Why are there so many JFK conspiracy kinos but no 9/11 conspiracy kinos?
Why are there so many JFK conspiracy kinos but no 9/11 conspiracy kinos?
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Because CURRENT YEAR doesn't allow any form of art regarding convtroversial topics like terrorism, feminism, false allegations or white male supremacy
it's a touchy subject which affected thousand of families
all the more reason to put the truth out there
Why no kinos about the Sandy Hook conspiracy?
What is the truth?
that americans can't handle the fact that a few terorrists fucked them on american soil
Was Zeitgeist kino? I don't remember.
It was either orchestrated or permitted to happen by the pentagon so the US could stick their grubby fingers into Middle Eastern geopolitics again.
I can handle that fact and I'm an American
How do you know that the Pentagon is responsible?
Zeitgeist was /x/ put into a movie
If you don't take it seriously: yes
If you do take it seriously: take your meds shizo
Like most conspiracy theories, it gives too much credit to the goverment or americans.
>raghead mudslimes fucking us up? no way they dont know how to fly planes, it was the jews!
>the cia fbi pentagon president and president cat knew about it, they just let it happen
no lol
In reality americans were not as competent as they thought, had several holes in security, and were basically not prepared for the new century because they were stuck thinking their biggest worry was a commie nuke, they were stuck in the cold war. You're giving far too much credit to yourselves, and refusing to accept the simple truth revealed via occam's razor: you got fucked by third worlders
good for you
I hope you're a shill and don't actually believe this.
Engineers for 9/11 truth is the best
>subhumans will deny this
>believeing that 10 guys from Afghanistan foced NORAD to ground their planes or that they magically brought down WTC7
I know reality is hard to accept, you much rather pretend things happen because they're outside your control and you're fighting a bigger war with meaning.
There is no meaning in knowing you got owned by mudslimes flying planes into your buildings for some asinine reason you don't care about and doesn't affect your life, you also can't """fight""" islam because you're scared and know you would get beheaded if you flied to the middle east to fight the actual enemy, instead it's easier to think you're exposing the elites and the jews or whatever with your epic truth documentaries and actually doing a difference, while being completely safe. Face reality user.
Also, you do far more damage in spreading the misinfo that you're too powerful to be touched by mudslimes, and that the only way 9/11 could happen if it was orchestrated by some mastermind government/elites, since they're the only ones powerful enough to touch the mighty US of A. You're basically underestimating your enemies, letting them operate in the shadows for a comeback one day.
Shooter alludes to it
best your gonna get
Based as fuck post
>trying to find sense in chaos
conspiracy theories are always dumb.
some people have literally world shattering problems with random events.
Why no kinos about the Franklin scandal?
Please explain why the black boxes of the aircraft couldn't be recovered but the passports of the hijackers could.
Zeitgeist is pretty old now, but I enjoyed it's section on 9/11
Shut the fuck up schlomo.
>please explain this
>and that
>and this
>and that other thing
Occams razor user. Commercial planes had never flown into skycrappers before at such speed and force, 9/11 itself was a weird, never before seen phenoma. As such, weird, never before seen events happened. Sheer chaos and random chance does not equate ulterior motive.
Why did passports survive but black boxes didn't? Because one flew in the right direction away from the core of the explosion and the other did not (I'm not a physicist but I'd say the fact black boxes were strapped in and heavier than passports had something to do with it).
>Occams razor user
the fun part is that they believe that JEWS is the most logical and simple solution
9/11 itself was fictional kino
Yea Forums could really do with a /crime&legal/ board or something do discuss stuff like this or other interesting cases
since Yea Forums is full of consipracy theorists and someone not going for that narrativ is deemed a jew
/x/ is hocus pocus shite. A board somewhat more grounded in reality and actual discussion above "do you belieb in ghosts" is what i'm suggesting
Pull it
for whatever reason, way back when moot was still around he only wanted boards that pertained to his interests. thats one reason why reddit blew up and Yea Forums stagnated.
That an obscure terrorist group with no real power and vague goals managed to simultaneously hijack four different passenger airliners on the same day. Not withstanding that the leader of said group had CIA connections and the fallout of said attacks has led to prolonged engagements in the Middle East. These conflicts have served to create a war economy and made lots of senators and their friends wealthy people with government contracts and oil prospecting.
But hey, I'm just some shitposter on a Cantonese finger puppet BBS.
You literally just have to look at a single thing to know 9/11 was orchestrated: Muslims never managed to pull something of that scope ever before and ever again ever since. They're barely capable of driving a bus into a group of people and killing half a dozen. They have an IQ of 80 and can't plan anything for their lives. A white basement dweller nazi can concoct a more sweeping terror attack in a month than those guys in 50 years.
see for yourself
>Commercial planes had never flown into skycrappers(sic) before at such speed and force
Nah, some Libyans hijacked an Air Frans plane and were going to blow it up over the Eiffel Tower at least a decade before.
Yeah let's give the so called terrorists all that credit instead
>no conspiracy, goy
>fight for israel, goy
I was on United Airlines Flight 175. I'm an American now living in Saudi Arabia. I'm granted very limited access to the internet. But I'm allowed unlimited access to women who will do whatever I request.
muh failure of imagination
>Commercial planes had never flown into skycrappers before at such speed and force
that's because it's impossible
it was in a tom clancy book years before but no-one wanted to be the guy who said "we should shoot down hijacked planes if they come anywhere near a city".
I remember the day 9/11 happened, I was pretty young, and the news channel switched over to the American tv because of the importance of the event. Literally 20 minutes had passed and the news anchors were already doing this "Who was responsible" thing with images of the MiddleEast and womdering if the US would strike today. Lol americans.
they were talking about invading iraq and syria while the south tower was still standing
Dubya and his neocon war pigs wanted to take out Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. The complete clusterfuck that resulted after they went into Afghanistan and Iraq put on hold those plans.
thank you for your service
iirc loose change is a really good doc on it but there's like 18,000 different cuts on it and it kinda ends on "well, it happened, goodnight everyone!"
Talking about facts is illegal goy. You can bet that future shows and movies that take place before 9/11 wont even include WTC in fear someone may ask or google what those towers are.
No big budget director would ever want to jeopardize career by making serious allegations related to such a catastrophe no matter how much evidence their is to prove said conspiracy. They wouldn't know how the public would take that information in, and they wouldn't want to face the repercussion from hollywood and the media for having caused a political stand-off. If the movie were actually any good and was able to convince the people of the truth, the government would have a situation on their hands.
Snowden took almost 2 years to come out after the first trailer dropped because the movie covered such a sensitive matter, suits stepped in to make sure no wild allegations were and they tried to shut the movie down all together.
I think Vice wanted to subtlety convince us that 9/11 was too conveniently timed for it to be a random terrorist attack. Maybe convince isn't the word I should use, but rather place the idea that soimething just wasn't right. At one point in the movie Cheney and his people are discussing needing to invade Iraq for oil and one of the reps straight up says "We're working on that" and then not long after, boom; 9/11. Not that I expect a hollywood flick to accurately portray the secrets of the house to a T, but everything that happened in that film and the way things were explained were done so for a reason.
I think Vice wanted to subtlety convince us that 9/11 was too conveniently timed for it to be a random terrorist attack. Maybe convince isn't the word I should use, but rather place the idea that soimething just wasn't right. At one point in the movie Cheney and his people are discussing needing to invade Iraq for oil and one of the reps straight up says "We're working on that" and then not long after, boom; 9/11. Not that I expect a hollywood flick to accurately portray the secrets of the house to a T, but everything that happened in that film and the way things were explained were done so for a reason.
some fart smelling neckbeards will try to convince you this was a grand conspiracy on the part of society to kill thousands of people to get oil in third world countries, because people on the internet are as smart as teenage girls talking shit in the highschool lunchroom
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
>ur scared and im right so there :^)
wow ive never seen someoene this stupid
the truth is that 9/11 was a ploy by the goverment to control the american people through fear
patriot act my niggas
is it so unreal to think your goverment would do something like this to gain control and simultaneously cause more unrest against the middle east?
you are fighting other peoples wars, wake up
>so many JFK conspiracy kinos
there's literally just one
Maybe Israel doesn't want Arnon to produce another film about a Mossad operation since that would look too suspicious.
Also, isn't the official story that the Saudi government had direct involvement? The U.S. is friends with Saudi Arabia so we wouldn't want to upset them by making a film that would make Americans hate Saudis.
He's in jail now.
>The U.S. is friends with Saudi Arabia
that's one way of putting it
>it was either Bush who did it or Bush had intel and let it happen
gee, that's convenient that either possible outcome feeds into your conspiracy
Isn't it cheaper to trade for more local oil instead of invading a country 2000 miles away and shipping it? I'm skeptical that America's oil companies are powerful enough to get us to wage trillion dollar wars so they can make a little more money. Oil is the blue pilled reason for the war on terror.
Did oil prices even go down that much after the war on terror started?
mossad and the US government conspired to kill thousands of americans for the cause of creating a casus belli to invade the middle east
102 minutes that changed America.