Derry Girls

Best show on TV right now.

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Orla is best girl

I love her last name.

haha women are whores


It's good
Not amazing though honestly
none of them are really that funny

pen15 is funnier

I take it you just watched Sunday brunch Op, also is the show actually good.

It's goodhearted and genuine, a rare departure for modern sitcoms
I was worried it might get ruined by its own success but S2 has been fine so far
E2 was weak, it always suffers when they separate the kid/adult storylines, but E1 and E3 in particular was fucking great
I am getting really tired of Ser Barristan shitting on Tommy Tiernan all the time, but people seem to love it

Not sure what that is but I'll look into it. I'm American and just really like Derry Girls. I saw Series 1 on Netflix and have been watching Series 2 online.

Never seen it, but fuck, kill and marry

Norn Iron girls are the worst type of Irish women. Ugly as fuck with even uglier personalities.

Erin (Saoirse Jackson) is really hot though.

Ugly pig face

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Mostly English anyway, So .

English women are much more attractive than Norn Iron girls or Irish girls for that matter. My ex gf was from London and I've yet to find a more attractive woman than she was.

Prod propaganda trash
new theme:

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My welsh friend showed me this Alan Partridge where the guest starts singing rebel songs and I've been laughing since.

Confirmed for not having watched it

I watched a few episodes over the shoulder of another passenger on an Aer Lingus jet, no sound of course. How similar is it to The Inbetweeners, because that was the impression I got.

Whats extra funny is that this aired on paddys day

Ah feck off gramps, young people in the republic have only ever sung that ironically for almost two decades. Everybody laughed at the 'ra for those recent letter bombs.

you make a good point

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Erin a cute

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sort of similar but it's more than just inbetweeners with girls

it's good but the boy is by far the worst character and almost ruins it

>Sisters love Rebel Wilson/Broad City/Girls type shit
>try and get them into Derry Girls
>we watch it and they never laugh look at their phones and fall asleep

why did I even bother

The main girl is honestly a fucking treasure. Great comedic acting. Underrated compared to the other girls.

Maybe they're true Irish patriots who dislike anglo propaganda with seoinín cast that makes light of the british occupation of Ireland and demonises the Irish.

S1 of broad city and girls were both much better, although derry girls is still good

Reminder English women are much sexier than Irish women.

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t. maisie williams

No not those kind of English women. I only like the older ones. Like in their 30s and 40s.

That's a funny way of spelling Fleabag. Though I'm disappointed they're only airing season 2 weekly, instead of just uploading it all to iPlayer

oof. this aint it chief

The "similarities" between protestants and Catholics bits where comedy kino

double 0 feckin bollocks

>Oh my god that was like an adverb for the IRA

So cute. I'd marry her in a heartbeat.

It's so boring and formulaic
Also isn't it supposed to be funny?

The sides of grim windowless buildings are truly the message boards of Northern Ireland.

mm yes I like it

Where can I watch season 2 online?

I've been using Daily Motion. Too lazy to torrent stuff and the quality is good enough.

I’ve watched season 1 on Netflix twice in the last 4 days I’m anxious for more

Pajeet here, would I be able to marry an Irish girl?

Women are whores, but it's not funny. It's disgusting and destructive to society. Women should have never been given equal rights to men.

How do I as an American marry an Irish lass like this? I’m pretty chill and I love Father Ted.

Nope. We are very racist here.

>it's not funny

Your whininess is though.

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Why are they all so ugly?

I suprised this is popular tbqh its average at best. Still, nice to see Norn Iron making something that people want to watch

Erin is cute as fuck.

What kind of tea do you drink? I drink Yorkshire.

You don't. Catholic Irish girls are too pure to be mixing with yanks. You can have a prod though, they are all slags

Tell her about your irish grea-great-grandfather, women love hearing tales from ye olde country

The actress who plays Orla is actually decent too. They just make her look ugly.

>30 year old schoolgirls

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They're in their mid 20s. The fat girl is the only one in her 30s.

good man yourself Lyons can FUCK OFF

>wide swivel-eyed fast talking

*Londonderry girls

Weak and britpilled.

Is there still a lot of animosity between Prods and Catholics in Northern Ireland? Do you think Northern Ireland will ever join the Republic?

>Is there still a lot of animosity between Prods and Catholics in Northern Ireland?
> Do you think Northern Ireland will ever join the Republic?

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all pro abortionists must fucking hang

you will never kill our babies you dirty rotten whores.

>you will never kill our babies
You need to have sex first

>Is there still a lot of animosity between Prods and Catholics in Northern Ireland
Yeah but it's more out of habit than anything else. The various paramilitary groups are just organised crime gangs, they're not driven by ideology any more except purely as a token and to drive recruitment.

Only among poor people who live in council estates. Like this guy
I guarantee he grew up in a council estate with car parts in his garden and loose horses wandering about.

Republic won't have the North if it can help it - all it would gain is a redundant port and a province that can't economically support itself. The Republic is booming with silicon valley money and EU support but it doesn't have the UK's money to prop up Ulster's tinpot economy with grants. Not to mention the security nightmare it would create that even one of the biggest armies in the world could barely manage. The small Irish Defence Forces are organised for naval fisheries and drugs protection, and occasional UN peacekeeping operations in Africa. It would have to recruit massively and people in the Republic would rather work for Google drinking Flat Whites than get their heads shot off patrolling a shithole up North

So just pretty much like every other movie or series about high school.

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>Republic won't have the North if it can help it
It will if the people vote that way, it has to.

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