Who did it?

who did it?

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/pol/ ruins all over these threads like they do everything else

Where is she now?

Who's talking about /pol/.

Nothing happens, the documentary

Portugal as revenge for the Pink Map

>Brit manchild living with his mom and being suspiciously interested calls that very night a russian incel living with mom and dad and also having questionable stuff saved on cd roms

But yeah, let's blame the parents right Gonçalo?

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her parents of course

wait didnt her father die?

The only right answer and probably the only theory not covered in the (((Netflix))) show

your complaining really improves this thread, thank you

The Portuguese are backstabbers. Never trust them

>it was the parents
>it was some high ranking official
>it was the obvious guys who had nothing to do with it besides "they look weird"

Man, it's always the same boring shit. Why do so few people explore the idea of pedophile rings? That she was exported to thailand or some shit as an incredibly expensive child prostitute since she is "a first world white child", which only the richest people on earth can pay for. I'm surprised the parents are still looking, I wouldn't want to know what happened, it's not gonna be a pretty ending if they do find her.

Is this an actual question or are you more just talking out loud? There's no way child sex trafficking will ever get talked about in any meaningful way because of the money involved. The same sources you go to for news on the subject take part in it. I don't understand how to stop it.

I hope someone can help. Mid season they doc mentions two huge child abuse cases that have been investigated before. One was the Wonderland Club / Operation Cathedral. I forgot what the second one was. It was about an orphanage(?) that rented out children to rich americans or something. Can somebody remember the name? I wanted to look that up.

It's an actual question, normally when people (not just the media, regular people) talk about it they go towards the less horrible outcomes. No one wants to face the fact she might have been sold as a prostitute. I mean, when girls go missing the in US if they do appear a decade later they usually come back with a few children, and after getting raped hundreds of times. And that is just one crazy man doing the damage. Children going missing in europe is rarer, but when it does happen it's for a far worse and more organized reason. That M3 guy had the right idea looking for her being sold in the dark web, he was a redpilled dude in general.

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casa pia

podesta's leaked e-mails confirmed that it was him, but nobody gave a shit

thats it! thanks mate.

Yeah good taste user

keep this secret guys but it was actually me

If they stop looking for justice after the attention is gone, it means it was the parents


For real how do you even stop this from happening? Or at least get it talked about in the mainstream? Is it actually impossible?

What does /pol/ have to do with anything? Holy shit tranny get a grip

You can't. People would rather:
>Talk about some nutjob retarded conspiracy theory like it was the parents or podesta or the jews etc
>Go towards less mind breaking and dark outcomes, like some crazy couple kidnapped her because they wanted to raise a child and couldn't have children of their own

No one wants to see down the abyss.

Was this actually a good watch or should I be getting my information from some other place? Does this give you enough or will you need more?

It's a good watch if you know nothing about the case, doesn't really present any new info, but explores every possible route and is not afraid to ask the ugly questions like did she get sold as a prostitute to get assfucked by rich pedos, which most documentaries omit cause they don't wanna go there.

did not see the twist coming , it was YOU all along

I didn't have any faith that Netflix would allow that.


You'd be surprised, they even included a scene of a pedo entering a hotel room and sleeping right next to a little girl then the screen goes dark when he goes to town, which triggered a lot of normies on twitter.

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>talking out loud
your point isn't terrible, though

at least, because of Madeleine's disappearance, he got hired on the case and ended up breaking up a small-time pedo ring in the process
so something measurably good came out of it

I don't understand that mentality;
it's so obviously something organized, and why is a group of criminal and pedophiles less mentally acceptable than just a couple of them? Is it because people in positions of power are the clients? Why else would people want to be in a position of power than to be able to get away with things the average person can't? How naive are these people?

Occam's razor you dumb fucking hick. Also the composite sketches of the Podesta "brothers" were two seperate sketches of the same suspect, not two similiar looking men.

This pizzagate shit is seriously embarassing. I thought it was just a joke, some kind of stupid meme, for the longest time.

don't worry, you'll get smarter someday
don't know why you're bringing Pizzagate into this
you're actually the stupidest person in this thread

>don't know why you're bringing Pizzagate into this

Read the second fucking post in this thread you subliterate mongoloid.

you read it
I'm not wasting my time with your tranny bullshit
next time reply to the post you actually want to talk about it, instead of to someone talking sense

I dont care. Shes dead. Stop enabling kikes profiteering on a dead child.