if you fail to say no homo after.
why do you know so much about their lives user?
It makes me think of the puny yellow mutt in the Warner Brothers cartoons constantly fawning on his bulldog hero ("right Spike? go get 'em Spike!" etc) but "fat white betas" is more realistic.
Brie Larson obviously
Momoa seems like a natural Chad
Hemsworth is more of a manufactured Chad
OP is a faggot
>Brie Larson
does he even lift?
aussies aren't manufactured chads
>Chad is exclusively about muscles
Momoa is the chad because he doesn't afraid of anything and does whatever the fuck he wants.
Hemsworth is just a roided hollywood generic, nothing chad about being a Jew twink in chad clothing.
Anterior delt, posterior delt. Do posterior delt with back day.
t. chad
The shoulder is made up of three deltoid muscles. If you ever lifted you'd know that.
Hemsworth for sure
6’3 master race blonde Aussie with hot wife, Star of biggest movie franchise in the world, and gets many other acting jobs, seems like a cool guy, and all his kids are his.
Being a gigantic and socially bizarre 6’7 with a haggard hippie wife, star of the biggest movie in China, no other big movie roles, one of his kids isn’t his
>aussies aren't manufactured chads
>gigantic and socially bizarre 6’7
they're both 6'3" though
Jesus christ
hemsworth, because of his incredible posterior delts
Go search exercises for posterior delt if you're that lost regarding delts
it's what makes the difference between a Jersey Shore 'gym guy' look and actual good looks (and good form also during other exercises).
Yeah I would still let Elvira sit on my face even though she's old as fuck now.
Heh...dumb slut
Ben and cavil>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else
His fucking face afterwards
Her ancestors were conquered and bred by whites. She's white enough. Never realized she was the hoe from Fast and the Furious.
shut the fuck up Jason
Momoa could have married anyone he wanted he married the famous chick he always had a crush on. He's actually super laid back into the country lifestyle. Loves fishing, hunting, camping, woodwork, heavy metal/rock and roll, motorcycles...
Hemsworth is more of a pretty boy. Hemsworth's wife is 10x hotter than the nigger mongrel Momoa married. Momoa needs to give that bitch the old yeller treatment and go get himself a nice petite redheaded pale girl like the one his character is in life with in Frontier.
What if the movie is animated?
Also, Hemsworth married Elsa before he was an A lister. His only Hollywood role at the time they were married was Star Trek and he's only in that for like 5 minutes.
Trad fucking retard
Liberal degenerate
>implying Mamoa is at all faithful to that haggard old niggress
He's HER beard
According to /pol/'s "one drop rule", shes not white.
It's an enormous rear delt. Probably the exact location they were putting the needle.
Do people actually comment on other people's appearance infront of their spouse? Seems passive-aggressive
Incels are annoying:
>it's his daughter
>she has no breasts
>he's not fondling her
>it's not sexual
>it's simply affection because the daughter is scared being in public like that
Watch her sex scene in Angel Heart. Absolutely insane.
What momoa has a dank family u fuckin retard
more like women who lust after him, chad can do no wrong in their eyes.
You guys are retarded, really. His face afterwards has nothing to do with the gesture, you morons. It's fatherly affection. She has no tits to fondle, and he isn't a pedo. Wake the fuck up, you 70 IQ retards.
>chad can do no wrong in their eyes.
That's what incels believe. You're mentally ill, get a grip.
Aquaman is the bigger chad
As opposed to being like an average millennial, living an empty life with nothing going for it?
Reminder there are retards on Yea Forums who this is natty
why he grabs her ass like that. What the fuck
haha, what?
when both are equally as jacked I think personality makes the difference. Momoa is the most charismatic person in the room in any room he’s in, every actress seen with him seems to think he’s a lot of fun, where as hemsworth is just an attractive guy who lifts and roids but is utterly boring as a person. So I say momoa
>Momoa is the most charismatic person in the room
In what world? He's a charisma vacuum if anything, the zoomer answer to Arnie or even The Rock.
does this prove women are both dumb as fuck not realize its bait and totally without conscience?
Watching interviews and behind the scene stuff and almost any actress commenting on him seems to indicate otherwise. On screen maybe he lacks charisma but offscreen it seems otherwise.
The song, "young love" lmfao
>durr according to divide and conquer kikes on /pol/ shes not white hurr durrr lm so smart haha gotcha /pol/ now what will you do durrrr
see the dude is a monster and has to be stopped
t. seething swarthy nonwhite Spaniard
good looks is unironically a super power.
The real question is why are you still natty, Yea Forums
Have you seen hernsworth's wife?
or jason mamoa is basically cucked by lenny kravitz and he is raising another man's son
seriously google "Elsa Pataky topless" that's hernsworths wife who has had 3 kids
game over
>has to be stopped
>unzips pants
unironically this
he's unironically out of her league
Chris "Chad" Hemsworth
Manbuns are an instant turn-off
Hemsworth doesn't look nearly that big in the movie. That's really weird.
It's playing in reverse.
He's a 10/10 of the white race. He could objectively date any woman in the world and still be out of their league.
If he's bulking and in the middle of a hard workout his muscles are going to be larger than they were if he was on set.
I know that Chris Evans used to show up to set lean and ready to go but the role takes so much out of him and causes him to lose so much weight that he found it's better to arrive to the shoot bulked up.
He's short
Being a Chad is also about not giving a fuck, Momoa's joke in that GoT panel trumps anything Hemsworth has ever done.
>He could objectively date any woman in the world and still be out of their league
not really
this is an alien sex goddes not a human
>million year old photo
Oh, seems like we have a CDAN reader here.
Do you think Momoa watches Lenny Kravitz fuck the shit out of his wife?
google Elsa Pataky topless.
>imagine making her laugh
>fake tits
duh he's good looking af so they all want to fuck him, zero charisma or not
she's hungarian or something
a bit dwarfy
the one who doesn't take roids
Hemsworth completely assmogs Momoa.
just a reminder than momoa could have had any woman he wanted
>tfw not born this handsome
Who would top?
Hahaha, wtf
You’re not into capeshit to see the difference. Behind the scene Cast and crew are always happy around momoa because he’s fun to be around. Hemsworth is just an attractive guy.
its just banter
my mom always does it.
Doesn't Jason Momoa feel up his own very girly looking son? Haven't seen Hemsworth doing any of that.
He's 190 cm. Momoa is slightly taller at 193 cm. Both have god tier height.
>t. discord tranny
Young Lisa Bonet was pure waifu material, but god fuck she aged like shit
The real question is: who's got the bigger pennis?
This. That's more chad imo. Hemsworth married a literal who.
how many white housewives do you think Jason has inseminated since Aquaman's release, you reckon?
Aquaman, lots of white women want to be raped by him.
that is genuinely impressive
guy nearing 40 with zero love handle fat storage and a shapely ass
It's called steroids, naive nattycuck
t. Fatty
even worse
>your dad actually read the books, even before the movies came out
fucking neeeeeeeerd
What is it with uber chads and them getting women that are way below their league?
>healthy, white family man triggering all the discord trannies
Based God of Thunder
Spanish are white. She in particular may not be white, but spanish are mostly white
Pataky is a 7/10. Shes not bad.
But Lisa. Ugh.
not even him but he's right. Hemsworth is likely on TRT as most rich actors in their 40s+ are
As always, it never gets old to see the innocent natties thinking their media idols are anything but maximum roiders
And then, of course, they call you a dyel if you confront them with the truth.
>fake tits
>shes Spanish.
you have no idea how europe works or europeans look like, 56%
No her ancestors were conquered and bred by moors.
Huge front and rear delts make it look like his anterior delt is missing.
Not really, genetics say no, Andalusia excluded.
56% man?
Jesus, I'd still lick her farts
>ywn have chris hemsworth genes
whats the fuckin point bros
based and redpilled
cucked and cringe
Best juice money can buy and human growth hormone.
Nigger he's 6'2" and change.
succubi aren't human
life must be nice when you are looking like this
I'd rank your dad top-tier if he said that about Liv Tyler. There might be a more attractive actress than Cate Blanchett, but she nails the part.
fucking love how admiring white families triggers cucks and shitskins here
Lol all the ybois replying before me btfo’d and seething. Hemmsmutts confirmed subhuman tier
that repulsive blinged out slave ring is the worst part. fuck if I know what's going on with her hair though, did she use vaseline in it?
Hemsworth is on more gear, just look at how much thicker his gains are. Clearly the bigger guy.
>being a chadlet
I doubt her beauty ever since I saw her in one of those race swap apps.
So many other girls remained pretty in all races, but not her.
I think we all might be under some kind of glamour spell and that's why she looks like a 10/10 to us.
Mamao, while chad, seems like he worked really hard to achieve that status. Hemsworth is just a natural born chad. He is the chad ideal, while Mamoa has just appropriated the material form.
so what, you wouldnt have that body with roids. He still needs to workout and do plenty cardio
Front and anterior mean the same thing...
Thor is too agreeable. We always see him on interviews smiling and being as nice as he can.
If you compare him to Aquaman where we can see him sort of demanding things in a polite way but still assertive.
he's probably brazillian, 'anterior' means former so in our brains it sounds like something in the back
Spanish people are the whitest i've ever seen.
Ah that’s interesting. Portuguese has Latin roots right? Strange how that word got kinda flipped.
>fake everything
>still manages to look considerably below thor's league
She's a legit meh and will probably look like Kirk Douglas in a few years. The other one married the cumrag Miley Cyrus, so it's not like actual good taste runs in the family.
Lisa Bonet is living proof of not only black cracking but melting under the sun.
chris needs to work his trap neck and forearms. he looks deformed and ugly
yeah it's latin but idk how that word came to be used like that - but i do the same mistake when reading about delts just because it's our word for 'previous' so i go "oh it's thing behind us"