Why didn't Yea Forums never get mad about this? It was Class A incel bait

Why didn't Yea Forums never get mad about this? It was Class A incel bait

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Maybe you weren't around then, but we were mad about it.

because nobody watched solo

Nobody saw the movie. I had to do a reverse image search to figure out which movie you were referring to.

Too stupid

Because its a boring, forgetable character in a boring forgetable movie.

They baited too hard

After finally seeing the movie, that robot is such a small part of it. Like, maybe less than 5 mins screentime.

It is pretty retarded they basically gave AI "souls" in Rogue One. I guess Anakin shoah'd 6 gorillion droids when he blew up the command center.

nobody watched this

>Nobody makes porn of actually robotic looking robots
>Its all generic anime girls with seams
At least my waifu is safe from normies, right?

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And yet, its almost the only thing I remember about it. Apart from the laughable tentacle monster and.... yeah that's everything

i am only writing this in case someone from star wars inc is reading this...

putting it in the falcon was like a bad fanfic retcon thing... it's sad they think it's a good investment of their effort, to me it shows they are weak and scared and can't build anything new. it's as useless as saying "WE DONT SEE IT IN THE ORIGINAL MOVIES BUT IN THE FALCON'S GLOVEBOX THERE IS A PONY FIGURINE!". sad.

intellectually speaking we understand the value of scavengers's role in the ecosystem but still we are naturally kind of grossed out by them, vultures, maggots and such... in this i would include their take on star wars so far.

when do you think all the incels are going to go crazy and start the uprising

It was just too cringy and low quality to even talk about it

Wait, there was a tentacle monster ?
>mfw I watched it twice

>no one watched the movie
>small part of the movie
>people complain
>it dies

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There were just so, so many things wrong about Solo that the stupid robot was just a relatively minor detail in the end. Also, the fact that the robot dies and is essentially lobotomised only to be permanently fused to the Falcon computer whilst losing all identity was just weird. The Falcon has the brain of this stupid robot and Lando never makes the slightest mention of it in the OT means everyone forgot about it.

Aside from that, usually the internet complains about stuff that the mass audiences eat up, despite it sucking. NO ONE liked this droid, not even the feminists. I think the way they made it walk was just embarrassing too.

Didn't watch it I try to avoid nuWars

because the movie is making fun of it, and it dying is like the movie apologizing for it's own stupidity

She died a weird dumb death and there were a million other bad / weird / sloppy faults in the movie that overshadowed that particular character.

>incel bait
No one took the bait cos /tv doesn't jerk off to 2d trap porn several hours a day, it fucks.

Is this that faggot robot from the power rangers?

Also that she and Londo were fucking, they seemed to have some sort of chewbacca-esque relationship (i.e. pals that had been through a lot of scrapes together), and then Londo is okay losing his dead friend's remains to Han?
That would be like if Lando beat Han in a card game to win Chebacca's hide, which it later turns out in a different move is Lando's signature cape.

Unironically so much is bad about the movie, that this, no matter how bad, is too insignificant

I don’t think there was a tentacle monster?
There were different tentacle monsters in TFA and Rogue One though

There is. It's the weird storm monster obstacle in the center of the kessel run, it destroys an Empire ship at one point

I wanna ____ that robot

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it was really dumb

I agree they really should look more like robots instead of a basic bitch anime grill that's just silver colored

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Nobody liked this character. SJWs hated this character, tv hated this character, she was just fucking obnoxious.

there better be missiles under those robo titties

>we were mad about it.

Also, Yea Forums doesn't get mad. We have shills that larp as offended posters then screenshot their own posts as proof that "Yea Forums is mad". Fucking pathetic LMAO

what on earth is this from?

>Also that she and Londo were fucking
Don't drag me into this you stinking Narn scum!

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i liked this movie and whole miners rebellion scene feat anfry wookies was hell of a fun.
also that warhammer 40k tier empire mudfight scene was kino as fugg.

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Because incels don't exist.