Where did she go

Watching Netflix doco, to me the parents look suspicious

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Into the ocean. She od'd on some medicine to make her sleep and the parents covered threw her into the ocean and weighted her down to cover it up.

Sounds plausible

Sold into prostitution or stolen for the same reason.

Parents were given keys to church, priest said he'd take their secrets to the grave. They're Catholic so they probably confessed and hid the body in the grave yard.

what i want to know is how has this become so big with loads of media attention? kids go missing abroad all the time

the portuguese are niggers, and the parents are innocent. after watching the documentary you will have no doubt.

They're not usually as sexy as maddie

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Because 1) cute white kid. If she was black or mixed, or south asian, no-one would give two fucks. 2) her parents are middle class and rich enough to keep it in news.

Does not look white to me

portuguese police was shit in the whole investigation.

>to me

You mean to the documentary film maker who is sorting and organizing the information to tell the story in a certain way and to make you feel a certain way.

>Abduction of a child has a loose connection to a politician
>It starts getting a bit too much attention in those crazy tinfoil circles on the Internet
>Time to make a Netflix miniseries so we can correct the record(tm)
Clockwork pottery

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The Podestas took her

Her parents are really rich and pressured the authorities to continue searching, they hired private investigators and stuff, went on all the talk shows. Soon after everyone started to think the parents were a bit weird and covering something up, they start to contradict their own stories.

parents left her and her two siblings in a hotel room alone as a cover story while they murdered her and dumped the body.

The whole thing was just one big get rich scheme.

>it's another incompetent brown person ruins everything to protect his ego episode


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>Want to have this as background noise as I work
>90% of the interviews are Portugese with their nonsense language that sounds like they are spitting constantly


This language really does sound fucking horrible.

this is the sad truth. Most men are pedophiles, so they reconigze a good cunny.

this fucking dude is unbearable

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>publishing a book out of sheer butthurt
absolutely fucking pathetic

The parents were the ones who allegedly originally contacted the media and were constantly setting up interviews/press events. They even allegedly starting orginizing the 30 day missing event pretty much right away.

Podcasts tend to be better for that user.

I abducted her

Has this leaked to pirates yet?

Maddy looks like she has FAS: eyes far apart, thin upper lip, weird nostrils, eye wrinkles on the side.

>everybody ever has FAS

god, this board is retarded

Those are just bong genetics, look at her teeth

>she's in my basement

I listed the symptoms. They do check out. Don't you think?

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do your taxes

They killed her. They staged the kidnapping. They hid the body well.


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What's the exact name of the doco?

The Overdosing of Madeleine McCann by the Coward Gerry McCann

The Bodily Odor of Portuguese People


This is why "justice" sucks. Literally everyone knows the parents got rid of her.

we accidentally our daughter.

>Maddie dies
>"Well, looks like our beloved daughter is dead. Do you want to chuck her in the sea or should I? "
>"But dear! Shouldn't we call 911 or render aid ourselves? We are doctors after all"
>"Nah, my dinner's getting cold. Chuck her in the sea."
>"But dear! People will notice she's missing and blame us."
>"Well then call the cops and say someone grabbed her.I'm getting hungry"
>"But dear! The cops will search our apartment and find her body."
>" ...Right. Here's what we do: shove her in the fridge, call the cops, create an international media firestorm, get everybody in the world looking for her, wait 25 days, rent a car, dispose of her body. How's that? "
>" Oh I love you dear!"

Yeah sounds plausible

Case closed

True Detective: Season 4

you are not looking at the bigger picture.

If they really OD'd her kid, both of their careers as physicians would have be ruined on the spot.
Their options were:
1. Confess and fuck up their lives forever.
2. Work together and hide the body and then get rid of it. They probably weren't expecting all the media coverage, but at the end of the day they could go back to their normal lives and keep their living standards.

So the lesson is, kill your kid in a third world country because the police are incompetent retards, and youll get away with it

Can you please stop posting this qt

>another documentary soon on Investigation Discovery
Is Jon Benet story next? Why do they keep having these documentaries when it's all the same information over and over again

this one got me me.

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because zoomers where not around to live through it

t. abstinent pedo

maddie is alive, she is now knows as our beloved feminist brie larson

Guys, I need a website where we can all type shit; know a website like that?


>Yea Forums - the movie

Love how everything gets tied together in the mentally ill psyches of the average basement dwelling anons.

On that note: what's a way to survey anons on Yea Forums? If I open a thread to poll anons here, it will get deleted for not being Yea Forums-related.

Find me a fucking website where we can have a board on which we can all type (as in, a white board), and I promise you serious deliveries.

I get a boner every time you guys post this pic. Please stop.

she was ok last time I saw her.

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Exactly. It's also possible that they were abusing her and killed her to shut her up.

>middle class
>rich enough to keep it in the news
pick one

they gotta stop making these faces, they're not accurate and they're scary.

My surname is McCann so I like to watch this and pretend that something interesting happened in my life

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Nice dubs, but there was already a doc about Jonbenet featuring top tier forensic experts and their conclusions pointed at the fact that the brother hit the girl in the head and the family made that story up to have a coverup for this. Recently the brother sued and won.

>Far Cry 3

Except the investigation is ongoing and they paid out of the ass STILL for people to find her long after the media and the public got tired and told them to fuck off from praia da luz. Jesus christ conspriacy nuts are retarded.

I'm glad there's a Netflix documentary to tell me what to think

they have to keep the image, and paying some bucks to PIs is way better than losing your whole career for malpractice or going to jail.
Also, how do you explain the blood that was found in the apartment and in the car?

Daisy's destruction 2: electric boogaloo happened

You can always tell who is clinically retarded by the fact they can't speak english. This dude fucked up the investigation, blamed the parents with virtually no evidence besides some dogs barking cause they were getting hungry, and then made a book to make money out of the tragedy and to cover his own fuckup. Absolute scumbag.

Compare him to the based as fuck spanish investigator who knows how to speak english, drives a sick ass Porsche, and went balls deep into the dark web searching for her, too bad his boss fucked up as well. Moral of the story is bosses are worthless.

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>they have to keep the image, and paying some bucks to PIs is way better than losing your whole career for malpractice or going to jail

They're not "paying some bucks", they're spending hundreds of thousands searching for their daughter, they could easily just give up and move on, plenty of other families do. They can't and won't go to jail because there's not enough evidence to incriminate them.

>Also, how do you explain the blood that was found in the apartment and in the car?

Either the dogs fucked up or it was someone else's blood that had long dried. They were in a public hotel and rented a public car, they did DNA tests and found jackshit belonging to the kid, just a bunch of dna from the parents and the other kids. If the DNA was actually from madeleine they would have gone to jail.

pedo go

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>they paid
With other people's money.

Come chat with me bros.

This guy, do check him out. He's delivering.

This guy made my weewee feel funny no homo

Everything honestly points towards the parents and the people that go "oooooh but a parent would never do that!!!" are honestly retarded

Some say this, some say the opposite. I haven't seen this kinodoco yet but I'm hyped because nobody gets out of it with the same conclusion.

the fuck is wrong with her eye
fuck that's gross

>no notice of the FAS

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The documentary makes a convincing case for why the parents are innocent

t. Goncalo Amaral

This is the actual and true story which you cannot disprove.
>the parents prostituted her to an acquaintance who was in the room raping her while they were at the tapas bar
>he got too rough and killed her
>together with him her father covered the evidence and disposed of her in the sea
>after which her mother raised the alarm

The medicine that they would have used would have been paracetamol and you'd have to be intentionally overdosing her to kill her unless you're a fucking retard and with them being both doctors seems unlikely

Why do you keep spamming this thread you weird mother fucker

She also would not die for several days if it were paracetamol. Death by paracetamol is notoriously slow and horrific.

>Death by paracetamol is notoriously slow and horrific.

>(((Netflix))) defending child murderers with possible links to a larger pedophile ring
Hmmm I wonder why this could be

Tony Blair was the customer.

For the first few days you will be fine (might have some minor symptoms). Then your liver and kidneys will start to fail eventually leading to death. After a point even the antidote won't work and the only way to save you will be a liver transplant which let's be real you won't get in a few days.

Fishing for child porn probably.