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Movies you're still not aiting for
Thomas Lee
Logan Hernandez
>where everything went wrong
who's gonna play bannon?
John Walker
Who will play the fat manchild virgin gamers?
John Brooks
Can't wait for the revionist history that will paint her as the victim who did nothing wrong...I'm not one to sperg about the media defending feminists over everything else but I will be pissed as fuck if they make this thot into some kind of a hero
Ethan Brown
Well I mean, she had sex with guys and that triggered virgin gamers to harass her. Then to cover their embarrassing tracks, gamers pretended that video game reviews are journalism somehow and this was all about journalism.
Logan Morales
it's just about controversy because they figured out that controversy means free publicity. they are definitely counting on all the gamer gaters coming out to rage and give them publicity.
Matthew Cox
The ragers are probably too tired from getting captain marvel a billion dollars.
Gabriel Jones
Too bad Philip S Hoffman is gone.
Nathan Wood
A movie about a girl reading mean internet messages and crying lmao sounds more boring than posting on Yea Forums during it
Angel Harris
>be a woman
>have sex
>done something wrong
lol okay incel
Christian Lopez
they can be created in a lab by throwing an xbox controller and a copy of the turner diaries into a vat of mountain dew and then electrifying the mixture
Noah Rodriguez
ScarJo finds a way!
Nathaniel Clark
Ian Ramirez
Who will play the five guys?
Dominic Perez
Yea but I'm saying the media will either gloss over the fact that she fucked all those guys just to further her career and push her agenda or they will paint her as a strong woman who used the weak men and was right in doing so, teaching girls that its a good thing to use your body to get what you want. Either way, I will be surprised as fuck if they make her out to anything but a victimized hero when she was truly a golddigging cunt just trying to make money
Hunter Brown
actually they won't do anything because it's not getting made but holy shit lol of course you people would line up to see this shit being relitigated yet again
Jacob Hughes
>defending a self-admitted rapist
get out incel
Aiden Turner
Will it have a scene where she fucks a guy that reviews her games?
Lucas Gutierrez
it will be part of a larger montage that proves that it was really about ethics in gaming journalism
Samuel Edwards
>using your body to further your career and push your agenda is a good thing
Yea lets definitely make a movie where this is the mission of the hero, tell all the little gamer girls in the world that if you want to acheive anything, just use your body and fuck your way to the top
Jeremiah Barnes
Idris Elva, Brad Pitt, Mel Gibson and Jason Statham.
Julian Robinson
relax incel, it's not getting made
Dominic Brooks
We're approaching 5 years since Gamergate, and they're STILL mad about it.
David Rogers
I miss the vidya ackbar posting from Law and Order
Luke Powell
I'm still surprised how they managed to turn it from, she fucks guys for good reviews to gamers are nazis, the movie should be about that, something like wag the dog
James Gutierrez
they already did that except for the ending of course, since a strong independent woman will never surrender
Logan Kelly
But who cares who she fucked and why? That's literally unimportant. She WAS victimized.
Eli Sullivan
Im not a fucking incel, i actually fight for feminists most of the time and made fun of incels for crying over Captain do you defend a person who tries to say she is a feminist but then submits herself as the weak one who can't acheive anything without letting a dude stick his dick in her and then plays the victim when it gets discovered? She is a fucking hypocrite and doesn't deserve to get paid for her shitty story or her shitty games
Cooper Rodriguez
>it was really about ethics in gaming journalism
Benjamin Edwards
the inciting narrative fell apart and then everybody just watched gamers show their asses repeatedly, pretty simple stuff
Anthony Rogers
The more sexual partners a woman has the less likely she is to have a stable future relationship or marriage
Jeremiah Reed
Gamergate caused the shooting in NZ according to them.
Adrian Rivera
>i actually fight for feminists most of the time
lol and the rest of the time you read the reactionary script word for word, apparently
Luke Green
Because she is a hypocrite using the feminist card to excuse herself from her own anti-feminist behavior? I call out all hypocrites, thats just what I do
Benjamin Flores
How the fuck does Amy Pascal still have a job?
Also, can someone explain why Kathleen Kennedy got an Oscar? Was that part of the deal of firing her from Lucasfilm?
Parker Ward
>Sargoy of Mossad
Her apposition is now ironically worse than her
Hudson Ross
i doubt anyone actually said that, i'm sure they said something about the interconnectedness of the broader online right wing ecosystem and you filtered it through your massive amounts of brain damage
Leo Hernandez
maybe dumb bitches should realize that if they do dumb fucking shit people might not like it and their might be consequences to said dumb, whorish actions? She made herself a victim by being stupid and she invited it to earn money off professional victimhood.
Kayden Bennett
Gamergate literally killed Yea Forums. Will they include that in the movie too?
Lucas Harris
A real feminist wouldn't lower herself to fucking dudes to promote her shitty game...sorry but she deserved to be called out on her shitty behavior
Isaiah Adams
wtf I thought she was more based than this.
this, i wasn't even part of GG but the way the media reported it was sad.
Caleb Green
She didn't fuck anyone to get good reviews. She fucked some dude that eventually gave her game a good review. Yea Forums was mad because her ex, who was pissed, dumped his butthurt story to Yea Forums. And then they passed around the same "five guys" youtube video for at least a year. Not to mention Steve bannon said it was a test run for using Yea Forums to sway the opinion of neckbeards. you fell for it, congrats.
Samuel Hernandez
Come to think of it, does zoe quinn even do video games anymore?
Carter Rivera
Milo Yiannopolous was the one who really made the shitstorm stick after he exposed the mailing list where all the """""""""journalists""""""""" were literally conspiring together (not that it wasn't obvious before, this was just the actual proof)
It's weird to think that was the thing that really catapulted him into notoriety
Gavin Rogers
lmao why do you believe she did that?
Isaiah Wright
>I actually fight for misandrists most of the time
why tho?
Jackson Perez
Hollywood has lost the plot, I mean I know WHY they are breing like this, Trump won and it traumatized millions of people, I know I'd be upset if my head of state was a literal retard too. But just using films as a literal propaganda outlet isn't gonns help.
Luke Sullivan
I swear people who defend her against the backlash she got don't know the whole story at all and just think it was incels crying over a female being successful in the video game industry (because that was the way she sold it) when that wasn't the reason for it at all
Robert Thompson
entire media working together in desperate need for traffic and clicks against people in forum without any real influence... tough battle.
Christian Reyes
How do we stop incels from voicing their opinions Yea Forums? Should we just start killing them?
Benjamin Nelson
She was fucking multiple game journalists who all co-incidentally shoehorned her "game" into articles wherever possible and made no indication that they were more than acquaintances
not to mention all the general bullshit peddled, including incidents where a certain female developer was "harassed" by her own account which she forgot to log out of
Leo Collins
Joseph Lee
lol gamers mirite
Parker Foster
Didn't the guys she fucked review her game though as game journalists?
Cooper Edwards
start with yourself, incel
Jace Brooks
>I swear people who defend her against the backlash she got don't know the whole story at all and just think it was incels crying over a female being successful in the video game industry
That's really it and it's so weird that it shifted to that narrative really quick after the incident arose.
Like, info came out that she was sleeping with people to get more clout and it almost suddenly shifted to "You're just mad because a woman is in the industry."
Jason Ortiz
this is an article from before trump was elected about a movie that is not coming out, whose brain is really broken?
Nathaniel Gomez
They gonna spin it as body positive, sexual freedom kind of shit. Its obvious.
Adam Morgan
have sex
Cooper Ortiz
have sex
Oliver Kelly
based biology
Julian Ross
We need some sort of incel containment thread sticky that incels aren't allowed to post out of.
Joshua Phillips
which biologist said this again?
Owen Wright
>be a whore
>get called a whore
>act like it was a terrorist attack
the eternal roastie
Ayden Hernandez
It's almost like the journalists were all colluding or something, like they were on a shared mailing list that they could have called "game journo pros" or something
nah that's ridiculous nobody would be that stupid, I'm sure all video game journalists are highly professional and competent in their field
Camden Rivera
>thinking her shitty point and click suicide game deserved all those good reviews and to on end of the year lists on merit alone
You really have no idea and just think its incels crying over a girl again, don't i said, i normally am against this kind of sperging but a girl who blatently fucked people to get money deserves the backlash she got
Adrian Young
Landon Lee
you really wanna revoke your own posting rights?
Jordan Flores
The ones in the CDC
Kevin Sanchez
Either support or find a way to have sex until you do
Leo Davis
Will there be active snipers?
Cooper Powell
Shoot me
Luke Roberts
Assange is a perfect villain for the movie.
Benjamin Phillips
>shocked that people in an industry communicate with each other
it's funny watching you people being so baffled by people with sex lives who socialize
Austin Brown
>12 % younger
Isaac Davis
Will they finally admit her connection to DARPA?
Logan Mitchell
I do, sex is good when you do it for love or for pleasure but its fucked up when you use it to get your games promoted over better, more deserving ones
John Powell
Wyatt Allen
please learn what a biologist is lol
Matthew Mitchell
Jeez if you think journalists shoehorning in references to their mates I'd hate to see what you guys think of the sports & financial media.
Robert Bell
Not just that, but utterly confounded by the concept of professional networking
I sure hope incels never get upset at my industry, my contact list would make me Emperor Palpatine level evil or something
Dylan Lewis
Ah yes. that movie about a liar that continues to lie who will use the lie script to tell further lies that further cement her status as a victim of countless imaginary "manchildren" harassers who mysteriously all have bot-style names for newly created accounts with all their posts existing merely to harass her.
How convenient.
Julian Morris
Some cunt had a speech about it at GDC. Granted it's a very unimportant and unknown person, but there is no end to their butthurt about gg and their mental gymnastics to involve it in everything.
William Kelly
>they were just communicating with each other
Leo Hughes
I mean, you understand that literally never happened, right?
Luke Gutierrez
>all those good reviews and to on end of the year lists
lol i never once heard about her game outside of the context of gamergate, you're all just hyperfocusing on any piece of coverage she received
Luis Mitchell
I see you bought the way the media framed it quite readily.
I'll be impressed if the movie actually presents the situation accurately but I don't expect it to. And this is coming from someone who is left of center.
Jackson Price
No it literally did. She fucked 5 guys who then went on to praise her shitty game. Why can't you wrap your head around that? She's a bad person and those journalists are bad journalists.
Not to mention that charity she stole money from
Elijah Williams
David Fisher
This. It revealed that Yea Forums is compromised and if you interfere with the shills too much, you get banned.
Blake Johnson
yeah yeah it wasn't a fps so Yea Forums didn't like it. grow up.
Ethan Ward
the article is from 2015, the movie is not getting made, please stop filling your diapers
Bentley Ross
>not banging more than 20 people over your entire fucking life
Do Americans really do this? I'd had sex with over 20 different girls from when I was 15 to 20 years old.
Landon Martin
Nope. I hope you eventually grow out of your brain damage.
Jason Adams
Well, technically she had a boyfriend, who she had sex with. Then cheated on him with several journalists, but totally not for positive reviews of her game. When he found out about he he released a bunch of info about their relationship, how her game was developed, the 'journalists' she slept with and other secrets that then caused a bunch of people to supposedly harass her.
Unfortunately most of the accounts harassing her, and others like her, over the years seem to be newly created one or two post accounts with odd names. This seems to be where the majority of the 'harassment' comes from. Though there do seem to be actual people critiquing her, and others, but apparently critique, disagreement and having opinions she doesn't like counts as harassment.
There's a reason the police no longer get involved in their 'harassment' especially after that letter to Sarkesian from her local police got leaked warning her of further . . . false accusations.
James Baker
Reminder that Zoe is now an absolutely sexy tight bodied semen demon and we should all worship her
Jose Long
>who then went on to
is not the same as
>so that they would
bu rest assured, i see you trying to nudge the goalposts lol
Lincoln Fisher
Ok Zoe, keep trying to change the narrative again...its obviously you pushing the movie because your victim money has run dry and you need to make more money off your lies because you have no talents otherwise
Kayden Richardson
>women serial cheating and fucking their way to getting press for their game is a great thing! any man who has a problem with this is an apex misogynist!! all gamers are apex misogynists!!!!
Jordan Williams
Justin Young
Aiden Cruz
more like meme war, amirite?
Nathan Perez
see and
Joseph White
You can always tell a bitch is crazy if she is still dying her hair "fun" and "unique" colors well into her 30's
Leo Clark
Angel Russell
hell, i'd trade a 3.5/5 rating for a sucky
Juan Flores
have sex
Elijah Allen
It's also worth noting that by her own standards, she's a rapist
She is of the opinion that if you are in a long term relationship, your sex with each other is in the understanding that you are monogamous with each other (unless otherwise stated)
Thus, if you are cheating, and your partner is unaware of this, they are not giving informed consent (since sex with other people can impact them, not just physically through STIs but also emotionally)
Thus, she is, by her own standards, a rapist
Jordan Ward
So much this.
Mason Sullivan
have sex
Adrian Parker
how about a movie about feminists genociding more unborn children than stalin and hitler people combined
just an idea
Hudson Campbell
The fact that she also like to pretend to be Harley Quinn in bed and talk in her voice while being eaten out should have probably clued you in on that too tbf
Joshua Hall
Once again, i do...i just stopped hanging out colleges or fucking crazies so none of the girls i'm with have random colored hair
Hunter Turner
real galaxy brain hours
Mason Taylor
You genuinely believe that there's no correlation between them talking positively about her game and her sleeping with them?
You are the brain damaged person. Jesus.
Thomas Ross
Do you really believe collusion and communication are the same thing?
John Allen
Tyler Thompson
Having sex doesn't make people less crazy, less insecure, less angry, or less anything else.Zoe's a pretty good example of that, actually.
Mason Johnson
No you haven't hahaha if you don't like women with dyed hair you a virgin incel
David White
*have sex with a woman between the age of 18 and 25
Fixed that for you.
Oliver Nguyen
Anyone who dies their hair past their teenage years is mentally ill
Lucas Perry
Gavin Wilson
Would people actually care enough to go?
Ask people outside of the industry qbour gamergate and most will probably aay they don't know what it is.
Ian Perez
I want Zoe to put me in a headlock and smother me in her armpits before burying my face in her now giant tits desu
Blake Phillips
Hey, get your shitty politics out of our gamergate discussion...gamergate is the one thing that most people on Yea Forums except for a few faggots can agree on, we don't need your crybaby christfag shit in here shitting up the thread
Juan Walker
abortions are good actually
James Thomas
Huh, I'd cut it off at 24 to keep the numbers even.
Nathan Ramirez
if you weren't permavirgin neets you might understand people dating their coworkers being a thing that sometimes happens in life
Brody Sanders
this but unironically
Christian Rivera
Journalists aren't co-workers with developers, retard.
Oliver Williams
>movie trailer
>ear shattering fart noise
>full frontal shot of a fat neckbeard rising out of his chair with sweat streaming off of its body
>black screen
>coming 2020
>opening shot is Zoe Quinn living her daily life with her husband and two children (girls) showing what a good mother and relatble protaginist she is
>Gooblegates begins
>movie is 2 hours and 45 minutes people writing shitposts
>ending is said neckbeard standing over the corpses of minoriteis and roaring to the sky
>Zoe Quinn running to him in a last stand frenzy
>Black Screen, Titel CRASH OVERRIDE CHAPTER 2 blends in
>Short Scene of Anita going into a room
Jace Powell
I live in the LA area and she popped up on my tinder like a year ago, the profile was pretty normal and only included "I do development in the video game industry" I'm completely convinced it was a troll account though.
Josiah Garcia
Yeah this is why she's a disgusting lying bitch. Get it through your head's incels.
Hudson Murphy
She didn't date her co-workers. She dated a man, who she cheated on with several journalists, who then wrote positive things about her game.
You're delusional if you read that any way other than, "she slept with them for positive coverage."
Jaxon Lee
I'm fine with a solid color like red or something, are you telling me that you have met a girl with purple or rainbow hair who wasn't a confused, emotionally damaged rollercoaster of a person? That sounds rarer than bigfoot, you should of documented it for the world to know it exists
Cameron Baker
>Would people actually care enough to go?
no, which is why, once again, IT ISN'T BEING MADE
Samuel Cruz
Sorry your cousin wanted to keep the baby, Cletus.
Xavier Taylor
ok then, revise coworkers to "people who they have working relationships with" then, fucking semantic bullshit lol
Xavier Perry
This. Stop being womanhaters.
Let's get out of here, bro. We need to go to other boards and dab on these incels.
Robert Campbell
You're not a very bright bulb.
Carter Lopez
really stings coming form one of the people working themselves into a lather over a gamergate movie that isn't even being made
Ethan Barnes
>announced almost 4 years ago
>have not heard anything about it since
It’s almost like no one outside of like 5% of the gaming community knows or cares about Gamergate and no one would go to see it.
Brody Jones
Probably should have swiped on her anyway just to see what happens lol
I've actually heard that Alison Rapp has shown up on Tinder in Seattle for a few people, which actually makes way more sense. Apparently her ass is just as juicy irl as it seems to be in her photos
Jose Sanchez
what a waste of time, resources, and talent
there are much more interesting made up stories people have written than this garbage
Gabriel Long
More importantly, who would play her top sekret "CON" (geddit?) IRC channel sycophants? Brian Blessed as beautiful lady Jacob "SecretGamerGirl" Alley, Hugh Jackman as digusting pedo Nick "Sarah Butts" Nyberg?
Thrill as they spend all of Christmas Eve and Day conspiring to get people fired for noticing what they were up to rather than spend time with families who long since rejected them! Laugh as Chelsea kicks them all to the kerb with nothing once the big tech checks start flooding in!
Play the Chuck Tingle home game, coming soon!
Ayden Stewart
lol imagine having all of these names committed to memory
Owen Gonzalez
still intent on ignoring the serial cheating aspect eh?
Landon Parker
Look man I'm just trying to get people to jack off to Zoe here and you're making things weird
Nicholas Rogers
yes, i will remain steadfast in my resolve to ignore extraneous bullshit that's neither here nor there
Jacob Phillips
No, but people will believe anything that suits their narrative.
William Barnes
Kayden Taylor
good lord
Gabriel Ortiz
Who's gonna play /ourgirl/
Christian Martin
>No, but people will believe anything that suits their narrative.
Bentley Sanders
I know right?
Gabriel Hill
John Turner
>typical girl that goes from a 4 to an 8 when she puts on makeup
Michael Brooks
Anyone remember a short hair girl with fat tits from the SJW side at the GG-era?
I fapped a couple of times to her and these zoey photos made me reminisce.
Post some pics if anyone remembers who i'm talking about.
Gabriel Hill
>A real feminist
There's nothing real in feminism. White women are the most privileged creatures on earth. They didn't invent feminism, some jews figured out they could divide society with artificial problems as gender equality. There is no equality, women are treated far better than men in practically every field, and they still bitch about everything if you give them the opposrtunity. Have you seen murder trials, compare what an man gets to what a woman will get in a similar case. Very often the woman just walks free!
Brayden Collins
>games journalism
Even as a kid I understood why Nintendo Power never had anything bad to say about any of the games they reviewed.
Henry Price
Also with tons of plastic surgery and lipo lol
I'm something of an SJW expert so I can probably help you out, but you'll probably need to be a bit more specific than just "big tits, short hair". What hair colour, skin tone, etc
Gabriel King
Hair was probably green but that may change, she looked short and chubby-ish had a very pretty smile.
I remember a photo of her at a SJW birthday party holding the cake and the tits overeshadowed it.
Mason Lopez
yup, doesn't really justify the incel seething that it caused tho. Bet the movie doesn't even show the full story.
Easton Roberts
Or maybe there are areas where both genders have an advantage. Modern feminism's problem is that it refuses to acknowledge that it's actually made lots of strides towards eliminating areas where women are at a disadvantage, and continues to shout down people who point out that areas where men have a disadvantage should receive some attention too. It's flatly hypocritical but that doesn't mean their original core goal is wrong.
Kayden Lewis
Nahh man, i was in college a few years ago. I saw most dudes still treating girls like they are pieces of meat, i seen dudes punching girls in the face and then getting away with it because the male cop takes the guys side, I seen guys talk about how girls are mentally stunted and talk as if thats real science. What you see in the media isn't reality, and until there is a full paradigm shift towards the perspective a good proportion of men have towards women, feminism is still necessary
William James
Whoever "Jamieson Cox" I hope they've since been fired and suicided.
Carson Rivera
It is not so much the incel seething, just that GG was either very ineffective or very dishonest about its goals.
It was mainly an anti-liberal movement, especially after the first month or so.
In terms of cleaning up games journalism, it failed spectacularly, IGN and gamespot (the most "corrupt" sites) came out unscathed and even benefited from the shitstorm that reee'd at their opposition.
Caleb Taylor
Im mean all the death threats and pure hatred to that girl. Why? You fags lost before it all even started.
And in the end incels be like 'b-but im the victim here'
John Sanders
All you have to do is be an adult and read TheZoePost to know the whole truth of what actually happened. It's as simple as that. Zoe Quinn anus suckers entire stance back then was "LOL DIDN'T READ LALALALA CANT HEAR YOU NEENER NEENER." There are actual screencaps of convos showing Quinn abusing and gaslighting her ex. It wasn't as if it was some long fiction completely typed out by him. He gave loads and loads of hard evidence.
Eli Ross
>death threats
Wahhh, they said mean things online...she's still alive, isn't she...she seems like someone who probably loved the attention
Jason Kelly
and yet, we could have easily won the gamergate if these fags weren't that emotional. You call liberals retarded and yet incels went full retard.
Gabriel Ramirez
>being this naive
I bet you unironically thought OWS was a scalpel sharp movement that actually changed things it set out to change.
Jaxon Scott
>Im mean all the death threats and pure hatred to that girl.
You mean the ones she sent herself>
Logan Martin
If you figured out she liked attention so much maybe you should have given her the kind that had a chance to get you a succy out of it.
Instead of the one that started the whole censorship craze.
Logan Nelson
Hmm, trying to think of who that could be but it's not ringing any bells. Anyone I can think of who would fit that description would be fat and not hot (like Randi Harper) or a tranny. Lindsay Ellis seems like she would fit the description really closely (was even at a wedding where she had huge looking tits) but I dont think she ever dyed her hair green. I'll look through all my collection though and see if anything pops up for your description.
If you know any more details send them my way. Btw, are you sure it wasn't just an old pic of Zoe? She was really chubby during most of GG and definitely dyed her hair green at several points.
Luis Sanchez
>But who cares who she fucked and why?
People who care about fraud?
>She WAS victimized.
Being called a fat whore on the Internet is not "being victimized". Especially when it's provably true.
Brody Price
videogame journalsim was always a joke
Joseph Miller
So if it was set up, by who was it?
Conservatives testing the waters?
Liberals false flagging until it caught up?
I know that there were people watching (e.g Milo) and trying to utilize it for their own gain but to say it was set up from the get go is far fetched imo.
Jonathan Smith
No i do agree about that completely...its just like the female ghostbusters, if they were just like oh thats shitty and looks like shit and didnt give it any attention, it would have just been rightly judged as shit. But because incels were crying so much and threatening the actresses, they made that the excuse as to why the movie did so bad and the incels were the losers in the end. I agree with that point, i just am against the idea of Zoe getting a free pass for her shitty behavior
Aaron Allen
Perhaps you dont get it because you never actually read thezoepost that was loaded with evidence against her. Don't blame your own willful ignorance on other people and act like they're somehow incomprehensible because they dare to know more about a thing than you do.
Ayden Hall
At least OWS pressured for the same things consistently even if it failed.
GG said it was about corruption in journalism and targeted sites AAA companies don't give a shit about.
Evan Wood
My sister has pink hair at age 45.
Xavier Edwards
Yeah, they were given the choice of
>have games be censored and bring about years of shitty neo-lib politics
>suck on these cute toes in attached and maybe get world famous BJs later on
And the morons picked the former for some reason.
Jordan Peterson
Imagine being THIS unabashedly Millennial. You probably think paying money to see the latest Disney Cape flick is the same as "sticking it to the man" don't you?
Brandon Wilson
>implying we have any control over some nobody in Turkmenistan sending someone a "death threat"
>implying they didn't just send themselves "death threats"
How stupid and fat do you have to be to live by the logic of "if someone receives a death threat online, they win"?
Bill O'Riley receives COUNTLESS "death threats". Donald Trump receives COUNTLESS "death threats". Where are your fucking tears over those?
Jackson James
You should write for trevor noah.
Tyler Fisher
>implying this isn't cringy "MJ superfan" levels of romanticism toward a literal nobody
I'm embarrassed for you
Brody Rivera
Imagine being this retarded and deluded.
Cooper Gomez
the issue was people realizing "independent" reviewers were also biased and zoe quinn was a focal point because there was direct evidence she was literally whoring herself for positive press on a game no one would otherwise give a shit about.
Then it dog-piled into people bitching about literally every shitty review practice, then bitching about literally everything, then zoe going in front of the UN for god knows why.
Charles Hernandez
>Things millennials cry about: the thread
How are those uberkewl startup companies coming along, you fucking losers?
Joshua Allen
>It was mainly an anti-liberal movement, especially after the first month or so.
And? Liberals created and protected the corruption. Why the fuck WOULDN'T it be a "anti-liberal movement".
Chase Roberts
Well that was my whole point, thanks for playing
Isaiah Harris
No no no no no
The real reason the journalists went haywire and turned the propaganda up 5 notches is that Yea Forums uncovered the fact that these “(journalists)” were being funded by special interest think tanks and private foundations. They found evidence of a certain agenda being pushed. they’ve been using everything they have to smear people who know the truth ever since.
Nolan Peterson
But that's wrong. Gamergate was a much larger reaction that occurred because video game journalists collectively denounced all gamers as a whole because a small subgroup dared to criticize Quinn over her arguably overhyped game and inarguable infidelity. Most gamers came into gamergate pissed that they'd been collectively thrown under the bus and declared the enemy of all common decency.
Leo Reed
Implying being cliquish and propping up some indy games is the same level of corruption as
IGN and Gamespot were and still are up to.
Landon Price
There wasn't any "winning." It failed for the same reason occupy failed.
Logan Powell
Jokes on you grandpa, I DRIVE FOR UBER
GG and Trump losing once again
Luke Peterson
What would you expect in return for a 5/5, user?
Isaac Jenkins
If they don't use a plus size actress I'm gunna be madder than just the idea that it might exist.
Gabriel Nelson
Honest reviews are an important part of any entertainment industry, you are a retarded millennial
Zachary Clark
>Bill O'Riley receives COUNTLESS "death threats". Donald Trump receives COUNTLESS "death threats". Where are your fucking tears over those?
1. white males
2. conservatives
Sebastian Reed
I'm embarrassed for you too user. How dare you not pay your regular Cum Tax to Zoe and company!
Christopher Ramirez
Laci Green?
Austin Hill
>"gamers are over"
>gamers still going strong while playing "typical" games still being produced that avg gamer kids play
Speaking of which I haven't seen or heard from Leigh Alexander for years. Hmmm
Christian Howard
the only way reviews can be honest is if their revenue stream is isolated from advertising. Which basically can't happen.
Camden Butler
>built like a lumberjack
Isaac Gomez
This is the actual truth.
Camden Cook
David Myers
I could still beat the shit out of her in a fight, dont know why she's showing off those sad guns
Gavin Barnes
>, i seen dudes punching girls in the face and then getting away with it because the male cop takes the guys side,
What if theguy was in his right? If the girls punched him first? What if he punched a guy, would that be different?
Women do not want to be treated equal to men, they want privileges, they want high paying positions without working for it, they want to use physical violence but if they receive it back, it's wrong.
Austin Phillips
>Story is wildly false and will never happen
So this is the power of ethical journalism
Robert Cruz
People complained about those too, faggot. It happened with Driver 3, it happened with Kane & Lynch, and it happened countless other times.
You know what the difference is?
When people shat on IGN and Gamespot in the past, they didn't get labeled "racist" or "misogynist" "nazis" for it. The studio for Driver 3 wasn't on Social Media crying about the totally real death-threats people supposedly sent them.
Jackson Campbell
Normies dont have foot fetishes
Nathan Martinez
>she had sex with guys and that triggered virgin gamers to harass her.
The lies we tell ourselves and each other.
Anthony Russell
Those feet are awful get some taste
Cooper Moore
wtf I love americans now
Anthony Evans
Why do we have to tolerate this kind of posting?
Ayden Fisher
Will we at least see the sex explicitly?
Brayden Thomas
Listen you dishonest little shit, don't name your movement anti corruption in games journalism if you are not going to target real corruption.(all your examples were before and out of the scope of GG)
As for the NPC line :they called me a nazi so i became one, I won't even bother it only unveils what a brainlet you are.
Ayden Morales
Having sex isn't anti feminist wtf
Lincoln Kelly
Michael McDonald in drag.
Austin Brown
Guaranteed Oscar for best makeup if they manage to accurately replicate Quinn's fingers.
Sebastian Howard
This is just typical outrage culture that you see in politics. Everyday is the end of the world. The dystopia they predict never comes to be, and they convince themselves that it's because they talked it about it on the internet. That way they don't have to be wrong when it doesn't happen. It not happening is just further proof that it will happen later. It's always going to happen, it just never happens. By Yea Forums's accounts during gamergate all games today should be walking simulators and phone puzzle games. Instead we've seen a small resurgence of immersive sims, refreshing shooters, openworld/rpg/mmo games, mobas, and now battle royal games. Gone home was a novel and generally impactful game. The closest we got to Gone Home 2 was Firewatch, and that game actually had a lot of interesting tech behind it despite being a walking simulator.
The end never came because it was never real. Instead of realizing they might be wrong, a small group of outrage junkies just kept doubling down.
Joseph Anderson
Will Kevin Smith play Matt Jarbo the Hutt?
Kevin Nguyen
I think the best thing about GamerGate is the fact that within five years after the event so fucking many of the high-profile critics and opponents of GamerGate turned out to be literal proven perverts, rapists and child-molesters.
You really can't make this shit up. The self-professed Feminists and their Male Feminist white knights, that were calling their opponents "rapists" and "terrorists", turned out to be the ACTUAL rapists and terrorists.
It's good to know that good triumphed over evil in the end.
Dominic Flores
Full retard achieved
Alexander Sullivan
So GG started because gaymers were worried about the stability of her future relationships?
Noah Miller
>As for the NPC line :they called me a nazi so i became one, I won't even bother it only unveils what a brainlet you are.
You seem to not only be functionally retarded and incapable of typing, but also delusional.
Take your meds.
Zachary Ross
The people that sided with GamerGate ended up becoming the same if not worse than their supposed apposition
See mundanematt
see sargon
Asher Wilson
>lightning in a bottle sperg show happens on social media
>endures for months which in itself was unprecedented
>"hey this obviously a big to-do, let's make a movie after we do some more research!"
>actually get in there and realize there is no compelling story, the hero/victim is some BPD nutjob with zero charisma, the antagonists are mainly faceless canons funposting in the moment
>pull a hard 180 and salt the ground behind you
Bentley Phillips
>I mean
Why do you add unnecessary, obnoxious things like this? Talk like a normal person you fuckin moron
Daniel Roberts
Not only are you wrong, but GamerGate was composed of FAR more people than some YouTubers nobody cares about.
Asher Peterson
My man she's pretty gross
Carson Bell
No, I was just stating the obvious
Brody Harris
Chase Taylor
Guy looks like a fucking thumb
Owen Perry
Top kek
Austin Barnes
Oh right I forgot /ourguy/ Milo
His future career turned out well didint it?
Kayden Bell
>her fucking granny hands
Every time
Brody Lewis
That black dude is fucking based.
Angel Diaz
>still had SJW's spergging and crying daily
Yeah, pretty much.
William Sullivan
Remember when that one guy from Kotaku paid for Zoe Quinn's abortion?
He was a good friend
Easton Howard
I love this picture.
Nolan Cox
>The people that sided with GamerGate ended up becoming the same if not worse than their supposed apposition
Not only is that a completely baseless and meaningless accusation, but how many high-profile members of GamerGate are in jail right now for rape/molesting children/illegally selling guns to the cartel?
Aaron Hill
I love you user :)
Thomas Reyes
He also sucked black cocks, said how much he enjoyed being molested
James Gray
So now you're being homophobic and crying about interracial relationships?
I thought "the alt-right" did that?
You cucks need to keep your narrative straight.
Wyatt Flores
Friend and lovepilled
Noah Murphy
Will this be the movie's opening credits theme song?
Hunter Bailey
Zoey Quinn is a slut, not Josef stalin
>Flags Matts video because she didint want anyone talking about her dirty laundry
>Matts video goes down
>Instead of the issue being swept under the rug it gains him publicity
>Fast forward a few years later after gamerg*te is over
>Matt flags down anyones videos making fun of him and gets exposed for doing so
Carson Robinson
>If he hates the based faggot man he must be SJW.
Check your programming
Robert Phillips
Low effort bait but Homosexuality is a mental illness and racemixing is white genocide
Xavier Bailey
Based truthposters
Connor Gutierrez
Kev lost too much weight.
It has to be /ourjew/ to do it.
Josiah Morris
perfect casting
Luke Mitchell
>you'll never be a 3/10 woman with mental issues who cheats on your boyfriend and then fucks a bunch of dudes for good reviews and then cries online when you get found out and then make a ton of money of white knight, virgins and the sons of single mothers
I respect zoe Quinn. To trick so many stupid people into beliving your bullshit that they might legit make a movie about you is talent. Good on her/it
Leo Howard
umm user
Nicholas Thompson
Evan Scott
You didn't answer my question.
How many high-profile members of GamerGate are in jail right now for rape/molesting children/illegally selling guns to the cartel? Because the anti-GamerGate cartel has a LOT.
Xavier Torres
>women gets involved in something
>massive shitstorm due to woman doing something stupid/lying
Just like in real life. I miss the days when you could just call people out for their behavior. Like if you cheated on your bf you were a whore. Or if you fucked a bunch of dudes to get stuff, youre a slut. Now you are EMPOWERED if you fuck a bunch of guys. And TALENTED if you fuck dudes to give you a good review score on your shit game. We truly live in a simulation, nothing makes sense anymore.
Henry Richardson
Yes. But in a fat suit.
He has the crying down pat.
Charles Perry
>gamers revolt about girl exchanging favors for good press
>they manage to get her to the U.N. and have a $3,000-a-month Patreon
lmao Gamergate can't do anything right
Colton Wilson
Why is it always toilet insults from you SJWs?
I've got to admit it causes discomfort, but it's mostly due to second-hand embarrassment.
Ryan Hughes
That is how it started, but it took off because one of the guys she slept with covered her in an article while they were sleeping together, which is unethical journalism 101.
There were plenty of lonely virgins attacking her just for being a slut, but that one part of the situation was just the straw that broke the camels back, since up to it, video game journalism had been knee-deep in corrupt bullshit like advance copies/swag in exchange for positive reviews, paid ads for games on supposedly objective review sites, rampant corporate sponsorship, etc. Video game journalism wasn't treated with the same ethical standards that traditional journalism was held to, and people were tired of it. Not to mention that a large portion of video game journalists spent a lot of time demonizing and talking down to their audience.
Gavin Young
>garbage human
>cis male scum
I mean, it's the only way the can't offend literally everyone save for people they don't give a shit (seewhatIdidthere) about.
Thomas Parker
Thats just woman logic. Every gf ive ever dated that ive caught in a lie or say she swore up and down that something was a fact but wasn't pulled the same shit. "Its because I'm a Guuuuuuuuuurl" yes its because youre a girl Jim Carrey wasn't in ant man it was Paul Rudd. And you being a girl is why there are 365 days in year and not 356. These irl arguments ive gotten into with women. And ALWAYS instead of just saying "whoops, youre right i was wrong" they throw it back in your face and flip it so they are actually right.
James Torres
>women are more than their bodies
>if you hate women have sex loser
>found the virgin
>look whos never had sex
>sexless incel
>I bet hes never even touched a breast
It amazes me, just outright amazes me. How hypocritical these people are.
Jaxson Ross
Sounds more like Leftists are so retarded that they throw support behind known whores and criminals.
Zachary Powell
I was in a thread about captain marvel and someone posted how RT had shut down the site and when it came back up the CM wanting to see score had gone from 17% to 67%. I posted a pic of rabbi saying "they know switch tactics" was banned for 4 days for "OBSCENE IMAGERY ON A SAFE BOARD" not even 2 days prior i posted the same pic in a DC thread and nothing. I've posted it 7 times since i was banned and nothing. Just in that one CM thread.
Elijah Anderson
Zoe Quinn is a perfect example of fake it till you make it.
No talent game designer that fucked her way up the chain to gain cloat and in hindsight Gamergate was easily the best thing to ever happen to her.
Jackson Thomas
She looks transgender. Every pic ive seen of her i thought it was a dude transitioning.
Leo Ramirez
Damn whos this dude!!
Caleb Carter
What ever happened to Milo? He was everywhere all the time until he just vanished. I vaguely remember there being some drama and he got fired from Breitbrat
Ryan Evans
I bet his dick is huge!! He just looks hung.
Noah Powell
How much cum is on that mirror and what would it look like with luminol?
Chase Campbell
>She didn't fuck anyone to get good reviews. She fucked some dude that eventually gave her game a good review.
Noah Reyes
>get laid
How to spot the angry woman in threads.
Carson Davis
>Fuck people responsible for judging your work
>Tee hee no stupid virgins, my boring Visual Novel where you can't make choices because "lol depression" won on its own merits
Noah Allen
I'm sure it'll be a completely unbiased and nauced film on the subject and certainly not revisionist in anyway.
Owen Thomas
That finna looks like a dude.
Angel King
his :edgy: jokes about pederasty between kids and clergy didn't go down particularly well with anyone, including the politically conservative groups from whom he used to make money as a speaker.
Mason Brown
Maybe my brain isnt hardwired like most men. But if a dyed hair, tattoo covered, 3/10, comes up to me and says "ill fuck you if you if you give my game a good review" im laughing in her face. Even if she was a 10/10 im not doing it. If someone wants to randomly fuck you for something thats called prostitution. Unfortunately she probably picked the most perma virgin, single mom raised, onions boys she could find.
Ryan Hernandez
Nobody is jerking off to that tranny. Just stop.
Andrew Thomas
>gamergate is the one thing that most people on Yea Forums except for a few faggots can agree on
Not then and not now, sparky. Admittedly there's some unfairness to it what with people who might have been sympathetic despising you that much more because they didn't actively buy into the shitshow as participants.
David Turner
Can't wait to see Bob Sapp in a major motion picture.
Austin Fisher
Damn i wanna see her bulge
John Roberts
Jayden Long
no-one's ever going to approach you like that user
Grayson Ortiz
>lol it's gamegate's fault that stupid leftists throw money at an obvious shame
Yeah, sure it is.
Gabriel Kelly
>when you realize shes in this thread posting these pics
Quite sad desu
Joshua Morris
This. Most of these people are mentally ill and think anything and everything is an attack against them.
Benjamin Torres
Literally the only people against GG were the Yea Forums mods and a handful of Yea Forums people who felt attention would just benefit ZQ with more money and fame.
I mean they weren't wrong, Anita and Zoe made bank on their fake victimhood.
Connor Thompson
That's a shame. I was hoping for some gloriously faggoty ruin with Adam Baldwin (who'd have been at least 50 when it all started) in his Animal Mother costume bellowing shit like "THIS IS GAMERGATE AN HOUR OF WOLVES AND SHATTERED SHIELDS I BID YOU STAND MEN OF THE WEST" at you yapping incel lard silos.
Nathan Rodriguez
>Anita and Zoe made bank on their fake victimhood
where's ours bro?
Oliver Parker
>the tweet that cost gawker millions
lel, maybe they woulda gotten a better lawyer for hulk
John Rivera
>Gamergate's targets only got richer while the likes of Mundane Matt, Mister Metokur, and Sargon all ended up eating each other
Asher Morgan
>The self-professed Feminists and their Male Feminist white knights, that were calling their opponents "rapists" and "terrorists", turned out to be the ACTUAL rapists and terrorists.
Exactly. Why do you think they are the first to scream rape or sexism. Because they more than likely raped someone or are sexist and scared of being found out. Zoe Quinn hyped up and manufactured the outrage because she knew anyone with a brain would realize she was a giant slut whoring herself for game reviews. But if she could get the sjw and white knight backing she could change the narrative to her liking. Shes a real shitty human being but I respect her manipulation abilities and her commiting to the false narrative.
Kayden Evans
>when an adult needs to believe shes in this thread posting these pics
Sadder, breh.
Owen Flores
when you're in a hole it's generally wisest to quit digging user
Luis Hughes
i mean that one pornstar mercedes got busted for allegedly tongefucking her underage daughter but one doesn't compare to dozens
John Wood
Didn't Jim, Leader of Gamergate, ended up doxxed, deplatformed, and unable to post on his YouTube for fear of getting his channel shoah'd?
And don't get me started with Sargon!
Matthew Martinez
Ive said it a few times in this thread. I'm beyond impressed by how many people shes openly conned and gotten money from. If i was a girl id be plotting some fake outrage for money thing at this very moment. Unfortunately i have a penis and thus am the white womans burden.
Austin Ramirez
Who are these people?
Haven't caught up to it.
Jose Peterson
no jim ran away from GG because they poked fun at him for fingerblasting his GF during a livestream and couldn't handle the bantz.
Leo Wilson
Yes. Luckily you know everything about a random poster on an annomous image board.
Jaxson Miller
Carson Cox
>woman cheats on guy
>guy rages on internet
>incels harass woman
>incels get called out on their harassment
>make up bullshit reasoning of "game journalism ethics"
>get called out on bullshit reasoning
>incels and guy lose their war on women and western society
>incels hold grudge and eventually start committing terrorist attacks
history of gamergate summed up
Adam Scott
well moot wouldn’t have ever left if it never happened so I’d imagine some of the guys here would be angry about it
Nathan Kelly
They were gonna get Jim's pot o' gold so he scampered away.
Parker Lee
No, I'm talking about what happened to him lately lol.
Probably going to delete his channel next and come back with a new identity soon.
Dominic Watson
>if if i repeat what they say but change a word or two IM in the right
How many step dads have you had? And how many of them touched you?
David Perez
I want to fuck both of those bottom girls really, really badly.
Kayden Cox
How many dicks will they show her sucking?
Levi Brooks
>I'm beyond impressed by how many people shes openly conned and gotten money from
Gamergate's lack of self-awareness is amazing. She "conned" people because those people don't trust the capos and sycophants being led like sheep by Jim and company as well as the proto-alt-right grifters who were trying to sway them to their side.
Isaiah Ross
>when you know the anons right and dont want to type have sex, virgin, or incel because you know everyone will realize youre grasping at straws
Im still diggin user.
James Fisher
oh he's about to do it again? lel
Owen Phillips
Same shit happening to movie reviews
Parker Russell
It's not even about her feet (although they're totally fine, even if they're not as good as Anita's), it's about what they're attached to and what they represent
Gabriel Reed
>all these women who whored themselves around yeara ago are hopping on the #metoo #feminism bandwagon
Still laughing. Also Anita is is a thousand times cuter than tranny quinn
Jordan Thompson
Jim literally can't handle bantz.
Blake Bell
It's like looking into a mirror only not.
Elijah Price
>im not bias or a woman
Ayden Moore
>you know everything
strange I do not recall making such a claim
Brandon Phillips
Have sex, virgin incel.
Joshua Turner
correct, i am a man and i am objective (although those two are not correlated, don't know why you mentioned both of them together)
Carson White
If you have to use the phrase "proto alt right grifters" in your post on an anonymous catanese microwave forum you might be a onions boy.
David Lee
If you have to use the phrase "onions boy" etc
Owen King
You know what? I'd be fine with accepting Johnny as a trans-woman if >she didn't always whine about the white male privilege her pathetic little career was built upon.
Wyatt Wilson
If you stick up for a "girl" who looks like a transitioning man. That youve never met. Who also slept with video game journalists to get good reviews for her shit game and then perpetuated herself as the victim might be a onions boy
Gabriel Cox
She'll be sorry when I release Incel Quest, the bitch.
Spare change?
Jose Brooks
When your mom and her new boyfriend Reggie come down to the basement and ask "whos Zoe quinn? And why did you use my credit card to donate 400$ to her PayPal" and you have to Google gamergate while Reggie sips his beer and ponders outloud why he's never seen a girl at your house. You might be a onions boy.
Jayden Lopez
This guy gets it
Blake Brooks
Okay, Zoe.
Juan Gray
come on now
Carson Garcia
About as much as the dried cumstains you can see on her leather vest desu
Anthony Baker
When someone posts a 3/10 with her cleavage showing. And you sperg out because no woman in real life whatever show you her breasts. Well user i hate to say might be a onions boy. Im out.
Jonathan Scott
Now you're getting it. STAND, MEN OF THE WEST!
Dylan Watson
I can't be the only one who sees a tranny right?
Cameron Jones
I'm quietly confident other people in the thread are also obliged to settle for whatever they can get, user.
Hudson Richardson
I dunno about you guys, but if I worked a shitty gameblog job that hardly paid my bay area rent and some broad offered me sex in exchange for pretending to care about depression for a minute, I wouldn't think twice about it. I mean look at her she probably fucks like a retard.