so...what the fuck?
So...what the fuck?
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What did the white devil do in this movie then?
Don't know much about this movie is it all black and shit on white people in any way?
It's a generic, by the numbers horror. The only politics involved are the reviews praising it.
Jordan Peele specifically stated that this movie has nothing to do with race.
>t. didn't actually watch Get Out
i missed the beginning. who was responsible for making the clones in the lab?
And please tell me critics don't give a shit who makes them?
They never explained but presumably a dark money branch of the US Government. It's pulling on MK Ultra mythos.
It's pretty entertaining as a horror-comedy. There's a lot of good laughs. Tim Heidecker's character is great.
My main complaint is that there were too many "unvoiced" lines at the end. I hate that shit. "Ooh the lip readers can figure it out later!"
Maybe Peele will tie this into his upcoming Twilight Zone project
Peele literally spends the entire movie they are on screen tearing down the white nuclear family. This movie was unironic horseshit. I almost fell asleep multiple times. Hour shorter than dragged across concrete but felt twice as long. Pleb identifier
So whypipo were bad all along?
Has anyone seen it?
I watched half the trailer, looked so good I didn't want to spoil anything by watching second half... in fact it's already kinda spoiled... fucken trailers
Anyone seen it? There's a Friday showing here, wondering if i should book tix
but doesn't the black nuclear family live?
Stopping by this board for the first time in 2 years after I left to see if there's any good discussion on this film.... You people are fucked lol this board is worthless. Le ironic racism. Incel twerps. Anyway great movie. Cucks.
What was good about it? The music was awful, the doppelgangers looked retarded and were not scary at all and the movie had no tonal consistency. The last 20 minutes with the moms was absolutely fucking awful. And the first 30 minutes are useless and set up literally nothing, save for 5 seconds in the house of mirrors
no and its a shame, that's what get out was about, in a round about way, libs fawning over blacks for their approval, peele is doing what blacks should have done thirty years ago, make stuff just to make it and dont emphasize race, like candyman, doesnt matter they are black, he just uses people he knows and likes, that's all that should matter, the story has no baring on race and any race could fill any role, diversity at its true definition and aim
>literally not a single word of this is true
tim heidecker with sleeve tattoos was funny
Imagine being this fragile.
Turns out Peele can't really write good horror concepts without the clutch of woke commentary.
spoilers in this post obviously but
1) if the "twist" at the end revealed that the main character was actually one of the copies, why did the "real" lady talk in that fucked up voice
2) why the FUCK was the doppel of the son forced to mirror him but that wasn't the case with anyone else?
3) if the doppels can easily be killed how the fuck did the white dude take a fireplace poker to the head and laugh
I think the implication was she stopped talking underground because none of the other clones could. No idea about the other two points.
Can only think of answer to 1) right now
She was stuck in an underground tunnel with a bunch of homunculi who hardly, if ever, spoke English for over 30 years. She probably lost her ability to speak over that time. Keep in mind she was the only one who could even come close to speaking English.
Name a movie with more plot holes. I'll wait.
Its a shit movie with glaring issues.
1. I assume trauma from being choked and then having no one to talk to because everyone down there is retarded, how she didnt forget english and was able to plan an attack is beyond me
2. Literally no reason this defied the movies logic.
3. Again no reason this actually ruined the movie for me. Dad gets just smacked in the head (should be dead) and hes fine most of doppels seem to be as squishy as humans
Garbage movie, anyone who disagrees is a pleb
Who the hell fed the dopples after they were abandoned? They just lived on raw bunnies and had fully healthy and strong bodies?
Not for nothing but you can't hold a creator accountable for dumb critics
For a shit movie I can though
I've got better ones:
1) Once she became unshackled (and who the fuck did that, anyway?) why didn't she just leave?
2) Who took care of the rabbits?
3) Where did they get the red jumpsuits and all the scissors?
4) How did her double act autonomously? Why did the original stop?
5) Why was the double dressed EXACTLY like her?
1. Thousands of miles of tunnels BRO she just got lost!
2. The rabbits magically reproduced and ate air, thats how the millions of copies survived.
3. This is a racist question. If i had to guess.... excursions to the surface where they.... bartered? Traded rabbit meat maybe?
4. Cause theyre real human beans bro. Just like you and me #openborders
5. Yeah the climax of the movie REALLY fucked this part up. In the beginning they are dressed alike in the end we clearly see the doppelganger steal and change into her clothes.
I'm pretty sure a lot of these plot holes can just be chalked up to Peele rushing this because of the success of get out. It's a lazily made story, in an overall average and boring movie. What a letdown.
>great movie
You brainlet. The fucking villain had two separate 3 Minute long uninterrupted monologues worth of exposition in the 2nd half of the movie. Absolute Pleb writing 101. Motives should be evident through action and events. Not dumbass dialogue spoken by an overhyped actress who made an absolutely dogshit vocal choice. Thats an 8 year-olds first “scary voice” they make. Winston Duke was a fat pussy with no comedic timing either. The two kids were fine. Tim and Moss were fine. The plot was useless. The tone shifted uncontrollably and you have to have a sub 60 IQ to think the “similies and metaphors” are anything revelatory to a normal funcitoning brain. This is “the best horror move of all time” if all you’ve seen is superhero movies in your life. An insult to a great genre.
plot holes and pointless twists. i didn't hate it but anything other than average is a lie.
they did explain it. they said it was the US govt performing human cloning experiments which were abandoned.
I take it you didn’t see the movie.
Did they even mention the government? Didn't they just vaguely describe people doing experiments or some shit?
A hard pill to swallow after Get Out.
It's not as good as his previous 6/10.
yea im almost positive there was a one off line just saying this with no visual showing any of it. basically it was shit. the lore of the shadow people should have been very interesting but they didn't bother.
In Reds 25 minute monogue at the blackboard she mentions that the govt cloned everyone. But, I mean...everyone? Really? Then you just put them underground...for some reason. God damn this movie is trash.
Feels like an MK Ultra thing, they thought creating doppelgangers would let them control the real people but it ended up working backwards.
there were white people being controlled and killed as well? wtf do you mean?
it was said that "they made the copies to control the ones above"
I enjoyed the deep biblical references and the people who can't understand that a 7 year olds vocal chords can be damaged relatively easily are probably real life weaklings
>poke relentless holes in the lore
>beg for more lore
pick one and only one. you see the more lore you get the more assholes you have trying to prove they are smart by defeating FICTION with "le logic"
Im genuinely curious cause i was so bored throughout the movie i saw my attention falter. Besides the blatantly obvious jeremiah 11:11 (which literally has no relevance to the movie) what other DEEP biblical references were there?
Also this was a story of an elite telling us the true story about DNA collection and cloning. Remember the elite cannot commit crimes against us without first telling us what will happen.
I must have zoned out. This felt like a one off short story Peele just stretched out to a full length film.
>How could the boy control his double when nobody else could?
>Why did the mom waste time with an exposition dump on the double who already had been stuck in the facility?
>where did the doubles get all the fucking costumes from?
DURRRRRR ITS MEANT TO BE AN ALLEGORY well maybe it could have had a better script.
But they "cloned" them with the intention of controlling them.
Why didn't they
Also, that boy's twin mimicked him even into his own death, so idk how the fuck it works at all
>deep biblical references
wow really mind blowing stuff here. can we just keep recycling the same dead memes from 2k years ago. no one cares.
>jacobs "ladder" was an escalator.
>the "copy" said GOD brought us together.
>mad scientists were playing god with the copies but couldn't replicate a soul
>souls are what made the copies and humans "tethered"
>jeremiah 11:11
>the bum holding jeremiah sign was jesus-like
>the copy of the jeremiah bum was devil-like
>in the end the boy sacrificed himself to the fire to kill pluto
there were others I probably missed or can't remember now
It obviously didn't work right, which is why the abandoned it. The doppelgangers ended being controlled by the originals, not the other way around.
>I enjoyed the deep biblical references
How incredibly surface level of you.
see this
If you have the power to clone all your citizens at birth then surely you have the power to control all aspects of their lives anyway. It would take an insane amount of resources to clone 300+mil people then place them back into the respective societies. Who raised the cloned children? Did they clone already matured Adults?
Also, in the movie, the experiment "went wrong". Ok, so this all powerful government than can create and bestow life just says "ah well, leave the clones in underground we'll just move on"
Dogshit writing. Condescending story. All critics should be shot.
>deep bible references
Deep if you've literally never read the bible before.
>>mad scientists were playing god with the copies but couldn't replicate a soul
>>souls are what made the copies and humans "tethered"
See this is wasted potential. Should have been about the doubles killing their "real" selves to try and gain souls. Otherwise it just really didn't make much sense as to why that was going on.
see this
Holy fuck this is cringe
The escalator wasnt Jacobs ladder
Merely saying god isnt a deep biblical reference.
>2 not biblical references
JJeremiah 11 11 is the only real reference and you have it here 3 fucking times, the verse also does not relate to the movie, at all. And the boy didnt sacrifice himself faggot he was taken
I saw it. I saw the movie. You're an 80 iq brainlet.
>i cant believe the movie didn't have 100% explainable points on all accounts, so unrealistic
>i hate chocolate people so much this movie is shit
t. this thread
The movie needed better writing, literally everything else was on point aside from the script.
>that scene where they argue about who is going to drive in the middle of the street
you take fiction too literally. try thinking "outside the box"
do you really want to have le epic battle with a clone of yourself, user, YOU? or would you rather find out who or what or why someone is trying to clone people and control souls. or maybe they already can
"They" mentioned nothing. This was all entirely coming from Red's mouth. And she was just giving her own explanation, whether it was entirely accurate or not. Peele isn't a dumbass, and would not just write that shit as if it were concrete. The viewer is supposed to be left wondering what really created the tethered, and not just take Red's words at face value.
Jeremiah 11:11 is the most broad an uninteresting verse in the bible. Wholly unspecific with no new ideas. Kinda like the movie.
>herefore thus saith the Lord, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them
Wow so deep
>Because I thought the badly written script was badly written I now get lumped in with retards screaming about niggers
Oh joy, its this shit again. For the record I thought Get Out was great, you fucking cunt.
Try drinking bleach.
you are professionally dumb. if below was hell and it was, and above was earth or "heaven" the shiny gigantic escalator was almost certainly a nod to jacob's ladder. fucking tool
great retort
The cinematography was nice and it wasn't bad but it wasn't scary at all and the pacing was all over the place
I watched it with my black friend and he actually got scared at the sudden movements of the clones and laughed like a hyena at the mediocre jokes. When the movie ended he kept praising Peele and called him a genius just because of the twist at the end.
Fucking niggers man...
It was a boring average movie critics are hailing as a 9.5/10.
>The viewer is supposed to be left wondering what really created the tethered, and not just take Red's words at face value.
Might as well have saved us all the three minute exposition dump if we weren't supposed to take her seriously, since she was telling it to her double who already knew what was happening.
try posting on reddit where you belong faggot
>im gonna assume the critics of this movie are racist even though there's no evidence in this thread to support my case
Nice selfie, though
Somehow I have a feeling reddit loved this movie and its surface level biblical allusions.
You know how I can tell you're a fucking pleb? You had nothing to say about the scissors the doubles used - two literal 1's connected to form something complete. Fucking mouthbreather - I understood the symbolism of the film, I just think it had a bad script.
>great retort
You think there are :"deep" bible references. What you wrote was surface level observations of a 5/10 "horror" flick. If you think this is deep, Im sorry but you are absolutely a brainlettissimo.
Why do they hate white people so much?
But below wasnt hell lmfao, it was a tunnel system. And they arent demons, they are clones but hell even if your shitty opinion is correct thats 2 references, none of them deep
.I loved get out, this movie was trash
you keep saying 11 11 like I am saying that is the best part. there were many subtle references you missed because you were just focused on that one I guess. you need to have your brain fixed
what's sick is if a white man made this movie you would be praising it on reddit with your friends
Peele is about as black as Wayne Brady.
i am not writing a faggot review on tomatoes for you. i pointed out 5 or 6 references quickly when you idiots are claiming there are none. also great retort
symbolically below was hell and you are wrong for not thinking that.
1) She had her throat crushed in the first scene and with no assistance, it never really recovered. Also, stuck down there with people who didn't know how to speak.
2) A stretch but as they get older, they gain more awareness. They share a soul and the doppel didn't fully understand it's implications since he was so young and so he had to mirror his tether exactly like the others back in 1986 as they too had limited awareness without the girl.
3) None of them were easily killed though, one took a baseball bat to the skull and should have drowned when the boat started up again, the girl took a golf club to the head and returned etdc.
Oh yeah the 11:11 stuff was really subtle dude.
so you would be okay with his shade of penis in your mother's mouth? I am not surprised
Uh no symbolically it was not thats just something youre shoehorning in for this faggoty jacobs ladder reference. I alresdy dismantled all of your references. You have 1, the bible verse. You cited the homeless guy 3 times as references... hes one the 11 11 dude.
Honestly framing this as an allegory for heaven and hell is unbelievably stupid.
>They share a soul
I like that everyone is using this and taking Red's word seriously, but going OH LOL SHE COULD BE LYING GUYS about the government making the doubles.
Also tons of them were killed easily, Tim's character just shrugged off a fire poker to the face for some reason.
Create evil clones...
Other than that, the movie wasn't about evil whiteys.
Everything Jordan does is related to race. He's a fucking degenerate.
I went into this film super hyped for it. Left disappointed
>first half hour is scary, second half hour there is waaay too much comic relief, rest of the movie is slow up to the last ten minutes where you learn everything
>the family is just totally ok with killing people as soon as shit hits the fan and no one seems to give a fuck
>what happens to the clones after the movie ends is never explained or hinted at.
>they all use scissors to kill people because...?
>who created the clones is never explained which leaves many questions unanswered.
It’s definitely an interesting story and there are a lot of great plot devices that I think back on hint towards the overall theme of “shadows” and clones, but I was actually disappointed at one point particularly the comedy with the white family. The first part of the movie before that was awesome. It was creepy as hell and there was this looming sense of dread. Then it just went to shit. Lupita Nyongo made this film. She played fucking amazing characters.
This really had zero racial stuff though. At all.
the homeless guy was standing cross like (granted he was doing the hands across america thing but that wasn't really known yet) he was cross like with blood dripping from his hands the first time the young boy sees him. also his appearance as ROMAN jesus long hair blue eyed "white man" ... you don't make the connection to symbolize jesus at all?
okay then couple that with the bible verse... still no jesus? then when you see the copy of him below he looks fucking demonic and has scars on his head. this is the connection I am making with jacobs ladder the talk of souls the failed experimentation "as above so below" if you don't see any of these references than fine fuck off. I would be willing to bet others saw them too
That literally has nothing to do with the movie
>the family is just totally ok with killing people as soon as shit hits the fan and no one seems to give a fuck
Could have made this a more interesting element of the movie but instead its just played for cheap laughs once and then dropped. Once they were just sitting around their friends house arguing about stupid shit I really felt the movie start to drag.
Saw it yesterday, its okay.
Decent slasher/thriller. Not as good as critics say it is, solid 7/10 movie.
If you want people to take your post seriously I recommend finding the shift key.
Also there is zero racial shit in this film, folks - its about class.
I actually I thought it was pretty good until it started to over explain itself.
The clones were human, that was pointed out. So it made sense for them to be squishy, as you put it
It has nothing to do with race surprisingly
you can read it all the same I presume faggot? if you want people to take you seriously don't post on Yea Forums. see what I did there? also nice refuting my points since you cannot because you are dumb
More like an 8/10
>you can read it all the same I presume faggot?
I could, but I didn't bother. If you can't care why should I?
>So it made sense for them to be squishy, as you put it
I can't shrug off a fire poker to the face.
Still too high. Like others have said it's a 7/10 and even that's generous.
Have you ever tried, Satan?...
This board is an embarrassment
because you are stupid like your father
Literally no-one from what I've seen is disputing that scene lmao.
Out of the 2 families, literally none of them were easily killed, they were pretty resilient.
I swear to god you fucking people would be hailing this as a horror masterpiece if Peele wasn't involved and the two families swapped skin colours.
Um no he wasnt... he had his arms at like a 45 degree angle. Thats not a cross and again it wasnt for religious symbolism he was just early. No because thats a retarded connection you are reaching WAY to hard. None of them doppelgangers look demonic they look like crazy unkempt people. I dont see these cause they arent there you just want this to be better than it is. As above so below is also not a thing in this movie did you not pay attention to the part where its explicitly stated thats not how it works?
You're the only one bringing race into this. The film has no-thing to do with race. If the lead family was white nothing about the movie would have changed.
>Literally no-one from what I've seen is disputing that scene lmao.
People literally in this thread are saying UM MAYBE RED WAS WRONG ABOUT THE EXPLANATION!?
Fuck off retard, and yes the mom was easily killed she went down by a fucking geo to the head. Its like you're just ignoring flaws in the movie so you can post shitty /pol/tard bait.
>The only politics involved are the reviews praising it
She literally unlocks herself from shackles, man.
So the message of the movie is "pull yourself up by your bootstraps and fix your own issues? As long as you get yours its okay?"
>everyone in the white family is insufferable with terrible interfamilial relationships and an alcoholic mother and absentee father
>black family is perfect, cares for eachother good parental influence etc
Ya no racial shit at all
>explicitly stated that's not how it works
except for that part at the climax where they are all going to be blown to hell literally but the boy backs up and so does pluto to sacrifice himself
this movie is a pleb filter you didn't pass.
Did anyone else catch that when Adelaide is killing or exerting herself, she reverts to that almost animalistic like grunting that the other clones do? Subtle hint that she is the clone before you get the twist at the end.
The white family was just jaded, spoiled rich people. Had nothing to do with race.
Who knows? I'll watch it for free in a few months.
>except for that part at the climax where they are all going to be blown to hell literally but the boy backs up and so does pluto to sacrifice himself
Wait Pluto did that to sacrifice himself? What? Because he seemed rather helpless to do that.
Oh yeah it was really subtle that Addy did that, definitely not super obvious once she killed the kid in the kitchen and then went into the woods to mourn her double daughter.
the boy sacrificed himself to the fire.. killing pluto by controlling him, sacrificing himself to the "red mom"
also another reference to sacrificing son like jesus. you didn't even watch the movie I think, or you sub 60 IQ didn't allow you to process it
Again.... the boy didnt sacrifice himself. He was taken he was never in any danger making pluto walk into the fire. Also lol at the unironic
>they were gunna die its a reference to hell!
now you are reading into my posts like I am trying to say anything more than I literally am. you are too dumb to be sharing my air honestly
Its becoming painfully obvious you didnt see the movie. The son did not sacrifice himself.
The first hint that shes the doppelganger and red is the real human is when red cuts the head off of her bunny doll
>the boy sacrificed himself to the fire.. killing pluto by controlling him, sacrificing himself to the "red mom"
Serious question, is English your second language? Nobody fucking "sacrificed himself to the fire" the boy just controlled his double to walk backwards.
No. It's about how the US is built up on people screwing each other over for their own benefit.
I mean, I don't think he did that expecting to get grabbed by doppel mom
>boy sacrificed himself
>this literally never happens
How so did the boy sacrifice himself? By walking backwards into no danger? He didnt know red was there to take him. You desperately want this movie to be better than it is
Tfw minority gf hated it so as a white man i can safely hate it
What was the bible verse that was shown throughout the movie? I remember the 11:11 (obviously) but not the book.
One person on a Yea Forums thread said something stupid that everyone ignores, that's never happened before. Why have a 3 minute talk seen if it's not relevant lmao.
>Easily killed
>Massive blunt force trauma to the base of the skull with rock.
ngl, the way your acting like a massive rock is equivalent a pillow made me chuckle user. Plus, couldn't it be a case like the daughter where she'd eventually regain consciousness?
What is this fucking spacing, dude
Right? Whiny white boys everywhere.
the son sacrificed himself for the family to kill pluto, he gets taken by the Red mom furthering the plot. It's actually that simple. What other explanation do you have besides someone taking the time to write a movie but just bullshit one scene for no reason or purpose at all? how did YOU interpret it?
he walked backwards away from his family the sacrifice was symbolic, if he didn't control his double they would all be dead. if he didn't walk away he might not have gotten snatched, it was a gambit on his part
>desperately want the movie to be better than it is
I give it a 7/10 and I don't even like suspense thrillers. maybe I would give Get Out an 8/10? but that's because I liked the premise more
tl;dr God will kill everyone without mercy.
>One person on a Yea Forums thread said something stupid that everyone ignores
Every single thread has had anons post UM YOU SHOULDN'T TAKE RED SERIOUSLY, you're just illiterate.
So if the evil clone comes from the spook house, does that mean every person in the world went to the same spook house and got replaced?
what are you actually saying? see the fucking movie before writing stupid shit with no coherence
>black nuclear family
>The doppelgangers ended being controlled by the originals
But how the fuck did they plan out that whole operation? People weren't stabbing themselves with scissors before.
Yes. There is a moment first where she is talking to her husband on the bed right before the lights go off where you see for a split second her acting like them.
I did you stupid fag.
They specifically put that dumb LOL TUNNELS stuff at the start to give them an excuse for all the doubles to come out onto the surface.
the little girl was holding scissors in the begging
scissors are a common tool a kid might use as weapon
scissors are symbolic for "cutting" a tether
scissors are like mirror blades
mirrors are literally everywhere in the movie.
do I need to go on or are you just a stupid person?
go see it again because it was obviously 2deep4u idiot
Not him, I thought it was an okay movie meanwhile every other post in this thread is people saying niggers and whypipo
This boards an embarrassment when only 1/4th of the actually posts are about the movie and the others are about hoe they refuse to watch a movie made or staring black people
THE SON DID NOT SACRIFICE HIMSELF HE HAD NO CLUE RED WAS WAITING TO STEAL HIM QUIT LYING ABOUT A SHITTY MOVIE. Is a child who is kidnapped sacrificing themselves? No. The son did not sacrifice himself. This movie isnt 7/10 sorry and your takes on it are piss poor
I thought it was a well made movie with a shitty script, overall a disappointment. Get Out was miles better.
Get fucked retard, you can dislike this film without being some klansman.
The movie literally involves a white and black family being good friends what the fuck are you talking about
That was the hint she was the clone.
>the bad guy actually won
you keep equating red as the worst thing to happen to the kid. as they are driving around there are dead bodies in the street you faggot it's basically le apocalypse.
for him to back even an inch away from his family is chance he could get harmed and lo and behold 10 seconds later he is snatched. you are just dumb
> it was a gambit on his part
No it wasn't because he had no fucking idea that Red was waiting for him.
>Therefore thus saith theLord, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them.
Yeah cause you keep bringing up his sacrifice in the scene where red steals him you fucking mongoloid. Claiming its a sacrifice is ridiculous
Unironically nothing, the movie was kinda boring and slow, but there was no anti white shit from my understanding.
Get out was definitely anti white with all the white people being evil and all the blacks being good, but the same isn't true about this movie in my opinion, It's not a good movie tho
I could forgive the dumb plot if it was scarier or at least funnier, but it wasn't so I can't.
Get out was anti-racist not anti-white dumbass
the black family wasn't perfect, Adelaide's husband was irresponsible and so was Adelaide's dad.
>he doesnt know anti racist is code for anti white
Take an e;r pill senpai
The son was also a bit of a spaz. He clearly had autism.
Was meant for
How was adelaides husband irresponsible? Because he wanted to have a good time on a family vacation? Youre trying to hard my critique is spot on.
quit shilling for this retard here
The family Son half dopple since the Mom is full dopple, hence why in the ballet/car fire scenes the Clone!Son and Clone!Mom follow the moments of the “Real” ones.
Did i miss where in the movie it says the daughter is adopted and thus not half doppel?
>movie about class inequality
>government is the real villain
He just made it up. These threads are shitposting central.
>2 days later I am forgotten
I enjoyed the movie but the ending was just a huge plot hole, it actually made no sense when you put the rest of the movie into context.
The idea’s present throughout. The Mom and Sons connection throughout, them being the only ones that can control their dopples, Clone!Mom making the distinction that Clone!Daughter was born a monster while Clone!Son wasn’t, the look between Mom/Son at the very end. Peele was clever in the talking too, Clone!Mom could talk albeit gruffly and Clone!Son possibly could but his face is fucked
No need to shitpost when I paid attention, shitbird
1) She regressed in the down under
2) The son was on the spectrum for autism and was closer to the flip side than the normies hence they were closer copies of one another. look at the lighter not working vs flame obsessed boy. You should understand the autism part.
3) idk
Basically mom and son are dopple/half-dopple and dad and daughter are normal
Nice fanfiction
Imagine not realizing this was about social and economic class as US stands for United States.
The copies even define themselves as "Americans".
The pleasure the copy pleb took in putting on lipstick.
The irony of the theater cheering for the upperclass the whole film while a display of unity like hands across America is seen as creepy and full of horror.
Its so well done and only like 10% of the audience will get it.
>The copies even define themselves as "Americans".
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.
So people are really going to prop up a mediocre ass movie cause muh deep political statement. Fuck off. It was a boring movie absolutely full of plot holes and scenes that dragged on with zero payoff. Maybe make the vehicle for your statement not shitty next time.
This is the sort of person who thinks Us is deep.
She literally says it as soon as they ask the clones "who are you"
Besides you desperately wanting to believe this why cant the daughter control hers? She is half clone as well
>inb4 car scene where she clearly shows shes not connected
Why isnt the daughter half doppel...
Nah you're a pleb, I said earlier in the thread that it was about class. You obviously just stole that from me without doing any critical thinking on your own part.
Here's a tip, retard - only Red identifies them as Americans. The other doubles just REEEEEEE.
>She literally says it as soon as they ask the clones "who are you"
She's not a clone.
I’m just analyzing what’s actually in the movie my dude. Clone!Mom did explain that when Mom had the C section for the boy she had to cut Clone!Son out as well so I’m assuming that figures into it but I couldn’t tell ya
>implying I read your opinion or value it
The others just reeee because the lower class has no voice.
>inb4 I said that too
Yes ....the girl who switched and was not a clone but we think she was a clone but they switched spots.
Anyways .....she says "We are Americans"
She could have literally said anything else to define them. Its at that point we know what its truly about
>I’m just analyzing what’s actually in the movie my dude.
Then why are you claiming the daughter was adopted?
She doesnt speak for what they are though because she ISNT one of them
She speaks for herself, this is revealed at the end.
Also this movie isnt about class. Its a thinly veiled open borders propaganda
>sure these violent people forced their way into our country
>bit they are just like us look hands across america!!!
>Why was "Adelade" scared.
>Why did Red have to mimick surface dopplegangers actions when she is the original body.
>They do the mirror self thing, but only when the plot needs it.
>They both dance at the same time, but why.
The tunnel is a goverment project, the location should not change the person who is the lead because it doesnt for anyone else only Red.
Makes no fucking sense,
I saw it yesterday. There's a plot twist that Stevie Wonder can see coming and a pretty big plot hole but neither take too much away from the film. It is a solid good to great horror film and has a couple of genuinely hilarious moments. I can't stand Tim and Eric but Heidecker's character is legit hilarious. There is literally nothing about race in the movie either despite what some people on this board will tell you. The protagonist family act about as black as Wayne Brady. Definitely worth seeing. 8/10 horror flick.
Will people stfu about this gay ass movie and that gay ass anime thing on neftix
We have a winner.
I think calling it "great" is a stretch, outside the well shot mirror maze portion nothing really sticks with me as a particularly fantastic sequence.
every single word of this is true
>Why was "Adelade" scared.
She knew she did Red dirty. Her chickens were coming to roost
>Why did Red have to mimick surface dopplegangers actions when she is the original body.
She didn’t, that’s why she was their ‘Chosen One’
>They do the mirror self thing, but only when the plot needs it.
Don’t understand what you mean here
>They both dance at the same time, but why.
One is puppeteers by the other, idk beyond that
The beginning home invasion was cool too but ya you’re right
The part that irritates me and I don't get is why didn't the real Adeleide just walk up the escalator and escape? She obviously got out of her handcuff at some point, when she grows up to be Red, she mentions eating Rabbits, so she was loose at some point when she was young.
Why didn't she just walk up the damn escalator and find an adult?
Because then the plot wouldn't have happened.
This. The first third was really good, then it just gets messy and unwieldy and more or less just fails to deliver. Not a bad movie, though.
>One is puppeteers by the other
Except that never comes up in the movie - nowhere does Red puppet Addy or vice versa once we're in present day.
She became their savior instead
I keep asking you fuckers if this shit is actually scary and no one is giving me answers
Couple of scary scenes, not really.
Yeah that shit is retarded. Nothing was stopping her. Maybe the clones wouldn't let her or some shit? They barely seemed aware of anything though.
It's a comedy, dude.
It's not really scary at all. Nothing scared me at least. I expected the kids burnt face to look grosser, shit looked amateur as fuck.
The home invasion early in the movie gets a little spoopy. Most of the rest isn't really though
It has some legit scary / uncomfortable scenes. As mentioned, mostly in the home invasion scene.
Its a shame that they flubbed that - a quick shot of his nightmarish face before the match burned out leaving him in the dark would have been really cool.
I THINK the clone puppeteers the real, so Addy would puppeting Red
Having to THINK instead of know is the prob though. The intrigue over “””buried””” stuff in Get Out kinda ruins Us because too much is for viewers to ‘discover’
>She didn’t, that’s why she was their ‘Chosen
Expect for she did, she had the samw children and husband.
"When you had warm dinner i had rabbit raw"
"Nice presents, Red got cold and sharp that rip her hands"
Its clear that she mimicked the dopplegangers life.
That was the intention of the government but given what we see and hear, it seems that it failed.
I think this movie should have cut the exposition dump and done something else instead. Maybe have informational posters or something in the background that Addy walks by - more visual storytelling from the tunnels themselves, and less from I KNOW YOU ARE MY DOUBLE AND CAME FROM HERE BUT LET ME PAUSE AND TELL THE AUDIENCE ABOUT THE GOVERNMENT EXPERIMENTS
I think the opening should have been cut so the twist isn't spoiled so early, but other than that I liked it up until the dad gets taken on the boat and all tension gets dropped.
Finally an US thread.
I thought it was good. It was a total mind fuck. I still dont get who the doppelgängers are. Are they just your reflection? Also what was the point of hands across america?
I understand the point you’re making, but those could just be Red comparing her life to the one Addy stole from her. The only literal mimick scene we saw Addy In was the dancing
Why was the dad taken on a boat, exactly? I didn't really get the necessity of that. HURRRR SINCE HE WAS THE DAD'S DOUBLE HE OBVIOUSLY WANTED TO DRIVE THE BOAT TOO I guess?
no its not about kill whiteyy /pol/ its safe to watch
So why does she have the same family? and have the same children?
Absolutely. I was still with the movie idea-wise despite having misgivings but the exposition dump from Red made me stop fucking with it
Weird, lazy writing. The program was discontinued generations ago so where did all the doubles come from? Might as well have had a magical explanation, it would have made more sense.
I think they were just separating the family so Red could talk to her clone.
It’s creepy not scary
Kind of a weird way to go about it but sure.
>>Why was "Adelade" scared.
If you escaped an underground prison you probably would want to stay as far away as possible.
I mean Red said right before that they (the shadows) wanted to take their theme killing the reals. They could have slit their throats like the white family when they first invaded the house but each wanted to fuck with the individual family members in a certain way that preyed on their insecurities (dad w/ boat, son w/ magic trick, daughter with running).
Man I wish I fuckin knew lol iirc Red explained in the home invasion that once Addy had a husband/kids she had to as well but idk if it was by force or what
A top-tier Twilight Zone so that shouldn’t have been full length of you ask me
If it was magic i would suspend my belief, but its explained as science.
The location is a physcial plane not a mirrror world.
>I mean Red said right before that they (the shadows) wanted to take their theme killing the reals.
None of the other doubles took their time, and only doubles who seemed to legitimately want to fuck with their real selves were the mom (who is a real person anyways) and the daughter. The son seemed to want to play and the dad was just a retard.
The by force is only way it could make sense, but even then the clones are not shown to move outside of the persons movements. So if she simply was in a different room he would be humping the air.
>but its explained as science
"Souls" are not science. Go back to grade school.
The by force is only way it could make sense, but even then the clones are not shown to move outside of the persons movements. So if she simply was in a different room he would be humping the air.
It says it is a goverment research project, the original person has the soul and the clone is destined to carry out their actions. Except for Red for no reason other than one is underground. So explain it.
Well souls are the rules the movie uses.
Not him but you're illiterate. They literally explain the clones as science and go UM MAYBE THERE WAS ONLY ONE SOUL BETWEEN TWO BODIES? LOL!
This movie wanted to trick audiences into thinking it would be a supernatural explanation (hence all the 11:11 coincidences that were surface level as fuck in the end) but really it was just "oh the government made millions of clones xD"
I think it was because Red was the leader and had the most hatred for her other. She obviously had a bigger axe to grind and probably fostered that hate in her husband and kids. You can see the clone son wanted to fuck with the son in forcing him to do a magic trick he wasn’t able to do and then kill him. The sad was more of a brute but clearly wanted to kill him on the boat as some sort of symbolism.
>Doze clownzzz dih-ent do nuffin to nobodies.
Bravo M. Night, whatta tweest.
>It says it is a goverment research project
Yes, into souls. If magic exists you can still research it.
I mean its clear to see Red had a lot of hatred in her - hell, she even brought up the same handcuffs. I just wish the movie hadn't fallen apart after the home invasion stuff, I felt like it really just lost a ton of momentum once they made it to their friends house.
So which is it, retard? Is researching souls science or not?
>Is souls science?
lol burgers
They were clones developed by the government to control the population above. The experiment failed and was abandoned.
Hands across America (violent edition) was inspired by her T-shirt. Also, if you were alive in 1986, you could not escape that damn video for it.
Not that retard but both? It’s the scientific research of something magical
I honestly thought everyone knew about Hands Across America but maybe I'm just old.
he got the idea for this movie from an old TZ episode
First half hour is creepy, then it shits the bed, then the last 10 minutes are a little creepy again
That shitty ballet fight was creepy to you?
>Why did the boys clone conveniently copy the boys movements into the fire?
>How were there so many fucking clones by the end?
>Where did they all get the suits?
>How did the clone mom "forget" about her past?
>Why didnt the mom escape the secret lab the first chance she got?
This movie was a clusterfuck. Wasnt scary, wasnt funny, and had wayy too many plotholes. This is Syfy original tier garbage.
i need to watch the movie again
The movie switched gears from being a full on horror/suspense film to being more of a thriller/sci-fi with comedic elements after that.
ITT: butthurt whiteboys and retards
Me too. I figured most of the youngfags on here would have heard about it from that Simpsons episode though.
the first 75 minutes of this movie were dope
last 45 minutes were so dumb
None of their explanations to what was happening was gratifying or made sense
I guess? It was sci-fi the whole time, though - from the opening with the tunnel line and the caged rabbits and ominous music it was clear that there was something more going on.
Hilariously enough when that commercial played I immediately thought of that episode, since her pose on the couch was so similar to Homer's.
movie was fine. Its a good time with cool kills and some great imagery. Theres some lefty political shilling but its pushed in your fucking face like get out was
>"What is this white people shit?!"
What was the point of hands accross america? Like I understand that the kid had the t shirt and they modeld it after that
but like... it's to make a point?
What point were they making?
Was mass murder not enough of a point already?
It was useless and dumb and they only did it to look cool which stopped being effective as soon as you realize it doesn't make sense
It was a solid 6/10 flick, trailer made it looks way better than it actually is. ONCE AGAIN it turned out that every good shot and scene in the film got shown in the trailer and the rest of the movie was fairly middling.
the point is we as americans, the US need to come together to heal this nation because we are our own worst enemy
I thought they were going to make some point about homelessness. Like the homeless are just like us or some shit, but that didn't really fit the rest of the story. Basically the part with Red cutting out the paper to make the link of people. It ties in with the scissors and the tethering. But, it really doesn't make much sense.
>Theres some lefty political shilling but its pushed in your fucking face like get out was
How powerful of a microscope were you using to get "left wing shilling" from "we are our own worst enemy."
Also, in Get Out, the antagonists WERE the left-wing shills. Elitist white people who voted for Obama and fetishized black people.
>Why did they all use scissors? I know the puppet imagery is there but surely there wasn't a pair of scissors for every clone underground and it's kind of a shitty weapon
>Why didn't real Adelaide just leave after she got unshackled
>I get that rabbits breed a lot but realistically they would have just eaten all the rabbits before they even had a chance to breed
>No possible way the government would just abandon this shit, they would gas them
>Hands across america shit was dumb
>why the hell was dancing enough to inspire these folks to have free will
>what even was the grand plan? Their stuck underground forever and suddenly they just decide to go upstairs? They could have done that at any time
>For the entire movie the clones NEVER mirror the movements of the original until it's a convenient way to kill off autism boy
>underground in flashbacks it seems that the clones have literally no agency... but then suddenly they randomly just do?
>Adelaide wondering into a hall of mirrors was enough for the swap to happen? Why
>Adelaide and Red seem to have absolutely no knowledge that they swapped for most of the movie and their behavior doesn't make any sense given the twist
This movie's plot was way too simple to have as many plot holes as it did
which is a damn shame because it was fun and well paced and had some nice action comedy and suspense
Too bad it was fucking stupid!
the hands across america is the part of the plan that does make sense, since the goal was basically just to be seen. Except for Red none of the other clones really had a reason to kill their counterpart since the counterpart had no idea they existed and weren't trying to keep them locked up.
The point is it was a dumb plan concocted by a child to make a statement that they exist. Keep in mind that HAA was about feeding the hungry, and the doubles lived their whole life off rabbits (poor buns).
Yes it was dumb.
i seriously have never heard of it
It's sadly full of plot holes.
Reminds me of LOST, all the complaints about the non-sensical plot are defended by "ITS NOT ABOUT PLOT AND COHERENCE, YOU DONT GET THE MESSAGE!!!"
If this shit means Us has deep bibilical references", then so does fucking Halo. Face it user, there was zero depth to this movie.
Are you American? That's pretty weird.
Straight up proves that there is no such thing as racism in the west.
Towards niggers of course, plenty of racism against Asians and Whites.
>The tunnel is a goverment project, the location should not change the person who is the lead because it doesnt for anyone else only Red.
How do you know that, though? It's like they said, two bodies, one soul. Maybe, in the light of day, well fed, with a loving and supportive family, her actions and desires take lead over the other's?
I'm not saying that's what happened, I just think the ambiguity leaves more open for a sequel.
Red made it seem as if she was acting out Adelaide's life against her will. It could just be the tether magic, or it could be the other tetherds forcing her to do certain things. Her tether parents probably took her deeper into the tunnels when the topside parents left the beach
I liked it overall, but the alice in wonderland sequence in the end kinda ruined it.
>follows the white rabbit
>goes underground
>faces the red queen
That whole sequence just doesn't make sense. The origin of the clones should have been kept a mystery
The end really put a sour taste in my mouth, really enjoyed it till the end when it just shits itself.
>I'm not saying that's what happened, I just think the ambiguity leaves more open for a sequel.
This film didn't really have ambiguity where it mattered, though. Instead it over-explained via exposition dump about the government while going LOL I DUNNO about the actual nature of the doubles. Really bad writing at the end. That you're discussing 'tether magic' is evidence of this.
>One joke in the entire movie about some shit that white people actually do.
Have sex
>Adelaide and Red seem to have absolutely no knowledge that they swapped for most of the movie and their behavior doesn't make any sense given the twist
The point here was probably to show that Red and Adeleide were shaped by their environments and not their birth. Red was born nornal but shaped into a monster, Adeleide vice versa.
What was the point of the exposition dump that Red gave Addy?
None really. That's why its considered the worst part of the movie. Everything else is pretty good.
Every time Jason played with his magic trick, right up by his face, Pluto had to play with matches. Hence his face.
Simple games for the humans could be awful for the tethers. Remember Adelaide's dad playing Whack-a-Mole? His tether was punching a brick wall instead.
By her account, Red was forced into the family she had. She didn't choose Tex. She wasn't given a choice. Expanding on that, every time Adelaide had sex with someone, Red was down their being raped by their tether. Assume that all the tethers feel that way, and Red is the only one with the words to say it.
I'd say they'd be pretty pissed, wouldn't you?
What's wrong with being racist?
I figured the whole point was that people are a product of their enviroment and an evil child raised in a loving household becomes a good person and vice versa. However, the plot has so many issues toward the end that the message feels muddied.
finally a good fucking post
that's a huge disappointment, i thought it might have been a supernatural movie.... so his last movie was evil science man put white people brain into black people, and this one is evil science man makes evil clone?? jordan peele is a haaaaack!
Amazing how all the same sperms and eggs in the teathers were produced and mind controlled to merge whenever they had sex.
holy shit thanks for this I feel like a dumbass
I was wondering why clone had a burned up face if OG kid didn't but now I realize it's because that kiddo had to have a match all up in his face while mimicking the real life autismo kid
Where did Pluto get all those fucking matches in the abandoned tunnels? What kind of fucking logic does that make?
its really good, not as good as Get Out, but I still loved it.
Cant wait to see how Jordan handles Twilight Zone and Candyman.
souls, dude
Anybody notice that the trailers before the film were all race war baiting?
That would make sense if not for Pluto, if left to his own devices I imagine he would much rather play around with Jason, it seems like Red was the only one with any real malicious intent and the others were just following what she said because what else were they really doing.
Also, I just thought of something. take away the logistics of the dads clone getting to where Red was underground, what was stopping Red from just moving out the way and letting clone dad fuck the air?
>lmao its just magic and souls bro don't think about it too hard
its gonna be science man makes evil thing
Why didnt she move away if she was concious, the clone wouldnt chase her to have sex.
Who's gonna photoshop Pagliacci behind the mask?
Dumb theory completely undone by the roller coaster shit, we can see in that scene that clones don't have to move 1:1 with their real selves on the surface, they can run into walls and shit.
yeah this might just be the biggest holes
Literally none of the clones have ever left this undergorund world that just has beds desks and rabbits but suddenly EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has a big ol pair of scissors, a red outfit, and various other things like matches or the shitty recycled shirt they get when they win the "carnie games" and etc
Ah, but they didn't have souls, remember?
The more you think about this movie the less sense it makes. Goddamn.
they have just a little bit, to keep them tethered
Why didnt she leave as a child then?
From the same place the rabbits, the chairs, the scissors, clothing, classroom materials, etc., came from? They clearly had some stuff down there. Is a large stash of matches really out of the question?
Because then the plot wouldn't have happened. Lazy screenwriting 101.
the gandhi vs king rap battle wasnt political
if the government were really giving them matches n shit then surely when the real life counterparts start cooking then the copies would use the matches to cook the rabbits and not have to eat them raw
Not really, no.
The clones are not seen to chase and attack each other to mimick, if the intent is to have sex with her would he chase her across a room to rape her. Why would she even be in the same area, if the tunnels are all over the USA it would make sense the tunnels reflect the local area.
So why does a man who did not live in that area have a clone in Santa Cruz?
If he has a clone so does everyone else in the USA, but that would mean child adelade crossed tunnels.
>They clearly had some stuff down there. Is a large stash of matches really out of the question?
Yes, because literally why would there be matches down there and why would the kid be forced to pick them up? The project has been abandoned for fucking generations, its just a stupid idea.
Think about this with your brain. Just because the real kid was playing with a magic trick, you think that means the clone had to go find the matches and play with them? Why? That wouldn't have matched with the real kid's body movements beyond his arms. Fucking stupid attempt at looking for depth where there isn't any.
Just got out of the theater.
It would have been so much better if, once Adelaide thought she and Red were alone, that she finally admitted she choked the real Adelaide out as a girl and took her place because she wanted a real life. But now she has a family and Adelaide can't have them.
Like, why the fuck did she act like she forgot everything she deliberately did as a girl? Didn't make any sense.
She probably convinced herself over the years she was the real Adelaide.
Not him but that's pretty retarded
That's duuuuuuummmmmbbbbb
>That wouldn't have matched with the real kid's body movements beyond his arms.
See The mirroring isn't 1:1.
So then why am I expected to believe that Pluto burned his face off with matches in the tunnels that we never see due to the kid playing with a magic trick? The motion isn't even like striking a match at all.
Christ you guys are almost making me dislike the film just by pulling all this shit out of your ass.
Just got back from the theater. Really mediocre 2deep4u tier shit. It has nice filmography, and Lupita is cute, but that's about it. Nothing about the plan, tunnels, or clones or anything makes sense. I shouldn't have to read some autists fan theory to get enjoyment out of a movie. It also doesn't know what the fuck kind of tone it wants. Parts felts funny and surprisingly lax when they should have been dire. 5/10
>Parts felts funny and surprisingly lax when they should have been dire.
I'm guessing you mean that part where they're arguing about who is driving immediately after they were attacked in the house, because yeah that part felt limp as shit.
I agree with everything you said, i give it a 6/1o though because I somehow liked it even though it has a shitload of problems
Peele fans are so easily impressed and he was jerking off for them blatantly in this one
This movie really would be a fantastic experience IF and ONLY IF
You get up and leave the theatre as soon as the family goes back to santa cruz beach for the second time, go home, and then make up your own head canon of what happens next
fucking kek, based
>Peele fans are so easily impressed
this is his second movie and it literally just came out you can't be saying peele fans do x that's extrapolation lmao
that underground mirroring of the boardwalk was probably the dumbest part. So, the double of the ball throwing game has a t-shirt to give to Adelaide's double? Who gave him the shirt?
I don't care how many tunnels are underground. There's not enough space to literally mimic the lives of the people on the surface.
Lazy, performance art bullshit.
But the movie overall was fun. The chase/fight sequences were well-directed and exciting. Peele should stop trying to make big-brain horror stuff and just make action comedies.
This, they should have just left it as they escape and kill the evil family.
The ending ruined the film and made awful plot holes.
so that's the power of autism
I don't think this movie was particularly funny. The only part that really made me laugh was the husband trying to pose in bed.
Maybe people didn't like the chain because they just slaughterd millions of people?
Sorry to hear that.
the power of autism is not being able to detect a single grain of irony in my post
Obviously if you have to MAKE UP YOUR OWN ENDING to the movie for it to be good it has some huge fucking problems I'm not actually suggesting anyone buy a movie ticket and leaving 3/4s of the way into it lmao
It's a horror movie it would have been better off if something bad actually happens to the family clones should have been able to actually land a kill on at least one main character (Tim's family does not count)
I laughed at the dad dabbing and the kids getting mad at him for it at the beggining that was a nice joke
I laughed at Tim Heidecker trying to be scary but idk if that was intentionally funny or not
I don't really need your sympathies, user, I just didn't think the movie was funny. What parts did you find particularly gut-busting in this movie?
You couldn't tell with Get Out how many retarded fans of that movie were convinced they knew "good horror" and that Jordan is an up and coming masterclass horror director? He's been making above-average horror action flicks with a little social commentary and it has garnered a bunch of pseudo intellectual faggots who overrate it to top levels.
the comedic parts
Oh, I gotcha. Because there were none in the movie you didn't actually find any of it funny. Good joke.
This, but unironically. If you have a problem with this movies aren't for you.
"Ophilia, call the police."
"Playing Fuck Tha Police by NWA."
I chortled there.
>lmao just turn ur brain off brah
I don't think it's possible for Heidecker to be intimidating. Especially if you know him from Tim and Eric.
>A Siri misunderstanding something joke
Saw it coming from four thousand miles away.
She probably got put through therapy due to her "PTSD" so I wouldn't count it out.
I mean IDK Tim and Eric's bedtime stories was scarier than this movie
Get out was a lot better than this film and although a bit over rated still a pretty dam good film
>He's been making above-average horror action flicks with a little social commentary
No he's done that ONCE before now lol
Now he's done it twice but that is still fresh on his track record
Also "above average horror action flick" is pretty dam good seeing that most horror action flicks are way below average and that's a pretty well loved genre
Maybe intimidating to every good show that ever aired on Adult Swim and got cancelled to make room for more Tim and Eric bullshit.
But in this movie, I don't think he was trying to be all that intimidating. His clone, Tex seemed to be a good bit more retarded than the other clones, and that's saying something. But he was funny in the role.
You haven't watched On Cinema, have you?
Also, they show the young Adelaide taking Red's Thriller tee after she chains her to the bed so...what happened to the doppelganger t shirt?
>film up through home invasion
>film after home invasion
He also had superhuman endurance to be able to shrug off a fire poker to the face. Not sure why some doubles were terminators and some weren't.
so true, the home invasion truly shows how flat it starts falling
I think that was part of Tex's retard powers.
Obviously discarded off-camera.
>So, the double of the ball throwing game has a t-shirt to give to Adelaide's double? Who gave him the shirt?
Good question. We also would want to know how Adelaide had a 1986 Hands Across America shirt when she was down in the tunnels as a kid.
I thought I saw some handlers running the experiment in the room with the rabbits during the flashbacks, but I'll have to wait till I see it again to be sure. We don't know when the experiment officially ended. There's plenty of room if they wanted to expand on this in a sequel.
Its funny how so many statements about this movie have "I think" to preface them because there is so much that simply doesn't make any sense.
she was wearing hands across america shirt before she got the thriller shirt and the thriller shirt got put on top of it
so she went down there wearing that shirt
I actually haven't. Just seen all of tom goes to the mayer and awesome show.
>We don't know when the experiment officially ended.
It had ended "generations ago" so that doesn't make sense.