Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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>wanting consensual sex

And her kid also got her pregnant.
Director of this movie is a weird guy. Guess he just wants to fuck his own mother.


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Nah, just a mommy fetish with Eva Green


tfw i made this webm

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>Who was in the wrong here?
me for not immediately starting to furiously masturbate

The kid for not hitting that when he had the chance

Am I weird for thinking that every woman except my mother is dumb and ugly.

No you aren't, she's trained you to be like that

the audience for not appreciating mommykino

Attached: mommy.webm (640x640, 1.05M)

Did he boner?

what movie ?

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i don't know why but this shit sickens me

post more like this

>be white male
>try that trick with a cunny
>end up in the death row

is it because the boy is ugly?

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It's ok when women do it because despite what they want you to think, they are not equal to men and will never be. It is indeed gross if a guy would do that to a little girl. It's fine when girls do it. Don't @ me

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Tfw I've never been kissed


This is true. I understand the whole "double standard" complaint people make, but the problem isn't that women can get away with things men can't, it's that despite this being the case we're expected to pretend that men and women are equal.