Ok user, you tell us which Youtuber to give a TV show next, and you better make it a good one!
Ok user, you tell us which Youtuber to give a TV show next, and you better make it a good one!
King Assripper
Zach Hadel
Abroad in Japan on the Travel Channel.
I think the premise will wear out quick, but at least he has patrician taste.
Just give PewdiePie a show
Give Idubbbz a nature show where he questionably fucks with wildlife
E;R, anime.
Francis Higgins
A Video Game Fun Time show would be absolute kino.
Murdoch Murdoch where we won't shut their show down when Twitter demands it BUT they have to be really subtle in slipping their message through to actually be allowed to air on TV.
hey hey people
Million Dollar Extreme
The fine young lads at Dagger Magazine.
>giving Sseth an even greater reach so he can send thousands of 10 year olds to SS13
animal show with adam from YMS
I remember when CN first launched in 1992.
Never thought it'd turn into what it is now.
VanossGaming, but like 4 years ago
Would’ve made bank
Some GTAV roleplayers. We're going to make a knock-off of Reno 911.
What is it now?
Filthy Frank
That’s a mistake!
Logan Paul
Delray Misfits
The Amazing Atheist hosts the news.
He had scare pewdiepie and it got (((canceled)))
Different than what it was when I was a kid and I don't like it.
i used to love this guy growing up. totally forgot about him!
Daym Drops
Sam Hyde. I'm joking, give it to Jenny Nicholson.
Absolutely based