Book series about how Future Muslims unite around a messiah and use their control of a strategic resource to launch a...

>Book series about how Future Muslims unite around a messiah and use their control of a strategic resource to launch a Jihad to conquer the known universe and impose their religion
Will the Dune reboot be controversial Yea Forums?

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Paul and Leo just use the Fremen for their own ends.

I wonder if it'll tone down the islamistan parts of the fremen. Or if they'll go through the history of the world detailed at the end of the book, like the war against the AI and the great religious councils

Paul literally does everything in his power to stop the Jihad

The thing that I never understood about the Jihad. How the fuck did that work?! How many goddamn Fremen are on Dune that they can just go and conquer most of he goddamn galaxy in just 10 years?!

In Dune Messiah, Paul contemplates how he more or less fails at his plan to try to stop the Jihad. He comments on how how Hitler is considered the most evil person for killing millions of people, however his reign with controlling the Freman has resulted in billions being killed over the known galaxy.

future buddhistmuslims
zensunni travellers

spice is needed for the fast space travel, and they have control of it

I only read the first book. Does he really write about hitler? Is he saying that hitler was probably a good guy who accidentally the jews?

>Will an epic about a white boy who is worshipped as a god by sandniggers and can use his jedi powers ten times better than his witch teachers because he turns out to be their prophesied male übermensch and master of the giant penis monster be controversial in the current year?

gee I don't know user

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I know, but what about the troops? Or are all these deaths the result of spice withdrawal?

No because Islam is the religion of peace and Villeneuve will portray it in that way. Christians were the bad guys in Incendies so they'll be here too.

He literaly uses the jihad to halt humanity's progress.

Just the fremen as I recall.
The thing is they are the only ones with a projection of force.
Maybe there's a planet with enough troops that they can't take it, then they just don't go there until they can and go after the planets they can take. Logistics is everything.

>Does he really write about hitler?

I can't seem to find where it happens in my copy, but this is what I can find online:

>"'...What little information we have about the old times, the pittance of data which the Butlerians left us, Korba has brought it for you. Start with the Genghis Khan.' 'Ghenghis . . . Khan? Was he of the Sardaukar, m'Lord?' 'Oh, long before that. He killed . . . perhaps four million.' 'He must've had formidable weaponry to kill that many, Sire. Lasbeams, perhaps, or . . .' 'He didn't kill them himself, Stil. He killed the way I kill, by sending out his legions. There's another emperor I want you to note in passing--a Hitler. He killed more than six million. Pretty good for those days.' 'Killed . . . by his legions?' Stilgar asked. 'Yes.' 'Not very impressive statistics, m'Lord.' "


>"He killed more than six million. Pretty good for those days... Statistics: at a conservative estimate, I've killed sixty-one billion, sterilized ninety planets, completely demoralized five hundred others. I've wiped out the followers of forty religions..."

>He killed more than six million
Those statistics didn't age well...

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At least you'll get to feed your persecution complex as a devout christian larper.

formerly seed your delusions of grandeur

Isn’t there a current one that says ‘over a million’ now too?

Holy shit how do you misinterpret a line this hard

Why is it always about the Jews?
Other people died in ww2 not just Jewish and not just in camps.
Many more millions than 6 if you are of the position that he was responsible for starting the war

I was just going off the context of what was posted.
Paul tried to stop the jihad but accidentally killed 81 billion planets. I mean yeah that's bad but we can't really fault him morally, it was an accident.
If he was comparing Hitler to himself, he's basically saying Hitler wasn't a morally bankrupt guy, it was just an accident that happened due to circumstances beyond his control

I don't know, and I don't like it. It breaks my heart what was done to the entirety of the Polish people. They were massacred by the Soviets and Nazis. They killed off nearly all of their military officers, which happened to all be college educated men. They targeted, persecuted, and killed nearly any sort of intellectual, from clergy, to politicians, to those in academia, and left the nation without leadership at the end of the war. Their cultural heritage and ability to lead was severely compromised and left them a puppet to the USSR afterwards.

But you hardly ever see that mentioned.

They're going to butcher it, which is s shame. They only have a surface deep view of it, and that's that it was a eugenically made white boy used a race of brown people to kill his father's killers to horde the brown people's precious resource and start a galaxy wide killing spree.

The jihad was a necessary part of the golden path though, he did everything he could to try and change that, but he couldn't.

Pleb, the novel is about environmental determinism and the interdepencies between religion, culture, politics and economy.

Which never made much sense as Islam is antagonistic towards godless belief systems like Buddhism.

Oh damn, it's almost like the Germans intentionslly tried to cover up their crime so it took many decades for the true number to be ascertained.

I agree with you completely. I'm saying I'm scared the Hollywood types in charge view it the way I posted earlier.

>try to hide war crimes
>by inflating the deaths
uhh... right

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It's such a based story

There's another interesting indirect comparison between Paul and Hitler as well in Messiah: When Gaius Helen Mohiam is forced to walk all the way to the throne room, it's very similar to descriptions of Hitler's Reich Chancellery. From an article about the Reich Chancellery:
>"The long journey from the foyer to the reception hall will surely demonstrate something of the greatness and the power of the German Reich," Speer noted in his memoirs in discussing the almost sadistic pleasure Hitler derived from the design. As if the walk itself wasn't enough, Speer also used numerous tricks of light and optics to intensify the building's cool and daunting atmosphere.

The top one is from a generalized memorial; the bottom one is from one specific location. Six million is the estimated total number from all camps combined in addition to pogram deaths and deaths by deliberate privation.

>Villeneuve is gonna dumb this clever scifi story down for the masses

watch Arrival

That's a nice theory jidf. But the bottom one is literally a replacement. They're in the same location.

Is there enough Forest Whitaker to offset my dislike of Amy Adams?

And you could tell that how? By the fact that no location is listed on the first one at all? Prove it.

Arrival didn't make sense though, how does understanding an alien language give you weird powers to see thr future?

google Auschwitz memorial plaque and there are multiple articles about it you disinfo shill

Audible audiobook is pretty good quality.

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>Will the Dune reboot be controversial Yea Forums?
not at all

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>Yea Forums is unirconically too stupid to understand arrival

post nuked middle east and thousands of years

I posted about this in another thread, but, regarding the book: Anyone else feel like it just turned up 500x times speed once Paul passed the Water of Life test? Like the book built up for so long with a few action scenes here and there, then the whole plot resolved in about 100 pages at the end with Paul easily curbstomping everyone in his path...

I might read Messiah just to eventually get to God Emperor which I hear is supposed to be so good - but is it even worth it? Was pretty disappointed by the ggez ending

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Did you miss the part where its science FICTION?

>The thing that I never understood about the Jihad. How the fuck did that work?! How many goddamn Fremen are on Dune that they can just go and conquer most of he goddamn galaxy in just 10 years?!
Nobody else has armies?

Messiah is short go and read it.

They did, but weren’t ready for the Fremen Jihad

This. Other armies had gotten lazy and weak from peace and not needing to face hardship.

>The thing that I never understood about the Jihad. How the fuck did that work?! How many goddamn Fremen are on Dune that they can just go and conquer most of he goddamn galaxy in just 10 years?!

Literally the reason Herbert wrote the book was to understand how based Muslims under Khalid BTFO'd Romans and Persians so fast

His conclusions are basically reflected in Dune:
1) Hardy people that survive in a hardcore death environment - Arabs/Fremen
2) Messiah figure that unites said people - Muhammad/Paul
3) Surrounded by huge political entities - Romans/Persians - Padishah/Harkonmen

>it even worth it?
Yes. God Emperor is the best

Yeah that always bothered me as well. Especially in the time allotted.

10,000 organized and motivated soldiers can destroy 100,000 unkowingly ambushed citizens. They were marauders and pirates. They swooped unexpectedly and the zeal was used as a recruitment tool as they kept killing and winning.

>Was pretty disappointed by the ggez ending

Which was deliberate. The whole point of the book series is that hero worship is stupid and your leaders are all fallible. The first book is a by-the-numbers heros journey, the next 3 books deconstruct society's need for hero worship and show how an immortal penis monster can save mankind from itself.
Haven't read the last 2.

I think in the Dune novel, one Sardauker can take down like ten Landsraad soldiers. However, the Fremen were able to easily fight the Sardauker, not only that, but Duncan Idaho, a member of the Ginaz house and one of the Atriedes' best fighters was able to fight and kill a dozen and a half Sardauker, and he helped train Paul Atriedes. Paul Atriedes was trained by his mother, Gurney Halleck, and many other fighters and then he went on to teach the Fremen what he learned and thus were created the Fedaykin.

>future muslim

Kynes and his dad did the same

The Arab Muslims were able to defeat and conquer the Persians and slowly chip away at the Eastern Roman Empire after Roman/Persian wars with each other tired out their armies, while the Arab Muslims were united under their military leaders and their new religion. Also, I think some Arabs were mercenaries that were employed by both the Romans and the Persians, so maybe that helped also. And while the Persians were conquered most likely due to being militarily defeated, many Christians in the Eastern Roman Empire weren't like the Orthodox Christians of Constantinople or weren't following the same denomination as the Christians of Constantinople were, so yeah, there were Christians who would not help the Roman armies defend against the Muslims. Also, Heraclius of the Romans, personally led his armies against the Persians, but when the Muslims arrived and started defeating the Romans, Heraclius was already in old age and had ailments of some kind.