>that bank robbery scene
Why did it feel so surreal?
Dragged Across Concrete
It was kino
>"Handcuff all the anons in this board right now"
god i wish that were me
because there weren't any customers
they were also well dressed and mannered
>whether it's a possibly offensive remark made in a private phone call
It really felt like something out of a Lynch movie.
The robbers looked both extremely silly and threatening at the same time
It seems like a running theme with Zahler. Like the gratuitous gore/practical effects he uses is brutal and extreme, but its so over the top its almost to a comical extent. I can never get enough of it.
Yes, i love it too. I remember people hating the last shot in brawl because of the obviously fake head. But i thought it was great, playing with artificiality and making things surreal through design and special effects.
he truly saw tarantino and got past it
i laughed so hard when that girls fingers got blown off. it felt like a satire sketch
I dunno why everyone hated on that. The alternative is like the general who gets shot in the cheek in Pan's Labyrinth. A small hole, a trickle of blood, his eye rolls and he collapses. That'd be a massive anti-climax.
The head explosion was a suitable 'go out with a bang' end to the sheer insanity of 'Brawl...', not to mention he shot him with a fucking cannon.
maybe they explained it but I didnt get why the hostage lady shot vince vaughn
it was because they ran out of money early on and didn't have the cash for a good fake head not any other meaning he literally said this in an interview
funny how people will make up their own meanings to make a movie more than it is
t. armond
they most likely told her that if she helps them she is free, if she doesn't they kill her and later her loved ones as well
what does it mean when they say cast iron?
What does it mean when they say anchovy?
maybe Caspere knew it
The movie was unironically Lynchian and parts of it felt like it was from an episode of Twin Peaks: The Return.
>masked gunman casually shoots up a convenience store for no reason
>eerie apartment block protagonists never see the inside of, with only interior scene being Russian dude entering hidden room for shady reasons
>random, non-expository yet somewhat amusing scene of Vince eating a sandwich and annoying Mel
Because the entire movie felt surreal because of the terrible acting and directing?
hard *like* cast iron
didn't give him too much cast iron = didn't go too hard police brutality on the cholo
looks like cast iron: dude looks hard
I have no idea about that one, first I thought it was euphemism for asshole but that doesn't make sense. Some kind of food metaphor, but I don't eat anchovies.
Cotton Candy is obvious.
How would that scene have played out if only black people were in it?
I figured anchovies was just his way of saying, fuck, or this situation is fucked, because he ddin't want to swear. Also because anchovies are shitty
foreign guy took a picture of her ID and told her that he sent it to his associates and that they'd murder her loved ones if she didn't do what they said.
The early scenes with Vince Vaughn and Mel talking about the media and shit and the scene where the wife says "I never thought I was a racist but" felt like someone had taken Raimiposting and put it on the big screen. Shit was weird and oddly delivered.
>Mel turns to the camera and begins talking about jewish control of the media and how the negro cannot coexist with the white man.
made sense when talking with police lieutenant maybe, but why didn't vince wanna swear in front of mel