Is Doom Patrol worth a watch if I only care about April?
Is Doom Patrol worth a watch if I only care about April?
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Absolutely patrician taste
Oh God why
Anyone got webms other than the ones from this scene:: ?
Yeah its great
Absolute legend!
I have to admit, this show had some real problems in terms of portaying women
Got more
Ain't that the truth, but it's expected from a Chuck Lorre production featuring someone like Charlie Sheen
>Got more
I meant to ask that as a question, my bad G. Thanks anyway
That's why it was great
where is the problem fren?
yoyoyo ive been summoned
>Got more
April? yes
Yes, she has a substantial role on the show and it's nice to see somone pretty on tv for a change
sorry i know i said id make more but school and work are all in the way
No problem legend, just start a thread when you've got em but make it Yea Forums related
i downloaded a bunch of this shitty show so I'll see what I can find. s4e1 appears to be the episode with this and i gotta track down the bikini and the yoga ones
this the yoga thing gonna have to do some searching for
Her arc is end of season 3 / start of season 4ish I believe. You're right though, two and a half men is such trash
It's not yoga, her character is auditioning for a role on some cop show. If that helps. I hate that I know that
i know but its a lot to slog through. i also wanna get higher quality stuff from the workout episode
thanks I'll keep it in mind
Nice digits
>elf ears
Boobly, lol.
It's a problem that Charlie liked bimbos and Alan liked anyone that would have him?
Yeah, something like CSI.
cmon bruh
Her and Morena Baccarin are my two crazy waifus
Yes, I also totally missed the short haired butch lesbo that cannot do no wrong. what where they thinking not including a pan-sexual midget?
wasted digits
go be butthurt about women getting to have autonomy somewhere else, incel.
Wait, the shows crossover?
Are they connected to the CWverse also?
feminists would say this scene is problematic
no they wouldn't, nice boogeyman
is that manipulated in some way? I find it hard to believe her stomach is so insanely flat in comparison to the rest of her body
she's young
less 'o this, more o' Bowlby
soooooo this purported doom patrol thread is just a virgin seething webm from a completely different show thread
let's talk about doom patrol then, what do you think of doom patrol the tv show, which is called doom patrol?
Lol. One out of 10 of you is in good shape and the other 9 accuse the one of having plastic surgery or starving themselves.
No wonder you all are fat and 1/3 your population has diabetes
seems kind of pointless now what with all the waifu wanking
so you had nothing to say anyway, great.
Is Jon Cryer the Kwisatz Haderach?
the filesize here is killer. like i said ill be redoing them and making them better when i have some tiem
Charlie Sheen used to have girls like this on the daily
More like Poon Patrol, heh.
Probably, but you should watch it because it's good.